When there were only four people in their team before, although Lin Xinghai was very strong, he didn't dare to be too reckless. For example, if there were more than 200 corpses, they would not provoke them, but chose to take a detour.

Another example is the distance between two corpse groups, if they are too close together, they will not do anything.

Only when encountering a suitable group of corpses will they strike decisively.

This is not because Lin Xinghai is not strong enough, but because the three of Liu Miaomiao did not have time to kill those intermediate zombies and ordinary zombies quickly.

So to some extent, Lin Xinghai's combat power is limited.

But now, with the addition of Sun Tianbo and others, this biggest weakness of the team has been made up.

Lin Xinghai led them to fight, obviously more radical.

Even if he encountered a corpse group of nearly 300, Lin Xinghai would not hesitate to lead them to charge.

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It doesn't take into account whether the two corpses are too close together. Even if the two corpses are side by side, they have the ability to kill them directly.

Under this circumstance, the little fat man was surprised to find that in the same time, he gained more points.

The reason for this is entirely because they save time searching for corpses.

Now, under the leadership of Lin Xinghai, it is killing and killing all the way, and it is difficult to think how fast the points increase.

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For the next day, everyone in the team was happy and in pain.

Especially the members brought over by Sun Tianbo, they had no idea that killing zombies would be so easy, it was a massacre.

Even if they kill all the intermediate zombies and ordinary zombies, they can only get one or two points each time, but the problem is that there is no interference from high-level zombies. Climbing upwards.

Almost every time there is a break, these members open the leaderboard and can see their rankings, which have improved hundreds of places.

Like the strong members of the team, after just following Lin Xinghai to kill the zombies for more than two hours, they all entered the top 3,000, reaching the minimum standard for obtaining places.

At this moment, the other members seemed to have been beaten by chicken blood. They worked so hard, not just to be able to successfully enter the East China Sea Academy.

As for Sun Tianbo, since his strength is already top-notch, even if he doesn't meet Lin Xinghai, the probability of him being admitted to Donghai Academy is quite high, but even if he does, he is only the most common third-class student.

But now he is almost certain that as long as there are no accidents, he can become a second-class student, and even if he is lucky, it is not impossible to hit a first-class student.

It can be said that everyone in the team has found their goal and is moving towards the goal quickly, which is of course happy.

But the pain is that almost all day, they are either killing zombies, or on the way to kill zombies.

From 7:00 in the morning to when the sun sets in the evening, in the 11 hours or so, they have less than an hour to rest.

Lin Xinghai basically led the crowd to kill zombies for two hours before taking a short break of 15 minutes, and then repeated the process.

Although everyone is a genetic optimizer, the speed of recovery of physical strength is very fast, but to be honest, this kind of long-term battle consumes not only physical strength, but also everyone's energy.

Looking at the sunset that was about to go down the mountain, Lin Xinghai found a dilapidated house that looked unremarkable, and led the crowd into it.

Everyone quickly dispersed, and after clearing the zombies in the house, many people fell asleep tiredly after eating two mouthfuls of dry food.

"I know you are tired, but the vigil must be arranged and must not be careless." Lin Xinghai called Sun Tianbo and said.

"Don't worry, I will come to guard in the first half of the night, and I will never make a mistake." Sun Tianbo immediately agreed.

Although he really wanted to say that it was inhuman to be so tired to keep watch at night, but he didn't dare to show the slightest on his face.

Because as long as Lin Xinghai needs it, let out the wind, it is estimated that there are many teams that want to replace them.

Today, when Lin Xinghai led them to kill zombies, he didn't hide it at all, so he also met many other teams.

Since it has not yet reached the third day, it is relatively harmonious to meet other teams when everyone is afraid to do it, and sometimes even stop and talk to each other.

And Sun Tianbo, without exception, saw envious expressions in the eyes of these teams.

Desperate to replace it.

Fortunately, Lin Xinghai thought it was too much trouble, so he refused all of them, otherwise there would be nothing to do with them now.

Of course, a hard day's work is totally worth it.

The 23 people in their team have all entered the ranks of the top 3000. As long as they keep it, they will be able to get admission.

And there are still 5 people here, and the ranking has entered the top 1,500. If you can seize the last half day of tomorrow morning, you may even have a chance to hit the top 1,000 and become a second-class student.

As for himself, the ranking has entered the top 500.

It's a pity that after entering the top 1000~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the competition is extremely fierce, and there are no weak people. In the remaining half day tomorrow, it is difficult for him to reach the top 100 first-class student places.

Of course, this was also related to him getting to know Lin Xinghai too late, otherwise, he felt that he would still be guaranteed a place as a first-class student.

After all, no matter it is, Little Fatty or Jin Tong, they are not as strong as him.

But the two ranked 48th and 52nd, which made him envious.

Of course, among the opponent's team, the most incomprehensible thing for him might be the Liu Miaomiao who has been following Lin Xinghai all the time.

The opponent's ranking in the standings has unexpectedly improved to ninth place.

When Liu Miaomiao killed zombies, she didn't have any special performance. She was holding a thin sword and killing the enemy with a sword.

However, the efficiency is surprisingly fast, and it doesn't seem to be afraid of siege at all. Sometimes in the face of seven or eight intermediate-level zombies, the opponent can calmly kill them one by one.

In this process, the state of those intermediate zombies seems to always have some problems, and many times the fatal attack suddenly becomes weak.

Sun Tianbo also suspected that it might be related to the other party's ability, but could not find any evidence.

As for Lin Xinghai, there is nothing to say, it is purely the crushing of strength.

"Brother Lin, tomorrow at noon, the competition for the energy ball will begin. Do you have any plans?" After Sun Tianbo explained the night watch, he returned to Lin Xinghai and asked expectantly.

He knew that Lin Xinghai would definitely compete for the energy ball tomorrow. If he can help here, maybe the other party is in a good mood, and if he is given an energy ball, he will be able to get the first-class student quota.

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