I am Crazy About Money in Football

Three hundred and eighty-three This is too difficult!

The game is over, and the Allianz Arena is cheering. This is Bayern's first victory of the season.

Ignoring the Roma players who were saddened by the loss, Ye Feng and his teammates hugged and celebrated, and came to the sidelines to thank the fans collectively.

Klinsmann also joined the ranks of thanking the fans, and today he can finally feel proud.

However, at this time the most embarrassing thing happened.

After the fans collectively cheered "Long live Ye Feng", the cry of "Klinsmann dismissed get out of class" sounded again from the stands.

Klinsmann is all bad!

Nima, if you lose the game, you call me to dismiss get out of class, but if you win the game, why do you still call me?

Am I that unpopular?

Although the tone of the fans shouting now is ridiculed, far from being as irritable as they were shouting in the previous games, Klinsmann was still very depressed when he heard it.

Ye Feng was also a little embarrassed.

You shouted "Long Live Ye Feng" and engaged in a personality cult. I don't object to it. On the contrary, I am very happy in my heart, but you can't always associate me with Klinsmann!

It was like this last time. After shouting "We need Ye Feng!", he turned his head and shouted "Klinsmann dismissed get out of class" to the Bayern coach. Do you know how many shoes I was worn by Klinsmann?

Still here now?

You are really not afraid that I will be beaten to death by Klinsmann!

In fact, fans shouting "Klinsmann dismissed get out of class" is really a joke.

Calling him dismissed was not because he was dissatisfied with the game. On the contrary, Bayern fans were very satisfied with the process and results of the game. This kind of game is the game they are looking forward to.

What are you dissatisfied with?

It's easy!

They were dissatisfied with Klinsmann's loan of Ye Feng to Schalke 04!

Although it seemed at the beginning, it is a very targeted choice to loan Ye Feng, who has potential but needs more game training, to other teams for growth.

However, it turns out that this choice is really not quite right.

With Ye Feng, Schalke 04 has transformed into a Bundesliga champion, playing invincible players all over the Bundesliga.

During the same period, Bayern suffered from the embarrassment of weak midfield and lost the Bundesliga championship for two consecutive seasons.

If Klinsmann hadn't loaned Ye Feng out, would the Bundesliga champions of these two seasons have been won by Bayern?

Did last season's Champions League fail in the final?

This is why the fans shouted "Klinsmann dismissed get out of class", they just want to vent their emotions

At the press conference after the game, Ye Feng went there with a cake all over his body. The cake fragrance emanating from his body filled the entire press conference hall with fragrance.

So, the reporter who was the first to ask a question asked a very nonsensical question, "Where did you order such a delicious birthday cake?"

Of course, after the joke was over, the reporters aimed at Ye Feng and entered into a crazy questioning mode, wishing to drain all the remaining value from Ye Feng.

"Mr. Ye Feng, you scored a hat-trick in the first game after lifting the ban.

So are you worried about the punishment imposed on you by FIFA and Blatter? "

"Mr. Ye Feng, Bayern got off to a bad start, but after you came back, Bayern immediately beat their opponents. Does this mean that Bayern is your team alone?"

"After lifting the ban, you have shown a very good state. Is your personal goal for the season to continue to strive for the Bundesliga Golden Boot?"

"Having a birthday party during the game, in the eyes of many people, is disrespectful to the opponent Roma, what do you want to say about this?"

Of course, most of the questions were malicious, and it would be interesting if they could get some explosive words out of Ye Feng's mouth.

But how could Ye Feng let these reporters get what they wanted?

"First of all, I won't tell you where I ordered the birthday cake, because the cake shop didn't give me a favor fee. The important thing is that I didn't even give me a discount when I ordered the cake, so I won't help him promote it. .”

"Returning to the topic of the game, although Bayern did not start well, there are many factors involved. For example, the World Cup in the summer did not allow us to get enough rest time. For example, Mr. Klinsmann has formulated a new overall strategy, etc., We need a certain amount of time to run in, so the results are not very satisfactory."

"And after a few games, our state is slowly recovering, and we are getting more and more comfortable with the new tactics. It just so happened that at this time, I lifted the ban and came back, so it seems that I changed the entire Bayern alone, but in fact , defeating Roma is the credit of all Bayern players."

"As for whether I will be worried about FIFA, I don't want to answer this question. You can make up your own mind for the answer."

"It's impossible to compete for the golden boot. It's impossible to compete for the golden boot in this life. You can't pass the ball. Only heavy artillery can maintain the appearance of scoring goals! How can you compete with others for the golden boot with heavy artillery alone? ?”

"Finally, I have a lot of respect for Rome, the opponent. Just because we celebrate Muller's birthday, it doesn't mean we don't respect the opponent."

"I also grabbed a piece of cake from my body and wanted to give it to Totti to have a taste. Although Totti refused, at least I got my mind, didn't I?"

The reporters in the audience have long been accustomed to Ye Feng's nonsense, and they all listened with gusto, and began to create news in their hearts.

The next day, Ye Feng naturally became the center of public opinion in European football. For him, grabbing the headlines was as easy and comfortable as wanting to eat breakfast, without any difficulty.

"Crazy output, the lifted Ye Feng helped Bayern to win!"

"Hat-trick, Ye Feng continues to stage the myth of an all-around midfielder."

"At the birthday party on the sidelines, all the Bayern staff turned into cake people."

"The strongest Bayern is back, European giants be careful!"

No way, who made Ye Feng himself have an explosive topic.

The fans were also amazed at Ye Feng's performance, exclaiming inconceivable.

As soon as the ban was lifted, there was a hat-trick, a bit too unreasonable, right?

Bayern was in such a bad state before, and as soon as Ye Feng came back, he immediately led Bayern to a big victory, almost bloodbathed Rome. This performance is more than crazy!

If you think about it this way, if it weren't for the suspension, wouldn't Bayern start off with a winning streak?

What's important is that this hat-trick directly put Ye Feng at the top of the UEFA Champions League scorer list, a perfect start.

Why, after winning the Bundesliga Golden Boot and the World Cup Golden Boot in a row, Ye Feng is going to start with the Champions League Golden Boot again?

This time, the pressure of all the super shooters in the Champions League came.

Not only do they have to compete with other super shooters, but now they have to compete with a midfielder like Ye Feng!

This day is too difficult!

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