I Am an Editor at Marvel

Chapter 247 Monopoly is the best business (two-in-one)

Late at night, in a hotel in the Kingdom of Iron.

Shen was sitting in front of the window, with the bright moon in front of him. He was doing daily practice and meditation. Although the world had been polluted by some kind of power, meditation, a way of exercising to polish one's own spirit, would not be affected.

The tinkling sound of forging iron echoed in Shen's ears, like a symphony. This may be the specialty of this iron country, the ubiquitous blacksmith shops.

Compared with ninjas who require extreme flexibility, samurai who have continued from the Warring States Period to the present have higher requirements for armor and weapons, even if they have been assimilated by ninjas to some extent.

The assimilation of samurai was something that made Shen very disappointed. On the way here, Shen successfully obtained some information about this world through some conversations in the caravan, such as ninjas who mainly use chakra as energy. It is the mainstream profession in this world.

Under this situation, Shen initially thought that the Iron Kingdom might be the only pure land, the only profession that still continued the original development process of this world. However, after arriving in the Iron Kingdom, everything he saw made Shen feel very disappointed. , in his eyes, there is no essential difference between the samurai here and the ninjas hired by the caravan.

After a long time, Shen slowly opened his eyes, reached out to close the window, and then sat in front of the table. After the escort caravan arrived, the boss generously gave Shen a large commission. After receiving the money, Shen immediately Just bought the most detailed map he could buy.

It is said to be the most detailed, but this is only compared to other maps, let alone other countries. Even the various areas of the Iron Kingdom are not clearly marked on this map. The only ones that are more valuable are the widely known ones. The three trade routes lead to Konoha in the Country of Fire, Sand Ninja Village in the Country of Wind, and Kumo Ninja Village in the Country of Thunder.

As the ninja village of Konoha, which is considered the most powerful country by everyone, it has a lot of money and can absorb everything. And Suna Ninja Village also has a huge demand for high-quality iron ore because of its unique profession of puppet master. As for Yun Ninja Village, it is purely a matter of proximity to obtain strategic resources. After all, resources like iron are not too little for a country.

Shen looked at the map in front of him and planned his next route. First of all, he must go to Konoha. As the most powerful country in the world, maybe this ninja village had some kind of deal with the alien. Of course, This is purely Shen's conjecture.

Suddenly, Shen raised his head and looked out the window. Several black figures were quickly leaving the eaves in the night. Among them was Shen's marked person. A command spell left on the other person's body allowed Shen to easily sense his whereabouts.

After those people left, Shen had no intention of chasing them. Instead, he directly found the boss who was drinking.

"Lord Shen! Let's have a drink together, I'm treating you today!" The drunken caravan owner raised his glass to Shen.

Zheng, the soul blade behind Shen vibrated, and the sound it made cleansed the boss's spirit from top to bottom. The boss was so excited that his drunkenness disappeared.

"Come with me, I have something to ask you."

After the boss woke up, Shen asked, then put his hands in front of him and walked towards the door of the hotel.

The boss paused for a moment, glanced at the remaining wine in the glass, hesitated for a few seconds, then put the glass on the table and followed quickly.

Walking on the relatively bustling street, I carefully looked at the weapons hanging out of the surrounding blacksmith shops. They were all inferior weapons, not as good as the products produced on the assembly line of the clock tower, but this was considered normal, after all, the gap between the times was here.

"When will you leave for Konoha at the earliest?" Shen suddenly spoke, his voice breaking through the noise around him and accurately reaching the ears of the caravan boss.

"Well, it will take five days at the fastest. I have already found my old friends and entrusted them to sell the products this time. By the way, I will also collect the hot-selling products in Konoha." The boss said honestly. He recently ran away The profits of business are getting higher and higher, but this is based on the higher risks of running a business.

Many former small caravans have all disappeared in recent months, which is why the boss wants to win over a master so much. The prerequisite for making money is to save your life.

"I have never been to Konoha, is there anything I need to pay attention to?" Shen asked immediately.

The boss thought for a moment and noticed something that needed to be paid attention to. He didn't have any special feelings anyway. Konoha was generally peaceful, and the control of ninjas was pretty good. The protection fee paid was less than half of that of other villages. This is why they The reason why I like to run there is that no matter what kind of goods I bring, as long as it arrives safely, after tax and protection fees are excluded, I can always make a lot of money.

After thinking deeply for a while, the boss decided to start with the industry he was familiar with, "Actually, there is nothing to pay attention to. If I have to say it, the purchase price of Konoha's medical equipment has been rising in the past two years, and with it, the manufacturing of... The raw material prices of equipment are also several levels higher. If you want to make some extra money, I can help you contact and buy a batch of similar products. "

The boss is always talking about making money. In addition, he is also trying to use profits to tie Shen and his caravan together.

"The price has been rising for two years? And since it's so profitable, why don't you mainly sell this." Shen continued to chat. Sometimes, some information came out in this way.

"Because the Fifth Hokage Senju Tsunade came to power, I heard people say that she attaches great importance to medical ninjas and has been pushing for reforms in this area. Correspondingly, the prices of such things have gone up." The boss thought for a while. said.

"As for why we don't sell that one, it's because this thing has been rounded up by several large caravans. It doesn't matter if we pick up some scraps and sell it. If we sell all that thing, let's not say whether we can buy it or not. Even if we buy it, we can leave. There is no land of iron.”

"Of course, Mr. Shen, don't worry, I will definitely not exceed the limit when I contact you."

Monopoly, indeed, monopoly is the most profitable business wherever it is.

Shen thought in his mind, "Then what products do you mainly buy and sell?"

"I sell everything, but recently I mainly buy some iron ingots of average quality and transport them there, and then buy some handicrafts and food to transport back." The boss said that he was making money, and he felt confident. After all, he started from scratch and worked in this harsh environment. How could a person of this level have no ability?

"Konoha's handicrafts and some souvenirs are extremely profitable, especially some small statues with the Konoha logo. They can be sold for very high prices. Everyone likes this thing, and some people always say that it is a good idea to display it at home. This person can make everything go smoothly and make a lot of money."

Shen listened to the boss talking about the business and nodded occasionally. Many things the boss said were in line with the laws of the market. For example, as a victorious country many times, Konoha already has well-known soft power. A Konoha mark is The selling price is proof.

However, this soft power also needs to be supported by hard power. At the very least, most people must not dare to openly forge marks, otherwise they will not be able to sell at what price.

"Since there are such huge profits, there are no smugglers?" Shen interjected.

The boss paused for a moment, "It seems that you really don't understand Konoha, sir. Who dares to smuggle in Konoha? The famous Hyuga clan of Konoha's security department has eyes that can see through. Dong XZ can't hide from their eyes no matter where they are." .”

"Sir, we can't do this kind of thing. Konoha is very strict about smuggling. If you are caught, you will be severely punished. Sometimes the more severe ones will send ninjas here to hold people accountable."

"Hyuuga clan." Shen remembered the name in his mind, "If there are any more famous ninjas, please introduce them to me. The ones you can get in touch with."

The boss was about to speak, but Shen's last half sentence choked him back. He, a small boss, could only come into contact with very few jounin, let alone those who were widely known in the ninja world. .

"Well, as you know, sir, I am just a small businessman. The person I am a little familiar with is Konoha's blue beast, Jounin Metkai. I have a long-term relationship with a female ninja named Tenten in his team. The supply agreement, every time some cheaper weapons brought over were given to her in batches."

"By the way, there is also a member of the Hyuga tribe in Lord Blue Beast's team, named Hyuga Neji. He shined in the Chuunin exams a few years ago. He is probably a core member, but I'm not familiar with him. .”

The boss was thinking hard, constantly searching his memory to see if there were any ninjas worth talking about, "By the way! I also have a book signed by Lord Jiraiya, the hero of Konoha, and I attended his autograph session. , the people drawn in the book really make people have no interest in normal women."

Shen stopped. Why did the boss talk about some hero of Konoha, Jiraiya, sound like a painter who drew notebooks?

"No need to say any more." Shen interrupted the boss's desire to share. If this continues, the boss will tell the plot of the book, "I will leave in three days. If you can make it in time, come with me. I’d be sorry if I couldn’t catch up.”

"We can make it, we can make it." The boss hurriedly agreed. He would lose a little profit two days in advance at most, and he would be completely back if he made a trip to Konoha and lost money. He could still tell the difference.

The boss estimated that Shen might be a jounin-level samurai. A ninja of this level might not be able to be hired for the money. It depends purely on luck. Even if he could, the price of escorting the caravan would be ridiculously high. Maybe something happened in the middle and I was sold.

There are very few people like Shen who will come to the rescue halfway. Such people have strong moral values, strong sense of responsibility and are very reliable at first glance.

After confirming the time to go to Konoha with his boss, Shen traveled to several nearby towns in the past three days, trying to search for some useful information. Unfortunately, he found nothing. Instead, he saw samurai openly walking on the street several times. The fight was quite brutal.

In addition, Shen also discovered something, that is, chakra, which is tentatively regarded as invading energy, has invaded many non-living bodies. Chakra is as difficult to be broken down by the planet itself as some plastics. Every time the chakra is generated, Kradu re-entered the cycle of the entire planet, occupying the space that was originally occupied by other energies.

After such a repetitive cycle, the extremely high concentration of chakra in this environment appeared, but this also made Shen very puzzled. It has reached this point. If there are really aliens, they should come out to harvest. .

What are they waiting for? Is it possible to wait for chakra to assimilate the entire planet? And then eat the planet in one go? It's impossible to think about it. Chakra's assimilation ability is indeed strong, but according to Shen's observations in the past few days, if you want to penetrate the entire planet, it is estimated that it will take hundreds of millions of years as a unit. From an efficiency point of view, this is not worthwhile. matter.

Based on this calculation, if aliens exist, what trouble might they have encountered?

Three days later, Shen arrived at the departure point as agreed. The caravan owner had purchased more than a dozen carts of goods and took his employees here for final inspection.

Among these goods, there is a carriage that belongs to Shen. According to what the boss said when Shen chatted with his boss yesterday, the goods in this carriage should be regarded as commission for Shen.

Shen, who has traveled to many places several times, now has a general understanding of the prices of some commodities in this world. If this carriage is filled with the goods the boss mentioned, the price will be several times higher than the commission given by the boss when he came here.

"Hurry up, you can't do this small job well, are you working for a living?!" the boss yelled at the employees. The rain sheet had been covered for several hours, and there were still some empty carriages above.

At this moment, the boss saw Shen appearing next to the caravan and hurriedly walked over, "Master Samurai, you are here. Your goods are ready. They are all the best iron ingots I can receive." , the quality is superb!”

Under the leadership of the boss, Shen came to the carriage. The carriage was piled full of iron ingots that had been preliminary forged. There were so many iron ingots that the rain cover was pushed open a little.

The boss took out a small hammer from his pocket, knocked it twice on the iron ingot, and made a clear sound, "Listen, these are all made by craftsmen with very good skills. I personally looked at them, and they are absolutely unambiguous!" "

Shen stretched out his hand, gently broke it, and with a click, half of the iron ingot broke off and fell into his hand.

The boss's voice suddenly became softer. He looked at the cross-section of the iron ingot and said nothing for a long time. Judging from the cross-section, this iron ingot was not an inferior product. Why did it look like a piece of foam in Shen's hands? !

"It's pretty good." Shen said.

The boss smiled sarcastically. Shen was being sarcastic, but in fact Shen was speaking from his heart. After all, this was a handmade thing. Considering the technical limitations, it was good to have such a performance.

"When will we set off?" Shen threw the iron ingot back into the car.

"We will set off immediately. According to your request, we will take the main road this time. It is estimated that we can reach the place in half a month." The boss said, and then he quickly started to prepare the goods. He was afraid that Shen would think that he was leaving too late and leave first. .

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