I Am A Special Executive Officer in WGO

Chapter 8 The first round of tests

Seeing that the promotion exam has officially started,

Annie, who was sitting under the stage, closed her little hands nervously:

"Decora, Krajiu!"

"Have you experienced the promotion assessment for special executive officers before?"

"Is this assessment difficult?"

"Tell me, brother Chen Fei, can he pass the test!"

To be honest, Anne didn't like Decora and Craju at all,

But why she sits beside them is because Annie wants to ask them something.

Annie joined the WGO for a relatively short time, and she has never seen the scene of the promotion of the special executive officer.

And Dekola, after hearing Anne's question, smiled charmingly:

"Little Annie, Krajiu and I dare not participate in the examination of the special executive officer."

"A test of that level, with the level of the two of us, is absolutely impossible to pass."

"However, when Lord Mana participated in the special executive promotion assessment, Krajiu and I were there."

"I remember at that time, she and I seemed to be second-class food executives!"

Crajiu glanced at Decora and replied:

"Yes, at that time, we were only second-class executives!"

"Little Annie, didn't you want to ask us, is it difficult for the special executive officer to be promoted?"

"I can answer this question for you!"

"The promotion assessment of the special executive officer is very difficult!"

"And the level of difficulty is really beyond your imagination!"

"After seeing the scene of Lord Mana participating in the assessment that year, Dekola and I are very clear that we may not be able to reach that field in our lifetime."

"I don't know if brother Chen Fei can pass the test!"

"But I would say, if he gets through, he can definitely break our WGO history!"

Anne still knew Decora and Clajiu very well.

These two are usually very confident people.

However, after seeing the scene of the special executive officer promotion assessment, they all felt fear.

Could it be that the promotion assessment of the special executive officer is really terrifying to such a degree?

Thinking of this, Annie's heart became more and more nervous.


On the stage, the first round of tests for the promotion of special executive officers has officially started.

I saw a young and beautiful lady waiter in uniform,

Stepping on black stiletto heels, twisting his waist, holding a dish, he slowly came to Chen Fei.

The outside of the dish is covered with an insulating cover.

The waitress took the lid off thoughtfully.

Then she stood at the table and waited quietly.

Director Leina held the microphone, looked at Chen Fei and said calmly:

"Your Excellency Chen Fei, I want to ask you, do you still have any impression of the dish in front of you?"

Chen Fei looked at the dish in front of him and was silent for a few seconds,

Then he raised his head and looked at Director Reina:

"If I remember correctly, I should have tasted this dish four years ago."

Hearing Chen Fei's answer, Director Leina nodded slightly:

"That's right, Lord Chen Fei did eat this dish four years ago!"

"It seems that Your Excellency Chen Fei's memory seems to be pretty good!"

"Four years ago, just after your Excellency Chen Fei was promoted to the third-level executive officer, he went out to perform a mission!"

"This dish is the dish that His Excellency Chen Fei commented on at the time!"

Four years ago, a Chinese restaurant in Ireland submitted an application for a one-star restaurant rating to the WGO.

Chen Fei and four other third-level executives participated in the restaurant's rating assessment.

The dish in front of him at this time is called: Irish Pork Ribs with Meicai Buttons.

This dish is what the chef of that restaurant made for Chen Fei to taste.

Director Leina took out a file bag, looked at Chen Fei and said:

"In this file bag, there are records of Lord Chen Fei's comments on this dish back then."

"We made a special trip to invite the chef who was in charge of that year to this guild hall, and asked him to cook the exact same dish!"

"Now what Your Excellency Chen Fei needs to do is to taste this dish again,"

"Then according to the taste, say the comments of the year without a word."

"At the same time, it must be attached, how you feel when you eat this dish now."

"The above is the content of this special executive officer assessment, the first round of the exam."

"Me and all the directors, and the chief executive officer, will give a score based on the results of your comments from Your Excellency Chen Fei."

"If there is no problem, Your Excellency Chen Fei can start now."


After Director Lena announced the questions of the first round of tests,

Craju looked at Annie whose eyes were dull, and smiled slightly:

"Little Annie, do you think this is a memory test?"

Annie glanced at Krajiu with some doubts. She didn't understand why he would suddenly say such a thing.

Decora, who was sitting beside Annie, glanced at Chen Fei, then pursed her lips and said with a smile:

"Many third- and second-class executive officers may not even know what the focus of this round of assessment is!"

"Little Annie, let me tell you this. The test question announced by Director Leina is not about memory, but the most accurate judgment that a food executive needs to have!"

"If you don't figure this out, you may not even be able to touch the threshold of a first-class gourmet official!"

"However, if it's Chen Fei's younger brother! He should already understand this question, what is the real difficulty..."

After saying this, De Keela subconsciously put her eyes on Chen Fei. *

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