I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 726: Dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat on the ground

At the gate of the Qingque tribe, Han Cheng, the son of God, couldn't help shouting when he looked at the few guys led by the big brothers.

A tail longer than a deer and shorter than a horse, a hoof with two crescents, a body that is one size smaller than a common horse, and the'white mask' that comes with the mouth, all these are all told to Han Cheng The true identities of these guys.

The people of the sheep tribe brought the sheep to their tribe. The big gains, and the coincidence that the big brothers just met the people of the unknown tribe, are not comparable to these few who seem a little dull at the moment. The guy gave Han Cheng a big surprise.

Over the past few years, Han Cheng has been paying attention to the traces of big animals, and even in order to get big animals, he even deliberately asked the tribe’s trade team to open up a trading method of trading salt and pottery for cubs.

However, the big cattle have been without a trace.

Sometimes Han Chengdu wondered if there were any big cattle in the era he was in. If so, how come they haven't been seen yet?

At this time, these donkeys appeared in front of him in such a completely unexpected way, how could he not be excited?

Although the size of donkeys is not as dominant among them as cows, horses, and mules, which are the descendants of horses and donkeys, Han Cheng is still very happy.

This is because donkeys, which are not dominant compared to cows, horses and mules, are much stronger than deer.

Whether it is pulling a cart, plowing the ground, or the function of pulling and grinding that has not yet been developed, donkeys are much more resistant to exercise than deer.

With the addition of donkeys, the planting industry in the tribe can take a step forward.

Moreover, when they are free, they can form a group of donkey cavalry.

Even though the donkey may not be able to gallop on the battlefield, it is good to have them on board to save the warriors in the tribe to the greatest extent.

Such things as donkey cavalry were not a whim of Han Cheng.

In ancient times, there were not enough war horses, and it was not new that some miscellaneous army or local bandits rode donkeys on the battlefield. It was not only Zhang Guolao who could ride a donkey.

Of course, the benefits of donkeys are not limited to these, these very capable guys taste just as delicious.

Dragon meat in the sky and donkey meat on the ground are not empty words without any reason.

Not to mention the delicious donkey broth, just a burn of donkey meat is enough to make the population drop three thousand feet.

Moreover, donkey skin can also be boiled Ejiao, which is a good nourishing thing.

The appearance of the donkey brought so many benefits in an instant. It would be strange if Han Cheng was unhappy.

I don't know if I felt the huge murderous aura coming from the tongue of the Han Dashen, these donkeys moved their hooves on the ground uneasy.

While Han Cheng watched the six donkeys happily imagined, the four captives of the semi-agricultural tribe who had been beaten all blue and purple all fell into a sluggish state.

This degree is deeper than Han Chengdu who saw a donkey.

What kind of tribe is this? !

The few guys who were beaten felt that their brains were no longer enough under the repeated impact.

Not to mention the large group of wolves who are ferocious to outsiders and are very gentle to their own people, nor that there are many more people than their tribe. It is just the tall wall that needs people to look up and the large area around the wall. The land without any weeds is enough to shock them speechless.

They are people of a semi-agricultural tribe, people who have used mud to paste walls with their hands, and plant fruits with branches, bones, and stones.

They understand the hardships.

It is precisely because I understand that when I see these completely unimaginable things at this time, I will be so shocked.


How do they do this?

What kind of tribe this is!

The people of these semi-agricultural tribes were weak in their hearts.

How can there be such a tribe in this world!

Although until now, they didn't know what the name of this tribe was called, but at this time the weird sound of the "Blue Bird Tribe" sounded in their hearts.

There is no need to look at or say anything, they know that this is what those caught by them call the "blue sparrow tribe," and their wise female priest let them explore with the **** captive The'green bird tribe'.

The shock from the Qingque tribe did not end here. When they were dizzy and pushed into this tall wall by the people of the Qingque tribe, after looking at the many tall houses, they thought They would never be shocked again, they were shocked again from ear to ear.

This is the tribe that the wise female priest is looking for? This is the blue bird tribe that they once geared up to **** the exquisite pottery?

Before reaching the Qingque tribe, the beaten-up guys with swollen noses were still a little dissatisfied with them being caught by the big brothers. They felt that they were too careless.

If they are not so careless, these people may not be able to catch themselves later.

When they waited for someone to go back and tell the wise female priest, under the leadership of the strong leader, they would surely be able to defeat these guys.

But after arriving at the Qingque tribe, their minds became smaller and smaller and their hearts guilty.

The wise female priests should not send them to find the sheep and the secrets of the ‘green bird tribe’.

This is the voice of these people, and it is also the first time they have some doubts about the wisdom of the priestess.

Han Cheng and others ignored what the captives of these semi-agricultural tribes thought~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, they were delighted by the arrival of the sheep tribe and a few donkeys.

The pleats on Wu Xiao's face could trap flies, and his eyes disappeared.

The minors from the sheep tribe hugged each other, reluctant to let go.

Then he took out several cans of canned peaches from May and June of this year. After opening them, they served them in a bowl to the minors of the sheep tribe.

These minors were eating, he just watched with a smile, and from time to time he stretched out his rough hands and rubbed the heads of some of the children, looking kindly, the sheep tribe that he looked at still had some worried people. , I gradually let go of my heart, feeling a heartfelt peace and warmth...

The sheep that came from the sheep tribe all entered the sheep pen of the Qingque tribe at this time.

The sheepfold, which was still a little empty, was immediately filled up at this time, and it couldn't fit after being filled.

As a last resort, only the remaining part of the sheep was kept in the deer shed.

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