Ruan Xin wanted to kick him.

However, she couldn't. Ji Yang had been working overtime recently, and she sometimes reflected on whether she had shortchanged him too much and just treated him as a supplement.

Enduring the pain, I paid the bill and looked sideways at him, "Are you full?"

"I'm full. It tastes pretty good." He nodded and answered, very satisfied.

"That's good." For her, the money was well spent. She stretched her hand forward and took his arm.

"It's quite delicious." Ji Yang said quietly when he went out.

Ruan Xin originally felt a little pain in her body, but after hearing what he said, it stopped hurting. This was the first time she had treated him to such an expensive meal, so she couldn't be stingy.

This matter is over.


Ji Yang is working overtime to complete the project, and Ruan Xin is also very busy.

When the company recruits franchisees, it needs to help train their employees. As an employee who only participated in the training in the last period, Ruan Xin naturally has to shoulder this important task.

She, Li Ming, and Team Leader Dai had to take turns training the franchisee's employees.

Of course, she is equivalent to helping Team Leader Dai, while Li Ming is training in marketing, and someone else may follow him during the period.

The location was quite far away and they had returned early from their trip, so Li Ming drove them there and came back together.

Training is conducted from morning to afternoon, and sometimes in the evening.

Team leader Dai is also an old employee. Like Li Ming, he joined the company when it was first founded. His main job is to develop courses, train employees, and sometimes participate in grade examinations.

Compared to Li Ming, he is more honest and honest and doesn't like to argue.

This is why Li Ming can take the position of person in charge. He is just a team leader. In Ruan Xin's opinion, his ability is stronger than Li Ming.

Training is required for ten consecutive days.

Ruan Xin travels between places. Sometimes she goes to training with them, and sometimes she works in the company and goes to other colleagues.

On the last day, after the training, Li Ming took the two of them to dinner.

I chose a restaurant that was a bit high-end. It was said that the per capita consumption was 300 yuan. Team leader Dai came in and clicked his tongue twice, "Is this an AA system or a company reimbursement?"

"I want to save money to raise a doll, so if I make it AA, I'll leave."

Ruan Xin also looked at Li Ming. She thought there was no need to come here, right?

The company reimbursed her as if she didn't say anything.

"My treat." Li Ming had already sat down and pushed the menu forward with his feet raised. "You can order whatever you want, no need to be polite to me."

"Hey, I'm not polite. I haven't had a good meal in a long time." Team Leader Dai was also polite and asked Ruan Xin to sit down. "Hurry up, Mr. Li's salary is much higher than ours."

He still has to pay off the mortgage to support his wife, and he doesn't dare order takeout for more than 20 yuan.

How could you let this opportunity go?

Ruan Xin didn't say anything.

She actually didn't really want to take advantage of Li Ming. She thought it was an AA system before, but now that she's here, she can't get out again.

Team leader Dai was flipping through the menu. When he saw the menu, many dishes cost three digits, and he didn't dare to start. "This is too expensive. It's not my money and I feel bad."

"Xiao Xin, let's see what we want to eat." Team leader Dai pushed the menu to her and said with a smile, "After working hard for so many days, eat more."

"This restaurant tastes good." Li Ming said and poured tea for the two of them.

Ruan Xin ordered two dishes, one vegetable and one meat.

She felt inflated. She and Ji Yang had gone to high-end restaurants several times, and looking at the prices, she thought they were not too expensive and were completely within her acceptable range.

Team leader Dai also ordered one, but Li Ming was not willing to waste it, so he ordered four more dishes. Three people could eat seven dishes, which was very rich.

Team leader Dai looked at him and said, and then added, "It seems that there are advantages to not getting married. My life is very tight."

"Your wife is pregnant, and you will soon have your wife and children on the bed, so why are you worried? I am the one who is worried." Li Ming answered with a smile, half joking.

Team leader Dai: "The company has been developing well in the past few years. You have received a lot of bonuses, right?"

"It's okay." Li Ming didn't elaborate.

"How good is it? Tell me secretly." Team leader Dai started to talk.

Li Ming looked at Ruan Xin out of the corner of his eye. The other person had not said a few words since the beginning and had been working hard to fill his stomach. It was indeed the right choice to bring them here.

"About three hundred thousand, I forgot." Li Ming said next.

For graduates, an annual salary of hundreds of thousands is a fantasy, and the whole person has to float.

Team leader Dai was actually envious and praised him. Ruan Xin picked up the food and looked up to see Li Ming looking at her. She said, "It's too high, I don't dare to think about it."

In fact, I feel nothing at all.

She is so hungry. She will have to transfer money to Li Ming later. She must eat more.

"How many years have I been working? I'm far behind them." Li Ming said modestly.

This can only be answered by Team Leader Dai, not Ruan Xin.

Because she thought it was the truth. Ji Yang was twenty-three years old and Li Ming was thirty-two years old, and their salaries were about the same.

In comparison, Li Ming is too greasy.

The lights in the restaurant were not very bright, and the diamonds on the bracelets on Ruan Xin's hands and the necklace on her neck shone under the refraction of the light.

Team leader Dai looked at her hands and asked, "Why do you like small jewelry recently? Necklaces, earrings and bracelets? I didn't pay attention to them before?"

Ruan Xin looked at her hand and made an excuse, "I like it very much recently and think it's beautiful."

Ji Yang bought these. They cost a lot of money. It would be a waste not to wear them. Others can't tell the authenticity of necklaces and bracelets.

Even if it is platinum and diamonds, she can say it is silver jewelry. The most important thing is that he gave it to her and she likes it very much.

She had never dared to carry that bag. The logo was so obvious that it would gather dust in the cabinet. She felt distressed when she thought about it.

"You women, you are always missing a piece of clothing and jewelry in your wardrobe. My wife is also missing." Team leader Dai lamented.

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