Hunting College

Vol 4 Chapter 183: Special guests

Although Iseini was dragged by Zheng Qing to the warehouse behind the small shop, the fishy smell remaining in the shop did not dissipate for a long time. Xiao Xiao had to waste a few fresh talisman to eliminate the smell of the shop.

As for the faint smell that still exists outside the shop, he can do nothing. After all, every talisman is Huang Cancan's gold, and young wizards who have already started to learn to do business must also learn to compare with each other, carefully weighing the relationship between costs and benefits.

Of course, he is not in the mood to pay attention to the other reason for the residual smell outside the store, it is because of the new "customers" in the store.

The reason Xiao Xiao cares about these new guests is not because these guests are generous or have noble status. On the contrary, in the eyes of Dr. Xiao Da, each of these guests is a big trouble, making him have an urge to throw it out and then hurry.

Of course, this kind of rude and rude behavior can only be thought in the bottom of my heart. Each of these customers who enter the shop is impossible for him, and he does not dare to throw it out casually.

Yes, every one.

The new guests are not wizards, but a group of noisy green parrots, as well as the few starlings, crows, skylarks, and white pigeons that these parrots carry with them.

These birds do not have a fuel-efficient lamp.

Except for the mynah parrots who are yelling indiscriminately with broken gongs, those who seem to be gentle and quiet are like sparrows. After entering the store, they have been chattering non-stop, and they are so noisy. The doctor's head hurts.

"We really don't sell bird food... If you don't believe me, you can look around our shelves. They are full of mouse cages, and there are some talismans and medicines." Xiao Xiao is not sure how many times he has been patient with the one in front The parrot explained it.

But these birds turned a deaf ear, so that the wizard wanted to pull out the fine fluff around their earholes and shouted at them so that these guys with brains the size of soybeans could listen to what he said.

The green parrot raised a front paw, clutching a red and black card on its small paw, tilting his head, staring at the young wizard with black eyes the size of a mung bean, with a sharp voice:

"Look at this card. Did you send it? Does it say'must satisfy customers'?"

"We sent this sentence too." Xiao Xiao nodded reluctantly, and at the same time tried to explain: "But..."

The words behind his ‘but’ never had a chance to say it again.

After he confessed to the green parrot, a flock of birds began to yell in his ears like a frying pan.

"Are we your customers?"

"You can't discriminate against us just because we are birds! This is racial discrimination! You must be arrested by Dan Hag to go to court!"



"No but! It's a wizard who speaks and counts!"

"If you don't please us, I will **** in your shop!"

These big and small birds of different species and feathers were screaming, especially the last threat, which made Dr. Xiao's face turn green.

"Don't tell me! Have something to say!" The short wizard jumped up from behind the counter, waved his arms vigorously, and screamed: "Can I go to the Green Grocery store to buy you? Don't worry! Sit down and rest for a while and have a cup of tea... Squad leader Jiang? Squad leader Jiang? Come and help!"

Jiang Yu, who had just returned to the store after pacifying the guests, couldn't help but sighed after seeing the scene of jumping around.

This is a shop, it's just a mess.

Even though she thought so, she couldn't watch a group of stubborn birds really toss the house in the mist.

The witch swept over the birds that had landed on the top of the shelf, and finally settled on a white dove. Then there was a relaxed smile on her face.

"Mengmeng? Mengmeng!" She leaned out of the shop, beckoned, and shouted: "Come and do me a favor."

After a while, the little witch ran back from the outside with a crackling nose. She originally wanted to put a head-foaming curse on her head, but because of insufficient skill, she never succeeded, so she finally adopted the oldest and simplest method. Pinch your nose.

"What's the matter? Well, no matter what's the matter, give me a soothing curse first! That murloc is so stinky, how can you stay with my cousin?" Because of her nose, the little witch's voice sounded groaning Angrily: "Hurry up, I'll go out after I'm finished... There are so many beautiful glass **** in Granny Crystal's shop next to me, which are much better than this stinky shop... Huh? Xiaobai? What are you doing? it's here?"

When she was just talking, a white dove that had stayed at the top of the shelf suddenly flapped its wings, slid down from above, landed directly on the shoulder of the little witch, and then began to cooing non-stop.

She was so surprised that when she said the last sentence, the little witch even ignored the possibility of inhaling the stench, put down her nose, raised her arm, and moved the white dove from her shoulder to her palm.

This pigeon is her pet, and she named it'Xiaobai'——In Li Meng’s impression, Xiaobai should stay in the bird house of the petting garden and napping today. How could it fly so far and fly out of school? What?

"Cuckoo..." Xiaobai touched the little witch's cheek affectionately, and there was a series of fluctuating syllables in his throat.

"Dove can speak?" Xiao Xiao, who had been standing behind the counter, sat down again-he had realized Jiang Yu's plan, so he felt a lot more relaxed-the wizard smacked his lips, his tone a little regretful: " Just now I was thinking about whether this pigeon is your Xiaobai, but I am not sure... after all, they all look alike."

The little witch gave Xiao a sideways smile, her face full of contempt, and ignored him.

Jiang Yu raised his arm scratched the pigeon Xiaobai's head with his finger, then turned to Li Meng and said, "You ask Xiaobai to discuss with his friends, don't disturb others doing business, turn back to me Let the shop manager invite them to dinner... Also, I just used a few refreshing charms in the shop, and there is no smell, so don't always pinch your nose.

After that, the witch bent her finger and scraped Li Meng's red nose.

The little witch swayed as if drunk, and her face was triumphant: "This kind of trifle is on my body! Xiaobai? Xiaobai, did you hear that, let them stop fooling around... I will give you some delicious food later!"

The white pigeon hesitated, turned his head to look at his companions, and groaned twice.

"Oh." The lead green parrot sighed heavily: "I don't understand the words. Is it fun for you to discuss this kind of things in front of me so straightforwardly?... But, it's the little white girl. For the sake of this, we reluctantly agreed to this suggestion."

"Well, this is called consumer bird rights protection, which is completely legitimate!" said a starling next to him.

.. Literature Museum m.

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