Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 227: 7 deadly sins

In the long history of the first university, if there is anything passed down with this ancient school, then there are only large and small student associations in the school.

Public, secret, famous, unknown, old, newly-built, all kinds of student clubs, forming a circle of large and small students, are linked to each other, forming a strong chain armor for this university .

   Hemophilia is one of the two student associations recognized by the First University.

   Friedman wants to become the new Augustus of the hemophilia, in addition to the formal competition within the club, he can also take a detour and use the power of other clubs in the school to send himself a ride.

   The ‘3A Society’ that he himself serves as the chairman is a member of the ‘Other Societies’.

   But only relying on ‘3A’ as power is far from enough, because Seprano also has a ‘Cheung Kei Club’ to cheer him up. Therefore, Friedman must find a more powerful helper.

  This matter is much more important than Nicholas's pesky bug.

   So, after turning, although Friedman's heart is still more or less unhappy, this unhappiness fades quickly under the burning of the ruby ​​ring on his finger.

  He looked around.

   During class, there was no one in the stairs.

   The silent jazz raised one hand on his chest and pinched the ruby ​​ring with the other, feeling the hot breath between his fingers, slowly walking down the stairs.

   down seven, down three, down five, down one.

   Below the stairs, a white mist rolled silently. After the fog, a quaint bronze hidden door suddenly appeared. At the secret door, a green grimace grinned and greeted the vampire standing on the stairs.

   "Good afternoon."

   The pale vampire nodded very politely.

"You should change your clothes in advance." The green grimace replied in a hoarse voice, "but today you are not the last to arrive...Beelzebub is later than you...Oh, no, you have become the last. ."

   "Thank you." Sir Friedman replied concisely, seemingly not interested in chatting with Grimace.

   He walked slowly into the rolling white mist, and took out a thick black robe from the ruby ​​ring. There is no decoration on the robe, the style is also very old, and the neckline is still slightly velvet, which seems to have been through many years.

"...I have told you many times that clothes should be worn and washed often. Can you believe that Belfinger's robes have not been washed for more than 50 years? Even bed bugs don't want to make their homes on his robes. "

The grimace babbled and didn’t care if the wizard opposite was interested in chatting: “Also, don’t always bring some cakes and tea to my stomach, I can’t eat it... This time you must emphasize with Beelzebub. This matter. Just before I finished talking, he closed the door grinningly! It's getting rude! It's really not as good as one generation..."

   Friedman turned a deaf ear to the noise of grimace, he just frowned and slowly put the old robe on him.

   This robe seems to be very heavy. After putting it on, his figure seems to be bent under the pressure of the robe.

   The wizard's hand finally reached into the pocket of the robe, took out a pair of leather gloves and a gorgeous mask, and put them on.

   Wizards are a group that pays much attention to privacy, especially for wizards who do not pay much attention to order. Because an evil wizard with superb magic power can grasp the enemy's heels with very little information, and then use magic to curse the opponent.

   The silent contract is not a devil’s contract, and it is not suitable for all occasions.

   Therefore, similar to secret associations, it is very important for people attending relevant meetings to learn how to hide their identities. Black robes, leather gloves, and gorgeous masks are all such tools.

  The secret society that Friedman participated in was not large. There were only seven people in the entire society. The name of the society was the ‘Seven Deadly Sins’. It was originally born in Alpha College, but its tentacles spread all over the first university. Each new member is recommended to join the association after being inspected by the previous member of the association. The other members of the association do not participate or interfere in the whole process.

The predecessor who recommended Friedman for membership was the previous president of the '3A Society'. According to the predecessor’s guess, the identities of the other six members of the Seven Deadly Sins should also be roughly the same, all of a school’s scale or a large society. Chieftain. There may even be researchers from the First University Research Institute, or from the school teaching assistants.

  In the seven deadly sins, each member uses the identity of the corresponding demon as a sign and cover. The purpose of the society is to secretly help each other, keep watch, and help each other without restriction without revealing their identities-this means that it is very possible that an extreme Alpha descent has helped Jiuyou Academy without knowing it. A wizard from Bai Ding, or a fanatic in Atlas silently helped some unbelievers in other academies.

   Friedman’s identity in the "Seven Deadly Sins" is Lucifer, the fallen archangel.

   After putting on the mask, he stopped, and Friedman slowly raised his right hand and knocked on the small door in front of him with the ring embedded with the red gem.

"You are the most polite of Grimace complimented, and the tongue flicked and landed on the leather gloves. Ruby flickered slightly through the gloves, and the tongue of Grimace's tongue disappeared immediately Going back. Friedman's expression behind his mask twitched silently.

   In front of him, the small bronze door opened silently.

   The room behind the door is not spacious, but rather narrow.

   A huge oval wooden table is placed in the center of the room, taking up almost half of the room. In the center of the table, there are several pots of dried flowers and plants. Because of lack of care, the bonsai is covered with fine branches and fallen leaves.

   Right above the table, is a row of candles standing upside down. Those candles stuck firmly to the ceiling, forming a seven-pointed star formation. The candle light down, making a slight beeping sound, sprinkling a soft light yellow light.

   Under the yellow light, around the round table, six figures sit quietly on the high-back chairs.

   After hearing Friedman's heavy footsteps, they all looked up and looked over.

   "Lucifer, you are a bit late today."

   A low male voice rang out in the room that was not too wide. The sound was not loud, but it shook the room humming.

   Friedman glanced at the other six weird masks in the room, hummed, dragged heavy steps, and slowly moved to his seat.

  While moving, he replied in a hoarse voice: "It's not easy for me to spare time for a meeting...How much time before I am in Beelzebub?

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