Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 221: insect

   "There are no zombies, and no vampires."

  The black cat gave a dry cough and explained in a low voice: "It's just some corpse beetles...just jumped out of the dead rabbits, and it shocked me..."

  His voice became smaller and smaller, and finally he was inaudible under the incredible eyes of the two witches.

  If it wasn't for the black hair not showing color, he would bet that his face had become the color of a mature crab.

  At this time, the corpse beetles who had been frightened and jumped out of the rabbit corpses had quietly returned to their delicacy, and continued to gnaw the corpses quietly. Only a certain part of the rabbit's body occasionally moved slightly, telling others about their tragic post-mortem situation.

  The black cat became angry from embarrassment, and ransacked away the rabbit's carcass, looking for the foraging insects, found one, slapped one to death, and executed it on the spot without any tolerance.

  Thinking that he was going to roast rabbits before, the black cat felt his stomach tumbling. Don't care if it is good or not. It is very bad if you simply eat a stomach of worm eggs and eat a bad stomach.

   "Are you afraid of bugs?!" Elena's tone was full of complaints.

  The black cat turned her back to the witch, stalking her neck and defended: "Caution, this is cautious...a cautious stress response. Do you think I am afraid now? Are you afraid?"

  Speaking, it hooked a corpse beetle from a rabbit ear with its paws, and slapped it flat with a palm. The sound of the broken carapace was accompanied by the yellowish body fluid of the insect splashing around, which made people feel a sense of inexplicable satisfaction.

   "I'm not scared at all." The black cat resisted the feeling of wiping his paws, and added: "Of course, if you help, the cleaning speed will be much faster."

  The Gypsy Witch gave him a speechless look, and moved a few steps back to avoid being splashed by the worm juice.

   "It's just a few bugs, can't you solve it yourself? You are a cat."

Kolmar had already met on the makeshift desk. The quill in his hand quickly calculated on the parchment, and said anxiously: "Bugs, bugs... this word sounds so plump and juicy. It’s like cat food."

  "They are corpse-eating beetles," the black cat muttered, slapped another insect into mash, and said with disgust: "This word doesn't sound very delicious."

   "And poisonous." Irina moved behind the black cat again, dropped a glass bottle, and quickly returned.

  The black cat glanced back.

   "What the hell?" He looked at the slightly viscous light yellow liquid in the jar, vaguely smelling a pungent smell.

"Kerosene." The Gypsy witch briefly explained: "The corpse beetles in the Silent Forest are highly poisonous, and skin ulcers will appear after being infected. Scrubbing with kerosene can disinfect to a certain extent and slow down the corresponding symptoms. Of course, the best solution is to bask in the sun, but..."

  Speaking, the witch raised her head and glanced at the faint sun in the sky and the juxtaposed moon, her tone a little uncertain: "It's just that, I don't know if the sun inside has disinfection effect."

  The black cat didn't even listen to the words behind her.

  When he heard that the insect was poisonous, the black cat raised his paw, looked at himself patted the insect’s pad, and thought. He vaguely remembered as if someone had said this. But after shooting for a long time, his paws were as healthy as ever, without any itching, ulceration or mutation.

  But to be safe, he still soaked his paws with kerosene, just in case.

  Except for making the paws sticky, there seems to be no more feeling.


   An abnormal soft sound appeared beside the black cat's ears, and its ears trembled, and he looked around. It wasn't the sound of Elena walking, or the sound of Kolma writing. It was more like the sound of falling rain or a group of silkworms gnawing mulberry leaves.

   raised his head, the sun and the moon were shining in the sky, there were no clouds, let alone rain.

  "Did you hear that?" It tilted its head, with a serious tone. Its intuition tells itself something is happening.

  The work of the two witches was interrupted again.

   "What?" Irina had just cut the cards in her hand, her eyes a little confused.

   "No." Colmar's tone became less polite, and she hummed without lifting her head: "I'm not a cat. How can I hear a cat's inaudible voice?"

  This statement seems logically correct.

  The black cat frowned, threw the dead rabbits below, jumped to the edge of the camp, and looked out a bush. The lush forest is so quiet that you can't even see a rabbit. But the rustling voice became clearer.

  The black cat did not look back, but raised his voice and shouted: "You two pay attention, I will go out and have a look."

  After that, he jumped straight into the depths of the woods, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

  The two witches looked at each other.

"He just ran away?" Kolma held the quill with a shocked expression: "Didn't he say that everything should be done before? In such a strange place, he is not afraid of being caught and skinned by some monster?! "

"I wondered. It is very difficult to let a cat stay honestly and suppress its curiosity." The Gypsy Witch thought and analyzed: "After all, it is not a dog and does not have a nursing home. Tradition."

  "His bugs have not been cleaned yet!" Colmar emphasized.

  Ilena sighed and put away the tarot cards in her hand.

"Fortunately, most of the data has been calculated." She stretched her waist and stood up again: "I will deal with the remaining bugs. I feel that magic may be able to clean up faster. And I can also replace it by the way. The talisman around the camp..."

  The voice did not The bushes not far away made a bang.

   The black cat who claimed to be out half a minute ago fled back hastily, as if his tail was on fire.

  While running and howling:

   "Bugs, so many bugs!"

   "The bug is here!"


   "You can't see your head at a glance!"

   Accompanied by his upside-down howls, the ‘rustle’ around the camp seemed to be much clearer for an instant, and it began to become a ‘huh’.

  The faces of the witches changed drastically.

  The swarms of insects swarmed up, biting and rolling pictures clearly appeared in everyone's mind.

"Don't panic! The camp enchantment we set up can block similar attacks." Kolmar hurriedly packed the documents and instruments on the table, and at the same time ordered: "No face, strengthen the enchantment! Black cat, watch out! I'll go Open the door!"

  What she said to open the door is to open the connection between this small secret world and the outside world. This requires corresponding spells, rituals, and minutes of preparation time.

  Fortunately, the expedition team’s camp is set up around the exit, which reduces a lot of trouble for their exit operations.

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