Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 202: Whose gift

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Indeed, although the witches sitting in the front row of the classroom gathered in a group and whispered something, they did not seem to support Liu Feifei's move. Even Jiang Yu only occasionally looked back twice worriedly.

Zheng Qing propped his head with one hand, leaning against the desk, and slowly gliding over the classmates in the classroom, looking at their expressions of excitement, anger, sadness, or gloom.

A helpless smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and unabashed comments from his companions came in his ears.

"...He just had a wrong conversation with the wrong person at the wrong time. Everyone knows what the Beta Town Post is. Do we expect it to boast a few words in the report?" For this comment, Zhang Jixin felt that he had no prejudice against the Beta Town Post.

"That's not necessarily true," Fatty Xin answered him: "I still remember a report in the Beta Town Post last semester that praised the education system of Jiuyou Academy for training a large number of wizards with solid basic skills..."

Zhang Jixin sneered: "If I remember correctly, the newspaper used a larger page to praise Alpha Academy the next day, saying that they have cultivated more enterprising talents and more creative talents for the wizarding world instead of those who only A "quasi-zombie faction" who can recite mantras, obey the rules, and stiff thinking."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing couldn't help rolling his eyes even though his back was facing several companions.

Regardless of whether the so-called "quasi-zombie wizard" refers to which college student.

Fatty Xin really couldn't refute this deep-rooted prejudice.

"The Beta Town Post is a commercial newspaper, and has always been eye-catching with sensational comments. They are not like our school newspapers, which have a bottom line and principles."

When Fatty Xin talked about this matter, his face was quite proud: "I dare you to say that our report articles are absolutely free of any prejudice, and will not presume a position..."

"I reserve my opinion on this point." Zhang Jixin tilted his head and habitually retorted: "There is no article without glasses. At best, there is a difference in the degree of glasses. I remember there was a commentator article in the school newspaper. And when the parliament coveted the Forbidden Curse in the next month, it used the words'dogs can't change eating shit'..."

Hey, too much.

Zheng Qing frowned and suddenly became interested in the report mentioned by Zhang Jixin. It is hard to imagine that a newspaper that has always advertised authority and formality would use such vulgar slang in commentator articles.

But he didn't have the opportunity to ask Zhang Jixin about the specific source of the report.

Because Irina was walking towards him with a few books.

The gypsy witch dresses well today, wearing a big red robe—since the contradiction between the two colleges began to intensify, every student of this university must be careful in their respective positions. The most significant change is There are more people wearing school gowns, because this is the easiest way to distinguish which college you are from, and it is also the easiest way to identify students who are trying to maintain neutrality between the two colleges.

Walking to Zheng Qing's desk, Jelena held her arms and listened to the wizards' discussion with a smile. Fatty Xin was also very eye-catching. After looking at the figure of the witch, he immediately used the excuse of saying, "I think there is an article in the school newspaper editorial office to proofread", and he smeared his feet.

In comparison, Xiao Xiao is much more polite.

"When we are away, I will trouble you to take care of him." Dr. Xiao Da held the textbook with one hand and put the other on Zheng Qing's shoulder. He pressed hard, looked at Irina, and said with a smile: "Don't let him Feel free to pull out the books at others... and don't let him spit at the people at Alpha Academy."

Zheng Qing slapped Xiao Xiao with his backhand.

"Please don't worry about this. He will never break the law a little bit of school regulations." Ilena snapped the book she was holding on Zheng Qing's desk, and bluffed the young public student. .

"What should he do?" Seeing his companions walk away, Zheng Qing winked at another corner of the classroom with some anxiety, repeating the name of'Nicholas' silently with his mouth.

"Let's talk later, and Feifei is watching right now, it's fine if nothing happens." With that, Zhang Jixin also left behind the doctor.

There are fewer and fewer people in the classroom.

Irina fluffed her long hair and sat leaning on the seat at Zheng Qing's table.

The wizard twisted in his seat a little nervously.

"Or, let's go to the coffee shop and sit for a while?" He looked at the gloomy sky outside the window and tentatively suggested.

"Do your homework first." The Gypsy Witch opened the spell textbook and glared at him.

Zheng Qinggan laughed twice, quickly took out his "Standard Spell", and then began to write his homework.

Because it was Monday, and I did not leave the classroom in time after class, the vacancy in the library or study room was likely to be occupied, so staying in the classroom to do homework became the best choice.

There were just two classes on Monday, and there were not many homework. The two quickly wrote a lot of things.

Zheng Qing turned out his own line drawing and began to make the line on a daily basis. Jelena turned over the "Standard Talisman" to correct her grammar and sentence patterns.

There were fewer and fewer people in the classroom, and even Nicholas quietly left with Liu Feifei. In the end, there were only two young men and women sitting in the corner.

A faint scent lingered on the tip of Zheng Qing's nose, as if someone was tickling him with his hair, making him gradually restless.

"Nicholas was miserable this time." He sighed without words, and the quill in his hand slid steadily along the ruler, drawing a long lower shadow line.

"If Feifei looks at, it shouldn’t be too bad." Ilena is optimistic about this: "Relatively speaking, I think you are much worse than him... At least, he will not recite. The punishment of detention at school."

Zheng Qing's mouth couldn't help but twitched.

"The accident was really an accident, and I didn't expect Seprano to be so weak." The wizard was humble.

"No, it's not that Seprano is weak, but you are strong." Ilena raised her head and looked at him with bright eyes, her tone full of curiosity: "Your rune gun is really like the "Beta Town Post" said. In that way, was it made by a certain great alchemist?"

Zheng Qing couldn't help rolling his eyes: "Do you believe the post?"

Immediately he realized that his tone of voice was not appropriate, and immediately corrected: "But it's almost the same. It's not that the rune gun is special, but the rune bullets I use are somewhat special... The rune gun is a birthday gift from a friend, ordinary, standard. Rune spear."

Jelena nodded clearly.

At the end, the witch asked casually: "By the way, who gave the two talisman guns a birthday present?"

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