Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins

Chapter 83: hacker x cooperation

Biro City, Hotel Cabinda.

"Send these test questions all over the world, and conduct accurate surveys based on and for those who are screened."

"The work and technology in this..."

Illumi got up from the computer and looked at Kim Bradley. He didn't think Bradley couldn't do it, but he was born more than a year ago.

It should not be possible to improve computer technology to such a superb level in such a short period of time.

"Ixampe Katencha."

Kim Bradley grabbed the computer and pulled it in front of him, his hands rising and falling quickly on the keyboard.

"Hack Hunter, the 268th passer of the Hunter Test."

"I once invited him to join my team, but he declined."

Kim Bradley's voice fell, and he turned the computer screen to Illumi, where a cartoon character wearing a strange mask appeared on the screen.

"Is that you? Kim Bradley's boss."

Illumi looked at the cartoon character on the screen, and a flash of memory flashed in his mind, this is the hacker hunter who ran for the president of the Hunter Association after Nitro's death.

"I told you, you don't have to pretend to be an adult in front of me."

Looking at Ilumy's right hand rubbing his chin, Ixampe suddenly spoke.

"I know what you really look like, Ilumi · Beat the enemy, passed the 270 hunter test."

The screen flashed, and a blurry surveillance video appeared on the screen. Although it was very blurry, it was indeed the process before and after Illumi's transformation.

"You are indeed very powerful. You have avoided surveillance in many places."

"But you can't completely avoid all surveillance, such as a passerby's cell phone camera."

The picture changed back to Ixampe's appearance again. Although he was wearing a mask, he could still guess the smug expression on the other side's mask.

"The colored software installed in some mobile phones can easily be hacked by me, so that I can get all the information."

Yilu Mi is not surprised at all. This kind of thing was everywhere in the past life. In the era of big data, no one can have privacy.

"Are all our technologies supported by you?"

He asked Ixampet why he was helping them if he had declined Kim Bradley's invitation.

"That's right, I'm not interested in Kim Bradley, but I'm very interested in you."

On the screen, Ixampe pulled out a chair from the empty space next to him and sat on it.

"I really want to know why you, a seven-year-old child, have so many secrets."

After Ixampe sat down, a table appeared in front of him again, with his elbows on the table, his hands clasped against his chin, and his tone was serious.

"Having such an excellent subordinate as Kim Bradley, and such great ambition."

"I collected all your information and activity videos, and found that you actually dropped a shadow on Meteor Street."

"Ilu Mi, Beat the enemy, are you really... a seven-year-old kid?"

Ilumi pulled a chair from behind and sat down leisurely, closing his eyes and chuckling.

"Since you want to know my secret so much, why don't you get closer?"

"The closer you get, the more careful you look. You might be able to see something, maybe."

The room suddenly became quiet, Ixampet pondered for a long time, and suddenly raised his head.

A "click" sounded on the screen, and the cute voices of cartoon characters on the computer suddenly became gloomy and thick.

"In that case, let me be your network security expert and help you."

Illumi and Kim Bradley's expressions changed slightly at the same time, because the computer screen flashed, and a young man suddenly appeared on the screen.

Mid-parted bangs, wearing glasses, dressed in white, with a rebellious smile on his face.

"This contrast is really big enough."

Grid was lying on the bed, holding the back of his head in his hands, looking at the person on the screen and grinning.

"Aren't you someone who lives in the computer world? How come there are entities?"

When Ixampe heard Ilumi's words, his expression froze for a moment, he closed his glasses, and laughed.

"That kind of lie that only children believe, do you also take it seriously?"

"There are no inhabitants of the computer world. Even if there are, they are just losers who escape from reality."

"As you can see, I'm a real human being."

Illumi chuckled, he had never believed in the inhabitants of the computer world.

If there is, then the Hunter World has directly entered the era of strong artificial intelligence, and even Mobius Lake will not dare to go out.

"So, what I want to know is, what do you do next?"

A document suddenly appeared on the computer screen, Ixampet said with a deep laugh.

"Since they are all in the same boat as you, then the past and the present are naturally different."

"This is a brand-new Internet talent screening mechanism, and I will do it myself."

Yilu Mi looked at it again, and there were already many people who passed the screening, covering all continents and countries in the world. It was indeed faster and more accurate than the previous screening mechanism.

"Then... let's start!"

With a flick, the Enter key was pressed heavily by a finger, and this data was instantly transmitted to the whole world via the optical cable.




Just when Ilu Mi and others reached a cooperation with Ike Champé to send a special piece of data to the world. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

From Bilo City Airport, a professional archaeological team led by professional hunters came to Bilo City, and under the leadership of the local cultural relics bureau, came to the construction site above the ancient site.

"The scene is a mess."

A man dressed as a gentleman looked at the chaotic scene, rubbed his chin with one hand, and lowered his eyes.

"Uh, this is because a company built its headquarters here before, so..."

"Well, it doesn't matter."

Before the people from the Cultural Relics Bureau finished speaking, they were interrupted by the man with short white hair and walked towards the deep pit surrounded by horizontal bars.

"Call all the people below, they will hinder us."

The white-haired man and his party of 11 walked mightily towards the entrance of the deep pit where the ancient ruins were discovered. The people from the Cultural Relics Bureau looked at their arrogant backs and looked unhappy.

"Tsk, both hunters, how can there be such a big gap in how you treat people and do things?"

But unfortunately, this is a professional team recognized by the government, which is much more powerful than Kim Bradley's half-baked team with only one archaeologist and one linguist.

He also had to notify the person in charge of the scene and let those who were investigating the site below come out.

"What's the matter, suddenly asked us all to come up?"

After a long time, Javier and others and people from the Cultural Relics Bureau came up from below and asked the on-site person in charge of the Cultural Relics Bureau.

"This is also an archaeological team?"

A thin woman with short black hair looked at them with disdain.

"Uh, this is an ancient document hunter, a hunter who specializes in excavating ruins."

The people from the Cultural Relics Bureau immediately stood in front of Javier and the others and introduced.

While turning his back to them, he was also helpless.

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