Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins

Chapter 62: Jealousy x Envi

"You, you can't kill me..."

Dusana trembled all over, struggling back little by little, and the blood dragged a long trail of blood on the ground.

The corners of Enwei's mouth couldn't stop rising and splitting, and his footsteps matched Dusana's retreat, approaching slowly, step by step.

He was teasing Dusana.

"You killed... me, the Meteor Street Presbyterian Council... will find you and take revenge on you."

Dusana seemed to have lost his strength, leaned against the wall, spoke intermittently, and gasped.

"do not worry."

Envi crouched down in front of Dusana, grinning.

"You live, and you will die sooner or later."

"But when you die, you live forever."

Enwei pressed his right hand on Dusana's constantly undulating chest, and his smile became more and more sinister. Dusana was frightened by Enwei's actions and kept leaning against the wall.


Dusana only felt a sharp pain in his chest and looked down.

I saw that Enwei's right hand opened a blood hole directly in his chest, and he kept groping for something in it.

"Uh uh..."

Dusana opened his mouth wide and grabbed Envi's right arm weakly with both hands, trying to make him stop.

"found it."

Enwei's face was filled with joy, he grinned "puchi", and suddenly pulled out his arm in his chest, bringing out a lot of blood.


Dusana's eyes bulged out, looking at Enwei's right palm, holding a beating heart.


"Give you."

Before he finished speaking, Enwei put his heart in Dusana's palm with a grin, grabbed his hands, and held his heart tightly.

"Hold it up, don't drop it."

Dussana looked at the heart in his palm, two eyeballs seemed to pop out of their sockets, and he lost his breath.

After Dusana died, Enwei found mobile phones, wallets, keys and other items from him.

Yilu Mi and Enwei cleaned up the secret passage, pressed the switch, and stepped out of the stone gate with a "boom" sound.


When the guard at the door saw Enwei, he immediately bowed and said hello. A casual glance at Illumi, without suspicion.

"Prepare me a car, I'm going out."

Enwei instructed him, causing the guards to be stunned for a moment. He didn't understand why the elder would ask them to work, but he still complied with the order and dispatched a car.

In this way, Ilumi and Enwei left the church openly and did not stop until the outer area of ​​Meteor Street.

"You should become familiar with this person's influence in Meteor Street as soon as possible."

Ilumi sat in the co-pilot and instructed Enwei who had gotten off the bus.

"Although I don't count on you very much, don't screw it up easily."

"We need to accumulate strength from the forces of Meteor Street."

Enwei snorted unhappily and grinned.

"Rory is too long, I don't need you to tell me what to do."

Looking at Enwei's indifferent expression, Ilumi was always a little worried.

"Your strength is still very weak now, I'll give you a little bit."

Ilumi suddenly said, Enwei raised his brows and stared at Ilumi with a little doubt. But Yilu Mi's face was flat, and he couldn't see anything.

"That's really unbelievable."

Enwei grinned, Yilumi closed his eyes, and with a "boom", a lot of qi suddenly poured out of his body.

"Is this anger?"

Looking at the large amount of translucent gas gushing out of Ilumi's body, Enwei subconsciously reached out to touch it.


The white air on Yilu Mi's body suddenly turned into a pink color representing jealousy, turning into phantoms that penetrated into Enwei's mouth, eyes, ears, and nostrils.


Enwei was shocked, his body trembled violently, and he allowed a lot of qi to penetrate into his body.

Ilumi opened her eyes and looked at Enwei who was absorbing and balancing the qi in her body, the corners of her mouth raised lightly.

For a long time, Enwei's body no longer trembled, and he looked down at the qi covering him, showing a hideous smile.

"This is power."

Illumi stared at Enwei, and saw rough pink ropes extending from him, connecting the two together.

This is the **** and strength that Illumi exchanged for them with his own emotions.

Illumi raised his right hand and turned into a real blade with a swish. With a thought, a lot of qi covered the blade.

"Convenient ability."

Ilumi sighed with emotion, then closed his eyes tightly, and a figure flashed in his mind.

A white light flashed from the bottom to the top of his body. He opened his eyes and looked into the rearview mirror. He had completely changed into his original appearance.

"This face, it's been a long time."

Yilu Mi looked at himself in the mirror, a young man of twenty-four years old, with short black hair, wearing a suit, with a little dark circles under his eyes.

"I am leaving."

Sitting in the driver's seat, Yilu Mi turned around and greeted Enwei who was looking at him with a bewildered face, stepped on the accelerator, and set off.

"I always feel like I'm at a loss."

Enwei murmured softly, looking at the car that was gradually disappearing at the end of his field of vision, there was always something wrong in his heart.




Eddie United States, Southern Frontier, Blanca City.

Ilumi sat on the big bed in the hotel room and used the computer to send the photos of Spiro's body taken with the mobile phone to the employer's mailbox.


Within a minute, the other party contacted Ilu Mi on his mobile phone and asked if he had gotten a golden mask.

"No, he died very simply, without saying a word."

Ilumi replied, the female voice on the other end of the phone stopped, but she didn't hang up. UU reading

Illumi guessed that she might be talking to someone while covering her phone, or asking for instructions.

"Mr. Illumi, I'm Sylvia's grandfather."

"I'm willing to exchange 50 billion ringni for the golden mask in your hand."

On the other end of the phone, there was an old man with a strong voice, and he directly asked for 50 billion, as if he was very sure that he got the mask.

"I said, I didn't get the mask you said."

"Immediately put the money into the account of the beaten enemy."

Illumi's tone became tough, and she hung up the phone after speaking.


After a long time, Yilu Mi, who was cultivating, heard the vibrating sound of the mobile phone, picked up the mobile phone and saw that it was a notification that the commission had arrived.




Addison United States, Playa County, Kielf City.

"Grandpa, that kid must be lying."

Sylvia Siglet was sitting on the sofa, looking at a tall and tall man standing in front of the window, reluctantly.

"What do you want?"

"Do you want to settle the account with him? Or take it back from him?"

The man turned his back to Sylvia and said solemnly.

The man was dressed in an expensive suit, tall and tall, with white hair, with his hands behind his back, and half of his face was covered with burn marks.

He is Demetrius Siegrit, the owner of Siegrit, the current mayor of Kielf.

"Now is a critical period, and the mayoral election is about to be held."

"Don't be extravagant at a time like this."

Demetrius looked out the window, the huge city covered with neon lanterns, a red light flashed in his eyes.

"Nothing is as important as my status."

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