Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins

Chapter 143: chance x naming

The staff in the blue uniform frowned and seemed to realize something. He immediately pressed the walkie-talkie on his left shoulder with his right hand and said solemnly.

"There seems to be an infected person here, please send someone here as soon as possible!"


After being notified by the staff, an ambulance came soon, the door opened with a "clatter", and four medical staff in protective suits jumped from it.

The two medical staff hurried to the ground and squatted down in front of the vomited driver.


The driver who fell to the ground suddenly spat out a mouthful of yellow-brown vomit, which made the medical staff sit back and almost sprayed him.


With a scolding, the medical staff changed positions again, looking at the patient whose eyes were white, obviously unconscious, but still vomiting, and his heart was cold.

"Quick, send him to the research institute!"

Two medical staff quickly supported the patient's legs and shoulders, and lifted him onto a stretcher. The two of them worked together to send him into the ambulance. The engine started to disappear immediately.

"Let's start sanitizing."

The remaining two medical staff with disinfection tools on their backs nodded to each other, turned on the switch, and a large amount of white water vapor was sprayed out for disinfection.

And while they were sterilizing, the few people who had been in contact with the driver were organized by a group of guards in protective suits and armed with rifles to go to the quarantine area.

Soon, the patient was sent to the Institute of New Antibiotics, where Dr. Helen and a group of researchers wore protective suits with independent oxygen supply to test samples taken from the patient.

One of the samples was carefully placed under a microscope and magnified a thousand times, and the rest of the researchers looked up at the display in front of them, which was the magnified shape of the bacteria.

Thanks to the advanced equipment that Umbrella Company spent a lot of money on, it took three hours for Dr. Helen to complete various tests, and a preliminary test report was sent to Kim Bradley.

Kim Bradley, who was watching the company's branch in the office, received this urgent notice, frowned slightly, and opened it to check.

"New superbugs?"

Kim Bradley frowned, and even Pegrosse was getting the virus.

After the incident, Kim Bradley immediately upgraded the level of disinfection and inspection at the company's headquarters. Although this superbug is very powerful, the area where Umbrella's headquarters is located is sparsely populated.

Moreover, this place is not a tourist attraction. Except for the population of about 500,000 people in the city of Sgran, there is not even a single person to be seen outside the city.

No matter how powerful this superbug is, someone has to infect it.

"However, let Andres be informed."

"The new base also needs to improve its defenses. Although they are in the tropical rain forest, there are still people who continue to go out to buy materials."

Three days later, when Pride and Kim Bradley were discussing something, the elevator opened with a "ding", and Illumi walked into the office.

"Anyone infected with superbugs?"

Illumi came to the sofa, bent down and sat down, sitting opposite Pride who was reading a book, and asked.

"The infected person is a driver who is in charge of delivering supplies, but all the people related to him have been quarantined."

"In addition, there are also infected people in the Patirous branch, and they have been sent to the headquarters for isolation and control."

"Disinfection and testing measures have also been completed."

Illumi nodded slightly, and Kim Bradley handed him a report, which he took over.

The Admiralty United States journal Infectious Diseases published an introduction to the superbug that is now raging around the world, and the Admiral Center for Disease Control has investigated that this new superbug may have originated in the East China Sea coast. City of Coronel.

Therefore, this bacterium was officially named CORM-1 type bacterium.

Illumi quickly browsed through it, and it clearly introduced the infection route, symptoms, mortality rate, and drug resistance of this virus.

"Coronel City?"

Ilumi looked at the birthplace mentioned above, raised his brows, and felt a little weird in his heart.

"What did Dr. Helen have to say about this virus?"

"Dr Helen has been working on this superbug these days."

"According to tests, this superbug is resistant to all current antibiotics and cannot be treated."

"But not our new antibiotics."

The corners of Kim Bradley's mouth twitched in a rare manner, and he asked a crucial question.

"Is that so."

Illumi heard Kim Bradley's answer, and became more and more sure that this superbug was related to the new type of microorganisms before, so the new antibiotics they developed would be effective against them.

Thinking of this, the corners of Yilu Mi's mouth couldn't help but lift.

If only a new antibiotic developed by Umbrella can treat the bacteria, now is Umbrella's once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

No matter which country, which region, which company is in the world, all need -a antibiotics.

And most importantly, the bacteria has spread all over the world, and it is believed that those who have purchased Umbrella's new antibiotic have also discovered it.

"Have you all found out?"

Illumi looked at Kim Bradley and Pride, who smiled accordingly.

"We were just talking about that."

"It's almost time for those people to contact us, according to our speculation."

Ilumi rubbed his chin, too, thought for a moment, and asked again.

"How is our patient?"

Kim Bradley knew he was asking about the infected and replied.

"The first symptom in the branch was a cleaning employee. There were ten cleaning employees in the same team as her, and all of them were infected."

"Three of them lost time while leaving and died on their way to the company headquarters."

"And seven other people, after being sent to the company headquarters, Dr. Helen injected them with a lot of antibiotics."

"After finding that the rest of the antibiotics were useless, I injected it with -a and found it to be effective."

"A total of 11 people have been infected at the company's headquarters and branches, and all eight infected people are now out of danger."

Illumi listened to Kim Bradley's explanation, nodded lightly, and asked.

"How many units were used?"

"Eighty-five units, four-a are needed to complete the treatment."

"Well, if you find the rest of the infected people, if you have the conditions, send them to the headquarters."

"I see."

Kim Bradley nodded, and he didn't want his company's employees to stay in hospital beds and wait to die after being infected by the virus.

Illumi, Kim Bradley, and Pride were sitting on the sofa, exchanging some recent international events and various adjustments within the Hunter Association.

A week later, the Haas Republic of the Mitny Federation released a report.

According to the latest report from the Mitne Federation, the Republic of Hass and the Republic of Lokalio sent a joint expedition to several local villages in the Republic of Hass for sample inspections, near their residences and water sources. Discovered traces of a new type of superbug.

And when they came to several local villages, dozens of village names had died in the villages, causing the local people to panic.

But the international political status of the Mitny Federation is not big after all. What really shocked people all over the world was the news that came out one after another after this report.

The outbreak of the epidemic situation in the United States of Adimei, the Federation of Ozma, the Kajin Empire, the Aztec Republic, the Pegrosse, the Kingdom of Khan and other major countries.

Even the Republic of Batokia, the Republic of Duqi, and the Republic of Minpo, as well as places like the Chaos Triangle, have corresponding reports.

Based on the epidemic reports from various electronic media and electronic discussion groups in various places, as well as official reports from many places, the V5 organization discovered the real origin of this virus through joint investigation, but for some reason, they did not announce it to the public.

But a few days later, the V5 organization officially released a new type of superbug epidemic notification and officially named it DCM-1 superbug.

It is announced that the level of the epidemic will be raised to the fourth level, requiring relevant government departments of various countries to prepare for the epidemic to prevent large-scale infection from person to person.

However, for this epidemic, ordinary people still know too little about DCM-1 bacteria.

A small number of people will explode and die within a day after being infected with this superbug, while the vast majority of people are asymptomatic, but the bacteria will remain dormant in their bodies for up to ten days.

In the past ten days, because they were asymptomatic, they continued to work, go to work, buy vegetables, play, and have contact with all kinds of people.

It is precisely because of this that the number of infected persons collected by the statistics of various departments is extremely small, and it is not even a fraction of the annual epidemic.

But after a long time, it still attracted the attention and attention of many governments.




Umbrella Corporation, Laboratory for Novel Antibiotics.

Illumi stood in front of the tempered glass in the laboratory, with his hands behind his back, looking at the experiments in progress, his expression was flat.

After a long time, Dr. Helen finished the experiment, stepped out of the laboratory door after disinfection, and changed into protective clothing.

"How's the experiment going?"

Illumi looked at Helen Stuart and asked with a frown.

Dr. Helen glanced at the situation in the laboratory, then looked at Ilumi again, picked up the tablet in the researcher's hand, and said as he walked.

"Participating in this experiment from No. 1 to No. 20, their respective injection times ranged from 12 hours to 72 hours."

"Among them, No. 12 and No. 16 were both stabilized with injection-a."

"While No. 1 and No. 5 were treated with conventional treatment methods, they died after three and four hours of treatment failure respectively."

"Nos. 7 and 10 developed symptoms 24 hours after the injection of DCM-1, and the disease was controlled after the use of new antibiotics."

"The other 14 experiments did not show any abnormality. The superbugs in their bodies were all in the incubation period, but they could be detected from the blood tests in their bodies."

"Dr. Helen, how long do you think the longest incubation period for this virus is?"

Ilumi asked, and Dr. Helen adjusted his glasses and said.

"It's not certain. After all, we still have too little contact with this bacteria, but according to past cases, there are at least ten days."

Yilu Mi narrowed her eyes when she heard the words.

Although without this epidemic, Umbrella can also rise slowly, but with this epidemic, their rise will be greatly accelerated.

But I just don't know if there will be some changes in this.

After all, they just developed a new type of antibiotic, and it just so happened that there was a large-scale epidemic in the world.

Moreover, the cake of new antibiotics is really too big, secretly I don't know how many forces are staring at the Umbrella company, eyeing them.

The human world, no matter where it is, medicine and medical treatment have always been a very sweet cake, and everyone wants to take a bite from it.

A new type of company, a company that has only been established for a year or two, has such a big piece of cake, how can the giants and oligarchs from all over the world allow it?

Thinking of this, Yilu Mi felt ruthless in his heart, whoever wanted to get his hands on the cake in his hand had to ask the knife in his hand first.

As long as those secret forces dare to show their dirty claws, Illumi will dare to do it directly.

When I have the strength, I will not play tricks with you, and solve the problem directly from the source.

Umbrella Biotechnology Company is his hard work, and it assumes an important position in his future plans, and he must not let it die.

Even when necessary, Illumi didn't mind a big purge.

By then, presumably the world will be plunged into great chaos.

But so what, Umbrella will become one of the best giants in the world after going through this hardship, and anyone who wants to do something about it must weigh it.

"Dr. Helen, you continue to conduct research on DCM-1, and report any needs directly to Kim Bradley."

Illumi turned to look at Helen Stuart, who nodded solemnly, indicating that he understood.

After Ilumi finished speaking, he accelerated his pace and left the laboratory.

"You immediately speed up the major production lines, some are sold and some are stored."

Illumi called Kim Bradley.

"No problem. In addition, the Pegrosse government wants to negotiate with us."

"More than that~ The United States of Adimei and the Federation of Ozma have sent people to contact us, saying that they want to negotiate with us about new antibiotics."

Ilumi pondered for a moment, said.

"Well, you can arrange for someone to negotiate with them immediately, and notify me immediately if anything happens."

"Also, please inform Alvin so that he can prepare."

"Other giants in the pharmaceutical industry or some oligarchs will also get in touch."

"Also, how many employees do we have now?"

"Officially recorded, there are more than 1,400 people."

"Don't relax the health observation of the company's employees. If there is any situation, arrange for treatment immediately."

"Each employee is the property of the company and cannot be lost for small reasons."

"Yes, I understand."

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