Hunter x Hunter: Ant King Multiverse

Chapter 236 Let’s live together (completely exploded)

"Did that guy Loki finally couldn't help but take action? According to normal logic, the Holy Territory did not recover just after the Battle of the Sea Realm. Then Ares resurrected the mad warriors and invaded the vitality of each branch of the Holy Territory. Severely injured, Athena was forced to fight. Unexpectedly, the sanctuary was invaded by Abel and his Corona Saints at this time. Athena was in an unprecedented crisis and had no time to care about other parts of the earth. "

"It is even greater than facing the crisis of Hades Sanctuary alone. If Loki does not act quickly, he will forever lose the ability to gain control of the earth. Therefore, the emergence of the World Tree is inevitable."

To be honest, Meruem himself really couldn't bring up the interest in going there in person as for the Evil God Loki. Although he is known as the evil god, when he possessed a human, he was not only injured by the golden saint Aiolos who suppressed his power, but as a last resort, the world tree was destroyed by Abrodi, who was also a golden saint. The most important point is that the world of Saint Seiya is dominated by the Greek mythology system headed by Olympus. In other words, the gods of the Olympus system in the holy world have overwhelmingly defeated other mythological systems.

Even Loki, his father, Odin, and his divine warriors were only affiliated with the sea realm in the original official setting. Odin of the Nordic series is the God-King, but in the beginning he was just a subsidiary of others.

To sum up, even if Loki showed his true form at the end of the Golden Soul and obtained the so-called most powerful artifact, the Eternal Spear, the strength he showed was only at the level of the two gods sleeping in death.

There's really nothing to worry about, it's less harmful than Ares. By the way, I really don’t know what’s wrong with these gods’ minds? Each one of them obviously has no ability, but they still drag them for 2,500,000 to 80,000 yuan.

Each one of them is either clamoring to dominate the world or claim to destroy the world. I really don’t know where all the confidence comes from.

However, Meruem is more interested in Loki's Eternal Spear. There are currently no twelve golden saints to provide power to Yggdrasil, and he doesn't know where Loki plans to get this divine spear.

In the end, Meruem chose to let several golden saints go to Northern Europe, including Saga, the incarnation of God, Saga, the man closest to God, political commissar Aiolos, and male pig-footed Aiolia who was originally a golden soul. There are five Golden Saints in Abrodi of Yggdrasil. After all, Loki is a god. A weaker Golden Saint will probably be killed. For example, Kamio Meluaim has no intention of letting him go. If this guy goes, he will only deceive his teammates.

He also owed his life to the sister of the divine warrior named Surut.

Of course, before they left, they were given something that could save their lives. As I said before, Loki was a god after all, and he was the evil god who caused Ragnarok in the Norse mythology system.

After sealing three of the Twelve Gods of Olympus in a row and killing the former main god Abel, Meruem had a lot of good things in his hands. Although a certain god in Sparta, a place where gays were rampant, was poor, Meluem at least took off a piece of divine clothing from him.

Well, the armor that belonged to Ares and his aegis and spear. These are 24K purebred artifacts. Not to mention, a certain Poseidon from the sea world who was already extremely rich. In the past, I was worried that the Emperor of the Sea would find out, so I just took some Kobelco, but now that it has been sealed and is still a prisoner, Meruem, the wealth of the sea world, accepted it unceremoniously. And it’s also called a trophy.

After sending the Gold Saints to Northern Europe, Meruem began to work on the previous plan. Meruem planned to trick Hades.

Since Hades dared to reincarnate his soul into the body of a saint, and it was also one of the five guardians of Athena. Then he must be prepared to avoid the risk of being discovered and killed in advance.

Do you really think Athena doesn't dare to kill you? As the old saying goes, I don’t know where these gods get their sense of superiority and confidence.

The Extreme Ice Hell is the place where the souls of the saints of all generations are imprisoned.

Saori really couldn't get people from Hades, but that didn't mean Meruem couldn't. After all, he was a hero who died fighting for Saori, so it would be too inappropriate to be imprisoned in hell like this.

Besides, this is another great opportunity to win over people's hearts. It's a good deal, and it can solve Shun's problem together. There was always a problem with Hades' soul possessing the Saints. And it’s still a ticking time bomb, you don’t know when it will explode.

"Saori. How are you thinking about it?" Meruem glanced at Saori, who was still hesitating on the chair, and sighed. "Saori, you have to know that none of the gods in heaven now regard you as their companion, ever since you chose to side with humans."

"Do you really have no choice?" Apparently Saori still had some extravagant hopes, and it was indeed difficult for her to choose between humans and gods. She is also one of the gods. “Can’t we live together peacefully?”

"Unless you plan to give up on humanity. But even if you give up, I will take over for you to finish all this. I don't blame you. You can choose to return to heaven. After all, it belongs to you. However, in the end, I will still lead the Saint Fighters step in there." Meruem turned his back to Saori and said, not because he wanted to force Saori. "You have been in the lower world for so many years, haven't you seen their faces clearly?"

Even if Meruem planned to reconcile with the gods, it would be impossible. Those so-called gods would not allow anyone or other creatures to exist that threatened their lives. Considering the size of the gods in the heaven, the best result may be that he will only be ostracized, or even more likely that the gods will gather together to defeat him.

No matter which option it is, Meruem will choose to face it. Moreover, there is the existence of Yao Ma hidden in the dark that Meluem will definitely defeat.

"You know, I can't give up on humanity." A pair of slender and ambitious hands stretched out from behind Meruem and hugged Meruem's body tightly. Meruem could feel Saori's head resting on her back. "It's even more impossible to give up on you"

"Don't worry, I won't give up on you. I will protect you, just like before." Gently holding the little hands that had become rough due to long-term training, Meruem said seriously .

The Saori in front of him who dared to love and hate was deeply attracted to him. He liked her straightforwardness, every move she made, and her persistence for countless years.

After all this is resolved, if possible, let's live a good life together, with Biduo, Ruizi, and Saori. Be happy.

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