Hunter Queen: Killer Queen

Chapter 306 Bazooka Satsuki Kobayakawa Worry Silk

Chapter 306 Bazooka × Satsuki Kobayakawa × Worry Silk

When the skin was shriveled and blackened by the heat, the people standing outside the separated space did not rush in in a hurry.

On the one hand, the temperature in that space is really high.

On the other hand, Kobayakawa also wanted to observe the reaction of his skin.

As bones can proliferate indefinitely, whether the skin can regenerate has become the key to whether the United Army can break into the VVIP area.

The flames gradually stopped, the wall used as a partition slowly disappeared, and the high temperature spread rapidly.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the gap in the burned skin, and even the high temperature couldn't shake them.

The dark thoughts of death in the gap in the skin are rolling around, seeming to be spreading.

The skin at the notch is slowly moving and has a tendency to grow, but the speed is very slow.

At least in the short term, it is impossible to refill the gap created.

Everyone was slightly relieved, and then their eyes were fixed on the wall exposed after the skin was scorched black.

Kobayakawa didn't need to say anything, someone had already rushed out from behind Yan Mei.

Although Nian is wrapped around the person who rushes out, what attracts attention is not what kind of abilities he has, but the RPG on his shoulders!

Rocket launchers are controlled items even on the BW.

What's more, it's the obviously specially customized style in his hands.

The thicker barrel simply looks more powerful.

The person holding the rocket launcher unceremoniously injected thoughts into the rocket launcher before pulling the trigger.

It's obvious that this thing is not only a customized version, but may also be something made by the person with the ability.

Amidst the roar, the cannonball hit the wall directly in front of it, dragging a bright tail flame.

But at this moment, a dark vortex appeared on the wall in front of him.

Inexplicable ability!

The feeling of voyeurism never goes away, and any accidents are naturally within the acceptable range of all abilities.

Even if he hadn't calculated that an accident would happen, there would be no need to use the special rocket launcher with the ability to launch an attack.

The thought attached to the cannonball expanded the moment the vortex appeared, and it was beyond the scope of the vortex in just a moment.

The impact also happened at this time.

The large area of ​​thought supported the cannonball so that it would not be directly sucked into the vortex.

A huge suction force was born in the vortex, trying to pull the large area of ​​thoughts and the running orders under its protection into the vortex.

During the stalemate, the shell exploded directly!

The roar resounded throughout the entire vvip area, but not all the energy of the explosion acted on the wall.

The thought that blocks the vortex is the first level of obstruction, and the whirlpool is the second level.

When a large area of ​​the mind was shattered, the explosion directly bombarded the vortex.

The vortex did not fully cover the wall behind it, and the impact caused cracks and signs of collapse in a large area of ​​the wall.

But the vortex blocking the explosion is not easy to deal with.

The suction force in the vortex suddenly strengthened, and some of the shrapnel and high temperature generated by the explosion were sucked into it, but more of it tore apart the vortex instantly.

The shattering of the vortex caused an even more violent explosion.

The wall protected behind the vortex shattered immediately.

There were many soldiers with guns behind the wall. They looked ahead with horrified faces, but what was waiting for them was only the impact of the explosion.

Rubbles, high temperatures, explosions, etc. swept across a corner of the vvip area in an instant. Whether it was the soldiers blocking the front or the wall behind the soldiers, they all collapsed.

When the gang members outside the vvip area were involved in the explosion, they set up explosion-proof shields and walked towards the vvip area in an orderly manner.

The explosion disappeared while walking, leaving only a huge gap and a mess behind it.

The bright red color began to spread toward the vvip area along the gap, and at the same time, blood drops like tadpoles appeared.

It was the people from the Xiu Wu Wu family who chose to take action.

Kobayakawa chose to retreat at this time. The VVIP area had been opened, and his reconnaissance and analysis tasks were naturally over. If there were problems that could not be solved in the future, he would take action again.

Yanmei did not lead the Aiyiyi family in paddling, but compared to the Xiuwuwu family, which brought many ordinary gang members, the Aiyiyi family had a smaller number, so it was not suitable to lead the charge.

The Aiyiyi family seems to be taking the elite route. After Melena seized power, all the remaining members of the family are those who have gained Melena's abilities.

And after such a long period of accumulation, these people have become capable people.

Therefore, in the absence of capable people, the people of the Ai Yi family will not go out. Besides following up and destroying the king's army, there is a more important thing for them to do, which is to eliminate the skin.

The people who used flames before and those who created the partition were all ability users of the Aiyiyi family.

Now that we know how to get rid of the skin, it is logical to leave these people to deal with the skin.

However, considering the area where the skin spreads, it is also a laborious task to deal with the skin, which requires a lot of time, so the remaining eyes and brain can only be left to the people of the Xiuwu and Wu family.

But in fact, everyone knows that if the brain is related to King Cajin, then the only thing that the Xiu Wu family really needs to deal with is the eyes.

But the problem is that there is a high probability that Eyes is also with King Cajin at this time.

In addition, the Xiuwu·Wu family actually boarded the cruise ship like the Gasia·Ya family. In addition to completing the promised tasks, they also had things to do themselves.

Unlike Melena of the Aiyi family who went to the lower level, the heads of these two families are still on the cruise ship.

Therefore, the members of the Xiuwu and Wu family who rushed into the vvip area not only had to deal with these Kajin soldiers, but also quickly found the family leader.

According to normal circumstances, the team leaders of these two companies should actually be in the vvip area.

In addition, in addition to finding the group leader Ye Caihua, the Gaxia Ya family also needs to get in touch with the seventh prince.

So at the same time that people from the Xiuwu and Wu family rushed into the vvip area, the young head of the Gasia Ya family also broke into the vvip area with his people.

As for the issue of the skeleton, he left it entirely to his subordinates.

For a time, a large number of people poured into the vvip area. Even if there were many soldiers of the King's Army defending inside, they could not resist this force. Soon the vvip area completely fell to the coalition's offensive. Down.

But Kobayakawa, who was walking at the very back, was frowning, his eyes scanning the area from time to time.

In this vvip area, he only saw a large number of King's Army soldiers with firearms, but there were very few real ability users.

In addition, the number of soldiers was also a bit too small. According to their previous guesses about the number of soldiers on the cruise ship, it should be at least about 2,000.

Excluding the casualties caused by Mo Laowu and the others on the cruise ship and the organ parts, there should be more than a thousand soldiers on the ship.

Cajin's King's Army can be said to be elite warriors among real soldiers, but now they are facing a no-name army like the United Army, and they are showing a completely crushed situation. This is something wrong.

Kobayakawa's eyes were covered with thoughts. He took a few steps quickly and observed more soldiers who were resisting.

The Qi on the soldiers' heads slowly attracted Kobayakawa's attention. Although normal people's Qi is emitted all the time, it is more natural. But now the Qi on the heads of these King's soldiers is directly connected to the ceiling of the room. up, and continues to output rapidly towards the ceiling.

It was as if there was an insatiable mouth on the ceiling of this VIP area, constantly sucking the essence of all the king's soldiers on the ship.

brain? Or maybe someone with abilities?


Kobayakawa frowned, suddenly thinking of the skeletons in the lower layer that could multiply indefinitely.

It is impossible for thoughts to be born out of thin air. The huge pile of bones and the situation where bones are born all the time require the support of a large amount of Qi.

Although they have known this for a long time and even made guesses about it.

However, analysis of the intelligence brought back by Mo Laowu at that time showed that the energy in the pile of bones should be more likely to be obtained by killing soldiers and lower-class people, just like the knife-wielders made from blood vessels and blood.

But now looking at the direction of the anger on the Cajun King's army, Kobayakawa understood.

The Qi of the dead is still limited, but the Qi of the living can be extracted in large quantities, and even has the ability to recover.

Kajin's soldiers are like the domestic animals they raise in captivity, providing nutrition to the skeletal monsters created by Kajin all the time.

Only in this way can we explain that after slaughtering the supply depot, the skeleton pair still had the power to deal with the people arriving on the cruise ship on a large scale.

But in this case? A thought suddenly flashed through Kobayakawa's mind, and at the same time he was greatly alert!

If the pile of bones has been extracting gas, then this vvip area that is not covered and invaded by the pile of bones should be that large pasture!

Everyone who enters the pasture will become livestock that provide energy for the pile of bones!

Kobayakawa glanced at the gang member who first entered the vvip area. The gang member's energy was already exuding as usual, but Kobayakawa was sure that he was emitting more energy than usual!

It's just that it's so much more concealed that it's difficult for an ability user to detect the degree of this subtle effect even when using the tangle.

"Is this the trap left by King Nasby?" Kobayakawa's own mind has remained entangled, and at the same time he can be sure that he has not been affected yet.

So the question is, how are people who break into the VVIP area affected?

Kobayakawa glanced around, but couldn't see anything unusual nearby, which made him more serious.

Kobayakawa had some communication with the Gasia family before when the head of the family came here, so he had some understanding of the Gasia family's method of dealing with the pile of bones.

But judging from the situation in this vvip area, even if the people of the Gasia Ya family can dispose of all the visible skeletons on the ship, they may not be able to truly dispose of the skeletons. The skeletons may even be restored after accumulating enough strength. Appear.

Following this idea, there is only one possibility that can be thought of!

That is the skeleton and core, or the person with the ability to manifest the pile of bones. It is somewhat inaccurate to say that the person has the ability. It is more accurate to say that the skeletal organs that manifested the skeleton should be in this vvip area.

Kobayakawa came to a conclusion, but how to pinpoint the opponent's specific location in this large vvip area is a big problem.

The information obtained from Mo Laowu can be analyzed to show that when the organ parts are still born in the selected sacrifice, the original ability user will gradually transform and completely change into the set organ parts.

The situation of the pile of bones and the time that had passed allowed Kobayakawa to determine that the other party had completely turned into a skeleton!

But is the other party a pile of bones, a large bone, or something like the blood that Mo Laowu and the others have come into contact with condensed into something else?

Kobayakawa touched his chin and saw that he also needed to use some strength other than mental strength.

Everyone has worries, even if that person has become less human, the emotion of worry will still exist.

It may be worried about why it is like this, or it may be worried about why it is here. It may even be annoyed about some noises, or irrelevant things, such as no flowerpots placed, and a flower on the white wall. A black spot, or a fly flying past.

Kobayakawa closed his eyes, and the circle began to spread outward with him as the center. Also spreading out was the thought slowly released from his body.

As long as there are troubles, he can sense them and solve them for the other person.

This is him, the association's two-star trouble hunter, an expert in dealing with troubles and all kinds of debris.

When Kobayakawa's circle of thoughts touches life, threads of trouble appear outside the body of every thinking being, floating like reeds that suddenly rise.

Kobayakawa walked forward step by step among the reeds and cast his eyes on all the individuals born from the trouble threads.

Although his circle cannot cover the entire vvip area, it can still cover a radius of nearly a hundred meters. As he moves around, this range is enough for him to see all the targets that need to be observed.

In the vvip area, both the gangs and the ability users from the association discovered Kobayakawa's Madoka, but none of them raised any objections about it.

Even if there were people who were dissatisfied, they just snorted coldly and continued to do what they should do when more worries appeared above their heads.

The key to this is not only because of Kobayakawa's identity and strength, but also because of the people around Kobayakawa, the deputy leader of the Xiu Wu family and the young head of the Gasia family.

Kobayakawa didn't pay attention to this. After walking dozens of meters, he suddenly stopped and smiled.

He has discovered the other party!

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