Hunter Queen: Killer Queen

Chapter 150: Insect Crying God Word Lack of Oxygen

Chapter 150 The sound of insects × divine words × lack of oxygen

The spies Joey sent out were not just swifts in the sky, but also poisonous snakes on the ground.

The perception system of snakes is different from that of humans. It can not only rely on its eyes, but also rely on vibrations and constant tongue sticking out to sense the surroundings.

Although Dick was well hidden, the vibrations caused by his actions in the sand could not escape the perception of snakes, and the odor molecules emitted from his body could not escape the super strong sense of smell of venomous snakes.

So Joey, who had already known the hidden location of the opponent's other body from the reminder of the poisonous snake, made arrangements for it.

A very simple arrangement, leaving the first bomb on the poisonous scorpion and letting it move towards the opponent's location from under the sand.

In order not to alert the enemy, he did not choose to touch and annihilate the opponent. Instead, after entering the three-meter explosion range, he suddenly accelerated upward and exploded when the distance reached about two meters.

Although it is difficult for this kind of explosion to really hurt the opponent, what Joey wants is to blast the opponent out from under the sand.

Because what appeared together with the explosion was that he was in the [Mirage] state and sneaked over.

That's right, when releasing the poisonous scorpion, although Joey's body seemed to be rushing towards the guy who wanted to kill the sniper, he actually used [Mirage] to move himself towards the lurking sand. The man in the middle came closer.

After all, even if the heart-piercing attack cannot kill the opponent, it can still be combined with some animals he sends over to delay the opponent for a few breaths.

But the hidden guy who was blown out will inevitably sneak into the sand again once he lands on the sand again.

And the probability that the other party is the main body is also greater.

So Joey appeared, and immediately covered the opponent's body with the circle he had prepared.

At the same time, the weather mind beast on his shoulder finally showed its power after accumulating for a long time. The moment the circle covered the opponent, thunderclouds appeared above the opponent, but the strong wind appeared below the opponent.

The thunder that struck down in anger hit Dick, who was struggling in the air but was unable to reach the ground due to the strong wind.

Even with Nian's protection, he felt his whole body numb and stiff at that moment.

And if he cannot land, the connection between him and the sand will naturally be severed.

Just after such a delay, a coin popped out of Joey's hand and hit Dick's body. Killer Queen's right hand made a motion of pressing the button, and a third human stick appeared in the mid-air swept by the strong wind.

Dick let out a shrill scream, but the normal humanoid weather beast released by Joey had already slashed the back of his neck with a hand knife.

Dick fell into a coma and fell on the sand, but Joey suddenly pulled away from him. At the same time, a coin in front of him quickly changed into the shape of a swift.

At this moment, [Ming], which had been firmly grasping Dick's shoulder, let out a more miserable sound than Dick had made before.

During this cry, Joey saw a whirlpool-shaped space suddenly appear in the space in front of him.

He had only seen this situation when Nobu used [Window Opener] or [Fourth Dimension Apartment] to open the door to the outside.

Inside that vortex is an unknown space!

Joey was very sure. At the same time, he focused his eyes and saw a mist-like humanoid thing being pulled out from the unknown space and instantly poured into the fallen human stick Dick.

The explosion of the heart-piercing attack in the distance has stopped. Obviously, the guy who was turned into a stick by Joey is the opponent's true form.

And the situation now is very clear.

He posed a death threat to Dick, so the [Crying] on Dick's shoulder also sensed the danger and activated its life-saving ability.

No, this shouldn't be considered a life-saving ability, because if the soul that the other party pulled over wins.

Then Dick, who was turned into a human being by him, is likely to disappear completely, and then the information he wants will completely become a secret and disappear together.

And Joey was very sure that from the beginning to now, he had no murderous intention towards Naru.

In this situation, how did Ming feel the crisis, or was this thing also possessed of wisdom?

No matter what the specific situation is, the current situation is that Ming's actions are not to save his life, but to keep secrets and kill people.

Joey reacted instantly, but it was too late to stop him. At the same time, he saw helplessly that the song after releasing the song was drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if its life force had been drained, and it had entered a countdown to death.

Joey's eyes narrowed, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes.

When [Ming]'s screams stopped, the vortex in the different space disappeared, and the soul he pulled was injected into Dick's body, he suddenly rushed out and grabbed the dying [Ming] in his hand, and then The golden experience thought was instantly injected into [Ming]'s body.

Since you are going to lose your life force and die, then I will inject life force into you and let you live!

This was what Joey was thinking at this moment. Joey, who was holding Ming at the same time, also quickly noticed a row of divine characters engraved on Ming's abdomen.

With his understanding of divine characters, he memorized all of them in an instant and quickly analyzed them in his mind.

When Ming's life breath became weaker and weaker, and even the golden experience could not save him, Joey analyzed the meaning of the divine word.

This is a control-type divine word combination that strengthens control and commits suicide in danger!

The first bomb fell on Ming's body in an instant, and Annihilation took away a large piece of flesh and blood in Ming's abdomen that was engraved with divine characters in less than a blink of an eye.

At the same time, Joey's Golden Experience Mind no longer injected into Ming's body, but quickly generated body parts to fill Ming's body.

The whole process went smoothly, and more importantly, as the first bomb annihilated the divine character part, Ming's vitality no longer dissipated, and the whole thing fell limply into Joey's hands.

While he was rescuing Ming, Dick, who was in the form of a human stick on the ground, slowly opened his eyes.

Joey just glanced at those eyes and understood that the person he defeated and the person he wanted to use to extract information was gone. The current owner of this body was just a thing called a [weapon]. That’s all.

He tried to say something to it, but the feedback he received was no feedback.

It was obvious that [Weapons] would not cooperate with him.

Joey thought for a while and simply annihilated the opponent completely. Then he held the dying Ming in one hand and quickly walked towards the last sniper. After lifting the opponent, Joey took a look at the scene and simply launched the first sniper. A bomb and controlled piercing attack cleaned up the area.

Then looking at the traces erased by the snake's movement, Joey activated [Weather Forecast] to take the off-road vehicle out. After placing Ming and the sniper separately, he started the vehicle and hit the road again.

But halfway through, Joey created an orangutan, who sat in the back seat holding Ming in his arms.

Things like Ming are quite dangerous. Without knowing how to use them and how to solve the screaming crisis, Joey still thinks it would be better to hand it over to the Golden Experience Gorilla.

In this way, even if it screams, the soul it pulls should enter the gorilla's body immediately.

As for the sniper, he casually threw him into the passenger seat and tied him up with a seat belt.

I think the other party should be waking up soon. After all, the wounds are all charred and black due to the ability to kill the emperor. There will be no excessive blood loss at all. At most, he will feel abnormal pain after waking up.

This battle was rewarding for Joey. Whether it was the person he caught or the Ming he got, it had a good effect on him.

But for this reason, his disguised identity should also be exposed.

Fortunately, he had already had an idea, so when he entered Sahel Tower, he used the identity that Kate had given him in Youkesin, which was Fox.

As for the temporary hunter certificate, it only costs a little money and is really easy to obtain in the association.

Especially since Joey knew quite a few people at the association headquarters.

However, considering the national power of Saheerta, if they are determined to find him, they will probably find some connections along the clues, but by the time they find out, Joey estimates that he is already in the Cajun Empire.

Besides, he wasn't afraid of any pursuit teams. This battle made Joey more confident in himself.

His only worry was that this great power would have some incomprehensible capabilities.

The ability of telekinesis is ever-changing, among which oaths and restrictions make many impossible things possible. What if Saheerta has some ability to find him, and there is a deadpool like one-hit kill? It will feel a little difficult to handle.

Looking at it this way, a suitable substitute, or more accurately a clone, has become a very necessary ability.

At least the clone is very useful in preventing disasters.

With this thought in mind, Joey touched a handkerchief in his arms. Compared to using a living Ming to gain abilities, Joey felt that a dead Ming would make him feel more at ease.

Especially the divine words on this handkerchief have been interpreted, so as long as you are careful, there will be no problems.

Moreover, during the trip, Joey did not fall behind in learning the divine characters. The fact that he was able to quickly understand the meaning of the divine characters carved on Ming's body was due to his learning of the divine characters during this period.

He has been able to perfectly engrave the sentence that Jin told him that can lock the soul.

After leaving Saheer Tower, he only needs to find a place to engrave the divine characters on his body. After starting to study the divine characters on the handkerchief and engrave them all on his body, he will be able to use the manifestation provided by Mingpi. ization ability.

But in this way, his original idea of ​​using the manifestation ability to create a storage space was shattered again.

After all, both the previous Geralt and the currently living Ming seemed to provide only clones in terms of their ability to manifest themselves.

Regarding the specific situation, Joey thought it would be better to question the sniper.

"Wake up, there's no need to keep pretending, I can feel it." Joey's circle is always on, so he can clearly sense everything in the car.

The size of the circle can be related to the scope of his abilities, so Joey never slackens off. As long as conditions permit, he will continue to open the circle to train himself at all times.

And opening the circle for a long time makes it easier for him to control the atmosphere.

Only by perfectly mastering the atmosphere can he be able to use various weird weather conditions more smoothly, and even quickly reach the state where a vacuum instantly formed when he fought against Yungu.

If he masters this ability, then the area he covers will become a sure-shot venue.

Kill in person? That kind of pediatric ability, compared to Joey's ability to develop into a coverage kill, is considered to be at the kindergarten level.

"What do you want? You won't get anything good if you offend Sahelta." Sniper Orlando opened his eyes. He looked at Joey with some fear and even fear, but he said the most useless words. threatening language.

In Joey's opinion, such people are completely unqualified soldiers.

The psychological quality is too poor, and at the same time, there is no city government.

It's not a good choice for him, because such a novice guy probably doesn't have much information.

But no matter how little information, for Joey now, it is better than nothing.

"Well, so what?" Joey glanced at him.

"So..." Orlando was obviously stunned for a moment, and then stammered: "You, you let me go, and... and..."

"You can't say it, because you yourself know that you are worthless to Saheerta." Joey said hurtfully, poking directly into the other person's heart: "So, accept your fate, you have become a prisoner, and you don't want to die. If so, just cooperate with me honestly.”

"You're dreaming!" Orlando responded: "I'm already like this. Even if I can leave, where can I go?"

"That's right. How about committing another sin before you die? Like your companions before, how about being devoured by the [weapon] soul summoned by Ming?"

While Joey was talking, the gorilla in the back seat cooperated and handed over the dying [Ming].

"You, you, you are not a [weapon]?" Orlando's eyes widened, and at the same time he moved his stick-like body in fear. As for the way of moving, he moved his neck.

However, this cannot escape Joey's observation. It seems that Ming's threat is quite effective.

I just don’t know why. Is it because I’m afraid that my soul will be devoured and I will lose the chance of reincarnation? Or does he have a deeper understanding of Ming?

Joey's eyes flashed slightly, then he took out the handkerchief from his arms and waved it in front of Orlando: "Of course I'm not a [weapon], I just accidentally got a piece of skin and learned something about weapons."

Orlando has been touched by the Killing Emperor, and his body has also been searched. There is nothing that can contact the outside world, so Joey doesn't mind showing some things he knows in order to get more information he wants to know.

"Did you get it from Cajin?" Orlando gritted his teeth: "Damn it, you are already the fourth one. How many more [weapons] have flowed into Lake Mobius?"

Orlando's eyes were red, and his eyes moved a little slowly, but they still looked filled with indignation.

"We have to ask Ka Jin. They have already reached a condition with [Weapons]. As long as they can reach the Dark Continent, they will definitely go to the labyrinth city with weapons."

Joey followed Orlando's words, and at the same time, different lights around him were refracted and emitted sparkling light.

"It's useless. The gatekeeper will get rid of all the [weapons], and Kajin can't reach the Dark Continent."

Orlando hesitated for a moment, his eyes were attracted by the flickering light, and he slowly said: "Since you are not a weapon, there is no enmity with Sahelta, as long as you are willing to hand over Minghe's handkerchief to me. , and can even become a guest of Sahel Tower. As for the dead members of the tracking team, our skills are inferior to others. "

"Gatekeeper? Ka Jin dares to promise. Naturally, he will take the gatekeeper's matter into consideration. They have a way. You must know that this is not the first time Ka Jin has gone to the Dark Continent."

Joey looked straight ahead and said something that was irrelevant but seemed to make some sense.

"Huh? You know?" Orlando's eyes widened in surprise.

"Of course, I come from Bergrosai, don't treat me like an ignorant brat, okay?" Joey said with sarcasm in his tone.

As for the real situation, these words are just some inferences he had, and now they have been confirmed through the conversation with Orlando.

From this point of view, Kajin also arrived in the Dark Continent, but what prevented them from becoming V6 at that time?

And what direction are they exploring? Are there any survivors? What did you bring back from the Dark Continent?

"Now that you know everything, you should understand the importance of getting rid of [weapons]. If [gold and silver ingots] are allowed to obtain the specific situation of Mobius Lake, then a large number of [spores] will enter Mobius." As for the Lake Ouse area, it will be a real disaster then!

This is a super disaster that has entered the human world again after the human-animal Pappu and Zorba AIDS. Whether humans can survive then will really depend on luck. "

Orlando issued exhortations, but also gave more information.

"This is your Sahelta's responsibility, not our Berosai's responsibility." Joey said with sarcasm, perfectly interpreting a proud Berosai.

"You, you are trying to trick me!" Orlando suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Joey in disbelief: "Who are you?"

"The lack of oxygen is okay, but the hypnosis technique is a bit ineffective." Joey touched his chin and said something that Orlando didn't understand at all.

But Orlando also felt the slowness of his thinking. It seemed that since he woke up, his breathing had become more and more laborious, and his brain was turning very slowly, as if the activity of his brain had been suppressed.

Is this also the other party's ability?

There was drool at the corner of Orlando's mouth, and his face began to become a little crooked.

Joey frowned slightly as he looked at Orlando's condition. This seemed to be a symptom of a stroke? But how could it be?

In other words, the effect of hypoxia was too strong, which gave Orlando the possibility of regaining consciousness. Was it a return to the light?

If so, it may have been really done. As expected, there is no ability to carry out specific experiments. There are some risks in taking it out.

It appears there may be permanent damage to the brain.

Joey quickly analyzed the current situation, and at the same time raised his hand, preparing to put Orlando into a coma to recover.

But before he took action, Orlando suddenly said: "I am willing to give my life, just to let..."

Orlando's sudden words gave Joey a bad premonition, and his eyes followed Orlando's mouth and saw a big word "God" appeared on his tongue as he spoke.

That seems to be the oath of an oath!

At that moment, Killer Queen appeared and pressed her right thumb without hesitation.

Orlando's eyes widened and he stared at Joey unwillingly, but there was absolutely nothing he could do about Joey, because cracks appeared in his entire body during the expansion, and then he was annihilated and turned into fly ash.

Joey looked at the fly ash scattered on the passenger seat with a more solemn expression.

He still had many questions to ask. If he wasn't worried about what secrets there were in the other person's body, he would definitely just annihilate the other person's tongue.

But if the other party is jealous and unwilling to complete the second half of the vow without speaking, he will be the one who suffers.

To be on the safe side, it's better to send the other person away.

As for Ming, just study slowly. Maybe it would be better to return to the association headquarters.

With this thought in mind, Joey opened the car window, sent the ashes after Orlando's death out of the car, then stepped on the accelerator and accelerated towards the desert.

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