Hunter Queen: Killer Queen

Chapter 135 Equivalent exchange is guided to the account

Chapter 135 Equivalent exchange × guidance × arrival

The editor's text message to Milton was very simple: "I may have the bodies of members of the Phantom Troupe here. How should I exchange them for money when they are dead?"

Milleston's reply was quick: "Where is it!!!"

"Sky Arena."

"Ten minutes, my people can get there in ten minutes, and the money will be credited to your card based on the target's identity."

"OK! Don't worry, I'll give you specific information later."

"You seem to have known about the abilities that Chrollo can use! But after thinking about it, I can't figure out where you got the information." Hisoka, who was walking in front, suddenly said.

What he said made Joey slowly raise his head.

Joey didn't show any abnormality at all: "I have left equipment to monitor everything in the arena, so I heard all the conversations between you and Chrollo."

Hisoka turned to look at him, and then shook his finger: "No, this is impossible, because as soon as I found you, I checked around the arena and there was no disguise. Living things exist in the ring.

In other words, you are lying! "

Hisoka was very sure, but Joey refused to let go: "Maybe your inspection was not careful enough."

"Let's just pretend that I didn't check carefully." Hisoka compromised very easily and no longer dwelled on this issue, but changed to another question: "If you want to buy your own life, what price will you pay!"

This is considered to be an obvious statement.

Joey's brows furrowed tightly: "You want to kill me? It's not necessary. I'm very cooperative, and there should be no conflict between us."

"No, I won't kill you, and I will give you benefits, but at least you have to come up with the corresponding chips, right?" Hisoka continued to induce: "Is Kate your master? If you threaten me, let him and I You should be able to do it with a fight!”

"Are you threatening me?" Joey stopped: "Do you think you've got me under control now? I can't see you!"

As he spoke, clouds appeared around Joey, and at the same time, the figure of Killer Queen quietly appeared.

Although Joey felt that there was still a gap between himself and Hisoka, he did not feel that he had no chance of escaping or even fighting.

After all, his condition is average, but Hisoka should be even worse!

"Threat? No, no, no, how could that happen?"

Hisoka spoke in an upbeat tone, and at the same time, the aura exuding from his body became lower and lower.

"I've been thinking about making a deal with you. Of course, if you really don't want to, I don't mind having a fight with you here. It just so happens that I'm still somewhat interested in your abilities. After all, you can barely be a star. What a green little apple!”

At the end of the words, Yan Yi gradually began to pervert, and especially Hisoka, who was suppressing his anger, felt even more broken.

It was obvious that Hisoka, who was being plotted by Chrollo, was not reconciled to his failure and was even a little angry.

Joey hesitated for a moment, and Killer Queen gradually disappeared: "Equivalent exchange?"

"Well, in exchange of equal value, the lives of two brigade members are exchanged for the opportunity to fight Kate and your life. You gain blood and I lose a little." Hisoka raised two fingers.

But Joey's eyes fell on the thoughts on his fingers that had spread to the nearby wall at some point.

Obviously, if he had made any changes before, the two of them would definitely be fighting together now.

"I can treat you and restore you to your best condition. How about replacing the conditions you proposed with this condition?" Joey's eyes fell on Hisoka's left arm.

That was the last thing he saw where Hisoka's arm was blown off before leaving.

Although everything seemed normal there now, Joey knew that this was just the effect of being obscured by Hisoka's telekinesis ability [Thin Illusion] and [Stretchy Love].

Hisoka's method should be to use the chewing gum-like properties of [Stretchy Love] to shape his arms, and then use [Thin Illusion] to simulate skin covering the [Stretchy Love], creating a kind of... The illusion of complete recovery.

In fact, if you remove everything, Hisoka's body should be in tatters.

Hisoka can walk around with wounds all over his body, and even threaten him, which is really shocking.

"Is it just like you recovering your own arm?" Hisoka's eyes also fell on Joey's arm, and he answered happily: "Yes."

Hisoka agreed so quickly that Joey had a feeling.

Hisoka seemed to be waiting for him to make this suggestion!

"I'm curious, how do you know [the illusion of thinness]? Can't my arms be sewn up?"

Hisoka's right hand touched his left arm, and a thin piece of skin made entirely of thoughts was pulled up by him, revealing an arm entirely made of thoughts underneath.

"Of course, I know you won't tell me, because this should be your secret."

Hisoka looked at Joey's gloomy expression, and the murderous aura in his body somehow disappeared.

"But now, it's our shared secret. It seems that you and I are destined to become friends! After all, secrets are only things that friends keep from each other, right! Joey who can know the future."

Joey no longer needed to explain, because he knew very well that Hisoka would trust his own judgment more than the explanation he gave.

However, he was not prepared to explain. He even spoke of treating Sisso and did not deny the corpses of the two brigade members proposed by Hisoka. This was all a disguised acknowledgment of Hisoka's judgment.

But there was no way, Hisoka was indeed the one who took the initiative in this dialogue game.

And this initiative was not only the reason why Joey did not dare to attack him rashly, but also the reason why Joey wanted to get the bodies of the two brigade members through him.

This is indeed a good exchange of equal value.

It's just that the items on both sides of the scale were given by Joey on one side, to treat Hisoka, to acquiesce in Hisoka's guess, and to give him the surveillance brigade member Madge as a sweetener. This item had no meaning to Hisoka, but it was somewhat beneficial to him. Meaningful things.

On the other side, Hisoka gave the corpses of two brigade members a friendship that might be of little use to him, but might be of some use.

It's fair, at least both parties feel that they are not losing.

As for the next thing, it was simple. When Hisoka saw the vigilante sitting outside the public toilet from a distance, he sneaked into the toilet and brought out Kurollo who lent his ability to Chrollo and was not a combatant himself. Beep head.

When the knight discovered that Hisoka came out of the public toilet with Kubi's head, he rushed towards Hisoka, but he also lent his ability to Chrollo and had not yet received it back, so how could he be Hisoka's opponent.

Joey saw everything with his own eyes and witnessed the birth of the toilet war god with his own eyes.

Just saying he is the God of War is a bit too much.

After all, Kubi and Xia Ke are not the ones responsible for fighting in the brigade, especially when their abilities are still on loan.

In Joey's opinion, the entire battle was simply a one-sided killing.

Even looking at it as a whole, Joey felt that if he replaced Hisoka, he might be able to get the title of toilet war god.

But after thinking about it, he still felt that this tasteful title was more suitable for Hisoka.

In his wild thoughts, Hisoka had already completed the killing, and he threw Kubi's transformed head towards Joey.

"The rest of this place will be left to you. Of course, whether you can guard these two corpses depends on your own ability."

Hisoka turned his head and walked away: "I have written down your phone number. When you finish handling the matter, remember to come to the hotel to find me, otherwise, hum!"

Joey saw Hisoka leaving, and at the same time, Madge's angry roar came from the phone, and he couldn't help but speed up the transmission of the information to Milton.

At the same time, he took Kubi's head and the vigilante's battered body and quickly hid in a nearby building.

At this moment, the cell phone on the knight's body rang.

"Hello, hello, are you a family member of the deceased?" Joey answered the phone very calmly and said calmly: "Hello?"

The other end of the phone was very quiet, but Joey knew that this was probably Madge trying to calm down her mood.

"Yes, where are they?" An extremely suppressed female voice came from the receiver.

"Near the public toilet in Bagel Park, the police are currently involved in the investigation. The body will be transported to the police station. You can go directly to the police station to claim it."

When Joey finished speaking, Madge's voice had disappeared on the phone.

He threw the knight's cell phone into the trash can, took out his own cell phone, and edited the text message.

"The person has been led to the police station. Whether you can find and catch him or not is your problem. Remember to transfer money! - Your client who has been very poor recently."

"Don't worry! I can't beat you, do you really not consider coming to work in the company? I can give you part of the shares. Seriously!"

Milton replied carefully, and emphatically wrote the word "serious" at the end.

But Joey just glanced at it and deleted the message. The conditions were good, but it was not the time yet.

Three minutes later, Milton's people arrived at his location, packed the bodies of Xiake and Kubi, and transported them away in a truck. The whole process was very professional, and it looked like they had collected the bodies more than once.

Joey, who had settled his worries, did not stay and returned to the Sky Arena again.

But when he arrived outside the arena, he found that the thick smoke in the arena had disappeared, the explosion had disappeared, and even the connection between him and the heart-piercing attack tank was gone.

This made Joey frown.

Did someone solve the problem of the heart-piercing attack for him? How to solve it?

Unable to determine the location of the heart-piercing attack, Joey always felt a little uneasy, so he found a hidden location and aimed his first bomb at an area of ​​the wall to directly penetrate it.

I carefully sneaked into the venue through the wall, but what I saw were all kinds of busy white coats and protective clothing.

Joey quietly came up behind a guard wearing protective clothing and knocked him unconscious with one palm. Joey dragged him to a dark place, took off his protective clothing and put it on himself.

He changed into a protective suit, completely covering up his appearance, and walked toward the place where his arm flew out in his memory.

There were many injured people in the stadium, but Joey's move didn't arouse anyone's thoughts. He easily walked to the severed hand that was knocked away by the shock wave released by Geralt.

Looking at the severed hand that had not been cleaned up, Joey was slightly relieved. Then he touched the severed hand and activated the first bomb ability to completely annihilate it. Then he turned around and returned the way he came, and quickly left the venue.

What happened next was simple for him.

The next morning, he not only received Hisoka's message, but also received Miloston's first transfer to him.

It was a reward for him to provide information on March's location. It wasn't a lot, only 10 million.

From this price, Joey knew that the arrest failed, otherwise the money he got would have been over 100 million.

As for the bounties for Xia Ke and Ku Bie, according to Milton, the process is already going through, but because Joey is not a hunter yet, this time may be delayed for a while.

Joey didn't care. He wasn't in a hurry for money anyway.

Even after settling Geralt's matter, he was ready to use his true identity, Joey Joestar, to register as a player in the Sky Arena.

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