Chapter Fifty-Four

(Subscription, flowers, flowers)

The two sides seemed to start a confrontation, and Hiko clearly heard Ling Ye loudly questioning who the other party was.

Yan was a little surprised, the other party didn't know what kind of force gluttony was?

Logically speaking, the people who have this kind of combat power on the earth must be the people from the Super Divine Academy, and the other party is also in the territory of Huaxia.

He doesn't know who the gluttony is? On the other side of Lieyang, he remembered that there was cooperation with Earth, and they seemed to have sent people to help Earth organize a plan against gluttony a long time ago.

Yan's good-looking willow eyebrows frowned slightly, she was thinking, if Ling Ye didn't know gluttony, it meant that he didn't join the Super Divine Academy or didn't know about the Super Divine Academy.

But there is no reason, the earth civilization has never given birth to their own gods except for the monkey.

Almost all of the super genes on Earth now are the genetic bloodlines brought over by the Deno galaxy, and it is unlikely ~ there will be other people coming, right?

The strength displayed by Ling Ye made Hiko believe that this may have the genes of Kamigawa, but this - there was a problem.

If this is the case, then there is no possibility that the super-theological academy will not supervise him, or protect him, after all, they must not be allowed to have an accident at a critical time.

Now that gluttony is coming, it will protect these divine river bloodlines, since this is the case, then there is no reason for Lingye to kill gluttony alone here.

What's more, he still doesn't know what the other party's identity is.

Feeling a large confusion lingering in her heart, Hiko struggled to clear the mysteries through her thoughts, until in the end she still couldn't figure out what was going on.

The next moment, the people on both sides who were originally facing each other appeared again, this time it was Ling Ye's hand that moved first, and he directly pulled the trigger without hesitation.

A cloud of bullets hit the shield in front of Hunter, Hiko shook her head, she chuckled, although the other party looked good physically, but also could move at high speed.

But the weapons didn't seem to be very good, two pistols that looked like idiosyncrasies, and she didn't think that these two pistols could break the energy shield of energy.

But in the next second, a scene that surprised her appeared, Ling Ye withdrew the two weapons, and a long knife with a sheath suddenly appeared in her hand.

Yan was slightly surprised, microwormhole technology? It doesn't feel like ah, but the principle should be similar, and how did this guy master the microwormhole technique.

It seems that the gluttonous side is going to move the real thing, and Yan plans to go down and help him if Ling Ye can't hold it, and the gluttony won't catch people for no reason.

It can be seen that the other party's first reaction is to plan to capture the kid below, but I didn't expect this to be a hard idea, and now they seem to be planning not to capture it alive.

Suddenly, the battle situation below changed drastically, and only a crisp sound was heard, which was the sound of high-speed friction when the long knife was unsheathed.


A huge black and blue sword suddenly slashed out, directly slashing at the oncoming beam attacks, he seemed to be planning to fight hard?

Yan's willow eyebrows are tight, shouldn't ah, the other party has the ability to move at high speed, it's very simple to dodge these attacks, there is no need to fight hard, right?

Ling Ye's figure suddenly disappeared, and when it appeared again, it was already in mid-air, and Yan was slightly startled.

She had always thought that Ling Ye had mastered a method similar to high-speed movement, but now it seemed that he was using more direct teleportation.

In addition to a small number of specific genetic creations, this ability can only be achieved by more than three generations of super soldiers, and Yan's brows are wrinkled even further.

Her beautiful face also had a solemn and thoughtful look, and she began to think about the performance of Ling Ye from the war just now to now.

Soon, Yan, who had seven thousand years of combat experience, quickly judged that the other party had deliberately blocked the attack, and he was now trying to shift the battle line.

Thinking of this, Yan quickly thought that since the other party did this, it proved that there must be other people nearby, otherwise Ling Ye's series of actions would not make sense at all.

Hiko's gaze scanned the dense woods below, and soon, she spotted a life fluctuation that was close to the battlefield, and a stream of data flashed in Hiko's eyes.

Soon, she saw clearly that it was a beautiful girl who looked fashionably dressed, and from the physical data, it seemed to be just an ordinary earth woman.

"Well, I'll take a look... Qilin is a female superintendent of the Juxia City Police Department, her father is the local police chief, yo, or a second generation. "

0 for flowers 0

She chuckled and continued to look at Qilin's personal data: "Well, it's good, it's quite righteous, I think it's good to find an opportunity to let her come to our side." "

Unexpectedly, Qilin is not the kind of delicate and willful second-generation miss, this is indeed a very kind girl with a righteous heart.

Seeing this, Hiko no longer browsed the other party's privacy, she smiled and diverted her gaze.

Of course, she temporarily invoked dark energy to make a suggested shield for the other party, which can help her avoid damage for a certain period of time.

By the way, she also helped block Qilin's life breath, and just now she only focused on Ling Ye and did not detect Qilin's life fluctuations.

The gluttonous side should not have noticed that there were additional life energy fluctuations here, so he helped use dark energy to block out Qilin's life energy fluctuations.

In this way, even if Gluttony uses a device such as a high-frequency life detector to scan Qilin against Qilin's face, it may not be able to sweep out the fluctuations of life energy.

After doing all this, she continued to pay attention to the situation on the battlefield, and did not forget to contact Queen Kesha's side to report how the situation was.

The gluttonous side was still giving the order to attack, and at this moment, only a "buzz" sounded, and a strong fluctuation struck.

Yan felt that his head seemed to have a strong sense of vertigo just now, but it was only a few tenths of a second, and at this moment, the battle situation below changed sharply!

I saw that Lingye's figure disappeared again, and when he appeared, he had already arrived in the middle of a group of gluttonous soldiers, unlike Yan who was only dizzy for a few tenths of a second.

These gluttons almost directly fell into a state of vertigo for a long time, and there was no way to detect what danger was happening around them.

The next moment, I saw blue electric arcs rushing on Ling Ye's long knife, which seemed to be the power of lightning.

Yan felt it carefully, this seemed to be thunder energy but different, this energy was more violent and ferocious.

The next scene was basically Lingye's one-sided slaughter show, and Hiko silently watched the man dance a death waltz nine in the group of gluttonous soldiers.

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