Hubby, Please Spare Me

Chapter 741: Itchy skin, the chick owes to clean up 7

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless

"I know, you don't like Gu Haoting, but if you pass it, or you know it from the Gu family, your reputation is not very good." Shui Miaomiao said worriedly, and she felt that Huo Weiwu had no reason now.

"Miao Miao, I'm still in NV." Huo Weiwu exhaled smoke and said lightly.

Shui Miaomiao was a little surprised. After all, Huo Weiwu had been in contact with Wei Yankang for seven years. Actually, nothing happened.

Huo Weiwu's eyes were a little cold, and she looked at Shui Miaomiao, and there was a sadness in her eyes. Soon, she drowned into her cold eyes and said: "Gu Haoting doesn't like me, he may not touch me for a lifetime. , I don’t want to know what it feels like until I die?"

"Maybe not so bad?" Shui Miaomiao reassured.

"He had three fiancées, I didn't have a man, it was not a loss to marry him, and maybe he was very rude and only knew how to enjoy himself. I don't even know how high C feels. Isn't it pitiful." Huo Weiwu asked plainly.

"You can find someone you know by your side. Looking for the Cowherd, it feels a bit dirty." Li Baoyi suggested.

Huo Weiwu lit a cigarette in the ashtray and said sensibly: "People around me may have emotional entanglements. The problem is, I can't guarantee that he has the ability to make me comfortable, not to mention, knowing that I want Marrying Gu Haoting, provoking Gu Haoting's fiancée is tantamount to carrying his head, and no one dares.

Rest assured, the cowherds here have health certificates. They are much cleaner than the men outside. They don’t bother you with silver goods. And, I’m from a place. I need special patience for the first time, otherwise It’s me who died in pain. "

"If you are everywhere, your future husband knows that you might cherish you?" Li Baoyi said doubtfully.

Huo Weiwu took a breath and vomited on Li Baoyi's face, her eyes narrowed, and she became more and more fascinated, judgingly said: "What is not available is the best, fully obtained, Will not even cherish."

"The man who loves men is always a vixen that can't be caught, and is abandoned by men. Most of them are virtuous wives of virtue and virtue.

Speaking of being abandoned, Huo Weiwu twitched the corner of his mouth and his eyes fell.

In the past, she had Wei Yankang in her eyes and could not see others.

Seemingly charming and sexy, but traditionally conservative in his bones, he once thought of keeping the most holy and beautiful self on the night of the wedding.

She thought Li Baoyi thought that she would be cherished and pityed by her husband.

The results of it?

The coquette who could sleep with people at random robbed her of the man, which greatly shocked and satirized her consistent self-righteousness.

Today, it is not indulgence, but how to be comfortable and how to live and make yourself happy.

She wants to become, only her own Huo Weiwu, free and easy and willful.

No longer tired and hurt by love.

Shui Miaomiao didn't know what to say.

Huo Weiwu is actually very sensible, very smart, and very kind. Even if the heartache is about to die, she will not affect her. Those who are licking the wound in a dark corner, she is carrying.

"I will keep it confidential for you." Shui Miaomiao promised.

Huo Weiwu slightly raised the corner of her mouth, lowered her head, and her fan-like eyelashes covered her eyes, covering the fluctuations in her eyes.

She was not willing to give the first time to a stranger, but that was her best choice.

The smoke was simply extinguished.

She can't be the winner of love, then she will be the queen of her body.

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