HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 645: Game in progress


Harry had to swim alone for about ten more minutes.

In fact, the matter here did not exceed Fanlin's most speculations.

Harry barely had any strength to drill through the jungle of aquatic plants, but strangely, Harry did not see those mermaid pet siren.

Pulling away a blue-black waterweed, Harry was trying hard to recognize the direction. Even though Harry had become a fish-like body, in a large amount of water, it would be...

With a swish, Harry jumped off. This was not something a warrior could do. Obviously, it was because the little water monster slapped the water with his limbs.

Harry had the privilege of seeing these ugly little things, and had to admit that these little things did look a little bad.

Harry carefully drew the wand out, he wanted to use a spell to blow up the money.

However, considering the consumption of magic power, this does not seem to be a reliable proposal.

Moreover, Harry can try to avoid conflicts with these little siren, these little things are simply too much trouble in the water.

Harry speeded up his advancement, and he faintly saw the light of some spells flickering not far away, and it seemed that someone was in trouble.

However, Fanlin said to him that Dumbledore would ensure the safety of the contestants, and Harry naturally didn't worry about it, as long as he kept his head down and moved forward.

Harry swept it with his wand, and the waterweed separated a gap. Harry saw the opportunity and rushed over with an acceleration.

Suddenly, Harry heard someone singing in the distance.

He swam over and saw a group of mermaids sitting on a huge rock. They are catching big squid with spears.

This is not what they saw, the ones who often basked on the shore.

As he swam past the rock, he took the opportunity to look at them.

The bodies of these mermaids are iron-cyan, their hair is dark green, and their eyes are yellow, just like their rotten teeth. When they saw Harry swimming over, they all stared at him unkindly, and some mermaids deliberately came from the cave. Come out to see what happens.

Harry continued on, and suddenly, a magical scene appeared in front of him. There was a house on a meadow. There was also a group of mermaids in front of the house. They were singing around a statue, and underneath the statue were tied four people.

Ron was tied between an unknown girl and Qiu Zhang, and there was another girl who looked no more than eight years old.

Her thick silver hair reminded Harry of Fleur.

This is Fleur Delacour’s sister.

Dumbledore and the others are crazy, Gabriel is still so young, Harry can be sure what this is, the treasure of the warrior, this is not what is suddenly missing.

However, this method still made Harry feel bad. Soaking Gabriel in the water was really bad. It would be absolutely unpleasant to let those junior Gryffindors know about it.

All four of them seemed to be asleep, vomiting bubbles constantly in their mouths.

Harry swam to the statue to untie Ron's rope.

But the rope twisted with weeds was thick and tough. Harry looked at the merfolk around him. Fanlin had said that these merfolk would not fight with them, so Harry wasn't so vigilant. He swam to a long-bearded mermaid and borrowed a spear from him.

"No, we won't help you." He said harshly.

Harry had to find something sharp in the grass. He finally found an angular stone. He immediately swam towards Ron, cut the rope with a stone, and pulled him to the surface of the water.

Harry emerged from the water and looked around, but no other contestants were seen. Before he could think about it, he swam back. He was a little worried about Qiu and Gabriel.

It can be seen from Ron that the person who is tied under the water has absolutely no warm-up spell to protect it. It is too cold under the water, no matter who stays underneath...

When he was about to use a stone to cut the rope tied to Qiu, the merfolk immediately gathered around and shook their heads and said, "You have taken your things, and the others are left."

"No!" Harry said angrily, but only a few bubbles came out.

"Your task is to save your own friends and leave the others behind."

"No, she is my friend too, I don't want them to die." Harry spit out a bunch of bubbles.

Harry's hand was on Qiu's shoulder, hers turning blue by now. Harry wanted to look at the watch, but found it stopped.

According to that song, after an hour, nothing ceases to exist. He was desperately anxious, why didn't the other contestants show up yet?

At this moment, the mermaids screamed in excitement, only to see bubbles popping up above their heads. Harry decided to see that it was Cedric.

"Lost," Cedric chewed. "Sorry for being late."

Harry backed away a little. There was no doubt that Cedric was here to save Qiu. The others were not so familiar with Cedric~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cedric's wand glowed with a red light, and the rope clicked It broke.

"I'm leaving now, Harry." Cedric followed, and he tapped the watch on his wrist with his wand.

Harry nodded, and Cedric was reminding him to pay attention to the time.

It's just that Harry didn't say much, in fact, he still wanted to save Qiu himself.

After a while, Victor Krum also came. When he came, he caused a lot of riots. Krum used the Transfiguration Curse. He turned his head into the head of a shark. , This caused the surrounding mermaid to scream and retreat.

Krum didn't talk to him much, it seemed that it was such a waste of time, Krum directly bit the rope with the shark's mouth.

The two of them rescued Qiu and the girl they didn't know.

"What now?" Harry thought desperately.

Fleur is not here yet, but Gabrielle is in danger.

Harry looked at Gabrielle's blue lips, the little girl was absolutely frozen, and he didn't know how long it had passed.

He picked up the stone again, but the mermaids already knew what he wanted to do, and they all gathered around and shook their heads. Harry took out his magic wand and said, "Get out of the way." The mermaids seemed to be a little scared and stepped back.

Harry quickly cut off the rope to untie Gabriel, tied her around his waist, and then desperately went upstream.

The mermaids followed him, and Harry was very scared. Will they drag him down? Can they eat people? His legs were swimming non-stop, and his shoulders started to hurt gradually because of supporting Ron. The higher he goes, the harder he swims.

His neck started to hurt, he felt uncomfortable in his mouth and nose, and his body felt bitterly cold. Persevere, persevere, it's almost the surface. Harry's mind went blank, and he just swam tenaciously towards the light.

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