HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 134: Language attack

   Harry is very upset!

   Just as Fanlin said, everyone believed that he was Slytherin's heir.

  Because of this, many friends left him, Justin, Fred, George, Seamer...Almost everyone doubted him.

   On this day, Fanlin and Hermione are searching for clues about the secret room. They need to solve this matter quickly.

   And Ron looked at them two blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I said, can you stop turning around, Harry!" Hermione was a little impatient. From the beginning, Harry was very annoying to pace back and forth here, which made Hermione's head big. Up.

   "But I really didn't..." Harry shouted, "Who would kill those irrelevant people..."

   "I know, we all trust you..." Fanlin put down the information in his hand and looked up at Harry.

   Recent events have made Harry's temper more and more grumpy, always getting angry because of something inexplicably.

   "But they..." Harry said angrily, "Fred and George are fine, but Seamus actually got together with Gittings, you didn't hear what he said..."

   "I know, I know..." Fanlin still wanted to persuade Harry, but Hermione broke out before him.

"Harry, let me tell you, not all people are us, and there is no evidence now. Their suspicions are right. You are the most suspicious in the whole college. We believe in you because we always act together. We understand You, your friend..."

   Hermione took a big breath, but the anger in her tone couldn't be concealed.

   "Listen, if you really care so much, then it's good, you go and explain to them clearly, just now, don't disturb us looking for information for you..."

   "Hermione..." Fanlin quickly grabbed Hermione, the smell of gunpowder was too strong.

   "Harry, you..."

   "Okay." Harry said angrily, "If you really think so, that's great, I will go to them now to make it clear!"

   After speaking, Harry turned and left, and went through the door alone.

   "Hermione, are you really good like this..." Fanlin said blankly, and the sudden quarrel made several people embarrassed.

"Better let him calm down, really..." Hermione spread out her hands, and then again devoted her attention to the data in her hand. She was looking for a creature that could petrify or die. The importance of points.

   Because of the thick and gray snow covering every window, the castle looks darker than usual at this time during the day. With a chill, Harry walked across the classroom where he was in class and stood for a moment, trying to see what was going on inside.

   Professor McGonagall is yelling at someone. Harry suppressed the idea of ​​seeing what was going on. He continued to move forward. He thought Justin or Seamus might use their free time to catch up with other homework, so he decided to check it out in the library.

   A group of Hefpaff students who were supposed to be in the herbal library are sitting at the back of the library, but they don't seem to be studying. In the middle of the two long rows of bookshelves, Harry could see their heads close together, as if there was an attractive conversation.

   He didn't see Justin. When he walked towards Hefpaff's group, some words fell into his ears, and he stopped to listen, hiding behind a row of bookshelves.

   "Anyway," a fat boy said, "My name is Justin, hiding in our dorm."

"I mean, if Potter treats him as his next target, he'd better hide for a while. Of course, since he accidentally told Potter that he was a Muggle, Jas Ding has been waiting for this day. In fact, Justin told him that he was unlucky because of it. This is not something that can be casually revealed to Slytherin's descendants, is it?"

   "And..." the girl standing next to him said, "Justin and Harry are having trouble, it's dangerous. He doesn't want Seamus and the others..."

   "Have you identified it as Potter? Ernie?" a blonde girl with a ponytail asked eagerly.

"Ah," the fat boy said solemnly, "isn't it obvious? He is a snake-like voice, and everyone knows this is a sign of a mysterious wizard. Have you ever heard any ordinary person who can talk to a snake? They call Slytherin the Snake Whisperer."

   The words caused a whisper, and Ernie continued, "Remember the writing on the wall? Be careful of the enemy's descendants?"

A girl paused. She seemed to think of something terrible, "You guys, listen to me...Let’s see, Fanlin is with Harry every day. He is Harry’s friend. Maybe Harry is jealous of Fan Lin’s strength, that’s why he would control the snake to attack Fanlin. Moreover, even Colin, who admires Harry very much~www.wuxiaspot.com~, didn’t Harry also attacked his super fan Colin, only Because Colin used the camera to photograph Harry on Quidditch, and... and Colin was still a Muggle species."

   "At this point, Justin and Colin are very similar..."

"But he always seems so kind," said the girl speaking for Harry uncertainly. "But, oh, he is the one who made'that man' disappear. At least, he is not entirely bad, yes ?"

   Ernie lowered her voice mysteriously, and Hefpaff's people bent down, and Harry moved aside to hear what he said.

"No one knows how he saved his life from the attack of'that man'. I mean, he was just a baby at that time. He should have been torn to pieces long ago. Only a true mysterious wizard can do that. Survive under the curse."

He lowered his voice to almost whispering, "That's probably the reason that'that man' wanted to kill him for the first time, because he didn't want a mysterious wizard to compete with him. I really want to know what Potter has. It didn't show up."

   Harry couldn't listen, he cleared his throat loudly and walked out from behind the bookshelf. If he was not so angry, he would find the scene where they greeted him very interesting: everyone seemed scared the moment they saw him, and Ernie's face became bloodless.

   "How are you..." Harry grinned, "Perhaps you should take care of your mouth."

   Harry's gaze looked over, which made Hefpuff's people feel very dangerous. They seemed to have the illusion of being stared at by a poisonous snake.

   "Now, who can tell me where Justin is?"

   "You... what are you looking for... Justin for?" Ernie's voice trembled, as if he was doing something terrifying him.

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