HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 1245:

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"How can you..." Dogo was speechless.

"My mother and the old Bathilda Bagshot are good friends." Muriel said happily. "When Bathilda told my mother what had happened, I happened to hear it outside the door. Bathilda said it was a dispute between the Albus brothers on the side of the coffin. Aberforth said that all of Ariana's death was Albus’s fault, and then he hit Albus with a punch right on the bridge of his nose. According to Old Bathilda, Albus didn’t dodge. Isn’t it very strange. Regarding Albus’s strength, he can He easily defeated Aberforth in a duel with his hands tied."

Muriel took another sip of the wine, and rehashing these old things seemed to make her feel the same pleasure as ridiculing Dogo. Harry was completely confused. He didn't know who to believe or who to believe. .

Harry would rather believe that all this is lying and deceiving, but until just now, Dogo did not fight for any reason. All he did was sit there helplessly, whispering palely that Ariana was only sick, which made Harry. It's hard to believe that Dumbledore has nothing to do with these conspiracies that may have actually happened. Of course, there are still many doubts in this story.

"I can tell you more," Muriel said to Harry while belching, "I guess it must be the old Busida and Rita Skeeter who leaked, all about Skeeter The gimmicks of the meeting said that there would be important news about the Dumbledore family to be announced. Obviously, Ariana’s secret alone is enough to be a blockbuster for her new book and absolutely qualified."

"Bahida, she would never be able to accept an interview with Rita Skeeter." Dogo groaned weakly.

"Bahida Bagshot?" Harry said, "The author of "A History of Magic"?"

This name was printed on the title page of all Hogwarts textbooks, and it is true that he rarely paid attention to these things.

"Yes," Dogo replied immediately, seeming to have caught the straw. "One of the best historians of our time, but also an old friend of Albus."

"Yes, it's great, it's just getting confused." Mulyl said contemptuously.

"Even then, she won't be at the mercy of that dirty Skeeter," Dogo said. "She won't reveal anything to Skeeter."

"Oh, there are many ways to awaken other people's memories. I think Skeeter must know these methods. I don't care how he did it, but Skeeter did see it," said Aunt Muriel. "But even so, it is not easy for Mr. Bathilda to tell the story. She must have got a lot of old photos, maybe there are letters or something, after all, she has been following Dumbledore for many years... Maybe I went to Gochuk Valley for this, but it was worth it."

Harry was drinking beer and choked all of a sudden. Dogo hurriedly helped him beat his back, looked at Muriel, and asked Harry the question he wanted to ask: "Bahida Bagshot lives in the Gochuk Valley?!"

"Yes, she has lived there for a long time, Dumbledore moved here after Percival was arrested, and Bathilda became their neighbor."

"Dumbledore lives in Gochuk Valley?"

"Yes, Barney. Like I said just now." Aunt Muriel was a little dissatisfied with this repetitive question.

Harry felt that his brain was blank, and indeed once. Just six years ago, Dumbledore had revealed that he and Harry's family had both lived in the Gochuk Valley and had lost their loved ones there.

why? Are Lily and James buried not far from Dumbledore’s mother and sister? Has Dumbledore been there, perhaps just by the grave of Harry's parents? He never told Harry about these things... never... why he minded these ideas so much, he couldn't explain it himself, he felt that Dumbledore concealing their common experience in Gochuk Valley from him was tantamount to Is lying to him, but still can't figure it out...

He stared forward in a daze, completely unaware of what was happening around him, and didn't even notice Hermione coming towards him until she sat down beside Harry.

"I can't jump anymore," she panted and loosened her shoelaces and rubbed her feet. "Fanlin ran to get the butterbeer, but strangely, I saw Victor Angrily walked away from Luna and her father, as if they had just had a fight..."

She stopped talking and turned to look at Harry, "Harry, are you okay?"

"I... uh, I'm fine..." Harry responded dumbly, not knowing how to answer Hermione's question.

Dumbledore, and his parents...

Harry wanted to go to Gochuk Valley very much, unprecedented, this idea kept brewing in Harry's mind.

"Right, where's Ron?"

"With Fred and George in the garden..." Fanlin said, passing the butter beer over.

"Oh, well, I hope he gets what he wants!" Hermione rolled her eyes, "So, I just saw you and those people... I mean that Muliel..."

"Mr. Dogo," Harry said suddenly. "He said Rita Skeeter was lying, but Aunt Mulier said..."

"Arianna?" Fanlin asked, "Dumbledore's sister~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or, Dumbledore himself, the dark secret?"

"Yes, Ariana is... a dumb gun?"

"As far as I know, Ariana is not," Fanlin shook his head, remembering something about Ariana, "In the wizarding world, few people are born dumb guns, but they feel the power of magic. It is different, and whether it can be used is also a question. Without interference, almost everyone can go smoothly."

"Then Ariana..." Harry was a little confused, "but no one is in Hogwarts..."

"This involves some other things..." Fanlin frowned. "What do you want to ask, Harry?"

Harry opened his mouth, but didn't know how to answer, but that didn't matter anymore, because a huge silver lynx patron saint flew over and landed among the panicked crowd. Everyone turned around to see what happened What happened, and then the patron saint spoke, and Kingsley Shaker's voice came from inside, reporting to them an unbelievable news: "The Ministry of Magic has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming."

A worthy collection of m. reading network

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