HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 113: Slytherin's Chamber

"This matter dates back to the time when Hogwarts was founded." Professor McGonagall kept walking around in the classroom, and everyone's attention was focused on Professor McGonagall, even if he hated class the most. The little wizard couldn't help but straightened up.

   "About a thousand years ago, there were four extremely great and powerful wizards. In order to change the status quo of wizards, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was founded and four magic schools were separated."

  Professor McGonagall paused, this is the content mentioned in a history of Hogwarts.

"Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw () and finally, Sakazar Slytherin! "

   "They founded Gryffindor, Hefpaff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin separately."

   "At the beginning of the school, the relationship between the four people was very close, but later, due to some problems with the school, one person quit Hogwarts, and that person was Salazar Slytherin."

   "I knew it." Ron mumbled in a low voice below, but no one paid any attention to him. The founder's differences were not written in the history of the public school.

"Salazar Slytherin had a big quarrel with the other three founders because of the enrollment of students. Salazar Slytherin believes that not everyone is worthy of learning magic, only the noble blood Children of wizarding families have the right to receive education. But the other three people don't think so."

"The other three founders thought they should expand their student base, because the wizards were in a bad situation at the time. Muggles and the religious priesthood of the Church grouped wizards and dark creatures into one category. In fact, they were just wizards. It’s just another existence, in the name of God."

   "No matter what, Salazar Slytherin could not agree with the other three, so he left Hogwarts at the beginning of the establishment."

"In the legend, because Salazar Slytherin was dissatisfied with the actions of the other three founders, when he established the school, he secretly built a secret room and waited until his heirs returned to Hogwarts. Open his secret room, get his legacy, and then destroy those who Salazar Slytherin thinks are not qualified to learn magic, and rectify the purity of Hogwarts."

   Professor McGonagall was talking about the secret room bit by bit, except for Laura, almost all Slytherin's eyes became brighter and brighter.

   Salazar Slytherin’s relics, to purge all people with impure bloodlines, this is exactly what many Slytherin dreamed of. As for fear?

  What a joke, the most basic thing to be able to enter Slytherin is that the blood unit must be pure, and the thing of being cleared by Salazar Slytherin's heir will certainly not happen to Slytherin.

   "In other words, people who cleaned up Muggle blood?" Hermione asked carefully, which in Hermione's eyes was no different from the dark wizard.

   "I think so, Miss Hermione Granger!" Professor McGonagall said quickly, but from the pale face of Professor McGonagall, she was really worried about this matter.

   "What's in that secret room?"

   "I don't know the specifics," Professor McGonagall said. "The legend is a monster that only the heir of Slytherin can control, a terrifying beast from ancient times."

When Professor McGonagall finished the story, everyone took a breath. If this is true, then everyone present will be in danger. They don’t think that a weak descendant can control Salazar Si. The monster left behind by Lagelin.

   A faint uneasy mood quickly climbed into everyone's heart, and everyone was expecting Professor McGonagall to say more about the secret room.

   "In fact, you don't need to worry." Professor McGonagall clapped his hands, as if he wanted to focus everyone's attention on her.

"Regarding that secret room, we even think it is a legend. After all, the school has prevented people from looking for this secret room left by the legendary Salazar Slytherin countless times over the past millennium, but it is a pity that we searched through it. The whole Hogwarts was not found. I think this incident must be the result of someone being hostile to the school and wanting to maliciously attack the school."

   "For this, I can only say that the school will find out the main envoy behind the scenes as soon as possible, and give everyone a stable living environment."


   "I always think Salazar Slytherin is a perverted fool." Ron said to Harry, Fanlin and Hermione. They were frolicking in the corridors as usual. "But I never thought that he turned out to be the ancestor of this pile of pure-blood waste~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I would never stay in that academy. Honestly, if the Sorting Hat put me in Slytherin , I will go straight home by train..."

   Hermione nodded warmly, but. Fanlin had some different opinions, "In fact, Laura was also assigned to Slytherin."

"She doesn't belong there, I think she should go to Ravenclaw, or Gryffindor!" Ron nodded, and the four of the Slytherin girls who had helped each other collapsed were very much to Have a good impression.

   Harry didn't say anything, his stomach was uncomfortable. Harry had never told Ron, Fanlin, and the Hermione Sorting Hat to take him very seriously in Slytherin.

   He remembered that everything was just like yesterday. A year ago when he put his hat on his head, a voice whispered in his ear.

   "You can become great, it's all in your mind, there is no doubt that Slytherin can help you succeed..."

   But Harry thought very hard, because he had heard about Slytherin's reputation getting worse due to the appearance of the Dark Lord.

   "Not Slytherin?" said the hat, "Oh, well, if you are sure... it will be better in Gryffindor..."

   Probably that was the case, Harry kept thinking about the Sorting Hat's words, which was not a good sign.

   "What's wrong? Harry?"

Fanlin shook Harry’s arm. The three of them were talking about Laura and Slytherin’s secret room, but Harry didn’t say anything along the way, and he didn’t know what he was tired of. Soon, the three people were far behind.


   "Maybe our great savior, Potter! In the fantasy story of becoming the heir to Slytherin..."

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