HP Dear Miss Freak

Chapter 212: 201. Father and Daughter

"I still remember you saying, I am your forever little princess."

Knockturn Alley is as dark as ever.

Diagon Alley is unacceptably lonely.

Sylvia crossed the street, turned into the alley that was not allowed to enter as a child, touched the leg **** her left leg, and made sure there was a silver dagger.

Sylvia disguised herself as someone else before heading to the agreed destination. In the back alley of Boginbok, Narcissa was so out of place in the filthy narrow lanes.

The dignified and graceful Mrs. Malfoy cast her gaze when she noticed someone approaching, but quickly looked away. The next second, her jaw was lifted by a wand, and the cold touch reminded her that she had a dagger on her white neck. She stared in astonishment, sweating instantly.

"Throw the wand out."

Sylvia regained her appearance, but did not remove the dagger, nor the wand.

When Narcissa felt the increasing force of the dagger, she pulled out her wand and threw it on the road ahead. She might be playing tricks and was thrown not far in front of her, but was kicked away by Sylvia.

“Where is my dad?”

asked Sylvia, looking around warily.

"Is this your attitude to negotiate conditions?" Narcissa said, her neck shrank back.

"Is this your attitude to negotiate conditions?" Sylvia understood, although she had long expected that this was probably a trap, "I didn't even see anyone, what are we talking about? ?"

She made almost all of her predictions before she came.

First, Narcissa rescued Ted by chance, and she may come to Sylvia because of her love for Andromeda, or because they are allies noodle. Second, she didn't want to hand over Ted so easily. She wanted to negotiate some conditions to give her family some leverage. Thirdly, it was not her way of saving Ted, but their Death Eaters' method, they wanted to use Ted to lead Sylvia over and cut the weeds.

And this last point is very likely, no matter who came up with the idea, whether Narcissa was to give Sylvia a chance or an opportunity to get rid of this kind of meaning The "only" guy who has evidence that their Malfoy is still connected to the Order of the Phoenix—

Sylvia knew she would come.

Unknown risks are not worth reconsidering for girls in the face of "one percent chance of saving their father".

There was a round of applause, and Bellatrix walked out of the corner with her ghostly smile: "Very good, I didn't expect you to have a brain, a little bastard. she said, turning loathsome. "That's what an Auror is."

“Where is my dad?” Sylvia stared straight at Bella.

"What a good daughter, isn't it? Tonks?" Bella glanced in the direction she came out of, a burly Death Eater with Ted appeared in Sylvie in front of Asia.

The joy of being lost and the anxiety of not being able to get out are constantly intertwined, but the wand on Sylvia's waist makes her mind suddenly empty.

A wand is pointed at her from behind.

Sylvia swallowed.

"Don't worry." Bella smiled smugly, grabbed Ted's hair, and pulled the father who looked very bad in front of her, "You keep your promise, Are you really here?"

Sylvia sneered.

"Ciel..." Ted spoke with difficulty, his voice hoarse, his face pale, "Go...quick go..."

"But, should I call you stupid?" Bella laughed, pointing her wand at Ted, "How dare you really come alone?"

"Let my dad go." Sylvia said calmly.

"You let Sissy go first!" Bella stared.

"Sylvia!" Thad shouted hoarsely, "I want you to go!"

"I said, let my father go." Sylvia seemed to have heard nothing, and the knife had drawn a trace of blood on Narcissa's neck.

"You dare!" Bella was indeed a little panicked, she didn't expect this little girl to dare to threaten her under such circumstances.

"Play?" Sylvia laughed, "How about exchanging your pure-blooded sister for a Muggle wizard?"

"You can't threaten me!" Bella screamed.

"Let the idiot behind me go." Sylvia said, and glanced back.

"You see clearly." Bella didn't back down, "It was you who fell into our trap!"

Sylvia felt the position of the man behind her, one turned sideways, the dagger was stabbed in his chest, and the moment the man's wand fell, Sylvia was also struck by Sylvia. The kick flew, and by the way kicked him to the ground.

And Narcissa's chin is always against the wand.

But Sylvia knew that although her movements were fast just now, she was sparse, and Narcissa had a chance to run away, but she was still acting as a hostage.

"You!" Bella's wand pointed straight at Sylvia.


Bella squinted and looked at the Death Eater beside her: "Okay."

Sylvia was the first to put away the dagger.

The Death Eaters beside Bella put their wands at their feet.

Sylvia saw a shadow move around the corner, and she knew that the people in ambush were ready to attack.

Her hand placed her wand on the ground, confirming that Bella was doing the same. But Bella shouldn't have noticed so carefully, the girl's other hand reached into her pocket—


The crackling sound attracted the attention of Bella and the Death Eaters, and the moment they turned back, the alley was shrouded in smoke at the same time. Someone grabbed Sylvia, and after a while, Bella's scolding became farther and farther away, and the scene in front of her became brighter.

Sylvia returned home, George was holding her hand, and Fred helped Ted to sit on the sofa.

"Dad...Dad!" Sylvia threw her wand directly on the ground, staggering to her father and hugged him.

"Sylvia! My daughter!" Ted also hugged Sylvia vigorously, tears streaming down his haggard face, "I can't believe it."

"What's the matter?" Someone came down the stairs, the mother covered her mouth in disbelief and walked the remaining steps tremblingly, "Ted?"

"Be careful, Aunt Ando." Seeing this, Fred hurriedly stepped forward to support Andromeda, who looked shaky, "Bunny rescued Uncle Ted."

"Is it true? Is it true?" Andromeda's steps were a little staggered, and she was overjoyed and unbelievable, making her cry.

"I'll call Dora." George snapped his fingers and ran upstairs.

"I..." Andromeda stood hesitantly in the middle of the living room, "Tell me, Searle, this is not a dream..."

Sylvia let go of her father and wiped the tears from her face, she wanted to say something but couldn't say a word, just gave her place while crying and laughing , so that her parents could embrace each other.

And Fred reached out and embraced his girl.

"Great! Great! I thought..." Andromeda smiled, smoothing Ted's messy hair with both hands, "You're back..."

"Who's back?" Dora's footsteps came downstairs, "George sold for a long time..." She stopped the moment she saw her father, and then made two steps in three steps. Step by step, she ran down the stairs, towards her father.

Sylvia sobbed silently. Looking at the scene in front of her, she couldn't control her emotions any longer. The Tonks family deserved such a warm and happy ending, and they should embrace each other without any scruples in this troubled world.

Fred rubbed Sylvia's head and gently wiped her tears.

"What the **** is going on?" Dora asked first, looking at Sylvia, her eyes full of joy.

"I received a letter from Narcissa Malfoy." Sylvia explained, "She said she wanted to save Dad, so she went to the alley behind Boginbok alone."

"What?" Andromeda looked at her daughter, and there was more fear in her tone, "Why didn't you tell me? What is this..."

"It's Narcissa..." Tedra took Andromeda's hand, "I was caught by the raiders, and one of the guys saw that I was Ted Tonks and said Arrived at Syl..." He looked at Sylvia with more worry in his eyes.

Fred also immediately understood what this meant and hugged his girl tightly.

"They called Bellatrix and said that they had caught Sylvia Tonks' father. I guess they wanted to see if they could make a great contribution." Thad went on to explain, "She saw me, you know, Domida, she always hated me..."

"She tortured you?" Andromeda's voice couldn't stop shaking.

"She called Narcissa, and I reiterated the old story, you know, it's all because of me..." He didn't finish his words, "Finally, it was Narcissa who proposed to use As a bait, I lured Sylvia into ambush..." He looked at Sylvia, "I can't believe you really came by yourself, they want to kill you."

Guess are inseparable.

Narcissa gave Sylvia a chance, and Sylvia obviously seized the opportunity.

"I know," Sylvia said, "I know, but anyway—" she smiled, "I finally found you, Dad."

Ted choked, looked at his little daughter and shook his head in pain.

"How did you get away?" Dora asked with interest.

"I kidnapped Narcissa." Sylvia continued, "Of course, I didn't count myself. I know they have a lot of people in ambush, and I don't dare to risk Dad getting hurt. ." She looked at Fred, "I asked them both to wait for my signal."

"And we helped very well." Fred smiled smugly.

“It’s not for nothing that decoy bombs and stealth smoke bombs are our hits,” said George leaning on the stairs.

"But you shouldn't have come..." Ted's face was heavy, "You don't know how scared I was when I saw you appear... You are my daughter!"

"You are my father!" Sylvia became excited, "You never thought about it, what should we do when you leave?"

"Uncle Ted," Fred interjected, "Bunny has been looking for you every day since you left the house."

"I've been to all the places you took me to when I was a kid." Sylvia smiled wryly, "I've tried my best to find you."

"You know why I left." Ted covered his face, "That's why I only... I'm afraid of dragging you down."

"Then it seems that I am also a piece of fat with the Death Eaters, should I leave this house too?" Sylvia said sharply.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Ted stood up abruptly, "Naughty!"

"I don't." Sylvia's little face wrinkled together, "It's obviously you..."

Ted's anger faded, he has always been an easy-going father, and his daughter's tears were always too stinging for him.

"You said...you have two Auror daughters, you are so proud..." Sylvia smiled wryly, "but you never said that you were going to be displaced because of this! I don't care who you are Want to attract firepower, or let the Ministry of Magic come to the door again... or whatever doesn't want to implicate us..." She breathed heavily, "I never regretted that I was on the front line against You-Know-Who. But only this time. , only this time! If so, I won't be an Auror! I won't join the Order of the Phoenix! I just want to get my dad out of England! I just want my dad alive and well!"

She squatted down in despair, hugged herself, and lowered her face. Soon, her father hugged her.

"You said..." Sylvia raised her head to meet her father's eyes, "When I choose this profession, you know that I am stronger and braver than ordinary people. But..." She suffered He closed his eyes, "I'm not brave enough to lose you."

"You're the bravest I've ever seen, Syl." Ted said reassuringly, rubbing her head.

"When I was little, you took me to read. Because Dora doesn't like to read, all your books are mine!" Sylvia wiped her tears, "Let's read together "To Kill a Mockingbird", I said my favorite line: "Brave is when you know you're going to lose before you even start, but you still do it...""

"And stick to it no matter what." Ted continued, "You rarely win, but sometimes you do." He smiled softly, "I remember, I say…"

"You said that your little princess doesn't have to be brave." Sylvia couldn't control her emotions again, "You said that with you, I don't have to be afraid of anything! You also said..." She covered her face, "I am your forever little princess."

"Of course you are." Ted put his voice to the softest.

"Then what would I do without you?" Sylvia coughed involuntarily, "I am so willful, impulsive and disobedient! Who will come..."

The room fell silent, only Sylvia's sobbing, all the repression from this period of time was vented at this moment, it was so happy and unwilling.

"Searle, you are not a willful, impulsive and disobedient girl." Ted shook his head slowly, "My little princess has grown up long ago, she can continue to be charming, But she chose to take it all bravely. And the big mistake her father almost made."

Sylvia finally put her weight in her father's arms.

"Okay, just come back." Andromeda burst into tears.

"Let's go to the Burrow together at night." Fred suggested.

"I'm going to tell my mother to make a delicious table!" George laughed.

The author has something to say:

"Brave is when you know you're going to lose before you even start, but you still do it. And keep it going no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do. "

Dad was saved.

I almost took a break when I wrote this before continuing. Is the happiness of the Tonks really important to me? Think about the original book, leaving Andromeda alone, how cruel. It was as if the fate of God's desperate gamble before proclaiming her was so unsatisfactory. Why do brave people always end up like this? I do not want.

That's why I chose Searle to be the youngest daughter of the Tonks, right? Being born in this family is extremely happy for me. She has received such happiness and shoulders the mission of making happiness continue. You have to take on what you get.

And this part of Ted in the original book is really too difficult! !

All in all, another KPI is over! ! Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-14 16:37:44~2022-05-1722:37:44~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Yu Wenzhou's leg pendant 30 bottles; Mo Yao 20 bottles; Wenling Thirteen Years. 10 bottles; Cheesecake with milkshake 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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