HP Dear Miss Freak

Chapter 136: Hoddle's Extra · Yout


"Don't be noisy."

Conversations like this are almost everyday for little Norman and little Hoddle.

Heather once asked Hoddle: "Why do you always look so **** Norman? How sad Norman is."

"He's so annoying," Hoddle replied.

"I still think that besides reading, you should hang out with other children more." This is not the first time Heather has made this suggestion.

"I don't understand what's fun." Hoddle snorted arrogantly, "Is it fun to lie down in the window with the others and watch the new brooms get sweaty? Or? It's fun to be smashed all over by the big **** in the trick store? Or a group of people inexplicably chasing me, wishing the world would watch them making noise and having fun?"

Heather just smiled and rubbed his head, then closed the door intimately, and shook his head gently to Norman who was waiting outside the door to build a snowman with his cousin.

As a child, Hodl and his sister often lived for a summer at his aunt's house in France. If his parents have time, they will also go together. Because his mom will always miss her sister who moved to France.

Mrs. Calvin was always nice to Heather too. So Hoddle's sister always goes out with these beautiful ladies in France. Usually there are only two boys left at home.

"Hoddle, look, the kite I made! Is it very similar to the Winged Demon? Because I drew it after the Winged Demon!"

"Hoddle, do you want to hear me play the piano? I learned a new piece today!"

"Hoddle, the irises are blooming, do you want to go and see? The garden is so beautiful now! Every time there is a party at our house, the girls always take me to see it!"

How much Norman likes his cousin, everyone can see. He's the kind of kid who collects all kinds of interesting things, writes them down in a small notebook, and talks non-stop when his cousin gets home.

But not Hoddle.

How much Hoddle dislikes Norman, everyone sees it. If the trip to France can be without Norman, then he would be willing to spend one more winter a year.

"Your uncle is very demanding of Hoddle." Heather found a chance to have a long face-to-face talk with Norman, "He started reading a lot of obscure books from a very young age... , Obscure means difficult to understand, yes... If he doesn't read, he will be scolded. I don't know if it is because of this, since he was a child, he would not be interested in other things besides reading. "

Norman understood and nodded happily. So he made some changes.

"Hoddle, what book are you reading?"

"Hoddle, this book is so thick, eh? You've read it a second time? Really?"

"Hoddle, why can't I see it? Why did Muggles in the Middle Ages burn wizards to death? But how can wizards be burned to death? Do they also use sharp fire?"

"Hoddle, I've written down the rules of how spells work in The Theory of Magic. I think we can talk."

But Hoddle hasn't changed.

"You see too little." He always replies, "I can't talk to you."

"Then tell me what else do I have to see?" Norman blinked his beautiful eyes. Like his cousin, he has a pair of outstanding peach eyes.

So there was a summer, two boys spent together in the study. It's just that Hoddle likes to nibble on highly specialized books one by one. And Norman swayed from shelf to shelf, picking up some weird stuff to read. Hoddle occasionally rolled his eyes, as if thinking of his father's words and silently burying his head in his book.

"Why do you like Hoddle so much?" Heather asked Norman, "You know, he's not a bad temper."

"Really?" Norman frowned, "I thought he was cool!"

"You think he's cool? That's why you like him?" Heather smiled.

"Of course!"

Norman didn't always like Hoddle, though. His admiration and affection for his cousin shattered until the English boy's year at Hogwarts.

It's not an ordinary shatter, it's definitely the kind that shatters.

The reason is that Hoddle achieved excellence in all subjects in his first year of admission. Aside from flying lessons, but that's no harm at all for the Wulflings.

It just seems to be the same for the Calvins.

"Why is Hoddle so good?"

Norman was so unhappy when he first heard the compliment of Hoddle from his mother. Can't blame him, after all, his mother said it at least ten times at dinner that day. You know, a child who is about to enter school at the age of eleven is difficult to count wrong in this situation.

"I'm not good enough," Hoddle said. "I finished second in the grade. I'm less than five points behind Percy Weasley, the first."

"I guess his flying lessons are not that good." Norman shook his head and teased, but was frightened by his father's look and choked on the pumpkin juice he didn't have time to swallow.

"You are so rude, Norman," said Mr. Calvin. Norman didn't know for a moment whether his father's faux pas was a playful joke that he was used to, or that he choked.

He thought it was the latter. Or he hoped it was the latter.


He was afraid of the former.

But it turns out that the situation is generally the one you fear.

The Calvins gave Norman a hard lesson that night. The reason is just because he doesn't know any simple magic yet. And Hoddle could memorize all the recipes in the next-grade potions textbook before he entered school, and he could also write down the main events of the history of magic.

"Hoddle inherited his uncle! So he's gifted!"

Norman never imagined that he would be defeated by his own words one day. Because his parents were good at spells, even black magic.

"What are you doing?"

Holder never imagined that when he opened the door, he would see Norman crying. But he remembered very well that he was so sleepy at the time that he just wanted to sleep and not bother about his annoying cousin.

"Mom and Dad say I'm not as good as you! They say I'm not as good as you! They also said that I haven't learned anything by letting us get along together for so many years! They say it's no wonder you look down on me!" Norman looked Excitedly, "How can they do this! How can they sow our relationship! In this way! Doesn't that mean there is a purpose for us to stay together?"

"They're right," Hoddle replied, and so did he.

Norman's love may have been shattered in front of this indifferent face.

"If you don't waste your time on useless things, you won't be scolded." Hoddle said, "You and I have read books for so long, what is it really? Didn't you learn?"

"I don't care if they say I'm ignorant! I don't think I'm ignorant!" Norman stared, "I care if they say you look down on me! I care if they say we Our relationship is only based on utility! We are clearly cousins ​​with such a good relationship!"

Hoddle frowned slightly: "Wipe your tears and read more books. That way you won't be looked down upon."

"So...you agree with them?" Norman was no longer as emotional as he was. He calmed down, and the two boys inside and outside the door looked extra alike.


Hoddle never thought he would be punched when he said that. It was unexpected that his front teeth would be directly interrupted. It was even more unexpected that Norman did not intend to stop, and the second and third punches hit him in the face.

"You bastard! Selfish! Shameless!" Norman's eyes filled with hatred, hatred of his former self, "What do you think you are? Ah? You It's a disgusting thing!"

"You're crazy!" Hoddle wanted to resist, but he was no match for Norman.

"Heather told me you had no friends! Yeah! How can you have friends?" Norman's fist was still firmly on Hoddle, "I also said you Just can't talk! And I said you're a nice guy! I'm glad to be your friend! You ungrateful fellow!"

"Who wants you, who wants you to pity me?" Hoddle raised his fist but missed Norman, "I don't need friends! I'm not begging you to bother me!"

"Okay! You don't need friends! I see who wants to be your friend! Ridiculous!" Norman shouted, and finally called the adults over.

Despite the combined efforts of the Wavlins and the Calvins, it took a great deal of effort to separate the two boys. Before Norman went to take him to his month-long confinement, he didn't forget to shout.

"Hoddle Waughlin! You're not a thing! What do you think you're proud of? I tell you you're nothing! You deserve nobody likes you!"

And this sentence, deeply rooted in the twelve-year-old Hoddle's heart, hurts more than the bruise on his face.

He wrote a letter to Heather, who was far away in China, because after a few days he tossed and turned all night and couldn't sleep. It was really a few days later, not that night, that Hoddle started mulling over that day's conversation after one less annoying cousin.

And Heather's reply was not long, just a few words to summarize.

Hoddle, you are not a cold child.

Hoddle, you hurt someone who likes you very much.

Hoddle, sometimes you can't grow through books.

Hoddle, think about what you want.

So Hoddle decided to take care of the problem himself and stop bothering Heather.

"Norman, it's me, open the door."

"Norman, if you want to preview some potions first, I can teach you."

"Norman, I heard that Ilvermorny's school uniform is your favorite style, and the color suits your eyes."

"Norman, your uncle and aunt are not at home, do you want to go out and play? I won't tell them you sneaked out during the lockdown."

And the response is either silence or "roll".

So one day, Hoddle, who was trying to change, kicked Norman's door hard, turned around and left.

It was also at that moment that he made up his mind not to do anything he was not sure about. He shouldn't be so embarrassing... Hoddle thought of this and kicked the air in front of him.

It has been a year since Norman and Hoddle met again. Norman hadn't had any first grades, but his wand was playing a new trick every five minutes, and he was full of lore and incantations that Hoddle had never heard of.

Since then, Hoddle's summer in France has been shortened to a month, a fortnight, a week and a few days.

Norman would hug the Waughlins warmly and take good care of relatives from afar while the Calvins were away. It's just that he really doesn't seem to disguise his thoughts, and he won't give Hoddle a smile.

"I'm afraid you'll remember me being annoying." Norman gave the answer under Hoddle's gaze.

And when Hoddle's father also began to praise Norman's excellence, he could see the smug look on the French boy's face. Although he doesn't care at all because he doesn't agree.

Norman likes to show off his skills in front of him and his family. And such arrogance is an excellent signal in the eyes of both parents. It was also at a banquet at Calvin's house that Hoddle discovered that only he could see such arrogance. He was amused by the way Norman was chatting with the girls.

This guy pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger outside.

Hoddle remembers Heather mentioning this Chinese saying. Of course he knew that Norman was talkative, but he always felt that this guy didn't know when to put on a mask. Don't ask Hoddle why he knows, because none of the silly nonsense that amuses the girls comes with a little bit of that bright smile as a kid.

And Hoddle is good at catching that smile.

"It won't be because of me, you've started talking to people, right?" Hoddle asked.

"You need a face," Norman replied.

"You don't think those words can seduce girls, do you?" Hoddle was very speechless about the way this cousin was seductive.

"You think I don't know?" Norman laughed, "but it makes me happy. No matter how boring or old I say it, there are girls who go in and out of my arms. I enjoy it. ."

"What kind of bad taste is this?" Hoddle didn't understand.

"Not everyone is like you." Norman snorted, "boring."

My fun is not for everyone.

Hoddle didn't say it. I don't know if it's because I really lack confidence in this area, or I really don't want to correct Norman's misunderstanding.

But Hoddle didn't want to reconcile, he even wanted to apologize. But his cousin would hardly be in the same room as him. The two of them are still like when they were children, and they can get a reconciliation that both parties are satisfied with while reading a book.

"Why do you always like to read these partial books?"

"Don't be noisy."

It's just that their roles are reversed. Norman seems very cool. And Hoddle was quite upset.

Listen to your accomplishments with humility and politeness, and then share my accomplishments generously.

"Since when did you start reading savage books?" Norman asked one day, "Curse? You were still reading Snake Venom last year."

"Would you like to help me?" What Hoddle is best at is wrapping his displeasure in a polite way to make the other person in the know even more upset.

"I don't want to." And Norman, as always, didn't pretend.

"It's strange, what book do you still pay attention to? The last time was when you were ten years old." Hoddle said, turning the pages of the book in his hand.

"What I care about is that you start reading these things you spurn." Norman sneered, "Like I was reading those boring books because of you."

"You think it's because of you?" Hoddle laughed.

"Not because of me." Norman put the book in his hand over his face, "In love? Hoddle? Who moved the hard-hearted Hoddle Waughlin? "

"Don't put your suit on me." Hoddle rolled his eyes, "You are the only one who thinks about girls, and you are the only one who can think of all kinds of tricks to please girls. And I never Never spit on it."

He didn't know why he repeated it.

Well, of course he knows, but he doesn't want to admit his guilty conscience.

"Come on, Hoddle." Norman also laughed, "From what I know about you. You are so stubborn that ten poisonous horns can't be pulled back! Who can make you Change? You absolutely love her too much!" He snapped the book down, "Or, is it a man?"

"Go away." Hoddle rolled his eyes.

"Don't waste your time." Norman smirked, "There are books you want on the second floor of the third cabinet from the left."


"Snake Venom."

"Snake Venom?"

Hoddle smiled.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I read snake venom last year, and this year you found a good book on snake venom?"

"You're too stupid to watch."

Norman left the study, leaving a loud bang.

Hoddle chatted with Heather about Norman on the first day he went to China. Of course he understood that Norman's anger would not go away. But maybe this way of getting along with swords is not bad. At least Hoddle felt good.

"It seems that Norman made you grow up." Heather smiled and rubbed Hoddle's head.

"He made me grow?" Hoddle raised one eyebrow.

"If it hadn't been for Norman's troubles, would you still be an aggressive stinky child?" Heather smiled and shook his head, "Obviously my Hoddle will cherish the people around him even more from now on. Man. I think your change, Norman also sees it."

"Really?" Hoddle disagreed.

"Yeah. Like your Miss Tonks, isn't she?" Heather snickered, "She looks a lot like Norman when she was a kid, doesn't she? And you're encountering this annoying Did you put away your dissatisfaction at the moment when you met the little girl, thinking about not leaving right away and getting to know her better?"

"Oh, yeah. I can even stand Norman, what is she?" Hoddle put on an even more disapproving look, "Why do I always have this around me? An annoying guy?"

"Speaking of which, as soon as you left the country, Norman went to England."

"He went to England? You have been in touch with him?"

"Norman, not only is he good at talking, but he is also very clingy." Heather laughed, "He is exactly the same as when he was a child."

"I clearly told him there was nothing good in England." Hoddle clicked.

"And you're different." When Heather put his hand on Hoddle, "I don't know what you've been through in my absence. But you broke free of your father's system, you escaped your cage. Hoddle, I told you before, you're going to do what you really want to do."

"I always knew what I wanted." Hoddle raised his eyebrows, "I never liked my father's rigidity as my way out. And I weighed the differences and passed It was very happy and fulfilling.”

"I think Norman learned a lot from you to make him what he is now." Heather smiled and took out an old photo from one of the drawers. This seems to be the only photo of the two cousins. Hoddle disliked it very much at the time, so Heather kept his one.

Hoddle's nose made a slight grunt.

"You too. Norman influenced you too. Don't be **** me, you just have it. Whether it's character or idea." She continued, "And Norman, he might be Wanted to see the place that gave birth to this weird guy like you, so I went to England. It's good, you two have grown so much."

"I'm weird? Sister, do you dare to tell the truth now?" Hoddle said with a smile.

"How about we talk about your eccentric Miss Tonks?"

The author has something to say:

Anyone guess I'll add more today? Today is the one year anniversary of my submission! Unexpectedly, it has been a year! The Little Freak is also my first long writing and my first contribution! So I really really appreciate everyone's support and love this year!

The story of Brother Huo is here. I promised you that there will be no shortage of his extras, and Brother Huo will definitely have a happy ending! Although he is the second male, he is also my own son, right? Some people are attracted by him and some people hate him very much. I'm very happy, it's impossible for one person to please everyone, and he really needs a lot of play! I like his outfit? Hahahahahaha!

In short, there are more stories of Xiao Huo, let's get to know him slowly! There will also be an extravaganza of his travels! I won't let him die alone! (Not so vicious!

Do you still remember that Xiao Huo's original family is very strict and conservative? I have always believed that the family of origin has a great influence on a child. Home and school are what will affect a child's life! Xiao Huo didn't become a nerd because he had an understanding sister who could guide him, and he held back his impolite character because of the conflict with Norman.

Norman is much more insidious than Hoddle hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha he is a typical pig eating tiger. I said he looked a lot like Searle, and of course it wasn't entirely out of apology for Norman that Hogo met Searle. I can only say that I have experienced something, and I have grown a little bit. Essentially, they are all people who are attracted to good people. I love Norman anyway, and I promise you you'll love these original characters!

This little Huo is a crumb, no one can beat him hahahaha! The stinky child deserves to be beaten!

In addition, there are many details in this chapter, hehehehe hope you like it!

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 8 bottles of squeak; 5 bottles of cheesecake and milkshake;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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