How To Wear a Goddess Statue

Chapter 193: Memories (2)

During the time she came to Guthran, Luo Das didn't think about what to do in the future.

If possible, she would prefer to go back.

No identity, no belonging, no money, no reason.

In contrast, of course, it is better to return to the familiar times.

Another more important reason is that Luodus does not know what to do here.

The front end has been truncated, which direction should we go next?

Luodus temporarily gave up studying the bronze mirror, buckled the mirror upside down, and rubbed the bracelet between his wrists with his fingertips.

After a while, she turned the mirror up again and adjusted her expression to herself in the mirror.

At first glance, it can be quite bluffing.

Eleuil’s suggestion, both casual and serious, rang in her ears.

Flowers burst at fingertips.

New goal...


The next day, Luodus went out and met Eleuil who was practicing arrows in the garden.

This city lord has excellent archery skills, every arrow can accurately hit the target, and has a golden momentum, like a Valkyrie.

Is it possible that people with the name Eleuil are very good at typing?

Luodus did not make a sound, and stood quietly behind the other party to watch.

Eleuil didn't seem to notice, until the last arrow, raised the angle and shot into the top of the tree, a fruit fell in response, and landed firmly in the palm of her timely spread.

"For you." Eleuil threw back without looking back.

Luodus reached out to catch the fruit and raised his eyes.

"Count me in for what you said."

Eleuil: "Have you thought about it?"

While she spoke, she turned around and was stunned when she saw Luodus' expression clearly.

Luodus maintained the expression confirmed after self-evaluation in front of the mirror, and looked at her calmly.

"You look—" Eleuil paused here, as if pondering the words, before saying, "It's hard to imagine that you're really not some **** who came here to make fun of people? ?"

Luodus: "I remember, you said you didn't believe in God before."

"That was before, and I will be your faithful believer in the future."

Eleuil squinted thoughtfully: "Or, you."

City Lord Solan obviously intends to come true, no matter what kind of psychology, Luodus has some vague expectations.

Perhaps it was because I never deviated from the classics, so the first time I "rebel", I made a big one.

Afterwards, the two conspirators discussed the details.

Eleuil thinks that as long as Luodus maintains that expression, stands on the stage, and puts a water polo splash or something, it is enough to confirm the existence of a miracle.

Luodus: "But you don't have a **** in charge of water, at least not yet. It's hard to win people's trust."

Eleuil: "You are."

Luodus tried to keep his setting: "I'm just a giant fish."

"Then now, you have been upgraded from the spirit of the Ilu River to the Ilu River itself." Eleuil shrugged, "We Solan have no water and river protection, but several other city-states have , for example, next door, excited by the Mizusawa River, it's really annoying."

Therefore, the most lofty theocracy must be set, surpassing the beliefs of other city-states at the level of myths and legends, encouraging oneself and suppressing enemy states.

Luo Das remembered the "Luo Das" in the ancient Solan mythology system.

That is the origin of her name, and is the myth of the river goddess formed in this context?

"...the goddess of the Ilu River, the incarnation of all clear water, the blue heron is her messenger, the giant fish is her vehicle, and her flood flows on the earth, like flowing in the kingdom of God."

Lotus muttered.

She once found a collection of ancient Solan research papers out of interest, one of which was dedicated to the mythology system, and the description of the ancient **** with the same name as her is still fresh in my memory.

Eleuil: "Okay, that's it."

Luodus: "Huh?"

Eleuil raised her eyes, nodded her chin and said, "It sounds very sublime, and can beat the crocodile **** next door... Then, the river goddess Lorca?"

It seems that the female city lord has already set the propaganda content resolutely, Luo Das was silent for a moment, and decided to correct the history.

"Lotus. My name."

Lotus, the goddess of the river.

As a member of the Solancia mythology system, in this world where gods really exist, it originated from a man-made plan, although the parties did not know, the gods of the city-states in the melee did not aware.

[Fate] will always push some things to a predetermined track.

It is what cannot be resisted and cannot be changed that is called destiny.

In the city-state of Solan, new myths spread quietly.

Eleuil hopes to let the people of Solan city-state see that the destiny is in me and in us.

Among the many melee city-states, only Solan is recognized by the gods and is destined to unify this land.

In order to do this, Rhodes needs to show an irrefutable, incomparable "miracle", which is true.

For example, control the water in the river to rise into the air and spell out the symbol of the city-state of Solan.

For another example, a short sword of ice crystals condensed in the air in front of everyone's eyes, and Eleuil used it to pierce the assassins of the rival city-state, and complained that it was too ice.

In this era, it is normal for city-states to annex each other, and Solan has already annexed many small cities.

At first, the large city-states could maintain surface peace with each other, but everyone wanted to occupy more land and become more powerful.

This is a trend, no one can stay out of it, otherwise it will only be engulfed by other rising city-states.

In such a situation, Solan rose up with a tough stance.

The father of Eleuil sister and brother is really very insightful. When Eleuil went to war abroad, the young city lord could stabilize the city without any worries about armament and logistics.

The co-governance model is most afraid of fighting for power, but the siblings have no quarrel at all. They almost worked together to make Solan an iron barrel, or an iron barrel with exogenous thorns.

Luodus is very clear that his role in it can only be regarded as icing on the cake. If Solan's strength can't hold up, the so-called miracle is just a joke.

But it is precisely because of Solan's power that the saying that the gods show signs of destiny is particularly credible.

Many times, Luodus and Eleuil are not too far apart, or even inseparable.

Actually, according to Eleuil's previous assumption, Luotas should stay in the city-state after showing several miracles, and stay with the priests, but later it was Eleuil who dismissed this first. It is suggested that it is better to follow the army.

Luodus has no objection, after all, no human being can compare with her in terms of self-protection ability.

Just to be prepared for the ability to suddenly disappear, just as suddenly as it appeared, Luodus began to learn some essential skills from Eleuil.

For example, riding, swordsmanship, simple fighting skills, Luodus learns quickly, she always learns everything quickly, otherwise she will not be able to achieve the "perfect" her parents need.

Once, Eleuil sighed unintentionally: "Are you all so smart?"

Luodus hesitated for a moment: "Actually I'm not—"

Eleuil: "Understood, you are my god."

This sentence is closer to a joke, although the tone is a little too soft.

"Now, everyone says that I am a loyal believer of the river goddess. After all, I am the lord of the city-state you chose."

"So are you?"

Eleuil didn't answer immediately, from Luodus' point of view, she seemed to be thinking.

The time of silence was too long, Luo Das subconsciously asked: "Eleuil?"

The city lord of Solan, who is good at fighting, came back to his senses and smiled lowly: "Of course it is."

She took Luodus' hand, lowered her head and touched the back of her hand lightly.

Not waiting for Luodus to react, Eleuil let go, as if this was just a very ordinary move.

And there is nothing wrong with this, kissing the back of the hand is a sign of respect and piety.

Luodus was inappropriately reminded of the rumors spread among the servants of the city lord's mansion, the rumor that the alien brought back by the female city lord was her lover - although no one dared to It's messed up.

Luodus only learned later that the reason for such rumors is that Eleuil rejected all marriage proposals when she was a girl, and impatiently opened a ring for this day. , beat the intentional suitors to their knees.

Since then, there has been a rumor that the daughter of the city lord only likes women.

Such rumors are of course unfounded.

But at this time, Luo Das felt a little regret about it.

Why not?

The next moment, Luo Das, who realized what he was thinking about, said: "…"

Rumours are harmful.

The long axis of memory scrolls quickly and stops briefly in one grid.

Three years have passed in the blink of an eye. In this turbulent era, Luodus has become accustomed from the initial unaccustomed to it, and the city-state of Solan has also expanded into one of the most powerful city-states in three years.

With another expedition, the territorial boundaries extended westward to the edge of a great lake.

The locals only called it "the lake", and there was no other name, and Luo Das didn't know it until he picked up a stone by the lake.

The stone was written with her familiar handwriting, which is "Gadar" in modern language.

Luo Das's heart skipped a beat, and an unspeakable premonition hit her, intuition that this was a hint.

But what?

Who carved this word on the surface of the black stone, herself? but why?

I don't know when, Eleuil stood beside him and said, "Give this lake a name."

"It is said that it is the largest lake in the land, and it should be named by you."

Luodus said softly, "...Gardar."

It is indeed Lake Gadar, Eleuil is right, Gadar is the largest lake in the land of Solancia, even in modern times.

Is the stone just a reminder of that?

Luodus was puzzled, but left Blackstone behind.

The memory axle rotates one more space.

The Solan front is still advancing, a small city abandoned by other large city-states, which is shrouded in the shadow of drought.

The locals heard that the river goddess of the city-state of Solan had performed miracles, and almost immediately surrendered, hoping to bring rain.

Lotus' ability is not enough to control the rain, Aileu can also use other reasons to prevaricate this matter, but this makes Luodus feel powerless.

She is a person, not a **** in legend.

Especially when I saw a young girl dying of thirst, condensed a glass of water to save the child, and looked around but there were more victims, I couldn't be completely indifferent.

The legend of the gods is made up.

But the expectation and prayer that came from it really fell on Luodus.

Luodus just wanted to try it, although it couldn't be done, at least try it.

Out of this idea, she tried to evoke some kind of connection with the bronze mirror, this desire was very strong, and the rain really came.

This is a rain that goes against common sense, and there are not many clouds above her head, and Luodus didn't see more, because when the first drop of rain fell, she had already lost consciousness.

When she woke up again, she was facing Eleuil's face.

"You slept for ten days," she said.

Luodus tried to sit up, but failed: "Ten days?"

"To be precise, ten days and nights." Eleuil's expression was heavy, "This is harmful to you, isn't it?"

Luodus tilted his head: "Perhaps?"

She really didn't expect that Luo Das would never try if she had prepared in advance.

Eleuil took a deep breath and leaned over to hug her.

"Never do this again next time. Luodus, you don't know how worried I am."

Lotus whispered, "Okay, no more."

Under the tight hug, the heartbeats of the two of them were almost in sync, Luo Das always felt that his own was faster, probably because of a guilty conscience.

The author has something to say:

Accidentally, two chapters have not been written yet, Memories Orz

Is this the consequence of digging too many holes in the early stage... The next chapter will definitely be! There are still two fragments that had no pits to be buried thousands of years ago!

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