How To Wear a Goddess Statue

Chapter 105: flower letter

Eleuil is quite accustomed to chatting with the messengers of various gods.

Nevertheless, when she saw the deer cub beside Luodus, she couldn't help but pause.

Because the interval is too short, the crimson at Luotas's auricle has not yet faded away, and it is lined with fair skin, which is very obvious.

Eleuil's eyes swept across the red, and then swept to the young deer showing the classic deer kneeling posture.

What are they talking about?

The princess thought to herself, and sat down beside the **** as usual.

"Am I interrupting your business?"

"No, just some irrelevant topic."

Luodus maintained his superficial indifference, and at the same time said to the young deer in a way that only the gods could hear: "It wasn't a fight, it was just... a joke. Don't think about it. "

I don't know if Luna has raised her concerns to other gods, let alone the others, Adia will definitely think of the horizon.

When she thinks of the meaningful smile of the **** of love, the whole **** of Luodus is a little bad.

The young deer believed the explanation: "Oh."

It raised its eyes inquiringly and looked at the princess.

At this moment, Eleuil also looked at the young deer, facing the messenger of the Moon God, she had a polite and humble smile on her lips, but there was no awe in the depths of her golden eyes Meaning - this is usually the look of people who do not believe in gods.

It is hard to imagine that such a human being would be a devout follower of a god.

The fawn nodded at her.

The princess was startled and bowed slightly in return.

"It's time for me to go."

"Goodbye, Amira."

Luodas watched the young deer stand up on four thin legs, and leaped lightly into the flowers on the side, disappearing.

I sincerely hope that Amira will forget this matter as soon as possible.

The possibility is very high, after all, the poor memory of Luna was certified by the seals of the gods.

Luodus thought from the bottom of his heart, and felt that he had recovered his calmness. He tilted his head a little, and met Eleuil's smiling eyes.

"I guess you and Your Highness Luna talked to me."


What did Luna say? Speaking of the accident under the moonlight that night, I was worried that Luo Tus would want to kill after abandoning him.

However, the princess did not seem curious about the content of the god's conversation.

Eleuil didn't ask any further questions, but lay back and stretched out on the grass, her slightly tight leather outfit outlined a beautiful line, her expression was leisurely Cozy, like a relaxed big cat.

"You're in a good mood, it looks like it's over there."

"Yes, and I took revenge a little. I won't be bothered by someone who doesn't know what to do in the future." The princess's eyes were slightly curved, revealing a hint of cunning.

Luodus shook his head: "It's not enough to disturb you."

It's a little nerve-wracking to cover up the strange death of the attacker.

Eleuil probably also thought of this, suddenly turned to the side, and asked thoughtfully: "If I attack you, will it be like that?"

At the same time as she spoke, the princess pointed out two slender fingers on the grass, imitating the sneak attack cat and approaching Luodus.

Luodus calmly said, "No. By the way, this level does not constitute an attack."

She didn't drop her eyes, but grabbed Eleuil's wrist with precision.

The "attack" failed, but Eleuil laughed softly, letting her wrist be pinched, even more pleasant than before.

Luodus realized what he had just done, let go of his hand as if nothing had happened, and turned his gaze back to the front.

Feeling that something was amiss, Luodus paused for two seconds, decided to pick up the scroll next to him, and continued reading the page he saw before talking to the Luna messenger.

Of course, I couldn't immerse myself in the text.

Eleuil stared at such a god, and suddenly smiled and sighed.

"No, it's a pity to think about it."

"I'd rather die at your hands if I could."

Lotus' fingertips sag slightly against the edge of the page.

But before she could say anything, the princess continued: "Of course, this is impossible, I will never betray you."

"I know that." Luo Das tilted her head, she frowned, and her tone took on a serious tone, "But don't say things like that casually."

"As a believer, it seems a bit frivolous to talk about loyalty at will." Eleuil agreed.

"No, the previous sentence."

—I would rather die at your hands.

"Don't mention death lightly."

—You will not die, and I will never let you die.

Eleuil's brows softened.

"Well, no more."

The two of them became quiet, Luo Das continued to look at the page with his head down, without flipping for a long time.

This inexplicable atmosphere continued for a while.

Lotus: "Is it almost time for dinner?"

Eleuil stood up, glanced at the large shadow clock in the center of the garden, and said solemnly: "There is still more than an hour."

“…I want something to eat, go back to my room first.”

Luodus got up and walked towards the house at a leisurely pace.

Eleuil sat on the spot, watching Luodus's jet-black hair sway slightly with the pace, and the smile on the corner of his mouth widened.

Overall, it was a day worth having fun.

The princess turned to look at a crescent-shaped pool not far away, with a clear goal.

Mansions with large gardens usually have pools dug out and planted with snow tea flowers and other aquatic plants in them.

Especially in the family who believe in the goddess of the Ilu River, they are embarrassed to tell others the name of the **** they worship without planting snow tea flowers.

At this time, the midsummer has just passed, but the snow tea flower is in full bloom. This aquatic flower, which blooms across the spring and summer, quietly sticks out of the water, showing its beauty to the world.

Eleuil turned back quietly to confirm that Luodus had entered the door, and then slowly walked to the pool, looking at the snow tea blooming in the pool with critical eyes.

After watching for a long time, his eyes locked on one of them.

The petals are plump and white, with a beautiful shape, a circle larger than most of its companions, and the edges are a little light blue, showing a bit of swagger.

That's it.

Eleuil took off her boots, rolled up her trousers, and waded towards the snow tea.

…Xue Tu, who was better than her companions, was brutally destroyed.

The princess felt that it was not perfect, she twisted the flower stem and turned it around, thinking that it was reluctant, and she should take it back to the room.

Flower letter is widely regarded as one of the most romantic ways for young people in Solanchia to convey their feelings.

In the restless spring and summer, young men and women pick larger petals or leaves and write love letters with pens dipped in paint.

You can write just one piece, or you can write many pieces, and after drying, choose a starry night—preferably during a festival or a large gathering related to the gods—and write a heartfelt Send flowers to your sweetheart.

Eleuil carefully removed the petals.


The next few days were calm.

Horst was waiting for the stubborn faction to teach the princess a lesson, but he turned around and received a report from the law enforcement team under the Tribunal to arrest the leader.

Not only the old man at the head, but also the other unsatisfactory ones either died, tucked their tails, or suffered a mutation.

Overnight, the power of several families whose strength should not be underestimated fell, and the new rulers were all members he had never paid attention to before.

There is no doubt that this has nothing to do with Eleuil.

Horst put aside the report in an indescribable mood.

As a king, Horst did not have the power to interfere in the trial court, let alone half of the jurors in the trial court were his people.

As long as you ignore the superficial integrity for a while, and order to release these old men of the diehard family, it will only be a little more troublesome.

What's the use of letting them out?

The evidence of these people violating the law is conclusive, and it is obvious that they were caught by the tail of their compatriots, and letting them out will inevitably lead to doubts.

What's more the old guy rescued?

Although he knew it in his heart, Horst was just too angry.

It’s not that he didn’t realize that Eleuil was secretly in contact with members of the diehard family. In fact, the princess didn’t hide it much, but Horst didn’t take this small talk seriously. After all, time is too short.

Who would have thought—

How difficult it was for the die-hards to deal with them before, how much trouble they had caused him because of their old age, how could they fall so quickly!

Under the throne, your cronies and aides said every word, and there were many arguments.

Horst had a headache when he heard it: "Stop arguing for now."

Several people closed their mouths when they heard this.

Horst looked at the commander of the Guards behind him, Niwei was expressionless.

Otherwise, go to the madman's place to get something... This idea was quickly rejected by Horst himself. It was too early, not unnecessary, but it was not the most suitable time.

"Call a few people and spread the word about Eliuil's role in this matter." Horst waved his hand and said to himself, "Which family has nothing to say? Trouble going out?"

Eleuil is still too young, how can such a thing be so much fanfare.

As long as those noble families know what she has done, they will naturally be afraid of the princess, subconsciously prefer their gentle and generous son, and know who is worthy of allegiance.

Thinking of this, Horst felt a little relieved.

Rumors spread silently among the rich and powerful.

There are also some eyes secretly focused on the princess, weighing and thinking.

At the same time, Eleuil didn't seem to notice.

Not only did they not send anyone to curb the rumors, but they acted like they were, and they even wrote flower letters in private.

The author has something to say:

2612: Write a love letter in case you need it.JPG

As to why Luna happened to see a certain scene—

In fact, because it was the day of the Sun God Festival, the Sun God watched the live broadcast of his own festival on time and found: Hey, my colleagues and the humans she raised were also at the festival!

Then turned around and shared it with Luna. Luna heard that he was in the King City, and it was quite easy to find. Would you like to say hello? then…

Moonlight is live, only the video has no sound, and it is a little blurry through the window.

Luna came to the conclusion: Luodus was fighting with humans - Luodus wanted to use the head hammer - Luodus gave up temporarily, over

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