Chapter 13

“So you mean…”

“… …”

“Did you throw the ball knowing that my younger brother was a freshman?


The woman quietly answered Nicole’s question, which seemed to contain her anger. For reference, the woman is kneeling in front of Nicole with her head lowered.

I am also standing next to Nicole and looking down at her. We looked around for a while, and there were hardly any people looking at us because we were on the outskirts of the large gymnasium. Occasionally, even if someone passed by, he just looked at it and left to do his job.

It seems that he is focusing on the people who are fighting from afar rather than paying attention to us.

While I was thinking about it, Nicole yelled at the kneeling woman.

“You say that now?! Huh?!”

“… …”

“Even if it’s a joke, I told you not to play a joke like that! Don’t you mean what I’m saying?!”

As Nicole yelled, the woman on her knees shook her body. For me, who has only seen Nicole’s kind side so far, this is quite an unexpected reaction.

Hell, not just Nicole, but any sibling would be angry. After all, the youngest sibling I cherished was almost seriously injured.

She had never raised her voice before, so the situation was just fresh.

“Answer me, Adelia. Am I wrong?”

“Um, sorry…”

A woman who apologized with a voice like an ant crawling. But Nicole let out a long snort to see if her anger still lingered.

“I’m not apologizing to me, but to my Isaac. If you joke around like that next time, you’ll be formally protesting to the professor, so be careful. Okay?”


“Now then, I apologize.”

At Nicole’s words, the woman gently shook her head. I stared at her softly as she revealed her face.

His light brown hair, neatly cut short to the neck, a sharp nose, and long eyelashes were impressive. Overall, she’s a pretty girl with a boyish vibe.

While I was staring intently into her sky-blue eyes, she also stared at me quietly and opened her mouth.

“Oh, pretty…”

Is that mouth the problem? As useless words came out of the woman’s mouth, Nicole’s momentum grew even more terrifying. To be honest, I have nothing to say about it.

The woman also bowed her head when Nicole exuded a dangerous aura and urgently apologized.

“I’m sorry. I was joking too much. From now on, I will never play a joke like this.”

Like her boyish appearance, her tone of voice was husky and it suited her quite well. That frivolous tone earlier seems to only come out when playing pranks on Nicole.

When she bowed her head and apologized, I replied with a bit of bewilderment.

“Oh, yes. It’s okay. By the way, did you say Mr. Adelia?”

“Yes. My name is Adelia Cross.”

Considering that there is no middle name given only to aristocrats, Adelia is a commoner. She only looked at her beauty and thought she was noble, but no, she was slightly surprised.

‘But he said he was joking and threw a ball at me…’

This is one of the two. Either Nicole and Nicole are best friends beyond the class, or they have no thoughts. However, it is presumed to be the former when you see that he is talking nonsense to Nicole.

I glanced at Adelia, who had a nervous look, and asked a question.

“Are you friends with my sister by any chance?”


Adelia did not try to answer, but looked at Nicole. Nicole still had an angry look on her face, but instead she tapped his chin in response.

At this, Adelia smiled awkwardly and answered quietly.

“Yes. We are friends. We’ve been together ever since we entered school.”

“Then just talk nonsense. It’s my older sister.”

“Really? Is that okay?”

But I’m going to say half right away. When Adelia asked with a broad smile, I nodded her head, though inwardly absurd.

Adelia sighed a sigh of relief, as if she was about to live now, and then began to bring out her words with a rapid-fire cannon.

“I’m really, really, really sorry. I’m really sorry once again. I did it because I wanted to know who Nicole had brought. But I never dreamed it would be my brother.”

“As I said before, I’m fine. It’s a thing of the past, and you threw it with the expectation that Adelia-san would be able to block it enough anyway, right? Where did you not throw a dagger?”

“But I’m sorry that I’m sorry. If I threw it at someone other than Nicole, I would feel expelled as it is.”

“Does a b*tch you know play such a prank?”

When Nicole pressured her with a ferocious voice, Adelia couldn’t even give her a proper excuse. She just stifles an embarrassing laugh and then lowers her head in regret.

Nicole took a deep breath and reluctantly forgave when Adelia seemed to be sincerely repenting.

“Whoa. As I said before, don’t play like that even from now on. I don’t know if it’s only once or twice, but every time I come to the gym, I get annoyed too.”

“I’m sorry…”

“Sister. Have you been like this often since the beginning?”

“It’s always been like this every time I come to the gym.”

Somehow the reaction was quick. It seems that Adelia’s criminal record was not once or twice.

Nicole must have been quite annoyed when he joked around like this every time he came to the gym. Besides, today, I, who is no one else and my younger brother, could have been in danger, so even more so.

I looked at Nicole who was scratching her head, and suddenly a question came to mind, so I looked towards the entrance to the gym. The entrance was in the form of a long passageway, so it was dark inside, but there was light, but I could barely understand only Inyeong.

But Adelia was convinced that Nicole was coming from the darkness. Even if a familiar silhouette was walking, he wouldn’t be convinced by that alone.

“Mr. Adelia.”

“Huh? Did you call me?”

“Can Adelia-san also grant mana to the eyes?”

“Of course. Even if it looks like this, it’s only as good as one skill.”

It was a response full of pride. Obviously, seeing her as a teaching assistant after her older sister, her skills have already been proven.

If you’re asking what the ability to inject mana into the eye has to do with skill, just think about how sensitive our eyes are.

Being able to check objects straight in the dark by injecting mana into the eyes proves that they are excellent at mana control.

I know this because I was consulted by my father when I first wrote the Zeno biography. His father was also delighted, and he showed him that he had this and that power out there. Other than that, I created it separately by borrowing memories of his past life.

I looked at Adelia, who seemed to have regained her energy, quietly, and then asked her.

“Then is it okay to tell the body temperature?”

“What? How do I do that? It’s a skill that can only be used by at least a Knight Commander.”

Adelia responded in an absurd voice. Her father said that anyone can use it with a little effort, but it seems to have been his father’s standard to the last.

“You said Nicole’s younger brother? I’m talking to an old woman, but don’t even dream of comparing your father with anyone else. He’s someone who changes maps with just one knife, is that comparable?”

“Is your father like that?”

I already knew that my father was a great person, but I didn’t know he would be that great. When I asked Nicole if I was true, she shrugged her shoulders and replied.

“Well. I don’t know. You know. When was the last time my dad said anything with his mouth?”

“No, but why?”

“You say that whenever that achievement comes out of someone else’s mouth, the face of a knight who sacrificed it comes to mind. Isaac You don’t know, but before you were born, you couldn’t sleep at night without alcohol.”

Judging by the symptoms, he is a soldier who typically complains of PTSD.

What’s more, his father was the commander of the Knights Templar, and he belonged to the Navy Knights, so he must have had twice as much experience in combat as others. I heard that the Navy Knights are given various missions as they are the strongest knights in the Minerva Empire.

Among them, there is a mission to subdue demonized demons. In fact, it is clear that subjugating the devil is a last resort, not only in the Navy Knights, but also in various places.

In spite of this, seeing that he raised three siblings safely, he is a man of great mental strength.

“Anyway, Adelia. Are you going to prepare for the battle from now on?”

“I have to. There are a lot of freshmen, so it’s going to be pretty busy.”

“Then, as punishment today, you’re alone. I’ll take my younger brother with me.”

“What? Wait a minute. Anyway, that’s…”


When Adelia immediately protested, Nicole raised one eye instead. In the end, Adelia, who had been guilty of a great sin, had no choice but to lower her tail.

“…Okay. It’s only today instead?”

“Think about it.”

“Oh, please. Don’t do that.”

“Who was the one who almost got a black bruise on my precious little brother’s face?”

It seems that Adelia has captured her weakness properly. I looked at Adelia, who knelt down to her knees to ejaculate, and Nicole, who crossed her arms and pondered.

If you look at it this way, it is true that they are best friends that transcend status. It may be because our family is generally distant from authority, but Adelia’s actions were enough to frighten others in the eyes of others.

As she said a while ago, for threatening the life of a nobleman, expulsion would be the basics, and she would have been sentenced to imprisonment.

‘How did this person become friends with your sister?’

It ended with Nicole granting Adelia’s favor while I was questioning.

“Now then, let’s go to Dalian. I’ll be in the audience, so I explain the situation to people well.”

“Okay. Did I say Isaac?”

“Yes. My name is Isaac.”

“Watch carefully how this older sister fights. I’ll make you fall in love right away.”

“Don’t talk nonsense and just go.”

Adelia threw the training sword Nicole had brought in advance and grabbed it lightly. She waved her arms equitably as she followed her steps into her gymnasium.

Like an immature child, he is a shy person, but strangely, he doesn’t hate him. I asked Nicole what she was curious about, waving her hand to Adelia, who was getting farther away.

“Sister. How did you become friends with that person?”

“It’s just a coincidence. I’ve been walking around since I started school, so I talked to him and he continued to talk until now. His personality is a bit vulgar… No, even if it’s strange, I can guarantee one skill. It was too much of a joke before. Absolutely not.”


While we were talking, someone called Nicole from behind. It was a man’s voice with a good voice to listen to in a low-mid tone.

Nicole and I, of course, turned our heads to see who it was.


And as soon as the man’s face caught my eye, I felt my brain stop in real time. He is a face I never wanted to see because he was too familiar to me, at least.

While I was stiff, Nicole said with a nuance that it was nice to have a spherical sphere with a man. Unlike the man who spoke nonsense, Nicole’s accent was full of manners unlike before.

“Leort-nim? You came early today.”

“Because this week was the start of the new semester. There was nothing busy.”

Like Lina, her golden hair and clear blue eyes. If Lina had a neat and dog-like face, the man in front had a strong impression like a tiger.

Meanwhile, the man who was talking to Nicole turned to me and quietly blurted out.

“But next to…”

“This is my younger brother. Greetings, Isaac. This is Leorth, Crown Prince of the Minerva Empire.”

Not knowing my heart, Nicole patted me on the back and greeted me. I was very nervous and faced Leort with his face.

I was very embarrassed by the unexpected meeting, but I have to say hello no matter what. Moreover, there is no need to be nervous, and Leort and I are meeting for the first time, and he has no idea that I am the author of Zeno’s biography.

This means that there is no fear of being imprisoned in the imperial palace all of a sudden.

With that thought in mind, I greeted Leort based on the etiquette I had learned at home. It is important not to have any doubts now.

“Hello. My name is Isaac Ducker Michel. It’s an honor to meet you, Leorth.”

“Aha. He was Nicole’s younger brother. He said they resembled each other somehow. Nice to meet you. Minerva’s rightful heir, Leort Urmi Jacques, is called. By the way, Isaac?”



why. Why are you screaming like that? anxiously.

As I was muttering to myself with anxiety, Leort asked me with a very happy face.

“Were you the student Lina was talking about?”

…f**k it. life.

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