92 – Academy Freshman Welcome Party (2)

After parting ways with the hero, Reina moved to a corner and looked towards the center of the hall.

There was a spectacle like a beehive poking around.

Reina looked at the scene with a complicated state of mind.

The satisfaction that comes from being the first among so many.

The anxiety that comes from having so many competitors.

Aside from that, various emotions shook her heart.

But in terms of whether she was good or bad, Reina was in a pretty good mood.

Because her hero treated her as her one lady.

‘For some reason, you’ve become even cooler….’

The words I gave to the hero were not ostentatious.

I don’t know why, but the hero has become a more attractive person in the time I haven’t seen him.

‘Did you really have something?’

There is a word that her brother, Damien, once slipped.

A warrior is a dangerous person who should only grasp the visible parts and not approach them.

At the same time, he is also the kind of person you should never pretend to be.

However, if you have him as an ally, he is more reliable than anyone else.

Raina felt that her brother’s evaluation was a bit exaggerated.

Because it was an evaluation that didn’t quite match the friendly side the hero had shown so far.

But looking at her today, she thought that her brother’s evaluation might not be entirely mistaken.


She Sometimes she says that there are people who don’t get along at all, she said.

A welcome party is a place where the public aspect is emphasized more than the private part, so it may be that the convenience of doing such a public job was revealed.

Reina decided to judge the coolness that comes from her hero’s composure.

Originally, people tend to interpret everything positively when they feel relieved.

The reason why Raina was in a complicated mood but was able to relax.

It was the change of Angelica, which she regarded as her biggest stumbling block.

Angelica’s hair, which seemed to reach her waist if she grew it a little longer, was shortened to her shoulder length.

What that meant was clear at a glance.

A broken heart.

Angelica has given up her heart about her hero!

The strongest rival was Angelica, no matter what anyone said.

Since Angelica had retired on her own, she couldn’t help but feel good.

She felt a bit bitter, but she couldn’t help it.

Because love was about winning.

The hero continued to dance with new opponents after that.

One person, two people, three people….

The number of people who had increased so quickly reached 10 people.


In less than 30 seconds, the hero who stepped on his partner’s foot was no longer there.

Instead, there was only one nobleman there.

I’ve been dancing for quite a long time, enough for a normal person to have already spread.

Even so, the hero is considerate of the other person without showing signs of fatigue.

The hall became even hotter with such a gentlemanly appearance.

The young ladies of lower nobles were giving up, saying that their turn would not come.

But wouldn’t the order come back to me in this atmosphere?

Since everyone had the same idea, more and more people gathered around the hero.

Isn’t it like dancing with all the women in the hall?

As expected, even if you show an unexpected appearance, the essence doesn’t change much.

A hero is a truly kind person, befitting the expression that he is an agent of God.

Reina glanced over at Angelica while thinking that.

Angelica just quietly stood near the pillar.

For some reason, Reina was in a bad mood, so she couldn’t talk to Angelica.

She is by nature she is a good person, so she couldn’t be so vicious as to sprinkle salt on her wounds.

She was, but she was still bothered by her, so her eyes couldn’t help but be directed.

As she tried to look at Angelica’s expression like that, Angelica showed an uncomfortable feeling for a very short time.

Did she notice her own gaze?

She thought so and then she slightly looked away, just as her hero was changing her partner.

A new young lady holding the hero’s hand.

For some reason, she gave off an aura that was subtly different from the other young ladies around her.

She had glossy brown hair like ears of ripe barley, and her body was mature enough to make one think of a grown woman.

But what stood out most of all was the accessory she was wearing on her arm.


Dressed in ordinary accessories, but with her senses sharpened by her fairy pact, Reina was able to see through its identity.

She was wearing an artifact that changed her appearance.

‘Who are you?’

The ladies in the center of the hall are all impatient because they can’t dance with the hero.

But that young lady was different.

Her expression looked really complicated.

She was somehow embellishing her expression, but should I say it was the feeling that strange emotions were leaking out of her mask?

Her hero’s attitude toward her was also profound.

For some reason, she was moving as if she had a personal acquaintance with her.

She felt relieved that she had one less match, but maybe a new danger had appeared.

Reina gritted her teeth as she looked at her hero with a nervous look on her face.


Who am I? Where am I?

Teresa still couldn’t believe that she was in the halls of the academy.

Just as I was praying to the creator god as usual, the cardinal who left for the Holy Land came to visit me.

She then notified her to attend her academy.

From noble mtl dot com

Theresa was dumbfounded by her sudden order.

When she heard the details later, it seems that there was a request from the hero.

Representatives of the Tribal Federation admitted their children to the academy for various reasons.

However, since they are of different races, they needed someone to assist them so that they could integrate well into the academy.

It is said that the hero has designated a saint from the Holy Land as his assistant.

Theresa said she still couldn’t tell if this was a dream or reality.

I want to celebrate my youth by going to the academy.

She used to have such a delusion, but it actually came true….


She was confused and was getting ready to enter the academy.

Is it really okay for me to enter the academy?

As I was looking around while thinking that, I saw the figure of a hero surrounded by a group of people.


The word Insun, who was considerate of the children of different races, seemed like an excuse.

How many times has the warrior emphasized it?

Aside from divine power, she’s a girl with no powers.

I can’t entrust such an important mission to someone I don’t trust.

Teresa wanted to somehow grasp the hero’s intentions.

So, while she was hanging around near him, the hero first asked for a dance.

Teresa seized the hero’s hand thinking it was an opportunity and stepped out into the center of the hall.

A woman who suddenly appeared took the hero’s partner.

So I felt the undesirable gaze, but now the hero’s will was more important than that gaze.

“You dance surprisingly well.”

“… Why the hell did you do this?”

“What is this?”

“Why me at the academy?”

“I have already explained why.”

The hero slightly tilted his head as if wondering.

It was so natural that I couldn’t tell if it was real or not.

“… It can’t be.”


“You seemed to not expect anything from me other than divine power. You can’t entrust me with such an important task.”

As Theresa drew a firm line, the hero smiled intriguedly.

“The Academy is an educational institution. They sang about youth, romance, and joy, but the essence lies in learning. I thought you might need it.”

“To me… do you need it?”

“Student council, conference, club, and various other activities. If you do anything, wouldn’t you find a skill or two?”

This relationship can be resolved by showing exceptional talents other than divine power.

The hero definitely said that.


‘You were considerate of me….’

Even though he harbored not-so-good feelings towards the hero, he was aware of that level.

Teresa has been having a headache about how to deal with this.

It was difficult to accept it as a kind favor.

Still, the good deeds a hero shows to others are always sincere.

The hero who was like a poisonous snake and the hero who shows good intentions now.

What kind of appearance is his sincerity….

Teresa groaned as she thought about that, but the hero’s face drew closer.

“You said you wanted to enjoy your youth like a lady? I just enjoy it without thinking about it.”

Teresa was startled and turned his head to the side.


I didn’t notice because it was an unexpected situation, but a different song was already playing in the hall.

Theresa hurriedly gave her greetings to her warrior, and the warrior greeted her formally.

Then he became the partner of another young lady and started dancing.

She must have been pretty tired already, but she didn’t show the slightest sign of being tired.

A really toxic person….

Isn’t it a poisonous snake?

As she was looking at him with that thought in mind, she felt his gaze from somewhere.

Angelica had a change of heart and cut her hair short.

And she is Reina, the princess of the Duchy of Oklia who first danced with the hero.

It was the gaze of the two.

The hall was large enough to accommodate all the students entering the academy.

Even so, I felt that deep emotions were buried in them to the extent that I could feel their eyes.

‘It’s not like that….’

Teresa felt somehow unfair.

Teresa quietly moved to a corner of the hall, avoiding the gaze of the two.

‘I am an academy student.’

Teresa remembered the warrior’s welcome speech.

Free school spirit if you follow the minimum rules, elected student council run by students autonomously, and clubs that share the same hobbies.


She dreamed of living at the academy, but as she became a freshman, she was at a loss as to what to do.

According to the hero’s explanation, the flower of academy life was the club, but he didn’t have anything that could be called a hobby.

‘Ha ha.’

It was a moment when I was worried about my future academy life.

She was just staring at her land and sighing when she heard footsteps approaching her.

Are you a man who wants to apply for a dance?

I have to refuse because I’m tired.

She thought so as she raised her head slightly, and the hem of her pretty dress caught her eye.

A dress that looks like you’ve seen it anywhere….

It was Raina.

Reina stopped at a distance of about three meters from Teresa, and she had aristocratic etiquette.

“My name is Rayna Albert Austin Oaklea.”

Theresa hurriedly greeted Rayna, recalling the profile she had memorized in her chapel.

“This is Leticia Wagner.”

An awkward atmosphere lingered between the two as they exchanged their names with each other.

“Maybe… Do you have a personal relationship with writer Bright?”


No, let’s stay calm.

I would have asked a more specific question if I had information to be sure of.

“A small kite reached the heating device invented by the author.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“Yes. I wrote a letter because I’m a Lady’s fan….”

Raina thought that the story of the woman she introduced as Leticia might be a lie.

In the first place, if this story is true, there won’t be any need to fool the appearance with artifacts.

Still, the other knights standing guard don’t react, so it doesn’t seem to be malicious.

So, is it a person who has circumstances, and through what path did he build friendship with the hero?

Raina had the idea that this woman named Leticia might be a person of interest.

Since she will be attending the same academy anyway, she will be in frequent contact.

Reina decided not to set up a confrontational angle from now on, but to observe for now.

“From now on, as a student attending the same academy, please take good care of me.”

“Please take good care of me.”

The two greeted each other and parted ways.

It was the beginning of a complicated relationship.

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