House Witch

Chapter 679: 678 Specter

Chapter 679

"Sister, are you selling me?"

Dorothy looked at Senior Mia opposite her, her eyes full of resentment.

But it was too late, the little junior sister beside her had already looked at her.


The little fox doll on Audrey's shoulder hesitated to speak, but her charming fox eyes were full of expectations.

In fact, the little fox really wanted to help everyone, but she was afraid of messing things up if she was alone, but if the senior sister was with her, then there would be no problem.

And who can refuse such a weak, pitiful, helpless, and really good-looking little fox?

Dorothy's refusal words were on her lips, but she really couldn't bear to continue to say it. She was worried that if she refused, the little junior sister who was harmed would be really happy, so what would happen.

Forget it, just go on stage when you’re on stage. Although we don’t like to show our faces, it’s not shameful. Besides, I’m good at playing trees, grass, etc. on stage.

The nerd witch recalled her good performance in the occasional performance activities mobilized by the whole class when she was in school in her previous life, so she comforted herself.

"Well, Audrey, don't be afraid, I will always be by your side."

Dorothy smiled, responding to the little junior sister's expectation.


As soon as Audrey heard this answer, she was so sentimental that her eyes filled with tears immediately, her long and narrow eyes turned into two swaying poached eggs, and the little fox puppet on her shoulder was also a little choked up.

The fox witch was really moved. She knew her senior sister's character of not being pushy or causing trouble, so the senior sister made a decision that went against her personal purpose in order to take care of herself.

Thinking of this, the little fox's heart immediately warmed up. The senior sister was really kind to her. If he hadn't already had a heart to belong to, his heart would have been pounding by now.

If you have a sister like this, what can you ask for?

Audrey couldn't help clenching her small fists, making up her mind that she must go all out this time.

"Then Audrey, do you have any suggestions for what senior Mia just said about cultural realization?"

Now that she has made up her mind, the house witch did not continue to entangle too much, and she decisively started the next stage of discussion.

Cultural realization, it seems not difficult to say, it is nothing more than promoting culture to the outside world, so that other people outside will gradually agree with it, and like the culture you spread, and finally profit through various cultural activities or peripherals .

Taking Dongying Island as an example, their next step is to find a way to expand the influence of Dongying Island, so that more and more other witches can accept and like the culture of the East Universe, which is completely different from the West Universe, and then let them willingly take out their pockets. The gold dollars in it are used to recharge love, such as spontaneously buying fish and grass grown on Dongying Island, swords and so on.

In a nutshell, in a word, it is actually just operating an ip.

But theory is theory, and practice is practice. Not even the bigwigs in the industry can 100% guarantee that the IP they operate will be 100% popular, let alone Dorothy and the others. They are all newcomers.

When Audrey heard the senior sister's question, she also lowered her head and thought for a while before manipulating the puppet to speak.

"Why don't we make a ghost film? Six months later, there will be an election for the Demon King Award in Venus. If we can participate in this event and win an award, then it will be a good publicity."

Little Fox said so.

The so-called phantom is actually something similar to a movie, but the phantom of the witch is much more advanced than the movie that only stayed at the visual sensory level in Dorothy's previous life.

The magic shadow can let the movie viewers directly bring into the perspective of the protagonist, to personally experience all the experiences of the protagonist of the film. They can not only see what the protagonist sees, hear what the protagonist hears, but also smell the protagonist's smell. Feel the taste and feel everything the protagonist has experienced.

Well, even some eighteen-pointed phantoms that little witches don't like to watch can even make the audience directly relate to the protagonist's pain or pleasure, which is really exciting.

Even some relatively high-cost phantoms also provide multi-angle experience. You can experience not only the perspective of the protagonist, but also the perspective of supporting characters, and even the perspective of passers-by.

Anyway, it's very free.

"Phantom? Isn't it, is it so difficult to come up?"

Dorothy frowned, just like the status of movie stars in the previous life in the entertainment circle was slightly higher than that of other variety stars or idol singers, the status of the ghosts of Witch World is higher than that of other film and television projects. Li is also relatively detached.

It was a high-end game that only industry leaders could participate in. Even if it was a job with a name, it needed a well-known actor to participate.

After all, it’s not just a matter of just coming in to shoot a ghost. If it’s a movie, the audience can only judge an actor’s acting skills by sight. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what the actor thinks when he is filming, as long as he understands Just wait for the facial expressions and actions to be in place.

But Moying not only has superficial shooting, but also records of the actors' inner scenes. Whether the emotions of the actors are in place when they are acting is the key to whether the audience can feel immersed and substituting.

Therefore, Specter has very high requirements for actors' acting skills.

When you are acting, you have to put your whole heart and soul into the plot. When the plot is happy, you have to feel joyful, and when the plot is sad, you have to feel sad.

Otherwise, where you should be happy, you complain in your heart why you are not off work, and when you should be sad, you think of happy things, then no matter how superb your acting skills are on the bright side, it will not work. When the audience watches the movie One generation enters your emotions, and you don't laugh directly to death.

Although some comedy ghosts may use this contrast as a joke, most normal plots require the unity of plot and emotion.

As for Dorothy and others, except for Audrey, who was born in an art family, who is an insider in the industry, everyone else is a layman who catches ducks on the shelves. make up.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the phantoms burn more money than movies. Dorothy thought about the big investment movies in her previous life, which cost tens of millions of dollars. She couldn't help but hugged her little coffin tightly.

She wanted to find a way to make money because she was short of money, but now she has to invest money in it instead. Affected, there are also many ghosts that hit the street every year.

In short, the threshold and difficulty of shooting ghosts are too high. How can someone want to fight the final boss before they come out of the novice village? The house witch originally thought that newcomers like them should start from underground idols or something.


"I think it's okay. What we want to do is to do the best. It's too slow to take the rest. We can have a high starting point. I can be your investor."

Before Dorothy had time to object, the elder sister of the gold master on the side had already spoken arrogantly.

Senior Mia looked at her sweetheart beside her with burning eyes, eager to try.

For the golden princess, it doesn't matter whether the next phantom can win an award or sell well, what matters is that this phantom was shot by the goblin.

Well, when the film comes out, I can bring the goblin's perspective. What does that mean? Rounding it up, it's pretty much me and the leprechaun all in one.

hey hey hey shasha

Senior Mia's breathing became hotter.

Alright, for the first time I won the screen of the little goblin.

"Senior sister, think twice, it's not a small investment to shoot a phantom, and we are all laymen without professional training, so we will rush to the street."

Dorothy remonstrated like this, and she tried to stop the agitated and out-of-control senior sister from the brink.

But how can senior Mia hear this now.

"Don't think twice, I want your number one, bah, I mean it's just small money, just a few days' pocket money, I just retreated for a month and didn't spend any money, and now my wallet urgently needs to release the pressure. Otherwise, it will be propped open."

The golden princess took out a bulging wallet that looked like an inflated balloon, and said so.

Dorothy: "."

Damn it, my wallet said it also wanted to experience this feeling of being blown up.

"But we are running out of time. The lottery will be drawn in half a year. If it is considered as the time for submission of registration, there may not be enough time left for us for a few months. This is completely too late."

The house witch said so again.

But this time Audrey raised her hand to speak.

"It's okay, senior sister, I can go through the special registration channel. The mothers are the judges for the Devil King Award this time. As long as we can finish it one day before the award ceremony starts, it will be fine."

The nine tails behind the little fox flicked back and forth, and it could be seen that she really wanted to shoot the ghost.

In fact, if it is really the highest-status performance in the Witch World, it is not a phantom, but a live stage play.

If it is said that only the best actors can participate in the phantom, then only the best phantom actors are eligible to participate in the stage performances on the big stage.

After all, Moying can at least use special viewing equipment to share the emotional perception of the actors with the audience, but for stage plays, it requires the participants to pull all the audience into their performance with impeccable acting skills. In the process, let your emotions and all your perceptions be shared with the many audiences.

This difficulty is undoubtedly hell level.

But Audrey's two mothers are the best stage actors of our time.

For Little Fox, who takes her two mothers as her idols and goals, the big stage of musicals is her life dream.

She used to have the opportunity to be on the big stage when she was young, but the inner demons and fears ruined everything and kept her from going forward for so many years.

But now if she is accompanied by her senior sister, then she may be able to muster up the courage to take the first step back to the big stage.

Dorothy: "."

Seeing that the senior sister and the junior sister both agreed, and the situation was two to one, she gave up resistance.

Since the senior sisters are not afraid of losing money, and the younger junior sisters have mustered up their courage, then she has nothing to be afraid of, and it's over.

"Okay, then let's shoot the ghost, then let's make preparations for shooting first, first of all, the script, forget it, you probably don't know the East Universe like me, so let me figure out a way for the script."

The house witch entered the next stage of thinking again.

First of all, there must be a script that can show the style of Dongying Island, but she looked at the senior and junior sisters opposite, and could only shake her head.

The three of them are all from other places, and none of them are locals. They still know the ghostly style of Japan. Dorothy decided to ask Auntie Yae or Miss Oiran, local witches, to ask if there is anything suitable for her. Old legends as scripts or something.

"As for the venue, it's easy to solve this way. The extras don't need to look for the venues in Dongying Island. The streets are full of them, but the main actors have to find a way to get together. We may need to audition for recruitment."

Senior sister Mia also immediately put forward her own views.

"I can try the director's words. Although it's my first time acting as a ghost, I have edited a lot of clips for my mothers before."

Audrey was finally a little more lively at this time, and she mustered up the courage to recommend herself.

"In this case, there will be a lack of a photographer, emmmm, well, it seems that there are photographers ready-made, and they are still the top photographers."

Dorothy thought of a certain raven that was also on the island.

"Oh, Wen Wen, right? Indeed, although that guy's character is a little bit bad and his mouth is a little bit big, his photography skills are nothing to say. She can stand up to a whole photography team by herself."

Senior Mia also reacted, and she couldn't help applauding, agreeing.

"But will Senior Sister Wen Wen be willing to help?"

Audrey asked with some concern. She had also heard about the famous president of the news agency, and had seen many film and television works of this senior from the college's Little Witch Daily. The shooting skills were really nothing to say , but I heard that this senior sister's temper is not very easy to get along with.

"It's okay, she will agree."

Dorothy isn't worried at all, after all, senior, you don't want your grandma's family to receive special treatment from the shrine, do you?

The house witch smiled.

"Well, Wen Wen is a good and helpful person."

Senior Mia also showed a smile. After all, the largest shareholder of the Witch Daily is actually the Golden Town.

"Ah cut."

In the Kujo House on Dongying Island, the witch with pitch-black wings sneezed loudly.

"Damn, which guy is scolding me behind my back?"

Wen Wen thought so in his heart.

Then she recalled her enemy

Emmmm laughingly, too many enemies, I can't remember it at all.

The head of the news agency, who hates ghosts and ghosts, couldn't help puffing out his chest proudly when he thought of this.

Well, this is the glory of a journalist.

"It doesn't matter, let's hurry up and write the manuscript, hee hee, the real body of the eldest lady is actually this, I will definitely be on the headlines of Mowang this time."

Wen Wen is rushing to draft.

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