House Witch

Chapter 575 574 Thirteen Disciples

Chapter 575 574. Thirteen Disciples

The angels and witches who originally lived in the Cathedral of the God King were quickly controlled by the people of the Apocalypse Chapter, and then the members of the Chapter became busy. They began to prepare for a ceremony, a ceremony for The enthronement ceremony to announce to the public that the ancestral court of angels and witches has changed hands.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the otaku witch who has always had no sense of existence. She just peeked inside the door when the Chapter witches pushed open the door of the main church, and found that the church was already empty.

The principal and dean of students who were originally inside had left home at some point, and even the Lord of Glory inside Avalon had disappeared. It was unknown whether he had left or had disappeared again.

It seemed that the big bosses really didn't interfere with Sophilia's "willful" intentions, which made Dorothy feel relieved.

However, her roommate's previous speculation that the Angel Witch's "roots" were broken still made the House Witch a little uneasy. Taking advantage of the fact that it was not her turn yet, she took a break from her busy work and squatted at the door of the main church, and then He took out his trial order from his pocket and prepared to shake people.

After all, when the show starts later, she can't be alone. Some extras will have to be brought in to join in the fun.

But before summoning the new judges under her command, Dorothy first opened another chat box in her friend list.

The Clown Grand Inquisitor: "Lord Annihilation, are you there? Baby dragon probe emoticon package.jpg"

She was going to ask her mother first what was going on with the Archangel Judge.

When she faced the angel order before, she didn't dare to discuss it directly with Long Ma. She was afraid of making her mother in trouble.

After all, as the chief judge, Long Ma cannot distinguish between public and private affairs and take the initiative to protect wanted criminals. This has a very bad impact and can easily be reported and impeached.

Although Dorothy also understood that with her mother's ability, every move she and Sophia made was definitely exposed under her nose, and Long Ma must know what the two did during this time.

But as long as the two of them don't contact or report, there will be no written evidence left, and Long Ma can just pretend that nothing happened.

The question is that she is in seclusion and doesn't know anything. It's all done by the people below.

But once Dorothy contacted Long Ma quietly, it became a little unclear. And with Long Ma’s business-like character, once this layer of window paper was pierced, she would have no reason to pretend to be blind. Maybe we have to give orders or simply arrest people directly.

Therefore, this pot-house witch took it upon herself to carry it.

But it doesn't matter now. Sophilia is free anyway, so Dorothy and Euphilia don't have to avoid anything anymore.

And the fact was just as the otaku witch had guessed. As soon as she sent the message, Long Ma responded instantly.

The Chief Judge of Annihilation: "It's done? Dragon frown emoticon package.jpg"

At this time, at the training ground of the Armed Club, Euphilia frowned and looked nervously at the spell book in her hand.

Although she was paying attention to every move of her daughter and apprentice today, Long Ma's sight tracking has been blocked since the two entered the main church.

After all, the main church is the place where the Lord of Glory is sealed. The building structure is special and can block the casual prying eyes of powerful people. In addition, Euphilia is not the kind of peak who specializes in investigation.

Therefore, she really didn't know what had just happened in the main church.

Clown Grand Inquisitor: "Well, although the process was a little tortuous, everything went smoothly in the end. The baby dragon raised its head with its hands on its hips and blew out its nostrils.jpg."

As soon as she saw her daughter's reply, Euphilia breathed a sigh of relief. Now she finally didn't have to be in such a dilemma, but she still needed to remind her daughter of some things.

The Grand Judge of Annihilation: "That's good, but don't take it lightly. The water of the angel witch clan is a bit deep. It's not something you and Sophia, two little witches, can mix with. It's best not to leave the witch academy recently. Now there are three consecutive The king’s eyes are fixed on the academy, as long as you don’t leave the academy, those old and immortal guys won’t dare to act casually even if they have ideas in their hearts.”

As the chief judge, Mother Long would naturally not be unaware that her colleague, an angel witch, had secretly issued an angel order.

But there was nothing she could do about it. The most she could do was protest and condemn the other party's long arm for overstepping its authority. Apart from that, there was really nothing else she could do to the other party. After all, Sophilia did have the blood of the Lord of Glory flowing through her body. , this is a fact, then the Angel Wanted Order complies with the procedures of the Tribunal.

It's just that the old immortal guy didn't dare to make too much trouble. After all, because of the changes in the Witch's Night, the eyes of the three kings were attracted. Under the noses of these three real masters of the Witch World , those insidious old guys couldn't use many of their unattractive methods.

Moreover, this time the other party's long-arm jurisdiction not only angered Dragon Mother, but even Lord Pan, the chief demon judge, was also very unhappy about it.

The old guy who usually has eyes in the sky can still rely on his elders to Euphilia, a young descendant who is only over 200 years old, but for Lord Pan, one of the oldest and strongest sages, the other party must also be honest. Really, call me "Senior" respectfully.

However, what surprised Mother Long was that it seemed that her daughter had already expected it without her needing to remind her.

The Clown Grand Inquisitor: "Oh, my God, there is really something wrong with that Angel Grand Inquisitor. What is her background? The young dragon was so frightened that the meat in his mouth fell off.jpg"

Dorothy was really shocked that her enemy was actually in the court of justice.

Damn it, the Tribunal is already one of the insurances for the stable order of the Witch World. If the Tribunal sucks, how can the Witch World still suck?

I think this witch world is really taking jujube pills.

Although the otaku witch felt a little guilty when she said this, after all, she always felt that she had gone through Dragon Mother's back door to land in her current position as the Grand Inquisitor.

Even though the position of inquisitor is hereditary, there is no precedent for a little witch to directly parachute into the role of grand inquisitor before her. In the past, those who could parachute were really big guys.

The Chief Judge of Annihilation: "How many of those people who practice faith have no problem with their brains? Those who play with people's hearts will surely be counterattacked by their hearts. The power of the mind is the source of all miracles and the curse that causes all disasters. , I have always felt that those old guys have gone astray, but I am a junior and it is not easy for me to talk nonsense, so just be careful not to talk nonsense."

Mother Long reminded her daughter in such a subtle way, and then gave her a brief introduction.

The Grand Judge of Annihilation: "As for the Grand Judge of Angels, it was originally my teacher, Master Qin. You should have met her, right? She is your college principal. However, after the teacher assumed the position of college principal, he He has taken a back seat, so the position of Archangel Judge has been replaced.”

The Grand Judge of Annihilation: "As for the current Archangel Judge, he is the Sage Mattia, but you don't need to pay too much attention to it. He is just an old waste who relies on his old age. He is said to be the twelve disciples of the God King Sect. One, but to put it bluntly, they are just a group of old losers who escaped the purge because of the Lord Dragon King's mercy and are just living on their last breath. They are just talkative, but if they really make a move, I can kill her with one hand."

The Grand Inquisitor of Annihilation: "The dragon shows off its muscles.jpg"

Dorothy: "."

The otaku witch looked at her mother's reply and was speechless for a moment.

Although the two of them were communicating using the Judgment Order at this time, theoretically there should be no possibility of the Inquisitor's dedicated magic network route being eavesdropped or spied on, but my God, is it really okay for you to say bad things about your colleagues behind their backs like this? ? Don't be embarrassed if your chat history is accidentally exposed.

Of course, even though she was complaining like this in her heart, my mother started joining the group, and the little witch immediately started joining the group.

The Clown Grand Inquisitor: "Master Annihilation is mighty, blast the old wall lamp, and the young dragon raises a sign to cheer.jpg"

Anyway, she doesn't hang out with the God King faction of the Tribunal. Her immediate boss is her own mother, so she is not afraid of offending the Birdman Grand Inquisitor. If something goes wrong, the invincible Dragon Mother will naturally be there to support her. It's time to just be a good cheerleader.

However, the news about the current Angel Grand Judge revealed by Dragon Mother just now still made her somewhat stressed.

After all, Sage Matia is a sage.

Naturally, there is no need to panic for Long Ma, a top-level person with unparalleled combat power. She is a sage who can really move her hands like a hammer. But for a little witch like Dorothy, the word sage is just too big. It was enough to make her feel depressed.

"Senior sister, do you know the twelve disciples of the God King Sect?"

The otaku witch secretly asked the senior in the hat on her head.

There is no way. Although she has a lot of knowledge about magic, she is too lazy to learn history. She really doesn't know many historical celebrities in the witch world. If you say she knows the academic masters, she may know such religious celebrities. Not very familiar.

But thinking about it, he has become a sage, so he must have something to do with it, but the other party's area of ​​expertise is probably in the path of faith, and Dorothy didn't learn that stuff before.

Fortunately, she has a historian who can ask questions, and Senior Sister Fanny specializes in history.

"Well, of course I know. He was a figure in the early Dragon King era. It was also the period when the authority of the God King Sect reached its peak. Twelve sages co-ruled the church, and those twelve sages claimed to be the God King. Your disciples are also called the Twelve Apostles."

Sure enough, Hat-senpai knew everything about this moment in witch history, and she easily answered the ignorant otaku witch's doubts.

"It's just that according to what I know about Teacher Shenwang, those twelve sages must have put gold in their own faces. Teacher Shenwang was not even very patient when teaching Teacher Dragon King and me. Only Teacher Demon King could force it. If she can keep up with her old man's thoughts, how could she really accept any twelve disciples?"

I think back to Teacher Shenwang’s words every time he taught me: “Why are you so stupid?” “Shouldn’t such a simple truth be understood at a glance?” “You are really the worst student I have ever taught.” "It's hopeless, it can't be saved, just wait to die" and other expressions of disgust, senior Fanny was speechless for a while.

Anyway, the character of the real God King teacher in her memory cannot be said to have nothing to do with the gentle and patient teacher Dinisha she met in Witch Night this time. It can only be said that it is completely opposite.

Look at how detailed and patient Ms. Dinisha is in teaching others, but Ms. God King herself despises everyone and thinks everyone is stupid. It’s as if she’s been holding them, her disciples and grandchildren, against her heart. Someone who I don’t know who is making a comparison.

Well, Senior Sister Fanny didn't know who that person was before, but now she knows, but she doesn't dare to say anything.

The Hat-senpai glanced at her master, who had no skills, with a resentful look, and snorted unhappily.

"Sebao, poodle biss."

"Well, I know, of course everyone can get curly dogs and kill them. Senior sister, why are you telling me this?"

Dorothy nodded in agreement, but looked at the hat senior with some confusion, wondering why she suddenly became ill again.

Hat senior: "."

Look, curly dogs are really all good at nothing.

Senior Sister Fanny rolled her eyes in displeasure, but still continued to introduce the Master.

"It's just that although the era of the Twelve Apostles was the peak of the God King Sect, it was also a turning point in the influence of the God King Sect from prosperity to decline."

"At that time, the angels and witches of the God King Sect felt that they were invincible with the God King above their heads and the twelve sages behind them, so they acted extraordinarily arrogantly, always being superior to others, vaguely like the angels in heaven. .”

"They don't even pay much attention to the Dragon King. They even have strong opinions about the God King passing the throne to the Dragon King instead of passing it on to one of the twelve disciples. After all, the Dragon King at that time did not have He is just a newly promoted sage who grows up to become the true Queen of Witches.”

"There will be no more after that. Those guys don't like Lord Dragon King, and Lord Dragon King naturally doesn't like them either. They are targeted by Lord Dragon King, who is the most decisive and decisive person who never pays attention to human feelings and always handles business matters. There is no need to say more about what the outcome will be."

"Since then, the God King Sect has been in a state of decline and has started to decline. Since then, the God King Sect has only been allowed to have one sage as the pope, and no more sages are allowed to rule together."

Senior Sister Hat briefly introduced the common sense of church history that is written in these history books, but at the end she added a few unofficial stories in private.

"But, Xibao, as far as I know, the church actually had not twelve disciples, but thirteen disciples. One of the disciples seemed to have died, and then another was replaced, so there were thirteen in total. people."

"And the Sage Matia that Teacher Euphilia just mentioned is the one who will be replaced later."

The hat-senpai is revealing the information.

The feeling of typing in the morning is indeed better than that at night. Going to bed early and getting up early is good for your health, but I don’t know how many days my procrastination will last.

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