House Witch

Chapter 499 498 Acceleration and Showdown

Chapter 499 498. Acceleration and Showdown

ps: People who love saving can skip this chapter. This is a chapter that deepens the character design, so that you don’t feel really uncomfortable watching it. I also felt uncomfortable being scolded. Also, this book really has no plot. Everything is for I'm a girl who provides character design services. I just write casually to make ends meet. If you're rushing for plot every day, don't do it. I'm not a person who can write plots. I don't have the brains. I directly stated in the introduction that I'm afraid of water and don't get into it. I don't understand. Why do people still call me stupid every day? Well, that’s it. (Stacking armor, this paragraph is added later, it does not count the number of words in the main text, so it will not waste the starting point coins,)

If possible, Dorothy actually wanted to help Sophilia hide it. After all, it was really inconvenient for her roommate's bloodline to be made public.

It's a pity that this time the Lord of Witch Night's brilliance directly kidnapped people, and now his roommates have directly become the leaders of the enemy army. There is really no way to hide.

The witches all suspected that the King of Angels did this on purpose, in order to expose the fact that Sophilia was her daughter, so that this daughter would be denounced and ostracized by the witches, and disappear directly from the witch world. He has a foothold, so he has no choice but to follow her and return to heaven obediently.

Well, what a move to cut off the mortal bond.

But now, since she could no longer hide it, the house witch thought for a moment and decided to do the opposite. She might as well help the Lord of Glory and help Sophilia break off this mortal bond.

Dorothy knew her roommate very well, although she said arrogantly every day that she didn't care about anyone else's opinions except for the teacher and the eldest lady. In her eyes, everyone else was just a prop that could be used at will.

But this is a lie, and all that ruthlessness is just her disguise, the armor of thorns she uses to protect herself.

The otaku witch said a long time ago that Sophilia is just a person with great power, but a very weak heart. In fact, she has always been very inferior because of her origin, and is afraid that one day she will be pregnant with a child. If the secret of the Lord of Glory's bloodline was exposed, she would lose everything.

So, since you will lose everything sooner or later, you might as well not start.

With the simple idea that if you don't have it, you won't lose it, she became the "cold and ruthless" person she is today.

Well, as long as she uses everything as a prop and doesn't invest too much emotion, then even if her secret is exposed later and others hate and exclude her, she won't be too hurt.

Sophilia was thinking so.

But Dorothy knew that this guy was just deceiving herself. After all, the "cold and ruthless" thing was just her disguise. It was her parody of Lucy Faire, the incarnation of her destiny, not her true nature.

The fallen angel Lucifer is a real bad woman. After all, in that branch of fate, she is the real person who lost everything.

Her bloodline as a witch was abandoned when she was born, and then she was thrown out of the witch world and exiled to heaven. She had to survive on her own, and as a little girl without a mother to protect her, she had to face those who coveted the most powerful angel king in her body. The threat of other angels with the power of blood.

If Lucifer was not ruthless and ruthless in this real hellish beginning, she would not be able to survive at all.

But Sophilia was different. She was lucky. She was saved by Euphilia from the beginning, and she grew up under the protection and guidance of the Dragon Queen.

Although she has been growing up under surveillance, and this kind of life is indeed not very free, she has truly experienced the warmth of home that Lucy Faire has never experienced before.

Therefore, Sophilia, who has experienced warmth, has a soft heart. She cannot be as absolutely rational as Lucifer, who can do things without emotion and only focus on interests.

The pure white witch's heart is far from hardened enough.

Even if she tried to imitate Lucifer's character and use this incarnation of fate to arm her weak heart, it would still be incomplete.

Her heart was so overwhelmed that it could only be regarded as being covered with a layer of strong armor. It looked and felt hard, but the inside of the armor was still so weak.

This can be seen from the things she did.

She thought that as long as she didn't get emotionally involved, it would be fine, but emotions were something she could never control if she wanted to.

She said that she was running for student council president just to build her resume, accumulate contacts, and recruit talents after graduation, but in reality?

Haha, she got up early every day and never missed the official duties of the student union. She worked diligently every day. She had to personally handle and check all the affairs in the college, so that she could have a peace of mind. You told me that you were just pretending. ?

No matter how much Sophilia tried to quibble, saying that everything was just a disguise to win people's hearts, in Dorothy's eyes, this was the most perfect and responsible student council president.

No one can do it better and more seriously than her.

Although the thoughts of witches are the same as those of humans, and theoretically it is possible to be deceived and fooled, in fact, the strange talents and expertise of witches make them extra sensitive. Even if they lack social experience, they can rely on their powerful With their perceptive abilities, they can easily expose the disguises of even the most powerful liars among mortals.

Not to mention that some witches with extraordinarily high inspiration attributes also have bug-like sixth senses. Even if there is a movie star who is perfect in his deception, these high-inspiration witches can vaguely feel that you are lying and not a good person just by looking at you.

Therefore, it is very difficult to deceive a witch. It may not be difficult to deceive a witch for a while, but it is basically useless to deceive a witch for several years or even more than ten years.

Not to mention that he didn't just deceive one person, but deceived 500 million witches in the entire school.

Even if the real Lucifer came over, she wouldn't be able to do such an outrageous thing, but Sophiria did it. She is the student council president with the highest support rate and the most popularity since the founding of Witch Academy.

The approval rate is 99%, almost full, this is outrageous.

You must know that even the Witch King, Lord Dragon King and Lord Demon King, who were both student council presidents, once had an approval rate of only about 90%.

Naturally, this cannot be because the abilities of the Dragon King or the Demon King are not as good as Sophiria's. It is simply that the attitude of these two Witch Kings towards the position of student council president is not as correct as that of the Pure White Witch. Those two Witch Kings are not Someone like Sophilia is so attentive that as long as she finds out about something as trivial as a quarrel between two students, she will be particularly concerned about whether they reconciled afterward.

It's no wonder that the Pure White Witch used to work overtime a lot. She had to personally take care of even such trivial matters. This micro-manipulation skill is really amazing, and the workload is unimaginable.

Dorothy had occasionally asked Sophia why she did this when chatting at the dinner table. It was too tiring to micromanage everything.

The answer of the Pure White Witch is that it is the details that can impress people. These small details are often more likely to make people like her than the grand events. This helps to maintain her popularity and allow more people to take advantage of her.

At that time, the otaku witch felt that this guy was talking nonsense. Although she admitted that details are indeed more touching, but if she didn't really care, who would care about those small details.

In Dorothy's opinion, her roommate's ability to catch details anytime and anywhere was as outrageous as her ability to remember the names, looks, and other basic information of the 500 million students in the school.

Although the Otaku Witch's photographic memory can actually do this kind of thing if she wants to, and it won't take too much time. With the help of reading skills, it can be almost completed in an hour or two.

But she was too lazy to do it, and she didn't have the energy or effort to do it. For her, having that energy was not as practical as going to the Magic Network Library to read two more magic books.

The original Dragon King and Demon King probably had the same idea. He could do it, but he was too lazy to do it. He was unwilling to waste an hour or two of his life for such a trivial matter. This was probably why Sophia's support rate could win. The reason for the records of these two witch kings.

The pure white witch is really thin, too thin.

But at this level of detail, can this really be considered "pretending" or "taking advantage"?

Only sincerity can ever be exchanged for sincerity. Can a student council president who only regards everyone as a tool really gain this honor that even the Witch King's leadership has failed to achieve?

The answer is already obvious.

Sophilia can't be a bad person.

Dorothy was absolutely sure of this.

She had previously given the centaur lady in Lucifer's bar a few tubes of high-end potions to treat her congenitally weak sister, but the potions were returned to her by Sophia the next day. .

"These potions are too high-level. It would be a waste to give them to a weak centaur. I'll give them back to you. I will handle Nina's affairs."

Sophilia said so at that time.

Afterwards, the otaku witch went to investigate out of curiosity, but found that she almost did something bad with good intentions. The potion she gave was indeed high-end and could cure Miss Nina and her sister's congenital disease, but in fact Miss Nina gave her The information was wrong. Her sister's weakness was not a congenital disease at all, but a weakness caused by too much talent and insufficient physical support.

If Miss Nina really gave Dorothy's magic potion to her sister, her sister would indeed become a healthy centaur, but it could only be said to be a healthy ordinary horse. Her powerful talent would be destroyed. Let me wash some of this high-grade magic potion together.

Fortunately, Sofilia stopped everything and gave Nina a more suitable potion to take back to treat her sister.

This little incident once made Dorothy reflect deeply, and she finally found helplessly that the hypocrite was herself.

It was true that she wanted to help Miss Nina, but her help was limited to a little effort. She didn't even think about checking Miss Nina's sister's condition in person, and then prescribing the right medicine. Instead, he seemingly threw out a few bottles of high-grade magic potion with pride.

Is what she did wrong? Of course he is right, no matter who he is, he will be praised as a good person.

In the end, even if Miss Nina's sister's talent is really washed away by her magic potion, Miss Centaur will not blame her as a good person in the end, but will only blame herself for being a sister who doesn't even know her sister's situation.

But even though no one blamed her, the otaku witch still discovered the difference between herself and Sophilia in this matter.

There was only one reason why she lost, and that was that she really didn't take Miss Nina's matter to heart.

After all, they were just ordinary friends who had only known each other for a few days, and could not be called very familiar with each other. At most, they could only be somewhat chatty with each other, not to mention Miss Nina's sister, whom she had never met before.

Therefore, subconsciously, Dorothy did not invest too much energy in this.

In other words, she was too lazy to care, and she subconsciously felt it was unnecessary.

But if it was Alice who was sick, her own sister, then it was 100% impossible for Dorothy to be so casual.

This is the difference between closeness and distance.

But what she didn't notice, Sophilia noticed. From this, it can be seen that this "cold and ruthless" angel witch is not as cold as she thought, even if she said that she sold Centaur, Miss Ma also bought it. He couldn't afford that bottle of high-end magic potion, but he actually knew his sister's physical condition clearly.

Haha, what a callousness, it's just a mouth with a knife and a heart with a tofu.


People with slender and soft hearts are the most vulnerable to injury. Dorothy would rather Sophia was really cold and heartless, but it is a pity that she is not. Therefore, once the identity of such a pure white witch is exposed, everyone will really lose. If everyone's love turns into disgust, can she really bear such a gap?

You must know that the source of angels' power is faith, and faith is the embodiment of the power of the heart. If the heart is damaged, then faith will be dangerous.

Of course, life is not in danger. At most, it is just a drastic change in temperament. This situation is actually not very rare within the angel clan. It even has an exclusive name, which is called

Fallen to heaven.

Well, if Sophiria fails to hold on, then the master and slave will probably be reversed, and it will be time for Lucifer to take over.

And if we think about what her roommate said not long ago, if she wins and is really captured by the Lord of Glory and taken back to heaven, she will work hard to climb up, and one day she will be snatched away from her.

Sophia may not be able to do this, but Lucifer

That bad woman will not only do it, but she will probably do it even more thoroughly.

For a moment, all kinds of indescribable bad scenes flashed in the otaku witch's mind.

In short, this kind of bad future is not the future she wants. Compared to Lucifer, she still prefers Sophia.

Therefore, I have to find a way to cure my roommate's mental illness.

Serious illnesses require strong medicine, and it’s time to correct the root of all evil.

Doesn’t the Lord of Glory just want Sophilia’s secret to be exposed? Then let me step on the accelerator.

It is impossible for the flower of evil to bear the fruit of good, and it is impossible to create a happy ending from a wrong beginning.

In Dorothy's view, all of Sophilia's problems stem from one point, that is, because of her cowardice, she did not disclose her identity directly and frankly from the beginning.

If she had directly confessed that she had the blood of sinners before being the student council president, she would have been ostracized and disgusted at first, but with her sincerity and carefulness, she would have been able to slowly win back all honor and respect. .

It's a pity that there are no what-ifs in reality, one step is wrong and every step is wrong.

Between bitterness first and then sweetness, and first sugar and then knife, Sophilia's weakness made her choose the latter.

"Then let me correct everything. I will be the villain."

Dorothy thought for a moment, then made up her mind.

"Senior sisters, you must be wondering why?"

Looking at the witches below who were shocked and confused because the student council president turned out to be the boss of the enemy, the otaku witch spoke calmly.

"Because Sophilia is a mixed-blood witch. She is the daughter of an angel and a witch. Half of her bloodline comes from the daughter of the college principal and is the direct bloodline of the God King. The other half of her bloodline comes from an angel. And Not an ordinary angel, this is"

"Lord of Glory."

"Sophilia is the daughter of the Lord of Glory."

Showdown between house witches

emmm Witch of the Night is actually Sofilia's home turf, and I almost forgot that she is the core heroine of this volume.

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