House Witch

Chapter 321 320 Madeline’s Question

Chapter 321 320. Madeleine’s question

"I want to learn about potions from the adults."

"Okay, then I will pass you this book "Breaking Bad from Scratch""

"Sir, I would like to ask you some knowledge about elemental transformation."

"Okay, then grab this copy of "The Periodic Table of Elements from Beginning to Graveyard"."

"Lord Clown, I would like to ask your opinion on necromancy."

"Good question. The secret of necromancy does not lie in killing, but in the transition between life and death. You are very talented. I have a book called "Witch's Complete Medical Anatomy" here for you to study carefully."

"Sir, I want to learn prophecy"

"Go away, you really don't know how to do this. My prophecy requires too much talent and you can't learn it. Let's do this. Which prophecy technique is your best? I'll help you optimize the prophecy ritual."

Players stepped forward one by one, and then left with satisfaction. Only the Phantom King was a little disappointed, because no one after the players could come up with a forbidden curse relic from another world like Frost Snow Girl's, and they The questions asked were a bit too simple for Dorothy, which made her lack a sense of accomplishment.

The questions about the top ten players that she had paid attention to before were still a little bit interesting. Although some of their opinions in their respective fields seemed a little immature to Dorothy, they could still vaguely get a glimpse of those. The young witches have distinct personalities. They already have their own understanding of the path they are walking on. They are no longer just reading from the book. They are all talents that can be created.

As long as they can maintain their current mentality and forge ahead with determination, the future will be bright and promising.

You are a magic stick, I am making poison, she is burying corpses, we all have a bright future.

But if Dorothy had to choose the most impressive witch, it would probably be the Queen of Elements. This explosive witch turned out to be an extremely rare original witch, the kind who had just evolved from a human being. The witch who came here, her parents are just ordinary human mages.

The number of such original witches is really rare now. The entire witch world only produces about a hundred lucky ones a year. Moreover, generally, the qualifications of such original witches are very good, and they do not have the racial template inherited from their parents. Although it starts off a little weaker, it is more malleable, which can be considered pros and cons.

However, because there are no elder witches to rely on, the growth environment of these primitive witches is not very good after all. It is difficult for mortal parents to give them much help. Fortunately, the Council of Sages has set up a special system for these primitive witches. The student aid program can provide them with some basic witch rights, such as free schooling and so on.

From this perspective, the Queen of Elements is a bit like a child from a poor family who was admitted to a noble school because of her excellent grades, a standard Cinderella character.

However, judging from the results that she has been admitted to the Tribunal, this person is really self-reliant and inspirational, and I am afraid she is not the king of scrolls.


One of the Phantom King's thinking circuits was thinking wildly, while the other thinking circuit was shouting out of habit after dealing with another player.

But unknowingly, she seemed to have almost finished giving out the rewards, and now there was only the last person left, and that was her old acquaintance Madeline.

But when the succubus and the clown phantom controlled by her walked towards this side step by step with elegant cat steps, Dorothy was stunned.

When she stood outside the venue and looked down at everything, she didn't see it clearly. She just felt that Madeline seemed to have made a breakthrough. But now when she really came to the situation of the Phantom King and faced this old friend, she He was keenly aware of the anomaly.

Hiss, is this still the cold-faced Rakshasa and the jade-faced Shura, the chairman of the Discipline Committee? Why is she so coquettish now? She really looks like a succubus now.

Looking at every move in front of her, she is so charming. Even if she is just walking, her plump waist will sway when her long legs move. She is full of charm and very seductive. Madeline, Dorothy is a little bit... Puzzled.

Is this still the president of the armed club who is upright, keeps away from strangers, and looks like he wants to marry himself into martial arts?

Sister, your personality has changed.

Especially now that he was being stared at by the succubus' loving eyes, the energy body of the Phantom King felt like goosebumps were rising all over his body.

It was very scary, as if I was being targeted by something terrible.

Ah, this, do people with such loving eyes really exist in reality?

The otaku witch was also shocked.

She originally thought that Senior Fanny's Fang Hengtong was weird enough, but she didn't expect that this one would be even more outrageous.

"What's wrong with you?"

Dorothy couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing, just entering apostle mode."

Upon seeing the Phantom King with the eldest lady's consciousness inside, Madeleine's body, already filled with desire, trembled slightly, but the succubus's will was very clear, as she explained so calmly.

"I see, that's really hard on you."

Dorothy suddenly understood, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

She was almost scared to death. The look in Madeline's eyes just now always gave her a terrifying feeling that she was about to be eaten alive. It felt like a strong young man being surrounded by a group of hungry rich women holding pleasure balls. It was really stressful.

With the knowledge of the otaku witch, she has naturally heard of the devil witch's apostle mode. She knows that the devil witch in this mode will be protected by the power of original sin and greatly increase in strength, but it will also inevitably be affected by the power of original sin. Behavior will be slightly abnormal.

So as a succubus, it is understandable that Madeleine suddenly became so horny and coquettish. This is not her nature, but just the influence of original sin.

Did she almost think that the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee also liked her? She was startled, so she said how could this martial arts idiot be interested in anything other than martial arts.

"Then what do you want to learn? You're welcome, just ask, I will teach you what I can."

Regarding this old acquaintance, the otaku witch spoke generously.

But in fact, there is nothing she can teach. After all, although her level of martial arts in the combat arts system is now higher than Madeline's and she has become a martial arts god, Shinron's understanding of the combat arts system, the armed society of the Succubus Witch He is no less impressive than her. It seems that all she can teach is the experience of attacking the God of War.

But the problem is that she, the god of martial arts, got there by cheating with the magic power of her prostitute Fanny, and she is not sure whether her experience is of any reference to others.

"Well, then you can teach me how to get into your heart."

Now that the eldest lady had said so, Madeline was not polite and said this suddenly.

Dorothy: "???"

The house witch is confused

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