House Witch

Chapter 220 219 Centaur Miss Nina

Chapter 220 219. Miss Centaur Nina

This should be the first time Dorothy rode a horse in her two lifetimes, but the witch was not happy about it. Instead, she blushed shyly and was at a loss.

After all, who knew she would ride such a beautiful horse for the first time?

"Ah, here, the book clearly says that centaurs cannot be ridden by anyone, right?"

Dorothy thought to herself as she recalled the descriptions in the illustrated books of different races that she had read.

The book says that centaurs are a proud race. All the people are martial, and they pay great attention to the honor of knights. It also boldly states that if you want to ride a centaur when you see it, it is very rude. Centaurs will treat this. This behavior is considered an insult to them, especially female centaurs.

Well, generally speaking, only partners can touch the back of a female centaur. If you force yourself to ride it, it is tantamount to indecency and the consequences will be serious.

However, apart from being a partner, there are many ways to ride the centaurs normally. The most normal way is to be their master. After all, the centaurs are very chivalrous, and knights always have to serve the monarch. If you can convince one and a half If you let him (her) voluntarily serve you as your master, then congratulations, you have gained a high-level mount.

Not only will the centaurs not consider the monarch's riding as a shame, but they will consider it an honor. The monarch's willingness to ride represents the trust and appreciation of the monarch to them.

All in all, this is a pretty interesting alien race.

In the race classification of witches, centaurs are at the top of the bronze race, but they are not that strong. Their spear and archery skills are worth mentioning. However, after all, they advocate chivalry and their loyalty is not as high as that of moon rabbits. It's an exaggeration, but it's still guaranteed, so it's one of the most common choices for witches' servant armies.

Well, if you recruit a group of centaurs and form a ranger regiment, they can be used as land combat cannon fodder on the plane battlefield. After all, the cost is low, but the movement speed is fast, the attack power is okay, and it comes with it. It has a certain amount of air defense capability and is quite cost-effective.

Dorothy was riding on Miss Centaur's back. She looked curiously at the strong green horse body under her crotch.

Well, from the perspective of a senior Hermes who has honed her skills in playing horse girl games in her previous life, as well as the horse-study skills she learned from books in this life, this is a good horse, and it can travel thousands of miles even without using magic power. The easy kind.

For the centaur and horse clan, the strength of the horse's body also reflects the strength of the talent to a certain extent. So this Miss Chollima is probably still a genius of the human horse clan, but how could this genius be reduced to hanging around in such a ghost place? ah?

Although she had already been to the witches' talent market and knew that the aliens were miserably deceived by the witches, Dorothy was still a little surprised by what Miss Centaur had experienced at this time.

How sad it must be to make the geniuses of the Centaur clan who value chivalry so much give up their self-respect and entertain people with sex.

"Hello, sister Nina"

"Hey, sister Nina, why did you take action yourself today? This little cutie is so lucky."

"Hehe, she looks like a baby. Sister Nina, you have to teach her what happiness means."

It seemed that Miss Centaur had a high status in this store. As soon as she entered, many people took the initiative to say hello to her. By the way, Dorothy on her back was also ridiculed by everyone.

Obviously she didn't wear the eldest lady's waistcoat today in order not to attract attention, but changed into the look of a black-skinned hottie, but the fake hottie was playing tricks in front of these real hotties, that is, Guan Gong, and her true colors were revealed on the spot with a blushing face.

"Go, go, go. Sister, I finally found a little sister that suits my taste. Don't scare me away."

Miss Nina was obviously used to these teasings. She waved her hand to disperse the teasing sisters, then turned around and comforted the little sister on her back.

"Sister, don't be afraid. Don't listen to the nonsense of these gangsters. Our store is doing serious business, we just sell some drinks. We don't do that kind of business. After all, this is a witch academy and we are all students."

After all, people have been recruited into the store. At this time, Miss Centaur is no longer as coquettish as when she was recruiting people outside. She smiled, and she smiled like the big sister next door.

"Oh, it turns out they only sell wine, so that's okay."

Upon hearing this, Dorothy felt a little regretful, but this also made her relieved. After all, she really didn't plan to step into the adult world so soon.

Sister Centaur took her all the way to a relatively quiet place in a corner. She seemed to want to carry Dorothy down, but the otaku witch was really embarrassed to be held up like a child. She He jumped off the horse.

"Hey, little sister, you are still shy. This is not good. Even a witch will be bullied."

Seeing Dorothy's cowardice, Miss Nina smiled boldly, and she also sat down on the booth.

Well, fortunately, it is a booth in the Witch World. Although it looks like a small booth that can only accommodate four or five people from the outside, after actually sitting in, I realized that this is actually a quite small private room, even for Miss Centaur. Such a huge body can be easily accommodated. At this time, Miss Nina's horse body was lying on the long sofa, and then handed over a drink list.

"Want something to drink?"

Dorothy, who was on such an occasion for the first time, sat upright. She took the drink order from Miss Centaur quite reservedly, and then her eyes widened.

Damn it, it’s so expensive, why can’t you guys afford to grab it?

The poor otaku witch almost stood up on the spot and was about to leave this shady store. Although she knew from the exquisite decoration in the store that the things here were probably not cheap, it didn't make it so bad. You doubled the price of the wine for her. It's still acceptable, but at first glance it's five to ten times the price outside, which is outrageous.

If I can’t afford it, can I bring my own tea?

Dorothy really wanted to take out her beloved thermos cup and drink ginseng soup and wolfberry tea to calm her panic.

"Hahaha, you must be scared. Don't be afraid. We are really not a black shop. The drinks in the store are all specially made by the boss. Although they are a bit expensive, the taste is not comparable to those ordinary drinks outside. Sister, you are the first one. Come here once, sister likes you, so today I’m going to treat you to whatever you like, and have something you like to drink.”

Miss Centaur seemed to be very self-aware about her own store. When she saw Dorothy like this, she said with a calm smile.

Ah, can you have prostitution for free?

As soon as she heard this, the otaku witch suddenly felt no longer sleepy. Her beloved thermos cup no longer smelled good, and she quickly took the drink order.

"Well, I want a glass of this, the signature wine to spend the night."

Speaking of which, she had just grown up and had not drunk alcohol yet. In her previous life, he was a good man who did not smoke or drink. After all, wine for mortals would only harm the body. Although she had studied bartending when studying cooking, she herself I don’t drink it, but the wine in the Witch World is a good thing. It won’t harm the body, and it can replenish the demons.

Well, anything that can mend magic is a good thing.

Dorothy looked forward to it.

Although she was looking for someone today, the store was so big and she didn’t know where Professor Lucy Fair was, so she had better talk to Miss Nina in front of her first, and then she would ask someone to help her after they got to know each other better. Just take the lady to find someone. After all, it seems that Miss Centaur has a high status in this store.

The house witch is waiting for wine

Woo hoo hoo, my Xibao, you are a bad learner.

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