House Witch

Chapter 190 189 I am wronged

Chapter 190 189. I am wronged

"Okay, I'm done."

After painting the cake, Dorothy was very calm.

She didn't think she was in trouble this time. After all, it was these days. There would be such a fool who would sell herself out after listening to someone else's talk. No, no.

If she didn't have this mantra contract, then she could still embellish her words, make some inflammatory remarks, add some success and learn chicken soup, etc. In that case, she could still deceive people.

But under the premise that she cannot lie, she is really just painting a cake in the void. This cake is still dry and does not taste good at first glance. Whoever believes it will be stupid.

But regardless of whether others believed it or not, she believed it herself anyway. A large part of the reason why she signed the mantra contract was because she wanted to use it to probe her own heart.

Walking around this talent market always made her feel like she was about to be assimilated into the nature of the witch, but now that she could still draw her own cake, it meant that at least she had not forgotten her true nature.

Well, I'm comfortable now, I'm done, you two can do whatever you want.

The otaku witch sat down again, ready to start eating.

Hey hey hey, this little rabbit still wants to use her to find the steps, but is she that kind of person?

Obviously not.

I, Leziren, little Tutu, you are just pretending to force yourself to find a way to end it.

On the other side, everyone else present had different reactions to Dorothy's real statement just now.

Among them, Alice secretly hated herself. Damn it, why was her sister so unambitious? Her wish to ride on the battlefield with her sister in the future had no chance of coming true.

But this is indeed my sister's style all along.

The little witch was very helpless about this, but if she thought about it carefully, it would be good. When she gets tired on the battlefield, she can continue to seek warmth from her sister to heal her when she returns home. This is the kind of sister she likes.

Senior Mia was stunned. This was the first time she knew that the little fairy’s ideal in life was this. To be honest, she really felt that the little fairy’s situation was too small. After all, with her talents and literature, she could rule the country and bring peace to the world. , Wu Neng can carry a gun and move around, she is so stupid, this is simply a loss for the entire witch world.

But the Golden Princess thought about it carefully and felt that this was good. After all, she lacked everything. Wealth, strength, and power were all things that were within easy reach for her. What attracted her most now were those who didn't know how to do it. Things that are easily shaken by material things are like the so-called sincerity.

So in this way, the little fairy who loves her family and values ​​her family so much is simply her most perfect other half. From now on, besides her, the little fairy will be her wife. Isn’t this perfect? ​​The home the little fairy builds is also the most important part of all her wealth. The most precious treasure in the world.

For a moment, Senior Mia felt that she liked the little goblin more.

As for Audrey, who has always erased her sense of existence

The little fox had no idea at all, he just thought the senior sister was so handsome.

After all, to her, the kind of person who can express his life ideals loudly and always walk firmly on the road to his life ideals is awesome, and Audrey also wants to be that kind of person.

She doesn't think there's anything wrong with her senior sister's ideal of a warm home. After all, her own life ideal is to become a puppet show master, which may not be as practical as her senior sister's ideal in the eyes of others.

But so what, your ideals are your own and have nothing to do with others.

This is what Audrey thinks in her heart, but although she can think so, she does not have the courage to speak out her thoughts. She is always afraid of this and that, so she feels that she can bravely express her thoughts. The senior sister who speaks out her ideals and doesn't care what others think is so handsome and cool.

If possible, the little fox hopes that he can become a courageous person like his senior sister in the future.

"Come on, Audrey, as long as you study hard with your senior sister, you will definitely be able to do it."

The little fox raised her pink fist and encouraged herself. Because she was encouraged by her senior sister, the big tails behind her were shaking very powerfully.

Finally, there is Sidwell.

At this time, Miss Moon Rabbit was slightly angry, and her red rabbit eyes looking at the mysterious guest whose face she did not know were filled with vigilance and anger.

Well, she felt that the witch guest just now must have used unknown means to read her mind, otherwise how could she say something so in line with her heart.

As a child who grew up in an orphanage, a warm and happy home is what Sidwell has always dreamed of. From now on, she has always regarded becoming a Moon Knight as her life pursuit, because of the responsibilities of the Moon Knight. Just to guard the home.

She, Sidwell, wants to be a knight who can protect her home.

She felt that as long as she became the Moon Knight, she should be able to have her own home.

It's a pity that this wish was ultimately ruined by her only family member. The Queen Mother's arrangements made Sidwell's efforts ridiculous as a clown.

She is even a little afraid of her family now. After all, if her family is like the Queen Mother, she really can't afford it.

Now she only pursues one thing, and that is freedom. She is fed up with the fate arranged by others and wants her own freedom.

Unfortunately, she still couldn't get what she asked for. She couldn't be free until her clan members were settled.

Home and freedom, this is what she has always wanted, but it is also what this mysterious witch just promised to her.

Is there really such a coincidence in the world? Who would believe you if you say this is not mind reading?

Therefore, at this moment, unspeakable anger rose from Miss Yue Rabbit's heart. The bright full moon rose behind her, and her originally smooth silver-white hair began to become as fluffy as a lion's mane.

"Shut up, you despicable guy, stop your disgusting business of playing with people's hearts."

For a moment, Hidwell roared uncontrollably.

The four witches present were stunned when they saw this. Mia, Alice and Audrey immediately protected Dorothy. The momentum of the three genius witches also rose.

Although as a mutant of the Moon Rabbit, the Teruzuki Lion Heart Rabbit has a power that is not inferior to that of the genius witch, but three against one is still a crushing victory without any suspense.

At that moment, Miss Yuetu, who was still angry at first, was subdued without any ability to fight back.

First, the boundless blood soaked the bright moon behind her, turning it into a blood moon.

Then, the domineering dragon's power suddenly enveloped her mind, making her brain go blank for a moment.

But the lion-like ambition made Sidwell unafraid of any fear. Even if she was so violent, she was only affected by the dragon's power for less than half a second and returned to normal. But as soon as she raised her head, she was faced with a pair of purple Eyes.

That is the magic eye - domination.

As a result, the furious Moon Rabbit seemed to have turned into a puppet, standing there blankly, and she lost control of her body.

At this moment, the three witches who were very angry no longer had the good looks before. This reckless rabbit offended the three of them. At this moment, under the harmless disguise of the witch, who was as beautiful as a beautiful girl, The true nature of the natural disaster was slightly revealed.

The three witches looked at the lion-hearted rabbit according to the moon as if they were looking at a dead person.


Seeing that this rare rabbit might really need to be considered braised or spicy, Dorothy quickly stood up.

The house witch is feeling wronged

I confess, I dare not eat rabbit heads.

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