Honkai Impact 3rd, Play Sky Meteor at the Beginning

Honkai III, Play Meteor at the beginning Chapter 386

It's just that she wasn't careful enough, I didn't expect this equipment to be so... nasty!

Fortunately, what he stole this time was only his little vest, if it was underwear... Fu Hua would really be ashamed to face others.

"It turns out that the master is also shy... so cute..."

Seeing Fu Hua's blushing face, Cheng Lixue's eyes lit up.

She has stayed with Fu Hua for more than ten years, and she has never seen her with such an expression.

It seems that after his death, the master has changed a lot.

She loves the change!

The shy master is so cute!

She pushes directly!

"Ahem... okay, it seems that this prop is a bit unreliable, let me put it away first."

Teresa coughed twice, took the hand of the law thief from Xiaoshi's hand, and helped Fu Hua out of the siege.

At this time, the video on the big screen started to play again, which attracted everyone's attention.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on the video, Fu Hua secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly rolled up the vest and stuffed it into his pocket.

After all, in front of so many people, it's impossible for her to put it on again, right?

It can only go back by itself after ten minutes.

on screen.

Just as Qiyana and the others stepped out of the house, a black car drove over as soon as it was lit, blocking the way of everyone.

Afterwards, Rita and Teresa, who held a parasol and was dressed under the moon, got out of the car.

"Hmph, do you think I will let you develop slowly and then kill me?"

Teresa sneered at everyone,

"I'm not like some British antiques, but I still have to adapt to my body. I'm going to destroy you group of obstacles now!"

"Ready to fight!"

Siegfried and the others also took out their weapons without saying a word, and looked at Teresa solemnly. Only Qiyana was still in a dazed state, and she was completely confused by the fast-paced plot.

"Come on! You weak humans!"

Teresa laughed arrogantly, then threw away the parasol in her hand, as if preparing to use her full strength.

"Wait a minute, did my aunt lose her umbrella just now?"

As soon as Qiyana finished speaking, Teresa, who was belatedly aware of it, also noticed the parasol she had thrown away, and a dull expression appeared on her face.


Then in the next second, under everyone's bewildered gaze, she was instantly burned to a mass of ashes by the sun.


"Although many sad things have happened, I am very happy. It is because of everyone that this journey will be so joyful."

Raiden Mei was moved to tears, and she said something like a curtain call with the attitude of the finale.

"No, at most we just left the house..."

Kiyana complained feebly.

"Yeah, I'm really happy, I think so from the bottom of my heart."

Siegfried looked relieved, Bronya also wiped away her tears and nodded.

"This world is so strange..."

The corner of Kiyana's mouth twitched wildly, has she been in this world for five minutes?

Absolutely not!

Afterwards, the energy light on the hyperchronic leg ring also lit up, indicating that the mission had been completed.

So, the final video ended with Kiyana's speechless expression.

Q\u0026A space.

"Turtle... all these messy developments..."

Tesla patted his forehead, although she had tried her best to imagine how outrageous the ending might be.

But she really didn't expect that the ending would be so outrageous!

It seems that she still underestimated the level of grass in the funny world!

Chapter four hundred and ninety eight

"Well...Even if it was me, I didn't expect the final ending to be like this..."

Einstein rubbed the space between his brows, and said somewhat dumbfounded.

"Hahahaha, this is too outrageous, auntie!"

Kiyana leaned forward and back with a smile,

"It's so handsome to appear on the stage, but the way of death is so funny. Sure enough, my aunt is here to make a joke!"

"Isn't this too funny? It's gone after being exposed to the sun. If that's the case, why do you have to block the road in broad daylight?"

Raven said that he didn't understand something.

She thought, since you know you can't let the enemies develop slowly and come and kill them in advance, why don't you come here at night?

Can't you wait for just one day?

It's okay to come to block the door during the day, but he actually threw the parasol...

Raven had to suspect that Teresa of this world might not have had her brain pinched by a steel plate!

You came all the way here just to perform a suicide show for everyone, right?

It was indeed a good job, and it really amused everyone.

"I can only say it's weird, the development of this plot is too weird."

Cang Xiaoxuan shrugged and said,

"Also, why did Mei bring this crazy drama to me? I just left the house, and I started to lament this journey. To be honest, I can still accept seeing Teresa committing suicide. As soon as Mei's words Come out, I'm really stuck in Bengbu."


Leiden Mei smiled awkwardly, expressing that she didn't want to talk.

"So vampires will die if they are exposed to the sun? No wonder the captain and Yuexia met each other at night."

Ji Zi said thoughtfully.

"...By the way, there shouldn't be such things as vampires in our world, right?"

Seele asked weakly.

She is still quite afraid of such supernatural monsters.

"of course not."

Fu Hua shook his head and said,

"The legend about vampires is only passed down by future generations because of the collapse."

"Just like Yuexia is a vampire, but isn't the essence of her ability also a bacterial Honkai beast?"

"That's good."

Hillary immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"But there are no vampires in our world, that doesn't mean there are no real vampires in other worlds~"

Hei Xier gave a wicked smile, leaned close to Xier, and deliberately threatened her with a cold voice,

"It's not Yuexia's cute appearance, but a real vampire with pale skin, black claws, sharp fangs, and cold eyes..."

"Well...the other me, don't talk about it anymore!"

Xi'er quickly covered her ears, her cheeks puffed up slightly, and she looked at Hei Xi'er resentfully,

"You like to bully me..."

"Hmph, who am I to bully if I don't bully you?"

Hei Xier crossed her arms with her chest, her slender arms squeezed out a snow-white ravine, her pretty face was filled with laughter like a little devil,

"Anyway, the only person in this world who can bully you is me~~"

Seeing Hei Xi'er and Xi'er's peachy atmosphere, everyone also had expressions of surprise.

After all, isn't it just the intimate and loving interaction between girls, how fresh, who is not like this for most of the people present?

Of course, someone who is still a duckling now feels a little heavy on the top of his head.

Everyone chatted for a while, and soon, the voice of the question and answer space rang in everyone's ears.

[Begin answering questions]

Soon, the picture appeared on the big screen again.

It was a somewhat sad picture.

The girl with cherry-colored fox ears sat on the ground weakly against the wall. There was no light in her eyes, only distressing desolation.

And in front of her, stood a figure wearing a black cloak and a black hood, hiding everything about herself under the darkness, even her gender was invisible.

"Is this Sakura?"

Seeing the familiar figure in the video, Teresa couldn't help asking.

"It should be... But looking at her outfit, in this world, she seems to be a ninja."

Ji Zi said.

"But having said that, isn't this outfit a bit too revealing?"

"Sister, you appeared in the video again."

Hiyumaru said excitedly.

"Is this really me in another world?"

Yae Sakura frowned slightly, she could feel that although the 'Sakura' in the video looked exactly like herself, the essence between them seemed to be different.

"A ninja? It feels like this time is another incredible world."

Rita said with great interest.

Everyone turned their attention to the big screen, looking forward to this story.

After all, the first scene had already aroused their sense of anticipation.

The wounded female ninja and the mysterious man in the cloak are full of elements.

Then, they heard the fox-eared girl's self-deprecating voice mixed with a wry smile in the video.

"So, not being able to see the light...is it unfortunate?"

Accompanied by the somewhat bleak background music, a little tired look appeared on the girl's face.

"The need for light is real misfortune, isn't it?"

She answered her own question just like that, while the man in the cloak didn't say a word. He just watched the girl in front of him quietly, and the eyes hidden under the hood were also full of complexity.

[People...why are they always struggling with how to be loved? 】

[I have been thinking about this question for a long time. 】

[That must be because we can never like the 'self who is living in this moment'. 】

[Someone once told me this, when she... was still her. 】

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