Hongmeng System Shuttles Through the World

Chapter 308 Deadly confrontation

The emperor woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning. The emperor quickly got up, picked up the expander on the table, and walked downstairs.

When the Son of Heaven arrived at Irene, Irene was still sleeping. This time, the Son of Heaven woke Irene. Irene woke up and saw the emperor standing in front of the iron fence early in the morning, knowing what the emperor was going to do. So, Irene checked again, "Son of Heaven, shall we leave now?"

"Well, yes, hurry up." After speaking, the emperor took out the expander from behind, ready to start expanding the space between the iron fences.

"Wait," Irene saw that the emperor was about to start, and quickly stopped the emperor. "Not now. The person who will deliver the breakfast will definitely come over. If Makarov knows about it, our escape time will definitely be shortened. Therefore, we must act after the person who delivers the breakfast arrives." Irene Xiang Tianzi analyzed it.

The emperor thought for a while and said, "Well, it makes sense. But..." The emperor looked at the expander in his hand. "What about the expander? Do you have to put it back?"

"That's not necessary," Erin replied. And took the expander from the emperor. Turned around, put it under his own chuang, and said. "Just leave it alone, it will be convenient later."

Seeing that this method is the best, the emperor nodded.

So, the emperor and Irene sat in front of the iron fence and said nothing, just waiting for the food delivery person to arrive.

Finally made it to 7 o'clock, and the person who delivered the breakfast also delivered the meal to Irene on time, and by the way, also gave the emperor's share to the emperor.

After the emperor saw the breakfast delivery man walking away, he turned around and said to Irene, "We must eat something before we can run. After all, the base is very big. And we have to consider that Makarov is chasing us. time, so our actions must be fast. At the end, we should kill a few more people. Of course, this must require your help, otherwise I will not be able to do it alone. Okay, eat now Come on, leave immediately after eating!" After speaking, the emperor began to gobble.

"Oh?" When Irene heard that she was going to kill someone, she replied, but the emperor was burying his head in eating and didn't pay attention to Irene, so he didn't hear this sentence. Irene opened the lunch box after seeing the emperor eating.

After a while, Tianzi and Irene had eaten. The emperor immediately picked up two lunch boxes and ran to the cafeteria.

After seeing the emperor running away, Irene quickly picked up the radio, informed Makarov, and immediately hung up the radio.

After the emperor came back, Irene had already taken out the expander from under Chuang. After the emperor took it, he quickly placed it between the two iron railings and pulled the handle to both sides, and the space between the two iron railings increased a lot. jumped out.

After the emperor threw the expander under the chuang accurately, he took Irene and ran out of the headquarters building.

Makarov, who was sitting in the office, saw that the emperor had started to move, he quickly closed the laptop in front of him, and ran out with the computer.

The emperor and Irene ran according to the route arranged by the emperor two days ago. On the way, will they meet a few heavy guards? Tianzi had to hide in the grass temporarily, and then continue to run according to the route after the heavy guards pass.

Tianzi and Irene ran like this until noon. Tianzi and Irene finally stopped in a grove. Both were panting. After a while, the emperor took out a few pieces of bread and a bottle of water that he brought in the morning from the bag he was carrying, and handed it to Irene. After Irene glanced at the emperor, she took the bread and water and started to eat. The emperor took out a few more pieces and ate it by himself.

At the other end, Makarov was leading several heavy guards, chasing after the emperor.

After Tianzi and Irene finished eating, they ran forward again. On the way, the emperor looked back from time to time. Because he knew that Makarov must have found out about their escape by now. And Makarov will definitely not dispatch helicopters or the like, and even if they are dispatched, the emperor Irene is in the woods, and it is difficult to be found.

Finally, it was a little after 4 pm, and Tianzi and Irene came to the location of the river. The emperor Irene rested in place for a while, and after his physical strength recovered, the emperor looked at the heavy guards standing on both sides of the river.

Just when Tianzi wanted to deploy the tactics for the meeting in detail with Irene, suddenly, Tianzi felt a chill on his back...

The emperor felt that something was wrong behind him, so he turned around quickly. However, it doesn't matter if you don't look back, as soon as you turn around, the emperor's face turns completely pale. When Irene saw the change in the emperor's expression, she also looked behind her.

It was none other than Makarov who stood behind the Emperor and the others. I saw Makarov with a serious face and a slightly angry face, looking at the emperor. And the sunset behind him, in the eyes of the emperor, Makarov's figure is blocking, the figure looks extremely tall!

After the emperor and Makarov looked at each other for nearly a minute, the emperor slowly stood up, and Irene also stood up.

At this time, Makarov said. "Son of Heaven, what are you doing here?!"

The emperor still looked at Makarov. After a while, he replied. "For what? I think you should know better than me!"

After hearing the Son of Heaven's answer, Makarov didn't say anything, just looked at Son of Heaven and signaled Son of Heaven to go on!

"Why do you imprison Irene, what evidence do you have! Why do you say she is a spy! Just because she can be invisible? Just because she is the only successor of the backstab system?" Tianzi asked Makarov with a sense of anger.

"Indeed, I don't have any evidence. But here's the spy organization, this is the base!" Makarov replied to the emperor, his tone was also slightly angry, and he pointed to the piece of land under his feet. "I have my rules! And today." Makarov paused again. "You have to pay for what you did today!"

"Oh!" The emperor expressed disdain, not afraid of Makarov at all. "Then tell me what to do!"

"Hmph." Makarov sneered. "If according to my rules, you planned to escape with Irene today, you should..." Makarov stared at the emperor. "It's going to die!"

After hearing this, the emperor frowned. Immediately, Makarov was asked. "Are you... sure you want to do this!"

"Sure!" Makarov said with certainty.

"Are you sure!" The emperor raised the volume unconsciously.

"Of course!" Makarov's voice has also been raised.

The Emperor looked at Makarov and took a deep breath. Then he whispered to Irene, "Irene, today, either we will survive together, or...die together!"

After Irene heard this, she turned her head in surprise and looked at the emperor.

But the emperor didn't notice Irene's surprised gaze, he took out the jungle pioneer and pointed at Makarov.

At the same time, several heavy guards behind Makarov immediately raised their guns and aimed at the emperor.

Makarov looked at the emperor and sneered again. Because the emperor's index finger was not on the trigger. This makes Makarov feel that the emperor will not do drastic things. However, after waiting for a while, Makarov knew that he had guessed wrong.

So, Makarov said, "Son, you think you are, okay? This may make you more dangerous."

And Irene, who was on the side, also began to persuade the emperor in a low voice.

But the emperor did not agree, smiled and glanced at Irene, then looked at Makarov, put down the gun, and then said, "Makarov, indeed, I will never do this. However, with another A way that might work!"

After finishing speaking, the emperor did something that Makarov couldn't think of. The emperor pointed one gun at Irene's head and the other at his temple.

Makarov was taken aback and looked at the emperor carefully. This time, Makarov couldn't laugh anymore. Because, this time, the emperor's index finger has been placed on the trigger, and the safety of the gun has been opened. Makarov looked at the heavy guards with guns beside him, and ordered in a low voice, "You all change to sedative bombs and aim at the emperor. You are not allowed to shoot without my order."

"Yes!" The heavy guards agreed, and put on anesthesia magazines.

Makarov looked at the emperor again, and seeing that the emperor still did not give in, he said, "Emperor, what do you want!"

"What? I think you should be clear too." Tianzi's tone was still more serious. "Since you have made such a choice to want me to die, then I have no choice but to do so. If you want to die, die together!"

Makarov looked at the emperor, thinking about how to stabilize the emperor.

Suddenly, Makarov remembered what Irene said yesterday, and he looked at Irene. I saw Irene nodded to Makarov, and Makarov immediately understood. So, he said to the Son of Heaven. "Okay, the emperor, in this way, you won't die today, but you must be locked up next to Irene. How is it?" Makarov knew that this time the emperor was really serious, If one day shot, wouldn't he lose two teammates? No way, Makarov had to choose Erin's method.

After hearing what Makarov said, the emperor put down his gun and replied, "Okay, that's it!"

Makarov nodded and said to the heavy guard next to him, "According to my request, imprison the Son of Heaven!" Then, Makarov whispered to one of the heavy guards, " You bring Erin to my office first." The heavy guard nodded.

"Yes!" Several other heavy guards went up and took Irene and the Son of Heaven back.

When Makarov was sitting in the office, Erin also happened to be here. Makarov said, "Irene, I have complied with your request. I hope your plan will be successful."

"Ok, I know."

Makarov nodded and motioned to the heavy guard to bring Irene back. Makarov was lost in thought when Irene left.

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