"It's too pitiful!" The emperor looked around, fortunately, there was a platform on the right.

The emperor jumped again in the air, performed a double jump, and jumped on the wall under the platform. Then, the emperor climbed the wall again and went over the platform.

"Huh, it's dangerous." But the emperor didn't dare to slack off, because after all, he was no longer a Douzong powerhouse, but just an ordinary person.

Immediately afterwards, the platform under his feet gradually sank, and the emperor was unable to do so. He looked at a few platforms in the distance, and the floor below disappeared at some point and was very dark and unfathomable.

The emperor jumped to the wall again and walked on the wall.

After a while, Tianzi jumped to the second platform, and this platform, like the first one, also began to sink.

When the emperor was about to jump to the third platform, he stopped.

Looking at the following platforms, Tian Zi quickly thought about it. If all skills were used, there would be no blue in the last one. The following platforms are far away, and this one is the closest.

Tianzi didn't think too much, took a few steps back, and then ran forward.

He jumped on the edge of the platform, but after jumping, the emperor realized that it was impossible to jump up, and he had to grab the edge of the third platform with his hands.

Fortunately, the emperor caught it, he looked at his feet and couldn't help swallowing.

But he turned back immediately and climbed up.

In the next few platforms, the emperor used his skills to pass.

Finally, the Son of Heaven landed on the floor, he took a long breath and felt much better.

The front is the exit.

When Tianzi was about to walk towards the exit, two small holes appeared on the walls on both sides of the door, and two forts protruded from them.

The Son of Heaven found out in time, quickly took out the Brilliant Predator pinned to his waist, and rolled to the right at the same time. (At this time, the blue back was almost the same.) It only took two bullets to solve the fort.

The emperor blew the muzzle coolly and put the gun back to his waist: "Small meaning."

At this moment, the examiner's voice sounded in the room, "Son of Heaven, you have passed the test, please come to the exit."

The emperor walked forward, and when he was still a few steps away from the exit, the floor under his feet suddenly opened.

Fortunately, the emperor flashed fast, and with a roll, he rolled over the trap and left the room through the exit.

"Emperor, now you have really passed the test." The examiner explained with a smile when he saw that the emperor's face was ugly, "The one just now was also part of the test."

After speaking, he took out a room card from behind and handed it to the emperor: "This is your room card. You live here first, and there will be the final test tomorrow."

The emperor took the room card, thanked the examiner, and walked to the residential area. When I left, I didn't forget to say, "Hmph, fortunately I flashed fast, otherwise I wouldn't be in heaven now."

When I got to the room, it was already night. The emperor quickly took a shower and went to bed.

Before going to bed, he called Leon, but it was turned off.

Guess this guy is still testing, who told him to be so late, he thought.

He looked at the time again, it was 22 o'clock, and the emperor was a little tired.

So he turned off the light and went to sleep...

The next day, the emperor got up at 8 o'clock,

After simply brushing his teeth and washing his face, he put on his clothes and went downstairs to the restaurant for dinner.

At 8:30, the emperor arrived at the election venue.

There are so many people standing in the field, I really don't know how they passed yesterday's level.

It seems that they are not simple, Tianzi frowned.

But after thinking about it for a while, it was relieved.

Dou Po, Douluo and other planes pay more attention to cultivation skills and so on, while in the world of Gun God, skills are the most important.

At this time, Makarov stood on the stage and looked at the crowd under the stands: "You are very good, you can pass the test of yesterday. Today, only 9 of you will stay. I will take you later. Divide into 9 groups of 5 people and enter the illusory space. Fight in individual competitive mode. Until only one person is left, this person can join the spy organization."

The so-called illusory space is to allow yourself to enter a virtual space. Someone kills you, but it is not your real body, but you also feel the pain of death. In this way, it is no different from death.

They were quickly divided into five groups, and under the leadership of Makarov, they entered the illusory space.

The challenge map for the Son of Heaven group is a European town. The emperor listened and snorted, because this kind of map is the most suitable for the emperor.

A white light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and he closed his eyes tightly.

When he really opened his eyes again, he was already standing on the map.

The Emperor quickly pulled out the Radiant Predator from his waist and prepared to fight, because he knew that he could be killed at any time.

After a moment of contemplation, he decided to take the initiative to stay at home and wait to die.

When he was about to go up to the second floor, a gunshot rang out upstairs: "Hey, why did the fight start at the door of my house so soon, since I want to be killed by me so quickly, then I'll be respectful and better to obey. ."

The emperor quickly rolled, rolled upstairs, and shot at the person on the left.

For the emperor, when guns and guns are killing people, basically everyone is.

So, the man on the left fell to the ground after a few shots.

When the man on the right was about to shoot at the emperor, several bullets had already entered his head, and he fell down like this.

He didn't know until he died that the emperor had such a fast speed (of course, not really dead).

The emperor looked at the two corpses on the ground and quickly changed the magazine.

When he was about to leave, footsteps came from the stairs.

"Hmph, there is another one to die, so it saves me looking for someone everywhere."

He listened quietly, when the man was about to enter the second floor.

Emperor Tian jumped to the top of the man's head with a double jump, and immediately took out his gun and shot him in the head.

The man fell to the ground before he could react. Died so inexplicably.

Emperor Tian jumped out of the window. When he was close to the ground, he made a double jump and landed on the ground smoothly, so he didn't hurt any blood.

When he looked up, the last man had seen him, and the bullet had been shot at the Son of Heaven.

The Son of Heaven rolled over and escaped the attack. When he was about to take a look, he suddenly felt a creature approaching him, which he knew was the enemy. So, he jumped over the wall and jumped onto the roof of the small house.

The man ran over and ran around the house a few times without seeing the Son of Heaven.

This is, the emperor who stays on the roof can't stand it. So, saying "I'm here" to the man below, he shot him to death.

The man heard the sound, and when he turned around with the gun, he saw several bullets entering his head. Then, he fell to the ground.

At this time, Makarov's voice sounded in the air, "Congratulations, you have won the victory."

As soon as the voice fell, another white light appeared in front of him, and he closed his eyes again.

When he opened his eyes, Makarov stood directly in front of him, "Very good, the emperor, you have entered our secret service organization. You go back to your room first, and gather here at 2 pm."

He thanked Makarov and went back to his room, thinking about the other 8 members...

"Jurian, sorry..."

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