Chapter 7 of the second hundred season begins to seal the god calamity

Fengxi Mountain

Cangjie nodded when he heard his master’s orders.

Then step directly out to the ancestral land of the Terrans.

Directly bowed respectfully to the ancestral temple, and then directly rose to the sky to use the blessing of humane power and said: “I am the Cangjie of the human race, the first disciple of the second generation of Xuanmen, the ancestor of the human race, sanctified today, from now on the Yongzhen human race, the holy father Jianzhi.

Humane Experience.

As soon as Cangjie’s voice fell, the flood and desolate beings were about to boil, and another saint appeared in the human race.

It is ashamed that he is the protagonist of the flood wilderness, and the originally ordinary human race actually appeared six saints in a short period of time.

Even second-generation disciples like Cang Yan have become holy.

This made these old guys in Honghuang feel a little uncomfortable, especially these people who had gone to Zixiao Palace or Hongmeng Palace to hear the sermon.

A large part of these people are still alive, and they have been surpassed by the disciples of Cang Dun, which makes them have mixed feelings.

But no matter what, in Honghuang Huang strength is respected, they still need to salute the new saints, so Honghuang sentient beings respectfully bow to the ancestral land of the human race: Congratulations to Wen Zu for becoming holy.

With the blessing of the six saints, the Terran luck has become even more solid.

And the Honghuang Humanity also completed its transformation at this moment.

The current Honghuang humanity is no less than the Honghuang Heavenly Dao.

The Heavenly Dao and the Humane have six saints to maintain the stability of the flood and waste.

At this time, the Yuan of Kunlun Mountain had a hideous face, and he originally thought that his apprentices were all Da Luo Jinxian Peak and were already very powerful.

But Fu Yi taught himself a lesson, Fu Yi’s disciples have become saints, and he is still complacent because his disciple is a big Luo Jinxian.

Lao Tzu also looked at the coast of the East China Sea of the Terran with a complicated expression.

At this time, Xuantian in the Three Immortal Birds also felt that Cangtun became a Dao saint, and humanity was sublimated.

I am very happy that I finally let the weak humanity develop step by step into something that can be compared with the Honghuang Tiandao.

Then Xuantian directly took out a star fruit and threw it towards the ancestral land of the human race.

At this time, Cangjie had just announced his existence to Hong Huang, and suddenly found that there was an extra star fruit in his hand.

He knew this thing, almost everyone in Xuanmen had taken it, but he didn’t expect that he had just become holy, and Daozun gave it to himself.

Cangjie respectfully bowed three times in the direction of the Three Immortal Birds.

And Fu Yi was also very moved, seeing that his apprentice would soon become a mid-stage saint existence.

In the flood wilderness, it can be regarded as being able to stand alone.

After thinking about it, it seems that it is time for me to break through the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian Daifeng.

Fuyi’s heritage is very deep, and this breakthrough will definitely not be a problem.

But the task that his master explained to him has not yet been completed, and the day of Jiang Ziya’s arrival is almost coming.

So Fu Yi informed Cang Yan to come to him and said: “Cangjie is a master to retreat and break through cultivation, but your master once gave a task to the master, and now you have just broken through and are not in a hurry to take the Star Fruit, this task will be handed over to you to complete ~.


“Please also ask the master to order, the apprentice will definitely help the master to do a good job.”

Cangjie solemnly

Then Fu Yi punched all the information about Jiang Ziya into Cang Yan’s mind

Then Fu Yi went to retreat, and Cangtun came to the great Shang Dynasty of the Terrans

Quietly waiting for the birth of Jiang Ziya.

The current Terran Great Shang Dynasty is in its heyday, and no demon who lives and works in peace and contentment does not dare to worship the Terran.

Time is long, and the least valuable thing in the flood is time.

In the blink of an eye, five hundred years have passed.

The Great God Tribulation is also coming.

There was also some aura of calamity in the flooded wasteland.

The powerhouses of the flood wilderness, who felt keenly, closed their doors one after another in the hope of avoiding this catastrophe.

And at this time in the palace of the female mother, a young and beautiful little girl was cultivating the strength of now he was already a big Luo Jinxian.

The fact that she has become a Daluo Jinxian from an ordinary Terran in a thousand years shows how powerful her talent is.

She is Yang Chan, the apprentice of her mother before she did.

The mother can be said to spoil her very much, almost responsive.

On this day, Yang Chan came to his mother and said: “See the master, the master I haven’t seen my brothers for a long time, the master asked me to see my brothers.

The mother thought for a while and said: “Now that the flood is about to come to a great calamity, you are not strong in cultivation, it is better not to walk around.

However, seeing Yang Chan’s pitiful expression, the female mother still relented and said: “In this way, let’s accompany you for the teacher.

“Yes, I knew that the master was the best.”

Yang Chan slapped the horse’s ass fiercely.

It made the girl cry and laugh.

At this time, Yang Jian is traveling in the flood waste, as a disciple of Tongtian, Yang I am much freer than Yang Chan, after all, Yang Jian is a boy, plus the Tongtian Cave Mansion is in the flood wilderness and Nuwa’s is in chaos.

Now Yang Jian is already a Daluo Jinxian Xiu for.

It just so happened that Yang Jian traveled to the mouth of the Guanjiang River on this day, feeling that this place gave him a familiar feeling, and before he was ready to investigate, a voice broke his train of thought.

At this time, Yuding was also looking for an apprentice, and several other junior brothers and disciples had found candidates to block the robbery for themselves, but Yuding did not find it.

He is also anxious, it is impossible to go through the calamity by himself.

At this time, when I saw Yang I, Yang I seemed to be my own Heavenly Destiny disciple, so I interrupted Yang Jian and wanted to take an apprentice.

It can be said that without Xuan Tian, Yang Jian can really become Yuding’s apprentice, but now it is completely impossible.

Yuding said: “~ This little brother, I see that you have good roots, and I don’t know if you are willing to become a disciple of the old way.

“I am the second disciple of Yuan Shi Tianzun, a disciple of the saints, if you worship me as a teacher, you will be able to learn more about the true Dafa of sanctification.

Hearing Yuding’s introduction, Yang Jian was a little funny, he really treated Yang Jian as a fool, as long as it is a cultivator of immortals, there is no so-called saint Dafa in the Daomen, and even the method of sanctification of the Dao ancestor Honghook is to deceive the flooded and desolate sentient beings.

Just because one of his Yuan Shi’s disciples still said what the method of sanctification, but Yang Jian still maintained basic politeness, after all, Yuan Shi is his master’s senior brother, and he still has to respect.

Yang Jian said apologetically: “I have a master, I’m sorry.

After saying Yang, I thought about leaving, but Yuding rarely saw such a good seedling, how could he easily let Yang Jian go.

He continued: “Our Daomen is an authentic Heavenly Dao, if you worship me as a teacher, you will get a lot of good.

Yang Jian was a little angry, he was already polite enough, how? Do you still want me to forcibly worship the teacher?

Then Yang Jian refused again, and Yuding was angry here, and said: “Don’t toast or eat and punish wine, I want to take you as an apprentice today, you have to agree if you promise, and you have to agree if you don’t agree.

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