Chapter 174: Luo Yu Hongjun reached cooperation

Heavenly Demon Realm,

Inside the Magic Dao Palace.

Luo Yu felt Hongjun’s breath, and immediately shouted: “Hongjun Laoer is so bold, he dares to come to the Heavenly Demon Realm to provoke, this is not a Hong Wilderness, I am not afraid of him.”

The current Luo Yuran is also a half-step Heavenly Dao early stage cultivation, although it is not as good as Hongjun, but in the Heavenly Demon Realm, Luo Yu can use the power of the entire Heavenly Demon Realm to suppress Hongjun.

Hongjun really can’t beat Luo Yu here, which is why Hongjun is not willing to come to the Heavenly Demon Realm in the future.

He can’t use the power of the Honghuang Heavenly Dao, but Luo Yu can use the power of the Heavenly Demon Realm.

Did you come and get beaten? Obviously this is not Hongjun’s style.

And the reason why I came here today is to use Luo Yu.

Luo Yu’s side rushed out with endless anger, but he clearly remembered that he was designed by Hongjun Laoer, causing him to self-detonate into the Heavenly Demon Realm, and he could no longer ~ go to Honghuang.

The resentment towards Hongjun can be imagined—I know how strong it is.

After Luo Yu saw Hongjun, without saying a word, he directly took out his Heavenly Demon Pagoda and smashed it towards Hongjun.

Hongjun also did not expect that after so many years, Luo Yu’s temper was still so hot.

He could only passively defend, he knew that it was not Luo Yu’s opponent here, so he said: “Misunderstood, Demon Lord, I came this time not to find things, but to find you to cooperate.”

“Oh, you’re still going to work with me, don’t you know we’re rivals? Don’t you remember when you joined forces with others to force me to blow myself up, so that I could not go to the flood desolation when I was sealed in the Heavenly Demon Realm?”

Luo Yu said while attacking, the attack on his hand was fierce, which made Hongjun very embarrassed.

At this time, Hongjun was also helpless, who let himself almost force Luo Yu to death, and finally was found by Luo Yuzi to incarnate in the Heavenly Demon Realm, becoming the extraterritorial Heavenly Demon of Honghuang, resulting in the abandonment of previous achievements, and he also carried the cause and effect of the Heavenly Dao.

Now he can’t become a mixed yuan big Luo Jinxian is basically because of this matter, his own mixed yuan road was broken, Luo Yu’s self-explosion, exploded his own cultivation path, it stands to reason that Hongjun must hate Luo Yu, but now the situation is forced to do nothing.

“I’m really not here to trouble you, besides, am I stupid? Knowing that he can’t beat you in the Heavenly Demon Realm, isn’t this giving you a beating?”

Hongjun said loudly.

Hongjun didn’t dare to be angry, after all, he had a request for Luo Qi.

At this time, Luo Qi thought about it and felt that it was right, Hongjun is not stupid, he will definitely not blindly come to the Heavenly Demon World to find trouble for himself, you might as well listen to what is going on with Hongjun.

However, Luo Zhu did not relax his vigilance against Hongjun in the slightest, but he knew that Hongjun was an old conspirator, and he didn’t know when he was deceived

Luo Yu stopped here, Hongjun finally breathed a sigh of relief, he was afraid that Luo Yu would not listen to himself, and he was bent on fighting himself.

Fighting with Luo throat is a completely pointless thing.

At this time, in the Heavenly Demon Palace, Luo Qi and Hongjun sat opposite each other.

It’s really strange that this old wrongdoer can sit together calmly.

At this time, Hongjun said: “You should know that my life in Honghuang has not been good recently, and a Xuantian who doesn’t know where to come from suppresses me everywhere, and now Honghuang, the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao, basically has no rights.”

“The current flood famine is completely the world of Xuantian’s Xuanmen, and the flood famine that we used to fight for life and death has now fallen into Xuantian, which came out of nowhere

In the hands of people, he constantly improves his strength with the luck of Honghuang, are you willing to taste it?”

When Luo Qi heard Hongjun’s words, he finally understood Hongjun’s intention, and it turned out that he wanted to pull himself along to deal with Xuantian.

If Luo Yu hadn’t been in contact with Xuantian before, he might have directly agreed, so that he could also enter the flood wilderness to gain luck, which was better than staying in the Heavenly Demon Realm, a place with a big slap.

But some time ago, Xuantian made himself vomit blood with a cold snort, even if he is now in the early stage of the half-step Heavenly Dao, he still does not have the courage to confront Xuantian.

It seems that this Hongjun is uneasy and kind, playing on himself as a fool.

Thinking of this, Luo Zhu took out the Heavenly Demon Tower again and wanted to sneak attack Hongjun.

When he saw Luo Qi’s obviously ill-intentioned eyes, Hongjun hurriedly said: “I don’t want you to clash with Xuantian head-on, I know that you can’t beat Xuantian, but you just want to use your Heavenly Demon to find some trouble for Xuantian, anyway, you are in the Heavenly Demon Realm, Xuantian can’t trouble you.”

To know that the Heavenly Demon Realm is sealed by the Great Avenue, Hongjun thinks that it is impossible for Xuantian to go to the Heavenly Demon Realm through the blockade of the Great Avenue to find trouble with Luo Yu.

Luo Yu thought carefully about what Hongjun said, and felt that this matter could really be done, as long as he sent the Heavenly Demon to find Xuantian’s trouble, anyway, if he didn’t come forward, he stayed in the Heavenly Demon Realm, what could Xuantian do to himself, and he could take the opportunity to get Honghuang’s luck.


In the past, it was the Heavenly Demons who blocked his own demon gate and did not allow him to go to the Honghuang, but now Hongjun Laodao will definitely let go of his Heavenly Demons and go to the Honghuang.

It’s a good thing to kill two birds with one stone.

Hongjun saw that he seemed to have persuaded Luo Yu, and he was secretly proud in his heart, Luo Yu is also worthy of fighting with me with a brain like you, you go to Xuantian trouble, I can practice with peace of mind.

After my cultivation is raised, I will directly suppress you and Xuantian together, and then the whole flood will be my own, and when the time comes, I will calculate it myself, and the Heavenly Dao will not be swallowed by itself casually.

Hongjun thought beautifully.

And Luo Yu’s side finally sobered up from his thoughts and said: “Hongjun, do you want me to help you for no reason, I stayed well in my Heavenly Demon Realm, why should I provoke a strong enemy for myself?”

“Or are you stupid to me?”

Luo Qi said with a growl.

When Hongjun heard Luo Qi’s words, he knew that Luo Zhu had basically agreed, and now it was just to ask for benefits from himself.

After thinking about it, Hongjun said: “I can borrow the creation jade disc to give you ten thousand years of enlightenment, you must know that the creation jade disc was the weapon of Pangu back then, and there were three thousand avenues in it.”

Hongjun was not at all afraid that Luo Qi would engulf his Creation Jade Disk, which was a Heavenly Dao magic weapon, and he could use the power of Heavenly Dao to summon it back at any time.

Luo Zhu heard Hongjun’s words, his eyes flashed red, of course, for the creation of the jade butterfly Luo Zhu knew that there were three thousand avenues of auxiliary spiritual treasures, Luo Zhu had been hungry for a long time, this time he did not expect Hongjun to take it out for his own enlightenment.

It seems that Xuan Tian really forced Hongjun very badly.

“Ten thousand years is not enough, at least 100,000 years.”

Luo Qi said hagglingly.

“No, at most 20,000 years.”

Hongjun replied.

“Fifty thousand years, if not, you will go back and forth.”

Luo Yu gritted his teeth and said.

“Deal” Hongjun said with satisfaction.

The two old conspirators looked at each other and smiled, and officially reached a cooperation!

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