Chapter 135 Father praises day by day, and after the day shoots

Xuantian looked at the sneaky Zhunti, if it weren’t for the bad deeds, the ghostly saint would have turned into a little demon!

Thinking of this, Xuantian also used the Chaos Bead to cover his breath and quietly followed Zhunti to see what he was going to do.

At this time, I saw the little demon who was about to mention the change heading in the direction of Zizhou Mansion, and then easily passed through the formation arranged by Di Jun, and Xuantian also followed in.

At this time, the ten princes of the Heavenly Court sensed that someone had come in and hurriedly surrounded Zhunti.

The eldest prince said: “Who are you, why are you here, honestly explain.”

The other princes also looked at Zhunti with fierce eyes, as if they were about to start a fight if they didn’t agree.

At this time, Zhunti’s eyes turned, and then he had an idea.

Zhunti said: “I am the herald of the Heavenly Court, and as soon as your uncle Demon Emperor Tai learned that you were in confinement after leaving the customs, he specially interceded with your father, and the Demon Emperor agreed not to lock you up, and you can leave.”

“Oh yes, we can finally leave this ghost place, or Uncle Taiyi is good to us.”

“Father Emperor is dead, I don’t know at all, pity us and leave us here!”

“We must have fun this time.”

Several princes were simple-minded, and they directly believed it, and they all jumped up with joy

Then Zhunti directly opened the formation, and several princes didn’t think about it, and directly turned into the appearance of Jin Wu and went out.

Just after the ten princes of the Heavenly Court left, Zhunti changed from a little demon to his original appearance, looking at the direction in which the prince of the demon clan left, he said: “Dijun, if you want to blame yourself, you don’t have the strength to occupy so much luck, I will laugh at your son’s luck, and then Zhunti laughed.”

And all this was recorded by Xuantian who was hidden in the shadows.

Xuantian playfully looked in the direction of Zhunti, thinking that there was definitely a good show to watch now.

Let’s start with an infight.

Thinking of this, Xuantian smiled.

The ten princes of the Heavenly Court had never been under the flood wilderness, so naturally they didn’t want to go back so soon.

Just fly all the way in the flood wilderness, because they are born with the true fire of the sun, and they don’t know how to hide.

As a result, everywhere they passed, the earth was burned and cracked, bringing great karma to the demon race.

And at this time, their eldest princes said: “Or let’s go and see the opponent of our demon clan, the little witch clan dares to go against the demon clan, it is simply self-inflicted.”

“Since several princes have never been in the flood wilderness, everyone within the demon clan is praising them, making them feel that they are already invincible in the world, and no one can beat them.”

It is just a good time to take advantage of this opportunity to go to the flood and famine to teach the Wu Clan a good lesson.

So several princes of the demon clan went in the direction of the Wu clan, and Zhunti saw that his goal was completed, smiled and returned directly to the Western Spirit Mountain.

Zhunti is very happy now, thinking that after the death of the ten princes, he will be able to get part of his luck, and his heart is nourished.

At this time, the tenth prince of the demon tribe came to the tribe of the great witch of the witch tribe, Kwafu, and directly destroyed all the cave mansions of the Kwafu tribe with fire all the way, and killed a lot

Wu Clan, at this time, the great witch praised father to death, and directly took out his peach blossom staff and chased out.

The ten princes of the Heavenly Court had no combat experience at all, but they were golden crows, and their natural speed advantage and fire control instinct directly made them like a fish in water in the battle with Father Kua.

From time to time, a sneak attack on Father Kwa, Father Kwa is also more and more depressed, if you fight head-on, the princes are not their opponents combined.

But these birds do not fight head-on with themselves, always use their speed advantage and constantly sneak attack themselves.

But the Wu tribe will never have those who died in battle, and there will definitely be no escape, and Father Kwa chased and fought while chasing, and gradually the wounds on Father Kwa’s body became more and more, and the whole person seemed to be roasted.

Finally, Father Kwa still failed to catch up with the ten golden crows, and closed his eyes unwillingly.

The place where Father Kwa died has become a peach blossom forest, as if extending Father Kwa’s life.

And the ten golden crows were even more inflated when they saw this powerful witch clan dead, and they thought that they had just killed the ancestral witch.

So the brothers discussed that they would kill all the ancestral witches of the Wu clan and make their father and emperor happy.

In this way, the demon clan will be able to dominate the flood wilderness, and I have to say that the newborn calves of the princes of several heavenly courts are not afraid of tigers, and go directly to the larger Wu tribe.

And Hou Yi, as the great witch of the witch clan, usually has a very good relationship with Father Kua, and after learning that Father Kwa was killed by the ten princes of the demon clan, he directly picked up his bow and arrows and went to find the ten princes to take revenge…

The princes of the Heavenly Court are not yet aware of the danger they will face.

Still wantonly burning the tribe of the Wu Clan.

At the same time, it is even more inflated, thinking that the Wu Clan is all rubbish, and is not worthy of being an enemy of the Demon Clan at all.

The demon clan is the strongest.

In fact, they didn’t know that most of the Wu Clan was practicing “Mixed Yuan Heavenly Skill” in retreat.

Those who stay outside are just ordinary witches guarding the tribe,

Since the Wu Clan knew that they would be excluded by the Heavenly Dao, they ordered the Great Wu to cultivate hard, and thought of changing their lives against the sky for the Wu Clan.

They will definitely not give up on the flood famine.

And at this time, Hou Yi finally found the ten princes of the Heavenly Court.

Looking at the demon clan that wantonly slaughtered the people of the Wu clan, Hou Yi looked at the ten princes with red eyes and roared, “Stop me.”

“Who are you, so bold, you dare to let our grand prince of the Heavenly Court stop, do you want to die?”

The eldest prince said.

Hearing the arrogant tone of these ten little birds, Hou Yi’s whole person had a sneer.

Then he directly took out his own sun-shooting god bow and shot it out at the eldest prince of the demon clan.

The eldest prince sensed the danger and hurriedly fled, but his speed was as fast as the sun shooting god arrow.

Directly pierced through the heart by the sun-shooting god arrow.

Unwillingly closed his eyes, several other princes were confused, where had they seen such a scene, they were panicked for a moment.

Hurriedly fled in the direction of the Heavenly Court.

At this time, Hou Yi sneered at the prince of the demon clan who wanted to escape, and then picked up the sun-shooting god bow and fired three arrows in unison, and suddenly the three golden crows died like this.

At this moment, the remaining six golden crows were completely panicked, they had never seen such a powerful person, and they could only run desperately towards the Heavenly Court.

And here Hou Yi took out five more sun-shooting divine arrows.

This time directly five shots, five golden crows died like this.

Now there is only the smallest demon prince Lu Pressure left.

At this time, Hou Yi slowly raised the bow and arrow in his hand, and the last arrow was also shot out.

But it was blocked by a golden brass bell.

Di Juntai looked at all this with red eyes, and yelled: “Houyi, you are looking for death.

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