Chapter 120 Preparations Before Opening the Tunnel Reincarnation

For Hongjun’s resentment of himself, Xuantian did not know.

Even if he knew Xuantian, he wouldn’t care.

Even after the success of the alliance, Hongjun is just a relatively large ant in his hands.

The reason why he can’t kill Hongjun is because Honghuang’s Heavenly Dao is not something that Xuantian can contend with.

Tiandao will definitely not let his spokesperson have an accident.

So Xuan Tiancai was too lazy to find trouble with Hongjun, and why bother if he couldn’t kill him? However, Xuantian didn’t know that Hongjun was still unforgiving.

Time is not worth much in the flood wilderness, and five thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye.

And Xuantian’s side is also ready, and the ancestral witches have also come to the Three Immortals Island.

Xuantian’s disciples are also out of the customs, and this time it is very important to be foolproof.

It is worth mentioning that almost all of Hongjun’s disciples have improved to a great realm, but Fuxi is only “five four three” is the peak of the middle stage of the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian, and has not reached the late stage.

Maybe the heritage accumulated by Fuxi is relatively deep.

And Xuantian’s side began to arrange tasks, first of all, Fuxi’s side went to invite Lao Tzu to drink tea, and did not let Lao Tzu leave Shouyang Mountain for half a step.

Xuantian didn’t want these saints to come and find trouble.

Then Kunpeng went to the East Kunlun Mountains to block the Yuanshi.

And Nuwa and the Queen Mother of the West were arranged by Xuantian to go to the Western Continent, block the Second Saint of the West, and Quasi-Ti was guided!

Tongtian went directly to the Heavenly Court to see the demon clan, so it was basically foolproof!

And the Styx goes directly to the Sea of Blood, after all, the Lord of the Blood Sea is the Styx, and the Wu Clan still needs the Styx River to help to open up tunnels.

The Styx also needs to include its Asura path within the scope of the six paths.

In this way, the Asura sect can also enjoy authentic luck.

And so everyone went their separate ways.

Xuantian took Houtu Town Yuanzi and the River Styx, as well as the ancestral witches to the sky above the Sea of Blood.

Then Hou Tu directly began to observe the situation nearby, and thought to himself: “Is this the underground government that Father God left us to the Wu Clan?”

At this time, Fuxi had already arrived at Shouyang Mountain, and Fuxi shouted directly: “Xuanmen Fuxi came to visit the saint of Laozi, why is it not welcome?”

Fuxi came up with a questioning tone, which made Lao Tzu angry.

Lao Tzu was also puzzled, he and Fuxi did not have any intersection, why did Fuxi suddenly come to him?

But Lao Tzu still went out to greet him, after all, Fuxi became a mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian earlier than himself, with Xuanmen’s luck, he still doesn’t know what realm it is now.

Anyway, it is estimated that he is not an opponent, Lao Tzu’s side was injured by Xuantian just right, and his cultivation was still in the early stage of a saint, and he did not rise at all.

Lao Tzu was outside the mountain gate, looking at Fuxi who was smiling evilly at himself, and he felt a hairy feeling in his heart and didn’t know why.

“How come the chief disciple of Xuanmen has time to come here today?”

Lao Tzu said with a smile.

In fact, he wished that Fuxi should leave quickly, because he found that he couldn’t see through Fuxi’s cultivation realm, and he was obviously stronger than himself.

“I heard that the spirit fruit of Shouyang Mountain is good, you should not be reluctant to entertain me, right? I’d be angry then.”

Fuxi said with a little seriousness.

Lao Tzu saw Fuxi’s expression and cursed secretly in his heart, but he was helpless.

“Where, please come in quickly, Xuandu quickly go and bring all the good spirit fruits.”

Lao Tzu invited Fuxi in while saying to Xuandu beside him.

Then Fuxi really ate the spirit fruit here in Lao Tzu, and had no intention of leaving.

Lao Tzu felt very strange, but it was not good to drive Fuxi away.

I could only helplessly accompany Fuxi to sit here.

And on the other side East Kunlun.

Kunpeng also came here, and when he saw how beautiful East Kunlun was, he thought to himself: “Hey, it’s just such a good place that has been wasted, and a place like this should belong to our Xuanmen.”

However, Kunpeng came today with a mission, and he definitely can’t enjoy the scenery here.

Since the last time he gave the gate of the demon clan to Shizun, Kunpeng thought of taking it away and giving it to Shizun when he saw it!

Kunpeng came directly to the door of the Yuqing Palace and shouted directly: “Yuan Shi, I’m here, you haven’t come out to welcome me yet.”

“Presumptuous, Kunlun Mountain will not allow you to wait for the fur-covered and armored beasts to bark indiscriminately, don’t hurry up, be careful that you will die here.”

At this time, as the great apprentice of the Yuan Dynasty, Guang Chengzi said.

Hiroshi Chengzi also inherited the arrogance of Yuan Shi and looked down on others.

At this time, Kunpeng’s face turned cold, was it the first time since he transformed himself that he was called a fur-covered beast with armor? And he is also a junior who is not even a big Luo Jinxian.

How could Kunpeng’s temper be endured?

Kunpeng directly stretched out his hand, and a black hole appeared, and then Guangchengzi was caught by Kunpeng in his hand, constantly struggling…

But it is useless, in Kunpeng’s hands, Guangchengzi is like a grasshopper that can be pinched to death at any time.

Insulting himself like this, how could he let Guangchengzi go so easily?

However, just when Kunpeng wanted to torture Guangchengzi, Yuan Shi came out.

In fact, Yuan Shi knew that Kunpeng was coming, and Kunpeng did not hide his identity,


However, Yuan Shi did not go out to greet him, but sent his apprentice out, so that he was also the second disciple of the Daomen, how could he go to meet a fur-covered and armored beast like Kunpeng, this is Yuan Shi’s idea.

When he saw Guangchengzi scolding Kunpeng, Yuan Shi was still very relieved, but then he saw that Kunpeng directly arrested his apprentice without giving himself face, and was also ready to kill him, so Zi Yuan couldn’t sit still, so he hurriedly came out to stop Kunpeng.

Looking at Guangchengzi in Kunpeng’s hand, Yuan Shi said: “Kunpeng, you are a mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian As for working with a junior who is not even a Daluo Jinxian, isn’t it a loss of identity.”

“My apprentice doesn’t know that you are a mixed yuan in the flood, can you give me a face and release my disciple?”

Yuan Shi said sincerely.

In fact, with disdain in my heart, I am a saint, I was originally able to use the power of the Heavenly Dao in Honghuang, Kunpeng just became a mixed yuan obviously the same realm as himself, a saint of the same realm in Honghuang will definitely be better than the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian, which is the reason why Yuan Yuan 3.2 has no fear.

“How much is your face worth? Why should I give you face? Do you think you are who you are?”

Kunpeng asked directly domineering three times.

Guang Chengzi, who was still grabbed by Kunpeng when he heard Kunpeng’s words, was dumbfounded, how could it be different from the script he thought?

Didn’t Shizun speak, and then Kunpeng gave Shizun a face and released himself?

Now Guangchengzi regretted his death, and he actually scolded a mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian who was equivalent to a saint.

At this time, Yuan Shi also cooled down when he heard Kunpeng’s words.

Looking at Kunpeng with a blue face.

The scene seems to be on the verge of breaking out.

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