Leading a large number of clergymen who were loyal to her, Rossweisse broke into Augustus' room and looked around: "Look for me."

There must be a secret passage in this room.

Rossweisse's action finally began.

As if, Rossweisse seemed to have seen the Pope's sacred throne waving to her.

In the Grand Canyon.

The heart has shrunk for the third time.

The height was reduced by nearly one tenth.

Every time the heart shrinks, it triggers a heartbeat, which in turn triggers a strong earthquake.

Qin Chu felt a strange, furry feeling in his heart.

It's as if this heart has never really died. The so-called heartbeat is more like this heart's distress signal!

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Chapter 369 Rossweisse takes action (1)

Qin Chu exerted his power of gluttony to the limit and concentrated all his efforts and energy in an attempt to devour this huge heart.

The power of the sapling has also been expanded to the extreme.

It is precisely because of the help of the small sapling that I can finally move this huge heart a little.

This process is very slow.

This is no longer magic or fighting spirit.

That is a higher level and more mysterious power. This power is not just about simply destroying, but it is more like changing everything from the level of rules.

The sun has set without knowing when, and the bright moonlight envelopes the world.


The evil god's heart beat again, and an earthquake followed.

Qin Chu felt that this so-called heartbeat was more like some kind of signal sent by the evil god.

Is it a distress signal?

What's even weirder is that even Qin Chu seems to be affected by this signal. Whenever his heart beats, Qin Chu can feel his heart trembling uncontrollably.

There may even be brief momentary gaps in consciousness.

If it's really a distress signal, what's the use of sending it to me? We won't save you, and we'll even eat you.

Immediately afterwards, a raging impact rolled around like a tsunami.

But the strange thing is that this violent impact, which was enough to turn the boulder into powder instantly, did not cause any harm to Qin Chu's body at all.

It was as if the shock wave in the shape of an inverted V happened to avoid the location of Qin Chu and the sapling. Saya, Antia, Heloise and Ietta could naturally notice this, and they all stayed behind Qin Chu.

As for the grand canyons on both sides, it can be said that they are unlucky. The shape of the canyon can no longer be seen at all. The collapsed gravel and soil have long buried the deep canyon.

The entire sky was filled with a layer of gray dust.

It can be seen that the time required to completely swallow this heart may not be able to be done in a day or two, but at this moment, Qin Chu's stubborn energy is getting the best of him, and he is about to fight this heart Just a moment.


All the fragments of the Sky Continent reacted, as if the evil god was not completely dead, and even tried to put together the broken body to stand on the continent again.

Empire, imperial city.

The earthquake centered on the imperial palace and spread throughout the imperial city.

The earth is cracking.

The violent shaking caused the buildings on the ground to collapse in pieces. The whole city seemed to have entered the end of the world. Countless nobles screamed in panic and fled from the room without even caring about their own clothes.

On the contrary, it was a civilian area, which was the least affected because it was far away from the palace.

Just when all the big guys were trying their best to suppress the remnant of the riot, Rossweisse and Douglas took the opportunity to appear in Augustus' palace.

Although it was unclear why the earthquake suddenly occurred, anyone could tell that Augustus would not be back in a short time.

Douglas worked with the two archbishops to place powerful restrictions inside and outside the room to isolate all magic fluctuations and perceptions in the room.

Augustus often locked himself in his room for long periods of time, and Rossweisse concluded that there must be some secret passage in this room.

And at the end of the secret passage, there must be the cage where the so-called own mother is imprisoned.

Although Rossweisse didn't like this so-called mother, she even felt that the existence of this mother was a serious obstacle to her.

She thought in her mind more than once, how wonderful it would be if she didn't have this so-called mother.

Of course Rossweisse is very smart. She knows that so many of her subordinates are desperately looking for traces of Saint Phyllis. If she, a daughter, does not respond, it will inevitably affect her image in the eyes of her followers.

She had already planned to rescue her if she could.

When the time comes, just give her the title of Goddess and raise her up in the Holy See.

If it really can't be saved, then forget it. If Augustus really pulls out Saint Phyllis as a hostage to threaten him, then he will take the opportunity to stage a show of annihilation of relatives.

In order to maintain the faith and glory of the Holy See, and in order to prevent an evil existence like Augustus from continuing to cause trouble to the Holy See, she must not be threatened by Augustus. Even if it means sacrificing his own mother, he must get rid of this scourge.

At worst, cry a lot afterwards and shed a few tears, and you will definitely receive a lot of praise.

This was the most perfect plan in Rossweisse's plan. Not only could he get rid of Augustus, but he could also get rid of his mother, and he could even gain a lot of fame.

It's a pity that this sudden earthquake attracted Augustus, and Rossweisse's best plan may not work.

A large number of clergymen are searching Augustus's palace. After all, Augustus is still the pope. This status makes these clergymen a little scared. What if Augustus suddenly returns? .

However, seeing Goddess Rossweisse and Cardinal Douglas, I suddenly felt at ease again.

If the sky falls and these two are carrying it, it will not be my turn to be unlucky.

As a result, a group of clergymen began to search through boxes and cabinets. It was said to be a search, but it felt like a house raid.

Some valuable items in the room were stuffed into his pockets.

Augustus's room was not very big, but the entire search process took nearly an hour. Suddenly, a priest shouted excitedly: "Your Majesty, there is a restriction here...here."

Her Majesty the Goddess is what they call Rossweisse.

Her Highness the Saint can no longer bear Rossweisse's dignity and majesty.

There is a very delicate magic restriction on the floor under the bed, which cannot be broken by a little priest like him.

At that moment, the two paladins quickly walked over and moved the bed away. Douglas personally stepped forward and glanced at the restriction on the ground. His brows were furrowed. He squatted on the ground and tried to crack it.

His level is as high as eighty-eight. After receiving the gift of the goddess to touch the oracle scroll with his own hands, he gained a lot of benefits. The level that he had not broken through for a long time finally reached eighty-nine.

His fingers touched the ground, and the filamentous magic power was spreading along Douglas's fingers and palms, permeating, and seeping into the floor tiles below little by little.

The magic power is colliding in a small area, making crackling sounds from time to time.

This is not a large-scale release of magic power, but it is under tremendous pressure for Douglas. To break this restriction requires extremely subtle and precise manipulation of magic power, without making the slightest mistake.

A layer of fine beads of sweat had formed on his forehead, and his face was a little pale.

The whole process lasted for nearly half an hour. Only a click was heard. Douglas's body trembled suddenly, and then he took a long breath. He stood up and wiped the sweat on his forehead and directed it at Rose behind him. Weisel nodded: "Your Majesty the Goddess, it has been untied."

Rossweisse frowned, feeling dissatisfied.

This is just a restriction on the entrance, so it took so long.

But this dissatisfaction cannot be expressed directly. Rossweisse must maintain a gentle and caring smile on her face: "Douglas, thank you for your hard work..."

Douglas showed an excited smile on his face: "It is my greatest honor to be able to contribute to Her Majesty the Goddess."

Rossweisse was very satisfied with Douglas's answer.

This is the attitude that subordinates should have.

Thinking back to the three women Ekaterina, Athena, and Sylph...

Especially Sylph, this bitch often acted carelessly when faced with his orders, and he simply didn't take her seriously.

From time to time, dissatisfaction can be seen in those emerald green eyes. Looking at that attitude, he even wants to stand up and have an argument with himself.

If it weren't for the fact that she was once a member of the Brave Team, and that it was Sylph who put Sir Gerald's soul fragment in her palm before, and this woman was of some use, otherwise Rossweisse would never have done it. Allow this woman to live forever.

She will endure it temporarily until all the fragments of Master Jero's soul are collected.

After all, they have been with Lord Jero for so long, and compared to others, they have a keener sense of the fragments of Lord Jero's soul.

I don’t know what’s going on with Athena and Sylph.

Shaking her head, Rossweisse suppressed the distracting thoughts in her heart, raised her bare hands lightly, and spread her hands to both sides.

Only a squeaking sound was heard, and the stone slab on the ground automatically moved to the side, revealing a dark passage leading deep underground.

Faintly, it seems that you can still hear bursts of weird sounds coming from inside.

"Douglas, stay here and don't let anyone get close. Also, pay attention to Augustus' whereabouts."

Douglas nodded fiercely, although he wanted to always follow Her Majesty the Goddess and protect Lord Rossweisse's safety.

But it is also a very important task and cannot be slacked off at all.

Glancing at the dark hole on the ground, Rossweisse was about to take a step forward but suddenly stopped: "My loyal warriors, please open the way to the cage where the Goddess is imprisoned."

Her voice was full of confusion.

Since receiving the oracle for the second time, Rossweisse's mental abilities seem to have greatly improved, and it has become easier to use abilities such as guidance and mental interference.

Just after the melodious voice fell, dozens of paladins and priests immediately stood up, their faces seemed to be shining with glory.

It is the greatest honor to be able to contribute to Her Majesty the Great Goddess.

One paladin walked in front, followed by the others.

Rossweisse walked at the back with a gentle smile on her face, her figure gradually submerged in the passage.

Although this passage is narrow, it is not dark.

On the walls on both sides, there is a magic lamp hanging every tens of meters away. The magic stone inside the lampshade is obviously changed frequently, and the light is warm and soft.


But within the soft and warm light, there was a faint, sharp, hoarse voice filled with pain.

It adds a sense of spookiness to this passage.

The first chapter is here. Thank you for the reward of 2,000 points. Thank you for being a younger brother in the family. He immediately jumped into action. An Tianshu, book friend 20170501094052254, Xianyuan, Shapo Greedy Wolf for the reward. Thank you for your support.

Chapter 370 The Saint Bathed in Blood (2)

The strange voice sometimes sounded like a woman who had lost her husband and child, full of sadness, and sometimes sounded like a mad beast, full of irritability and madness that wanted to destroy everything.

It's not loud.

But it keeps echoing in this only channel.

It was eerie and strange that not even the soft light of the magic lamp could dispel.

Even though this group of people are all priests and their strength is pretty good. There is even the goddess Rossweisse behind them, but at this moment, their scalp still feels a little hairy.

Click, click...

The paladin's metal boots stepped on the stone slabs of the stairs, making a dull sound.

Obviously this spiral downward staircase can be seen far away under the light of the magic lamp at a glance. There are no dangerous and twisted monsters, but everyone's heart is like a heavy boulder, and every step Moving seems extremely difficult.

The inexplicable and indescribable depression shrouded everyone's heart.

The forehead of the leading paladin was already covered with a layer of dense beads of sweat. The further down he went, the more intense the fear in his heart became. He regretted a little. He shouldn't have just done it just to show off, to show off in front of Her Majesty the Goddess. Be at the front.

Now I want to sneak to the back, but I really can't afford to lose that person.

While muttering quietly in his heart, he took a step forward.

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