Early June 1997.

Wald Pictures.

Zucker, Victor, Kevin Feige, and director Zach gathered together for the fifth pre-release discussion on the movie "Human Purge Project".

"Guys, there are less than 10 days before the release date of "Human Clearance Project" on June 13, and we have to hurry up with our second promotion." Zucker said first.

The three of Victor immediately corrected their colors.

Among them, director Zach Snyder pays the most attention!

You must know that his last film "Hard Candy" won a good reputation among niche movies, but the box office in North America is not high. Now he can hold his breath and point to "Human Clearance" "Plan" fought a turnaround and shocked those who underestimated him.

"Mr. Wald, I have confidence in you. When you speak, the crew and I will fully cooperate with the promotion of the film." Director Zha said loudly.

Zucker nodded in relief.

After a round of his subordinates, Zach Snyder can be called the number one licking dog.

He has stated in front of the crew and the media more than once: "Zuck Wald is now the most outstanding young director in Hollywood and a genius in the field of producers. The most commendable thing is his screenwriting talent, I'm welcome to say something. , The script he wrote is enough to beat many senior screenwriters. He is so humble and so refreshing. In short, I think Mr. Wald is a very, very powerful filmmaker."


Zucker also said to Zach more than once: "Be low-key in the future. If you don't say this, my talent cannot be concealed!"

Who knows that his mother's Zack really didn't mention it, and almost didn't make fun of Zuck to death.

As a last resort, Zucker had to shamelessly appear on TV programs in person, so that the American people could get to know him well.

Is Zucker easy?

It's not easy!

You say that Zucker is the arrogant generation who wants to save face?

"Hehe, I won't admit it!"


"Boss, the official website we built in response to the creative concept of the "Human Clearance Project" has been highly anticipated and praised by many netizens since its establishment two months ago. Currently, the number of participants is as high as 30,000."

"At the same time, the series of publicity work we formulated in the early stage under the name of the director's new work "Fruit Hard Candy" also received responses from many people in the society."

CEO Victor introduced the pre-promotion work of the film.

Zucker nodded and asked, "Then do you have any plans for the second promotion before our movie is released?"

I can't help Zucker not paying attention!

This year's North American summer vacation is one of the few summer vacations that can be called the "death period", even if you look at it for ten years.

Massive gathering!

On May 23, the second installment of the "Jurassic Park" series was released;

On June 6, "Earth Shaking" was released;

On June 15, "Hercules" starring Governor Arnold was released;

On June 20, "Batman and Robin" and "My Best Friend's Wedding" starring Julia Roberts were released at the same time;

On June 27, "Face Change" directed by John Woo and starring Cage was released;

I have to say that at the beginning of May, Zhu Ke was shocked when he saw the movie release list presented by the theater.

"Dunima is a blockbuster!"

Not much to say about "Jurassic Park", its first film directed by Spielberg, once launched, shocked the entire Hollywood, and even the Xiangjiang movie immersed in the dream of "Oriental Hollywood" has also been removed from the Dinosaurs from ancient times were crushed.

"Jurassic Park 2" has a serious decline in word of mouth, but it is not an existence that cats and dogs can challenge.

It grossed $230 million in North America and over $600 million at the global box office.

These dinosaurs from ancient times, can you compete with your head iron? !

"Batman and Robin" is also a big IP movie, the kind that is famous all over the world.

Of course, it is also facing a decline in word of mouth, and it is the worst in the entire "Batman" series, and it is also the one that caused Warner to resolutely seal it. It was not until Nolan took over that it was silent for a long time The Batman, once again returned to the public's attention.


Batman's over 100 million US dollars at the North American box office is not something that Wald Pictures' low-budget movie "Human Removal Project" can collide with.

"My Best Friend's Wedding", No. 9 in the North American annual box office rankings in 1997, with a North American box office of 127 million US dollars;

Earth Shaking, No. 15 on the North American annual box office chart in 1997, with a North American box office of $101 million;

"Hercules", No. 17 on the North American annual box office list in 1997, with a North American box office of 100 million US dollars;

"Face Change", No. 11 in the North American annual box office rankings in 1997, with a North American box office of 112 million US dollars;

Look at the directors and stars of these movies, Spielberg, Governor Arnold, Julia Roberts, Nicholas Chao Si, oh no, it's Cage, which one is not a Hollywood star?

Of the movies released in Hollywood in June 1997, none of the movies are easy to mess with?

"I'm so hard!"

"too difficult!"

"I won't do this question!"

Take a look at the movie released in July, and Nima makes people collapse.

On July 2, "Men in Black" was released, with a North American box office of 250 million US dollars and a global box office of 580 million US dollars. It ranked second in the North American annual box office list in 1997 and is one of the representative works of Will Smith starring movies.

A "Men in Black" movie made Sony Columbia a lot of money!

Will Smith, the star of the movie, is a member of the Hollywood $20 million club in one fell swoop.

None of the other movies released in July were hilarious.

"Air Force One" starring Harrison Ford, a veteran Hollywood star, Miramax's "Top Gun", Warner's "Contact" starring two-time Oscar-winning actress Jodie Foster, Touchstone The "Ace Secret Service" and other films produced are well-known films on the North American annual box office rankings in 1997.

The North American summer vacation in 1997 is a symbol of Hollywood movies in the 1990s, and it is the most obvious summer vacation in the past ten years.

This year's North American summer vacation has created an era of glory in Hollywood.

Of course, there are also many Hollywood film companies that have collapsed during this summer. According to incomplete statistics, there are no less than 15 Hollywood film companies that went bankrupt just because of the 1997 summer holiday.

"This year's summer season, too Nima is cruel."

It's not that Zucker didn't think about avoiding it, yes, he was cowardly.

But on second thought, Zu Ke was a little unwilling.

It doesn't make sense, I have to run away!

Although "Human Removal Project" is not as good as those well-known blockbusters, its own reputation is not small, not to mention that the film's creativity of free killing is outstanding, especially in 1997, when film creativity was lacking.

"Maybe you can give it a try."

Zucker jumped a little stupidly.

Victor and Kevin Feige also strongly advised Zucker to rise to the challenge.

"We can't expect to dodge every single time," Kevin Feige said.

Victor said: "Blindly avoiding will make us Wald Pictures forever despised. This time the movie "Human Removal Project" is not bad, even if the box office is not as good as other movies, but I believe we will definitely not. It's going to lose money, and if done right, it could even make a lot of money, and it's going to blow up Wald's name."

Director Zach did not speak.

However, the eyes he looked at Zhu Ke at the moment were full of heat.

Yes, as a director, which one would like to avoid other films?


"This time we'll be the first time!"

Zucker made a final decision: "Victor, contact Donna immediately and inform her that the UPN TV network will fully cooperate with the promotion of "Human Removal Project" and promote the movie on "America's Got Talent."

Hearing this, the crowd immediately rejoiced.


Is there a more popular variety show than "America's Got Talent" in America at this stage?


There is no doubt that once the "Human Clearance Project" is promoted on the talent show stage, it is bound to play a very huge publicity role.

" "The first more is sent.

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