Hollywood Road

Chapter 652

Amidst the warm applause, Robert Downey Jr. walked towards the Oscar stage in high spirits, and waved to the surroundings frequently. All the previous tension and anticipation disappeared, and he looked unusually coquettish. ?

But that's Robert Downey Jr., isn't it?

Murphy heard from Susan Downey that Robert Downey Jr. also prepared a very special acceptance speech, and now he finally had the opportunity to hear it.

On the other side, Harvey Weinstein was applauding mechanically. His expressionless fat face was not good-looking at all. This is a sure-fire award, but it was lost like this!

Seeing Robert Downey Jr. taking over the best actor statuette from Natalie Portman, he leaned back in his seat, and the thought grew stronger that this was not his and Weinstein's An Academy Award ceremony for the film industry!

"Is this the first time I've made a comeback?"

On the stage, the first sentence of Robert Downey Jr.'s award acceptance speech caused laughter all over the audience. Everyone knew that he was better at creating atmosphere than Murphy, "I would like to thank you about this morning. At 1o, the guy who told me George Clooney was going to win the award, so told me not to prepare my acceptance speech."

Robert Downey Jr. and George Clooney are old acquaintances and deliberately made a joke of him.

He went on to say, "I don't have anyone to thank, colleagues, crew, friends, brothers, family members, they have helped me so much, it can't be expressed in just one word of thanks, um... I should be able to thank Twentieth Century Fox... …Actually, these guys should thank me, there are too many movies in this holiday season to squeeze out "Diego Ross", if it weren't for me, I guess we wouldn't have any movies at all."

There were bursts of laughter in the Dolby Theater. No one thought that Robert Downey Jr. would make such a special acceptance speech when he won the Oscar for Best Actor.

"This guy." Murphy smiled and applauded, and Gal Gadot next to him was also laughing, "It's ingenious."

Standing in front of the microphone, Robert Downey Jr. continued his special acceptance speech, "I don't really want to thank Murphy Stanton, although this guy probably..."

He counted with his fingers, "Well...at least six times saved my career."

Having said that, he looked at Susan Downey, "I don't really want to thank my wife, if it weren't for her, I wouldn't know where to knock. Murphy has a vision for this film, and many people gather Working together, by the way, he once said that the magic of art is that it can be transformed into all kinds of novel expressions, so I also want to thank...or not thank the academy, they are a bunch of innovative people , and now I am also one of them!"

In the end, Robert Downey Jr. raised the Oscar statuette and walked to one side of the stage, but instead of entering the backstage, he stood on the side of the stage, waiting for the next best director award.

Murphy is also somewhat nervous. All the way to the present, only a few people can talk to know how many difficulties and obstacles he has overcome, the initial capital to win in danger, and the persistent efforts to enter the mainstream. He has been nominated several times to accompany him for many years Experience, using all available situations to create the current situation.

"There is a big boy who became an outstanding actor at the age of nineteen and a superstar in the eighties."

Billy Crystal elicits Best Director presenter, "He's still alive today! Welcome Tom Cruise!"

The classic soundtrack of "Mission: Impossible" sounded, and Tom Cruise stepped on the stage at the node of the music.

"It's finally here!"

There was excitement in the Internet discussion group, "Murphy's moment has finally come!"

"Hold the Oscar for Best Director!"

Daisy was not far behind, and directly wrote, "Murphy is the best director!"

"Murphy is the best director!"

"Murphy is the best director!"

"Murphy is..."

Followed by a group of echoed people.

But it's not over yet,

Daisy typed out another line, "If tonight's Oscar for Best Director is not for Murphy, tomorrow we will burn down the headquarters of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences! It will even burn down the whole Wilshire Street!"

"Count me in!"

Latecomers are eager to sign up.

"I'll go as well!"

"Everyone together!"

Someone is calmer.

"You have no chance, Murphy must be the best director!"

On Nielsen's side, the North American viewership of the Oscars reached its peak tonight when Best Actor was awarded - 38.26 million viewers!

However, this number did not last long at all. When Billy Crystal announced the start of the best director awards, the number of viewers in North America according to Nielsen's statistics exceeded 4 million in less than half a minute!

And showing a rising trend! Go straight to the 45 million mark!

Daisy stared at the live broadcast page without moving her eyes.

Justin folded his hands and seemed to be praying for his favorite director.

Countless Murphy fans across the United States put down their beer, cola, burgers and sandwiches, and they waited quietly for the moment when their favorite director won the award!

On the stage of the Dolby Theater, stepping on the soundtrack of "Mission: Impossible", Tom Cruise with a short head came slowly. His smile was still so charming, but he couldn't attract people's attention. At this moment, even Tom Cruise is just a background board for the best director award.

Harvey Weinstein is very motivated, will the academy give Weinstein Pictures a piece of cake? After all, he has put so much effort into it!

"Many people know that the cameraman is responsible for shooting, the actor is responsible for acting, and the screenwriter is responsible for the script, but what does the director do?"

Although he has reached fifty years old, Tom Cruise still looks so handsome, and his voice is still charming when he said the string of words, "In fact, directors are a group of people who can give everything for a vision. The following five are precisely because Exemplary work, and shortlisted dreamers!"

"Here are the Oscar nominations for Best Director!"

Tom Cruise turned to look at the big screen and said in conjunction with the screen, "Michael Hazanavicius - "The Artist". Michael, Murphy Stanton - "Diego Ross", Martin - Scorsese - Hugo, Woody Allen - Midnight in Paris, Terrence Malick - The Tree of Life."

Who will win? Those inside the Dolby Theater are waiting! Countless fans throughout North America are also waiting!

Showing a signature smile, Tom Cruise opened the envelope, glanced at it, and read the result without raising his head.

"Murphy Stanton, Diego Ross!"

"I won!"

Margot Robbie immediately slapped her palms and turned to look at Murphy. All Murphy's tension and expectations were thrown away, and he turned his head and kissed Gal Gadot hard.

"We won..." Gal Gadot whispered in his ear, and then hugged Murphy, "We won!"

Immediately afterwards, Susan Downey, David Robbie, Philip Raschel and Helena Espora came to congratulate Murphy one by one.

At the same time, the Internet discussion area was boiling.

"Win! Win!"

In an exquisite apartment building, Daisy jumped up from the computer chair and waved her lower arm vigorously. She was extremely excited at this moment. As the first batch of fans who liked Murphy, she knew very well that Murphy-Stein What kind of tempering, hard work and hard work did Dunn go through to get to this point!

"Come on, Murphy!" she yelled.

"We won!" Back on the computer chair, Daisy typed this sentence in the discussion area as quickly as possible.

"Yes, we won!"

Also sitting in front of the computer, Justin just left his hands from the keyboard. He felt like he got what he wanted. Is there anything more gratifying than being recognized for his favorite works and directors?

"Wow, Murphy won!"

"Murphy is the best director!"

"Murphy is about to win the best director statuette!"

"We have won!"

In the discussion area, it has turned into a sea of ​​joy, and countless fans made all kinds of congratulatory voices.

At the moment when Tom Cruise announced the list of winners, cheers erupted in countless bars across the United States, and the sound of wine glasses colliding rang out one after another, and then they returned to silence. The moment of the award stage.

Harvey Weinstein and the crew of "The Artist" were dead silent, and they lost!

Seeing Murphy being congratulated by everyone, Harvey Weinstein first clenched his fist and then loosened it. Murphy Stanton ended his Oscar running career like this?

Up to this moment, Harvey Weinstein still can't believe it's true. He and Weinstein Pictures just lost?

When he saw that tall and straight figure walking towards the stage amidst congratulations, he finally fully understood that they really lost, and they lost terribly!

Although the best picture has not yet been awarded, Harvey Weinstein is an expert in running the Oscars, and he has clearly understood that this year's Oscars, the academy will fully recognize Murphy Stanton, and give Catholic and Hollywood movies The dispute set the tone of supporting the film director, and the best film in the future must still be "Diego Ross", and it will definitely not be "The Artist".

Martin Scorsese was also clapping his hands. If someone else won the award, he would feel unwilling, but he would not lose to Murphy. The other party's noir movies, especially a few noir crime movies, are really brilliant. Even when he was at the peak of shooting black crime themes, he was only at the level of Murphy Stanton.

"It's okay." Harvey Weinstein said to the unwilling Bob Weinstein next to him, "We can come again next year, and with Murphy Stanton's dark and commercial style, next time I don't know how many years people will have to wait for Oscar to come back!"

The moment Murphy stepped onto the stage and took over the statuette from Tom Cruise, the Dolby Theater burst into applause again. Gal Gadot stood up and made a standing gesture. The crew of "Diego Ross" They all stood up, and then the people around stood up one after another, and once again sent applause like a tsunami.

Dolby Theater Stands to Honor Best Director of the Night! 8 For more exciting novels, welcome to visit our Reading Academy

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