Hollywood Road

Chapter 581 Best Service

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"Suggestion?" Murphy looked at Kara Firth, "What suggestion?"

When Kara Firth first entered the industry, she often consulted Murphy for advice on film work, but time has passed, and now she no longer needs it, and compared to Murphy who only focuses on her film career , Kara Firth, who sits in the top position of 20th Century Fox, has a bigger macro picture.

Murphy also admitted that, if he didn't have previous experience, he would not be as good as Kara Firth now.

The different positions of the two also created this situation.

Kara Firth knew that although Murphy was stubborn at times, most of the time, he was able to listen to other people's suggestions.

Besides, with the friendship between the two, there is nothing bad to say.

So, Kara Firth said directly, "Add an important black character."

Murphy frowned slightly.

Carla Firth understood his thoughts, and said, "It is true that black actors are very troublesome. Pay attention to them, they think it is discrimination, ignore them, and still think it is discrimination, but..."

She shook her head and said, "Aside from the duel between the male lead and the villain, aren't there other important roles? Find one for black people, and it will be easier to win black audiences."

Murphy thought for a while, and what Kara Firth said made sense. Nowadays, the number of black people is increasing, and they have become an audience group that cannot be ignored in the film market. In the past, his reputation in this regard was not very good, and many tabloids even hyped him. News that discriminates against blacks, past market research also proves that the black audience willing to buy tickets to watch his films is far below the average level.

But finding a black man to serve in the crew like an uncle, and worrying about getting angry from time to time is really annoying.

Tapping the table with his fingers, Murphy suddenly had an idea, "There is a role that is more suitable for black actors. The role is not important, but it is a real hero."

There are almost no shots of that character, and it is completely positive. If it is filmed, it can be done in one day. It would be good to temporarily invite a black actor to comeo. In this case, the other party only needs to stay in the crew for a day...

Carla Firth believed in Murphy's ability, smiled, and said, "This is just a suggestion, you have the final say on how to do it."

Murphy nodded. He was never a stubborn person who didn't know how to adapt. The number of black people in North America also decided to make some appropriate changes.

Yes, appropriate changes, Murphy will not go through Hollywood's stylized changes, insisting on getting Chris Dane a heavyweight and decent black partner.

Although strictly speaking, the films he shot and produced did not break away from Hollywood's industrial assembly line model, but they are still significantly different from those popcorn films that are highly homogenized.

In fact, after careful observation, it is not difficult to find that in the assembly line factory of Hollywood, the stylization of the crew setting is very prominent. Tall female vases, a little kid or two who will drag you down, and a black guy who always plays a role at the critical moment but won't die...

The two chatted about this topic. Murphy was about to leave and go back. Kara Firth asked again, "There will be a promotional event around the movie tomorrow. Are you going to participate?"

"No." Murphy waved his hand, "I have to catch a flight to New Zealand at noon."

Before he left, Kara Firth urged, "Remember to set aside time to attend San Diego Comic Con in July."

Murphy nodded and left the restaurant.

At noon the next day, he took a plane to leave Los Angeles and fly to Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. Since Gal Gadot was still in the Caribbean to help James Franco and Lily Collins greet the guests, he would be two days late. Fei simply asked Bill Rossis to contact Richard Taylor of Weta Studios in advance,

Getting ready to visit Weta Studios.

This was also Murphy's original itinerary, but it was ahead of schedule.

Of course, the purpose of visiting Weta Studio is not only for visiting, but because the cost of filming is getting higher and higher, and the scale of special effects production is getting bigger and bigger. And great special effects collaborators.

Weta Studio is one of the objects he considered.

Of course, Murphy himself is also very interested in Weta Studio.

In Hollywood, there is a peculiar saying.

There is "only" one director in New Zealand, that is Peter Jackson, and there is "only" one film company in New Zealand, that is Weta. The two have established a film kingdom.

Back in 2001, when audiences all over the world saw the fairyland-like home of elves on the screen, they completely collapsed. The emergence of "The Lord of the Rings" has raised the movie dream to a new level.

As a result, Peter Jackson became known as the "Emperor of Special Effects", and Weta Special Effects Studio also rose from a small studio in New Zealand to the world's best "Dream Factory", giving the previously monopolized industrial light and magic The special effects company brought a strong impact and made "Father of Star Wars" George Lucas depressed for a while.

When people in the industry talk about special effects, Weta is definitely the only top company in this field.

According to the American media, there is a unique insect in the island country of New Zealand, which is huge, with teeth and claws, and its name is Weta; a fat New Zealander named Peter Jackson was scared to death by Weta since he was a child. When he had the opportunity to participate in the establishment of a special effects company, he named the company after Weta regardless of the past.

Today, Weta Studios is undoubtedly extremely successful. When producing special effects for "Avatar", they have raised the "performance capture" technology to an omnipotent state, so that Tim Burton is doing it for Disney. When filming "Alice in Wonderland", the studio of Robert Zemeckis, who also specializes in "performance capture" under Disney, was not used. Instead, he cooperated with Weta, forcing Disney to kill him this year and shut down Zemeckis. S studio.

This well-known special effects company in the industry is extremely mysterious and low-key, because the company is located in "Middle-earth", which is Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, a small movie country, so they can stay away from the spotlight of Hollywood and concentrate on creating works for people with imagination and love for monsters. God's filmmakers realize their magnificent dreams.

As a "Lord of the Rings" fan, it was difficult when Murphy drove a rented car through the streets of Wellington to the founder Richard Taylor's company that gradually expanded from an apartment to a benchmark in the world's film industry. Suppress your excitement.

Headquartered in a hidden corner of Miramar on the outskirts of Wellington, Weta was founded in 1987 by Richard Taylor, his wife Tania Taylor and Peter Jackson, and has now grown into a movie special effects empire and industry leaders in the production of props, live special effects, special effects makeup, miniatures and weaponry for films all over the world.

Passing through the entrance of Weta House, there are three giant statues standing outside the gate to provide materials for people to take selfies. Murphy saw the ordinary Weta headquarters building. After getting out of the car, the creative director and founder of Weta Studio Richard Taylor was waiting in front of the building.

"Hi, Director Stanton."

After seeing Murphy, Richard Taylor walked up to him quickly and extended his right hand, "I welcome you on behalf of the entire Weta Studio."

Murphy shook his extended hand, "It is my honor to see the world's top special effects company with my own eyes."

Richard Taylor was very polite, and Murphy would not be rude.

The two exchanged a few words, and Richard Taylor made a gesture of invitation, "Let me show you around the studio first."

Murphy laughed, "I can't wait."

While speaking, Richard Taylor led the way, and Murphy followed him into the building. The various decorations in the front hall of the building opened his eyes. A fan of "Lord of the Rings" like him can be regarded as a big Eye-opening, Ochs monsters of various shapes, human armor, and the famous Gollum monster are all within easy reach.

Richard Taylor was tall and looked very friendly. He enthusiastically gave Murphy a variety of introductions, such as the specific establishment of the studio, the areas in charge of various departments and small subsidiary companies.

"The company is actually a complex combination," Richard Taylor explained. "You are now in Weta Studios, which is the opposite of Weta Digital, and there is only a wall between the two companies. In the studio, we have It's a pretty comprehensive system, with multiple divisions servicing the film."

Accompanying Murphy into the specific workshop, he said, "My wife and I moved to Wellington in the late 1980s and set up a studio in the warehouse of our apartment to provide services to local companies. About five Years later, we were lucky enough to meet Peter Jackson. He was about to start a second film, and we were involved in the production, and since then we have grown and grown into what we are today. We are now a family of 11 different branches organizations, such as publishing, marketing, and public art exhibitions, provide a variety of services.”

Under the introduction of Richard Taylor, Murphy learned more about this studio.

Weta Studios includes Stone Street Studios, where King Kong was filmed; Park Road Post Production, a state-of-the-art post-production facility; Portsmouth Hire, a rental company providing production equipment; Pukeko Film Industry, a production company for entertainment on multimedia platforms; and of course Weta Studios, a studio focused on production.

Then, Richard Taylor accompanied Murphy into the special effects makeup workshop.

"Director Stanton..." He spoke directly, "As long as you need it, Weta Studio can also provide you with the best service."

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