Hollywood Road

Chapter 130 Prediction Error

Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a recommendation ticket! Three shifts today!

As Carey Mulligan said, "The Saw" will set a new North American box office record for Murphy every day it is shown in theaters, but to what extent this so-called record can be piled up in the end depends on the movie performance this week.

Murphy has been in close contact with Fox Searchlight, keeping tabs on the latest box office developments for Saw.

After a full Monday, Saw's one-day box office jumped from $1.5 million to $1.99 million.

This figure also strengthened the confidence of Fox Searchlight, making them believe that the film will perform better than expected, and began to increase publicity investment. Get ready to put high-volume copies into the theatrical market.

By this time, Fox Searchlight couldn't take care of Murphy's arguing with Murphy that the cost of printing copies was too high.

The predictions of re and Ed Mintz also affected Fox Searchlight, and countless examples in the past have proved their ability.

Larger-scale screenings are still in the works, and Saw continues to screen in North America with 650 theaters and 1,030 screens.

Tuesday is a traditional theater discount day in North America, and relatively cheap ticket prices tend to attract a lot of audiences, making Tuesday the best day at the box office for many weekday screenings.

Although it is not a traditional horror film screening schedule in North America, the word of mouth of "Chainsaw" has been fermented for several days, but it has been widely circulated within a certain range through word of mouth. Stopped, and let more horror movie fans know that there is such a movie.

Even though it was a weekday, the box office of "Saw" on Tuesday jumped up a notch, taking $2.32 million in one fell swoop.

The North American box office of Chainsaw is approaching the $5 million mark.

The potential of this film to be suppressed due to the lack of theaters finally broke out step by step.

Wednesday, $1.83 million; Thursday, $1.79 million…

Chainsaw made $7.93 million in four working days this week!

For those summer blockbusters, this number is not a lot, but "Chainsaw" was only shown in 650 theaters,

The number of screens is only 1030!

As it turns out, the film is widely recognized by horror fans.

On imdb's "Chainsaw" section, there were only a few people's ratings before, but in just one week, the number of users has soared to nearly 10,000. Although the more users are rated, the ratings will inevitably decline, but the film's rating will inevitably decline. The score is still as high as 8.1 points!

In a plasma horror movie, this is an absolute high score.

"From the first minute to the end, this movie seduces you, confuses you, tortures you, until the nerves are tense and you are dumbfounded, but it is difficult for you to be disgusted with these methods used by the director, but fascinated. This is called Murphy- Stanton's young director seems to have the ability to warp the world, allowing viewers to develop sympathy and affection for Jigsaw through the bloody carnage."

Many fans gave it a 10-point rating and left a series of comments.

"The Chainsaw has an excellent script and editing, it doesn't look like the work of a new director, the name Murphy Stanton is very strange, but it brings surprises!"

"It's because of movies like Chainsaw that we love watching horror movies. Let me tell you, after watching it, I want to buy a ticket and watch it again! Because for a long time, what I saw was a Really gripping story. This movie is very exciting and has a lot of goosebumps. If you are a timid please don't watch this movie, it has gory violence and horror scenes that make you jump out of your seat, now I'm looking forward to the DVD or the tape coming out, I really want to buy it."

"This movie, in my opinion, is exciting, exciting, and entertaining enough! This is the masterpiece of new director Murphy Stanton, and I have to say that he has made a well-deserved classic horror. Film! I have to give Chainsaw and director Murphy Stanton two thumbs up!"

Although some people also left comments like "perverted movie, disgusting", the audience's favorable comments dominated, such as "the best horror movie in years", "the smartest horror movie", "a unique Movies that make terrible memories" and so on.

A good audience reputation is the best support for a film's box office.

Although horror films are not a big category in Hollywood films, "Chainsaw" is not a niche film like "Hard Candy". With the favorable support of data from all parties, Fox Searchlight hardly spends too much effort, just Win more theaters for "Chainsaw".

And starting this week, Fox Searchlight's print work has been in full swing, with 1,500 new prints of "Chainsaw" being shipped to each of the newly added theaters on Thursday night.

At the same time, the promotion and marketing expenses of the film have also been rising again and again. After the box office estimate was released on Thursday, Fox Searchlight has increased to 3 million US dollars, and will continue to invest according to the situation.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the new weekend to kick off.

While blockbusters like "Jurassic Park 3" are still coming out this weekend, there's a stark difference in the main audience between the two sides, and Fox Searchlight has high hopes for this weekend.

Limited to the type of film, coupled with the existence of new films such as "Jurassic Park 3", "Chainsaw" will not appear on the scale of mainstream commercial films showing 3,000+ theaters at every turn.

With the support of Fox Searchlight and the good data after the one-week screening of "Chainsaw", the film will be expanded to 2,000 theaters in the new weekend, and the number of screens has also reached a high 2,530 in horror movies.

There is no doubt that "Chainsaw" cannot compete with "Jurassic Park 3" in terms of genre and audience, investment and publicity.

The latter has more than 3,400 theaters!

Since Friday, "Jurassic Park 3" has shown a certain market dominance, earning more than $16 million in North America on its first day of release, but the film's reputation has been criticized by audiences, reaching the lowest point in the series.

But the series has formed its own brand, and most viewers, especially mainstream family audiences, will definitely be watching Jurassic Park 3 this weekend rather than Chainsaw.

Families taking their children to watch a horror movie are not entirely absent, but not many around the world.

In many cases, the type of film determines the audience. "Chainsaw" is not a pg or pg-13 film with a wide audience, but an R-rated film full of bloody violence!

"Jurassic Park 3" pulled up the movie market this weekend, and the rest of the film can only look up.

That doesn't mean other films don't have room to survive.

After the expanded screening, "Chainsaw" will definitely not be able to maintain the previous attendance rate, which is an inevitable market law, but the film did not have a crash-like attendance rate plunge, and each theater maintained a relatively stable number of attendance.

In the same day on Friday, the film received $6.25 million from 2,000 theaters, which is also the best single-day performance since the beginning of the film.

The most important thing is that the audience reputation of the film has always been relatively strong, and some audiences who have seen it once will watch it a second time.

Early Saturday morning, Daisy in Los Angeles walked into the "Chainsaw" theater with a group of friends.

At noon in New York, the professor at Columbia University, despite the risk of being stunned again, bought tickets for Chainsaw with friends.

A little later, a group of horror fans on Long Island, led by Luis Gonzalez, entered theaters for the second time to watch this rare high-quality horror film in recent years.

Like most films with a strong reputation among audiences, the box office of "Chainsaw" on Saturday rose slightly compared to Friday, and it won $6.32 million in a single day, but the single-day box office champion on this day still belongs to "Jurassic Park 3" ", the influence of this dinosaur series ensures that even if the film has a bad reputation, it can still get good box office numbers.

This is also the biggest benefit of the series.

"Chainsaw" also has the potential to be serialized, which can be seen by the discerning eye, and the executives of Fox Searchlight are no exception.

Today, the film has grossed $14 million at the North American box office, far exceeding expectations, and with screenings continuing, that number is set to continue to grow.

Godin-Clyde is sitting in his office, just looking up from a pile of the latest "Chainsaw" data, this film has a strong audience reputation, and the results after the expanded screening are gratifying. He already has a relatively clear picture. Conclusion The predictions of re and Ed Mintz are simply wrong!

The North American box office of this film will definitely not be about 30 million US dollars, it will only be more, not less!

If this weekend's box office is good, and next week's drop is not too big, it's not impossible to exceed $40 million.

This kind of performance is enough for him to temporarily hold his current position without having to be as anxious as before, but in addition to his joy, Godin-Clyde also has a trace of disappointment on his face. He actually only got 3% in the negotiation. Ten copyrights, this not only means that the peripheral income can only get 30%, and if there is a sequel later, the biggest benefit will also be Stanton Studio.

As for the sequel, in Godin-Clyde's opinion, it is certain, the film still leaves so many questions, such as the ending of the doctor who saw the leg and the origin of the jigsaw, etc., and he does not believe that Murphy Stanton Guys who spend half a day fighting for a dollar will easily give up making a sequel.

What a pity!

Godin-Clyde sighed for a long time, as if to spit out all these losses in his heart. He thought he was very optimistic about "Chainsaw", but he still underestimated this film and that director!

He shook his head and got back to work, ready to see what kind of miracle Saw could bring this weekend. (To be continued.)

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