Hollywood Lover

Chapter 321 Siege of Smith Zhang!

"Hey, Smith, don't be like this, okay? Even if there is no prey, don't you think it feels like a cowboy to do this?" Brad Pitt posed one after another as if showing off.

Sure enough, Western movies have a great influence on Americans!

Zhang Dongcheng smiled and said, "Peter, I think you must have forgotten the experience that you were almost eaten by wolves a few days ago! What if you encounter wolves again?"

When he mentioned this embarrassing incident about Brad Pitt, his face immediately turned red.

Oh, God! When the wolves surrounded him, he didn't even have time to put on his pants, so he shouted for help and pulled them up.

When Zhang Dongcheng rushed over, Brad Pitt was screaming with his pants up!

Brad Pitt blushed, humming and chirping: "Hmph! This time it's different, I have this in my hand!

Shaking the double-barreled shotgun in his hand, Brad Pitt continued: "If I encounter those damn animals again, I will definitely let them know how powerful human firepower is!"

"Okay! Then I wish you a good time!" Zhang Dongcheng shook his head, rejecting the idea of ​​going hunting with them.

After watching Brad Pitt and others leave, Zhang Dongcheng buried his head in the field notebook again. Beginning to prepare for the filming plan to leave the Rocky Mountains.

Near noon, the guys who had gone hunting finally came back.

After seeing the prey they were carrying in their hands, Zhang Dongcheng had to admit that this group of people were really capable.

Although there was no large prey, many hares and wild goats were killed by them.

"Oh! It seems that your marksmanship is good. I think we can eat game at noon!" After looking at the prey, Zhang Dongcheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Among these things, fortunately, there are no protected animals!

He was afraid that if these guys really brought back an elk for him, that Zhang Dongcheng would really go blind!

You know, that thing is protecting animals! Even in the Brokeback Mountain movie, Ennis and Jack killed an elk in secret.

Let alone now!

The so-called elk, maybe many people just know it but don't know why, but this thing has a well-known name in China.

neither fish nor fowl!

That's right, it is Jiang Ziya's mount in the myth of the Conferred Gods List.

Elk is a rare animal in the world and belongs to the deer family.

Because its head and face are like a horse, its horns are like a deer, its neck is like a camel, and its tail is like a donkey, it is named "four different images". Good gregarious, good at swimming, like to feed on tender grass and aquatic plants.

Courtship estrus begins at the end of June and lasts for about 6 weeks. Once widespread in East Asia. Later, due to natural climate change and human factors, it was almost extinct at the end of the Han Dynasty.

In the Yuan Dynasty, the remaining elk were captured and transported to the royal hunting garden for hunting. By the 19th century, only a group remained in the Royal Hunting Garden in Nanhaizi, Beijing. Shortly after it was discovered in the West, it was captured by the Eight-Power Allied Forces and disappeared in China.

Until 1898, it was purchased by Britain and bred to 255 heads, and some individuals were sent back to China in 1983. Later, more elk returned to their hometowns, and some were released into the wild.

After a sumptuous game meal, the heavy snow in the afternoon finally showed signs of melting.

As the evening approached, the members of the Brokeback Mountain crew finally left the mountain range where they had stayed for nearly a month with their equipment safe and sound.

In the next half a month, Zhang Dongcheng took the crew members and ran to many places one after another, and finally finished part of the exterior shooting of Brokeback Mountain. For the remaining shots, I will return to Los Angeles to shoot on some professional studios.

"Hey, Smith!" The day before leaving Canada, Zhang Dongcheng received a call from Adaman.

"The Grudge of James has basically been produced! Post-production is in progress now. If the speed is fast enough, I think it should be ready for release in the middle of May and June next year!" Adaman sent Zhang Dongcheng a Excited about the good news.

"Wow! This is really good news, Adaman. What about The Matrix 2? Have the Wachowski brothers contacted us?" The Matrix 2 is also a big investment movie of Dongcheng Pictures , Zhang Dongcheng naturally couldn't ignore it.

"I think The Matrix will be finished around the end of this year, and it may crash with your Brokeback Mountain, unless we arrange for this movie to be released next year!" Adaman said with a bit of regret in his tone, "You know. Because of Miss Michelle's injury, the progress of the movie was slowed down a lot!"

"Okay! I got it!" Zhang Dongcheng nodded calmly and sighed. This is also something that can't be helped, the sky is unpredictable, and people have misfortunes and blessings. Such things are inevitable.

Fortunately, the Matrix crew did not suspend for several months because of Michelle Yeoh's injury.

"Oh, and, John also called!" Adaman said: "The filming of The Spy Shadow crew is going very smoothly, and it is expected to wrap up next month!"

Hearing this, Zhang Dongcheng couldn't help but become more and more gloomy. He originally planned to release these films this year. But now it's almost November, and neither The Matrix nor Bourne Shadow has finished filming.

Especially for The Matrix, there are a lot of special effects shots in this movie, and the post-production is also very time-consuming!

"Adaman, the Matrix 2 will come according to the normal plan, and it will be released as soon as the production is completed!" Zhang Dongcheng said.

"But Smith, this will collide with your Brokeback Mountain!" Adaman persuaded in surprise: "Our own company's movies compete with our own company's movies at the box office. This is not worth the candle!"

"No!" Zhang Dongcheng shook his head and said, "Adaman, The Matrix and Brokeback Mountain are two different types of movies, and the influence on each other is very small! It's so small that it can be ignored!"

"Okay! You have the final say, but I heard that the shooting mission of Brokeback Mountain in Canada has been completed, are you planning to come back?" Adaman asked with some expectation in his tone.

"Of course!" Zhang Dongcheng said, "I've already booked a plane ticket, and I'll probably arrive in Los Angeles tomorrow evening!"

"Well, then wait for you to come back and come to the company to handle these things in person!" Adaman shrugged and said.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Dongcheng came to the crew and bid farewell to the rancher who has always been very supportive of the Brokeback Mountain crew.

It just so happened that the rancher's daughter came back today. After seeing her idol, the girl immediately screamed excitedly and pulled Brad Pitt to take a photo together. Even Orlando, who is not yet famous, has taken many photos with her because he is a handsome guy.

In late October, Zhang Dongcheng finally returned to Los Angeles with the crew members.

For some unknown reason, Zhang Dongcheng's itinerary to return to Los Angeles was leaked.

When they walked out of the Los Angeles airport, the streets were filled with crowds holding banners as far as the eye could see.

The two groups of people were clearly divided into two parts. Some banners bear such banners.

"Against gay films! Resolutely boycott homosexuality!"

"Against Smith Zhang!"

"Smith Zhang get out of Hollywood!"

After seeing the fierce words, people who don't know will think that Zhang Dongcheng has committed some heinous crime.

The other part is decidedly different.

"True love has nothing to do with gender. People have the right to choose their lover."

"Born with human rights, people are born with the right to choose!"

"All men are created equal! Please look at homosexuality from a different angle!"

The two completely different situations made Zhang Dongcheng, who had just walked out of the waiting room hall, suddenly tense in his heart, and hurriedly said, "Everyone, be careful, return to the airport hall immediately!"

Zhang Dongcheng was not the only one who saw this situation, Orlando and the others were also taken aback. Brad Pitt returned to the lobby of the waiting room with his own salute immediately.

"Oh! It's Smith! It's Smith Zhang!" It's a pity that Zhang Dongcheng and the others were a step behind in their movements, and someone finally spotted them.

After an exclamation, two people with diametrically opposite attitudes rushed towards Zhang Dongcheng and the others with a bang.

"****!" Andy's face turned pale. Cursing angrily, he rushed towards the waiting room in a hurry.

Zhang Dongcheng is the last queen. He didn't want to escape until everyone else went in, but at this time, he was already surrounded by people.

"Smith! Please disclose your sexual orientation. Are you a man who likes men?" A decent-looking man asked loudly, blushing.

"Yes! That's right! Disclose your sexual orientation!" The people behind him immediately shouted in unison.

"Everyone, please be quiet!" There were too many people and the scene was too complicated, so Zhang Dongcheng had to shout at the top of his lungs. Otherwise, his voice would not be heard by everyone.

After the chaotic voice gradually quieted down, Zhang Dongcheng explained: "As for my personal sexual orientation, I made it public at the ZDC TV station's press conference last time. I like girls!"

"Then why would you want to make a film that promotes homosexuality?"

"Are you trying to hide it! Or are you bisexual at all?"

"Homosexuality is a mortal sin, an evil love tendency that will kill the human race."

The noisy retorts made the scene chaotic. As the airport staff, they had to urgently dispatch a large number of alert police to maintain order. Even the airport control tower called the Los Angeles Police Department for help.

After several months of secret warfare, the Los Angeles Police Department has gained the goodwill of the citizens. For them, Zhang Dongcheng can be described as a bosom friend.

Hearing that his friend was surrounded by a large crowd at the airport, the police rushed to the scene immediately.

On the other side, Zhang Dongcheng was surrounded by a large crowd at the exit, unable to advance or retreat.

"Everyone, can you ask me one by one, can you?" Zhang Dongcheng said loudly, "I'm not Superman. I don't have the ability to hear the voices of the whole world!"

DC Comics' Superman, among his supernatural abilities, has something called super hearing. The Superman of the Silver Age even has the ability to hear the sound of everything, anywhere, even the sound of interstellar distance.

Fortunately, the people at the airport finally sent him the microphone at this time.

As a result, after the microphone, Zhang Dongcheng finally didn't have to shout so hoarsely.

"Okay, everyone. I can explain it again now. I like women, hot girls! I like their beautiful bodies and hot kisses!" Zhang Dongcheng continued after making a joke: "As for The gay-themed films I'm shooting now, I don't deny that I glorify gays in the film..."

Before he finished speaking, the people below were stunned by Zhang Dongcheng's bold words, scolding and rebuttals followed one after another, making the whole scene into a mess.

"Everyone, please keep quiet. OK?" Zhang Dongcheng shook the microphone slightly in the direction of the speaker.

A harsh humming sound immediately made the crowd quiet again.

This unorganized scene is the most troublesome. Because these people have no order at all, and they will fall into a messy environment at any time.

At this moment, Zhang Dongcheng would rather this group of people were provoked, at least he didn't have to explain it to everyone.

"What I want to tell everyone is that in this movie, everyone should put aside the target of homosexuality itself, and focus on the most fascinating love among human emotions!"

After a pause, Zhang Dongcheng continued: "I believe that many people like "King Kong" and "The Love Between Human and Ghost". Is homosexuality really that unacceptable?"

"Smith, you are changing the concept secretly!"

"King Kong's love is pure, and the love between human and ghost is also tearful. Comparing gay movies with these two movies is a blasphemy to these two movies!"

Seeing that he was about to fall into that kind of mess again, Zhang Dongcheng hurriedly interrupted: "Everyone, in your opinion, the relationship between humans and beasts is true love that transcends race. The relationship between humans and ghosts is true love that transcends life and death. Then My Brokeback Mountain will tell everyone that true love also transcends gender!"

This statement immediately caused the scene to fall into a brief silence.

This silence is like the calm before the storm.

Sure enough, the silence only lasted for less than three seconds, and the crowd erupted suddenly. Countless people rushed forward, as if they wanted to rush into the lobby of the waiting room and smash the lenses and equipment of Brokeback Mountain.

However, it is impossible for them to succeed, because now Pan Heng is here, in addition to the airport personnel, there are also supporters who are comparable in number to this group. None of these people will allow their vandalism.

The fighting broke out!

I don't know who was the first to throw a shoe at Zhang Dongcheng. Although this shoe was dodged by Zhang Dongcheng. But it became another fuse.

It's like the Sarajevo incident in World War I.

"****! These goddamn bastards, they even threw shoes at Smith, everyone! Beat these bastards to death!"

A large-scale brawl was staged outside the airport gate in an instant. Compared with the crowded fighting crowd, the alertness of the airport has almost no advantage.

They were too few in number to be able to organize such a large-scale brawl.

The only thing Zhang Dongcheng is lucky about now is that this is just a brawl, not a fight with weapons. Otherwise, there would really be a large-scale bloody conflict.

But even if the fighters have no weapons, it is enough to kill people. Stampede Jiuli Aiyou in panic is enough to kill, let alone such impulsive crowd.

Zhang Dongcheng gritted his teeth and charged forward with all his strength. He actually wanted to stop such a huge fighting crowd by himself.

"Oh! God! Smith, are you crazy? Come back quickly!" Andy and others who were hiding in the airport waiting room turned pale when they saw Zhang Dongcheng do such a thing.

"****!" Brad Pitt cursed with trembling hands, and strode towards the closed gate that was guarded by the vigilantes.

"Peter, are you crazy? What are you going to do?" Orlando was taken aback, and quickly grabbed Brad Pitt.

"****! Let me go!" Brad Pitt said in a hoarse voice with a livid face, "Smith saved my life in the Rocky Mountains! I can't just watch him die in front of the crowd! "

"What's the use of you going? Are you better at fighting than Smith?" Jack, the oldest, reprimanded Brad Pitt with a gloomy face: "The only thing we can do now is to call the police as soon as possible! All that remains is to pray for Smith! Pray that the police will come over as soon as possible!"

Brad Pitt, who was blocked, punched the pillar angrily, and said angrily: "****! Why don't those damn police come here? Is this how our taxpayers' money is squandered?" ?”

On the other side, after Zhang Dongcheng charged into the crowd, it was like Zhao Zilong from the Three Kingdoms charged into Cao Ying. Everyone could clearly see that even people who were more burly than Zhang Dongcheng were not his enemies at all.

With a wave of his hand, he would be subdued by Zhang Dongcheng and lose his ability to fight.

In less than two minutes, Zhang Dongcheng unexpectedly opened a path among the conflicting crowd by himself.

On both sides of the road, there are all stunned people in conflict.

In a short time, more than a dozen burly men were subdued, but Zhang Dongcheng said without incident: "Everyone, please calm down, violence will not solve the problem!"

At this moment, all the reporters had only one thought in their minds. Oh, God! Smith Zhang is too good at playing! He is simply better than Bruce Lee!

Yes, although Bruce Lee can fight, he has never stopped a group fight of nearly hundreds of people by himself like Zhang Dongcheng.

Even the heroes and legends in the myths of various countries, I believe their real combat effectiveness is nothing more than this, right?

All of a sudden, Zhang Dongcheng's display of skills really shocked this group of people.

And the questions of the reporters also began to shift, why is Smith Zhang so good at playing? What kind of kung fu did he practice?

Although there is Bruce Lee's promotion of Chinese Kung Fu, he even wrote the word Kungfu into the English dictionary.

But Bruce Lee died too early. Many people have always had a vague sense of mystery in their cognition of Chinese Kungfu. They always subconsciously associate Chinese Kung Fu with mysterious witchcraft.

Even Bruce Lee back then was often misunderstood by others for not using kung fu, but witchcraft.

Even karate is more hyped than kung fu in the minds of Americans.

After Zhang Dongcheng stopped the fight, the police finally arrived in less than two minutes.

With the help of a large number of policemen, Zhang Dongcheng was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. He picked up the microphone again and said to everyone: "About my movie, I have explained it many times. Here, I will not repeat the previous words! What I just want to tell you is that Brokeback Mountain is far away. It is not as simple as promoting homosexuality as everyone imagines!"

"Smith!" Some reporters tried their best to push through the crowd, rushed to Zhang Dongcheng with recording pens, video cameras and other equipment, and asked excitedly, "Did you perform Chinese Kung Fu just now? Bruce Lee's That kind of Chinese kung fu?"

Regarding this question, Zhang Dongcheng could only nod vaguely. He can't say that he only knows a little bit of power-generating skills, and his combat power is completely obtained by the transformation of the mysterious lightning back then?

If you really want to say that, Zhang Dongcheng will definitely be arrested and sliced!

The reporters who got an affirmative answer immediately went crazy and started asking questions about Chinese Kung Fu.

Regarding Chinese Kung Fu, Zhang Dongcheng had asked Yuan Heping a lot for advice. Coupled with the presence of Bruce Lee before, Zhang Dongcheng seemed to be able to deal with these reporters with ease.

When the reporters all focused on Zhang Dongcheng's combat effectiveness, Zhang Dongcheng finally felt relieved.

What is certain is that today's mass incidents will not be publicized in newspapers and media, because the reporters' attention is obviously attracted to kung fu.

The United States is a country that emphasizes democracy. What is democracy? If it's too big, please, there will be a parade! Because this is freedom, this is democracy!

Americans have seen a lot of mass incidents like this. It's almost natural to get used to it. But Zhang Dongcheng's explosive fighting power is definitely something new.

"Everyone, regarding this issue, I will hold a brief press conference here at the airport. I will explain some issues to you. If you have any questions, please wait and raise them at the press conference, okay?" Zhang Dongcheng said Ready to communicate with the airport.

In the end, the crisis of group fights at the gate of the airport was due to Zhang Dongcheng's explosive fighting power and the timely arrival of the police. Finally solved it smoothly.

When Andy and others left the closed gate of the waiting room, a group of people suddenly surrounded Zhang Dongcheng in the future.

"Oh! Smith, you will be my idol from now on, God! I've never seen anyone who can fight better than you!" Orlando said with surprise in his eyes, looking up and down Zhang Dongcheng.

Brad Pitt on the side even gave Zhang Dongcheng a hug.

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