Hollywood Lover

Chapter 303 Director, I Don't Like Men

In 2003, when the poem was published in the "Reader" magazine, Tagore's name was hung on it. After that, the author began to appear confusing.

But what is certain is that it is impossible for this poem to come from Tagore, because in all his works, there is no shadow of this poem. Unless Tagore, who died in 1941, came back to life again.

Some scholars who study Indian literature and Tagore said that they have never seen this poem.

The most likely is the term collective creation.

The students of Yangming Shennongpo Medical College, following Zhang Xiaoxian's words, began to play modern poetry solitaire, and finally collectively created this poem.

"This..." Zhang Dongcheng hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

It is only 1998 now, and this Zhang Xiaoxian just wrote that sentence last May, and there are still several years before the appearance of this poem.

Anne is not a person who is easy to fool. If Zhang Dongcheng fools the other party that this poem is Tagore's Asuka, then according to Anne's fanatical love now, she will definitely follow the clues provided by Zhang Dongcheng to watch Asuka.

If you can't find it by then, it will be a lot of fun.

In desperation, Zhang Dongcheng could only bite the bullet and admit it himself. "This poem I wrote by accident, it is..."

"What?!" Before Zhang Dongcheng could find a reason to explain, Annie exclaimed and stood up all of a sudden, "Sorry, Mr. Smith, I didn't doubt your meaning, but I like this poem so much. So I'm a little excited, I really didn't expect that this poem came out of your name. Oh! God, Director Smith, under what circumstances did you write this poem. I mean, your original mood. According to my opinion The understanding of this poem, the person who wrote this poem should be in the mood of secret love at that time, the poet should be..."

Looking at Anne who was once again caught in her own fantasy, Zhang Dongcheng and Patricia looked at each other in blank dismay.

It's just that Patricia always looked at Zhang Dongcheng with a bit of a playful look in her eyes.

"Mr. Smith, I don't know if I'm right?" Annie asked Zhang Dongcheng nervously after finally explaining her understanding of the poem.

"That, you are right! Ms. Annie!" Zhang Dongcheng said bravely.

"Then, Mr. Smith, would you mind telling me the whole poem and its name?" Annie looked at Zhang Dongcheng expectantly and asked.

"Of course. This poem is called Flying Birds and Fish." Zhang Dongcheng recalled for a moment, and began to recite the poem from beginning to end.

There are several versions of Flying Bird and Fish, and the one Zhang Dongcheng recited is just one of them.

"The furthest distance way in the world [the furthest distance in the world]

is the love between the bird and fish. 【It is the distance between a bird and a fish】

Oneisflyinginthesky, 【One is flying in the sky】

the others are looking upon into the sea. [One dives deep into the bottom of the sea]”

After Zhang Dongcheng recited the last paragraph, Ms. Anne was completely immersed in the artistic conception of poetry.

It took half a minute before she came back to her senses and said, "Thank you, Mr. Smith, if it wasn't for you, I don't think I would know when I would be able to appreciate such beautiful poetry!"

"You're welcome, Ms. Anne!" After experiencing the embarrassment just now, Zhang Dongcheng can barely calm down now.

After leaving Ms. Annie's house, Zhang Dongcheng let out a sigh of relief. He felt that even if he shot three movies in a row, he still couldn't cope with the exhaustion of Ms. Annie.

With hot tenderness in Patricia's beautiful eyes, she stared closely at Zhang Dongcheng, as if meeting him for the first time.

"Dongcheng! How come I never knew you could write poetry?" Patricia asked curiously.

She didn't doubt Zhang Dongcheng's meaning. Women are emotional creatures. Such a sincere and heartfelt love poem conquered Anne in just two paragraphs. After listening to the whole poem, Patricia, How can it be spared?

Zhang Dongcheng touched his nose in embarrassment, and said vaguely: "This was written a long time ago, it's normal if you don't know!"

After returning to the company from Ms. Anne's home, a few days later, Zhang Dongcheng finally saw Brad Pitt again in the company.

Although Zhang Dongcheng had the idea of ​​going to the United States for a long time, the main reason was Brad Pitt's invitation, which is beyond doubt. Perhaps without his invitation, Zhang Dongcheng would still come to the United States, but it would be a little later.

And after coming to the United States, Zhang Dongcheng also received a lot of care from Brad Pitt. Now after seeing him again, Zhang Dongcheng immediately stepped forward, gave Brad Pitt a big hug, and said, "Peter, long time no see!"

After the hug, Brad Pitt deliberately showed a scared expression, with a submissive look on his face, and said, "Director, I don't like men!"

That aggrieved look made the smile on Zhang Dongcheng's face stiffen instantly.

"****! You damn bastard, this time I want you to act as a guy who likes men!" Zhang Dongcheng reacted quickly, pretending to be vicious.

Then Brad Pitt and Zhang Dongcheng showed bright smiles at the same time.

"Smith, I really didn't expect that in just two years, you not only became a hot-handed director in Hollywood, but also owned your own film company. This is really something that no one will believe if you tell it. And You were also made a legendary director by Ms. Oprah. Now your name as a legendary director is recognized by everyone." Brad Pitt showed a nostalgic expression.

Indeed, when Zhang Dongcheng first came to Hollywood at the end of 1995, he had only one friend by his side, Adaman. It could be said that he came alone. At that time, he was just a Chinese director who had just made his mark in the UK.

Two years have passed, and Zhang Dongcheng is still the director and boss standing at the top of the pyramid in Hollywood. The vicissitudes of life are really embarrassing.

"Well, Pete, I didn't ask you to praise me this time. In fact, I praise myself every day, so you don't have to worry about it. Didn't you always want to cooperate with me? ? This opportunity has come!" Zhang Dongcheng called Brad Pitt to sit down, and said while making tea for him.

This year's new tea is the authentic West Lake Yuqian Longjing. After the hot water brewed, a strong tea fragrance began to waft in the room.

"Oh?" Brad Pitt raised his eyebrows and asked with some concern, "Smith, you don't want me to play a gay role, do you?"

Zhang Dongcheng was dumbfounded immediately. It seems that the incident this time is really big enough. Presumably, I'm going to shoot a movie that praises homosexuality, and everyone has already made a fuss, right?

"Peter, do you believe me?" Zhang Dongcheng stared at Brad Pitt with burning eyes, and said, "This movie is indeed a gay theme, but I will definitely get you an Oscar nomination for leading actor."

Brad Pitt seemed taken aback by Jang Dong-seong's lion mouth.

Even a master director like Spielberg dare not say such a thing with confidence.

"Smith...you...you're not joking, are you?" Brad Pitt felt his throat a little dry.

God knows how much Brad Pitt looks forward to the Oscars. He has basically been insulated from the Oscars in two years, except for the Twelve Monkeys in 1996, which was nominated for Best Supporting Actor.

No actor dares to pat his chest to say that he is not interested in Oscars, and Brad Pitt is no exception.

"I won't joke with my friends on this issue!" Zhang Dongcheng looked solemn, poured the brewed Longjing tea into two clean small cups, handed Brad Pitt a cup, and added another cup Finally, he said: "Peter, this movie may be very controversial, but he will definitely get you an Oscar nomination!"

Zhang Dongcheng's words are not aimless. In 2006, Ang Lee won the Oscar for Best Director in one fell swoop with his film Brokeback Mountain. In this year's Oscars, Brokeback Mountain received a total of eight nominations, in addition to the award-winning best director.

The remaining Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, etc., are all heavyweight awards. That's how good this movie is.

Especially in the current period when the gay theme is being picked up by myself, one can imagine what kind of frenzy it will cause once Brokeback Mountain is released.

Brad Pitt took a sip of his tea, lost in thought.

Zhang Dongcheng was not in a hurry either, the director chose the right actor for the role in his mind, and similarly, the actor was also choosing the role he liked.

Especially for a long-established actor like Brad Pitt, the choice of roles is quite high. Just like Nicolas Cage, he is willing to act in any bad movie as long as he is paid.

Brad Pitt would not be so unscrupulous. In case the selected movie causes any unfavorable controversy, it will have a great impact on his future development.

After pondering for a moment, Brad Pitt asked Zhang Dongcheng very seriously: "Smith, is this movie really as good as you said?"

Zhang Dongcheng nodded vigorously and said, "Without a doubt! Yes!"

"That's good. I'll take it!" Brad Pitt showed a relaxed smile.

"Don't you need to read the script?" Zhang Dongcheng asked in surprise.

"No, we are friends, I believe in you!" Brad Pitt waved his hand.

The matter of inviting Brad Pitt was done so easily and simply. Even before signing the contract, Brad Pitt didn't know exactly what role he was going to play.

Zhang Dongcheng was deeply moved by this heavy trust.

After the contract was signed, Zhang Dongcheng immediately handed over the original manuscript of Brokeback Mountain to him. In the past two days, he and Ms. Anne have been working on adapting the script, so Brad Pitt can only read the original to get a general idea of ​​the plot.

"Wow! Smith, I suddenly regret it!" After seeing the role he was about to play, Brad Pitt's expression changed. Really gay! He always thought that the rumors outside were just speculation, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Smith really does not take the usual way! To actually commit a crime against the wind at this time, even though he was involved in a homosexual scandal, and even went to shoot a movie with such a theme, I really don't know whether to praise him for being bold, or to say that he is ignorant and fearless.

But thinking about Zhang Dongcheng's past experience, Brad Pitt felt a little relieved. Zhang Dongcheng has really done this kind of thing a lot. Playing with the mummy is even more exciting than this!

After making a joke with Zhang Dongcheng, Brad Pitt left with the novel version of Brokeback Mountain. Although he was struggling in his heart, his reason told him to take the role.

After one of the protagonists, Ennis Del Mar, was settled, Zhang Dongcheng heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time began to look forward to the arrival of Orlando.

I don't know what kind of wonderful expression this handsome guy, who is supposed to be popular for playing the elf prince from next year's Lord of the Rings series, will have when he knows that his debut work is a gay character?

Zhang Dongcheng thought maliciously in his heart.

Orlando Bloom is only twenty-one years old now. It was nearly a year before he graduated from the Guildhall School of Drama and Music, and Adaman was in charge of contacting Orlando. I believe that it won't be long before the good news will be delivered.

In fact, Orlando came really quickly. When the time was about to reach September, he finally arrived at Hollywood, the holy land of movies.

It was Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman who went to pick up the plane.

At the airport, Zhang Dongcheng wore a pair of sunglasses and leaned against the pillar in the waiting room, and asked Adaman, "Adaman, hold the sign up higher, or Orlando won't be able to see it."

"Oh! ****! I have lifted very high." Adaman complained.

As the flow of people surged, Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman stared closely at everyone who came out of the exit of the plane.

Adaman was even more like a soldier charging forward, constantly shaking the sign in his hand. It says Orlando.

They haven't seen Orlando for almost two years now, who knows what Orlando looks like now. But one thing Zhang Dongcheng is sure of is that Orlando will never become ugly.

Soon, a handsome boy in casual clothes walked up to Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman with a trolley case. "Oh! Smith, Adaman!"

Orlando called out with surprise in his tone.

"God! You are finally here!" After seeing Orlando himself, Adaman threw the sign in his hand on the trash can. That thing is useless.

Zhang Dongcheng is not in the mood to reminisce with Orlando here. He is now in the limelight. If he is photographed picking up a man at the airport, who knows what those unscrupulous media will write?

"Okay, Adaman, let's get out of here first!" Zhang Dongcheng greeted Adaman and Orlando. Said to go out of the airport first.

After the three of them got out of the airport, it wasn't until they got into the car that Zhang Dongcheng carefully looked at Orlando who hadn't seen each other for two years.

Compared with the youthfulness two years ago, Orlando is now much more mature. Of course, this maturity is also limited.

After all, Orlando is only 21 years old now.

After being stared at by Zhang Dongcheng for a while, Orlando felt a little uncomfortable. Orlando had heard of Zhang Dongcheng's homosexual scandal even in England.

When Zhang Dongcheng kept staring at him, Orlando inevitably became a little cranky. Did Smith even change his sexual orientation after staying in the United States for two years? Isn't he having an ambiguous relationship with Halliwell and Victoria?

"Smith, can you stop staring at me like this?" Orlando swallowed, and said with some embarrassment: "You make me a little uncomfortable."

Zhang Dongcheng touched his nose when he heard the words, and said, "Orlando, I haven't seen you for two years. You seem to have matured a lot recently!"

"It's okay!" Seeing that Zhang Dongcheng's attention was successfully drawn away from his body, Orlando breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Smith, I haven't congratulated you yet. Legendary director, great commercial director, financial director Genius... It's really unexpected that in just two years, you not only successfully realized your original dream, but also created such a large foundation in the United States empty-handed."

"That's because I was helping him!" Hearing that Orlando put all the credit on Zhang Dongcheng's head, Adaman was dissatisfied immediately, and complained: "Smith has been busy shooting his movies all the time, those I did everything."

"Okay! Adaman, congratulations too, now you have become the helm of the ninth largest film company!" Orlando satisfied Adaman's vanity with a smile.

"Orlando, let's get down to business first. I'll cleanse you up tonight." Zhang Dongcheng interrupted the chat between Adaman and Orlando, and said, "Have you read the novel Brokeback Mountain?"

The novel of Brokeback Mountain is the subject of a short film. The length is very short, if you read it in a recreational way, you can finish it in at most ten minutes.

"I've seen it." Orlando nodded embarrassingly, and said, "Smith, you don't really plan to let me make such a movie, do you?"

Zhang Dongcheng nodded his head as a matter of course, and said: "Yes, this is a matter that has been decided long ago, Orlando, I hope you will not look at this story with colored eyes. In my opinion, this story is about love. Beauty and longing are the purest feelings of human beings!"

The cognition of homosexuality has been deeply ingrained in Orlando's heart, and it cannot be reversed with just a few words from Zhang Dongcheng. Even though Orlando had tried his best to adjust his mentality, he still felt awkward. After all, Orlando is a boy with a normal sexual orientation.

Following Zhang Dongcheng's narration, Orlando gradually became serious, nodding or asking questions from time to time.

Along the way, Zhang Dongcheng started discussing the plot of Brokeback Mountain with Orlando in the car.

During this period of time, the script of Brokeback Mountain has been completed with the cooperation of Zhang Dongcheng and Ms. Anne. Of course, movie scripts are very rigorous, unlike novels, and this novel is still a short story with only tens of thousands of words. Even after the script is written, adjustments still need to be made.

At this point, because of Zhang Dongcheng's recitation of birds and fish, the relationship between him and Ms. Anne became a little strange, and Ms. Anne even admired him a little.

The poet is indeed the most deceiving industry in the world. The person who has the most relationship with romance in the world is a poet.

"Orlando, tell me about your understanding of the role of Jack Twist." Zhang Dongcheng suggested to Orlando.

Jack Drizzt is a well-deserved protagonist in Brokeback Mountain, with a talkative personality, and as a cowboy, he has superb riding skills. In the story, he became a competitive cowboy in Texas with his superb riding skills, and his career flourished with the support of his wife's family.

"Because I haven't read the script yet, so I can only briefly talk about it." Orlando pondered for a moment, and said: "Jack Drizzt's character is a bit unruly, and his cheerfulness and enthusiasm should highlight his character." Great way. It's a performance that contrasts with the character of Ennis Del Mar."

"What else?" When Zhang Dongcheng was nodding his head, Orlando suddenly stopped. Zhang Dongcheng frowned, and urged, continue talking.

"That..." Orlando scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and said, "I haven't analyzed the rest yet!"

Zhang Dongcheng couldn't help laughing, he was indeed demanding too much from Orlando. After all, Orlando was just a twenty-one-year-old boy, and he hadn't finished his studies yet. Before, I only filmed a tuner with myself, and the rest at most participated in the shooting of some dramas and dramas. It's only natural that I don't understand enough about the characters.

Especially now that Zhang Dongcheng didn't even come up with the script, it seemed to be making things difficult for him.

"Well, Orlando, I have to say that your understanding is very good. You have grasped the key points of this role. I believe that after you read the script, you will have a deeper understanding of the role!" Zhang Dongcheng patted Orlando on the shoulder , encouraged.

"Thank you!" Orlando smiled shyly.

The boy is still the same as ever. Even after two years, nothing has changed for him.

After the car stopped at the downstairs of Dongcheng Pictures, Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman brought Orlando to the office.

"Ms. Anne, this is the actor I chose to play the role of Jack Twist. What do you think?" Zhang Dongcheng asked Annie.

During this period of time, because she was busy writing the script of Brokeback Mountain, Ms. Anne would come to Dongcheng Pictures and Zhang Dongcheng to discuss the direction of the plot a lot of time. When Zhang Dongcheng chose Brad Pitt to play Ennis Delmar, Anne did not object. After all, Brad Pitt has become a first-line actor in Hollywood since 1996.

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