Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1523: The 15th

Those who are familiar with Hollywood movies basically know that the story of the first part of Ice Age is not original. It roughly adopts the structure of the blockbuster Hollywood movies of the 1990s with three dads and one baby. Of course, the story of three dads and one baby is not original either. Instead, it was a remake of a French film.

All right.

Therefore, it is said that there is a large number of copies of articles in the world, and the difference is copying with copyright and copying without copyright. Of course, the most high-end ones are those like Simon, who copied 'in advance' after traveling back.

It's not shabby to make money.

For the new version of Ice Age, Simon does not plan to make any changes. Besides the unlucky squirrels throughout, there are still three dads and one baby model. Of course, we will definitely not give Disney or French film companies any copyright fees. We just With a little reference to the structure, the story and lines are original, let alone an animated film. If this can match the plagiarism, many Hollywood brother movies will not be able to continue.

This is the afternoon of August 12th.

The time is Thursday.

After finishing the acquisition contract and relocating the headquarters and other matters, Simon specially took time to meet with the Blue Sky Studio team.

The location is in a two-story office building in downtown Greenwich, Connecticut.

The team moved here from New York. On the one hand, it was to improve the office environment to facilitate recruitment. On the other hand, tax considerations were also considered.

Here in Greenwich, whether it is personal tax or corporate tax, it is much lower than that of New York next door. This is actually why many rich people deliberately set up their homes here, register as their permanent address, and then travel long distances every day. Go to work in Manhattan.

Because the tax is low.

In the planned two-hour schedule, Simon only stayed for half of the time, and had to leave in a hurry after roughly communicating with the team about the film's story line and character settings.

Janet herself called and the baby was due.

Nancy's child.

Nancy also lived here recently, in a mansion near the sea in the northwest of downtown Greenwich.

Simon arrived by car, Janet had already arrived by helicopter, and Sofia Fishy, ​​who was here recently, happened to come to visit Nancy who was about to give birth. The two have always been good friends in private.

In addition, Nancy's parents and elder brother also came here.

It should have been an embarrassing situation, but because of Simon's status, Nancy's parents didn't say anything about the state of their daughter, and the younger brother of the senior executive was even more flattering in front of Simon, so the atmosphere seemed Very harmonious.

Nancy is afraid of pain, and she is considered an advanced maternal age, so she decided to have a caesarean section in advance.

After waiting for more than an hour in the operating room set up in the mansion, a certain little guy came into this world smoothly.

This is Simon's 15th child, whose name has already been chosen in advance.

Alex Westeros.

Nancy chose the name herself, and there was no room for Simon to object. When asked why, the small executives were joking, Alex (Alex) starts with 'a', someone has too many children, if they are sorted alphabetically in the future, the little guy will definitely be ranked higher , so easy to be remembered as a father.

All right.

The pitiful little guy weighed five pounds and looked a little weak when he cried. When the nurse hugged him to show Simon and Jenny, Janet couldn't help teasing the little guy's weak voice, like Little mouse.

It was sent to the incubator soon.

The little one is on the light side and may spend a while in the crate.

There is no way.

Of course, it was impossible for Nancy to be malnourished during her pregnancy. Maybe it was because of the small woman's size, or maybe it was just a difference in physique. In short, the child was very small.

Well again very healthy.

A detailed examination was carried out early in the pregnancy, including some tests at the genetic level. Just don't know if this little guy will be just as smart in the future.

Nancy was given anesthesia during the operation. After confirming that the little guy was healthy and safe, she fell into a deep sleep. When she woke up again in the middle of the night, a group of people were still guarding her. Everyone said a few words before going to rest. Simon continued to stay accompany.

In the delivery room.

There were only two people left. After asking the doctor, Simon personally fed Nancy some sugar water, put the empty bowl aside, wiped the little woman's mouth, looked at the still pale little face, and said with concern: " Does it still hurt?"

Nancy nodded: "Yes."

Simon can only comfort: "It will be fine tomorrow, why don't you continue to sleep?"

"I can't sleep," Nancy shook her head, and said again, "I want to see the baby."

"Didn't you just see it?"

The little woman pouted slightly: "Look again."

"All right."

Of course Simon agreed, summoned the nurse, and carefully carried the baby over to Nancy.

The child was already asleep, but after such a movement, he woke up again, crying unceremoniously.

After taking parenting class in advance, Nancy tried to coax her, but unfortunately it didn't work. She looked at the man next to her in relief. Simon took it over, and has also attended some parenting classes over the years. He checked it skillfully and found that he didn't pee or pee, so he coaxed him, but unfortunately it still didn't work.

The little one cried louder and louder.

Finally, the nurse next to him couldn't stand it anymore, and reminded: "The baby may be hungry."

Nancy: ""

Seeing the little woman looking at him, Simon nodded in understanding: she's fired!

Nancy rolled her eyes, you know

What the hell, so I stretched out my hand: "Give me the child."

The nurse reminded again: "Ma'am, it's not suitable for you to breastfeed the child yourself, do you need me to call the wet nurse over?"

After a while, the incongruous pair of parents looked at the little guy who was throwing himself in the arms of the young nanny with a Slavic face, and stopped crying, this time it was right.

The newborn baby should not eat too much. After a while, the nurse carefully reminded the baby again, and the baby returned to Nancy's arms. This time, he stopped crying, looked around with a pair of beautiful blue eyes, and soon fell asleep again.

After everyone else left, Nancy lay down again, still not sleepy. Looking at the man standing beside him, he suddenly asked, "That nanny just now, I mean, why do you like to use foreigners?"

Simon took the drawing board sent in by someone and put it on his knees to start drawing, while casually saying: "It's cheap, be obedient."

Nancy paused, then added with a bit of teasing: "It's pretty."

"Of course, I am a diamond-level senior member of the Appearance Association. If someone too ugly appears in front of me, I will suffocate, so I will definitely not use African-American or Mexican maids."

Nancy raised the corner of her mouth: "Discrimination."

"Have you recorded it?"


Simon immediately became confident: "Then you still dare to say that I discriminate. This is defamation. Be careful and I will sue you."

Nancy pouted again: "Big capitalist!"

Simon smiled and said, "Listen to the tone, you are still a French leftist, read Das Kapital and believe in Marxism?"

Nancy raised her chin slightly, her gaze threatening: "Are you afraid?"

Simon shrugged: "Just don't teach my son."

"My son!" Nancy emphasized it with a little contention, and then her tone softened, looking at the man beside her: "Hey, Simon, tell me, Alex, what will happen in the future?"

"Want to listen to music?"


Simon a cappella: "When I was a little girl, I asked my mother what was going to happen, would I be beautiful, would I be rich"

Nancy gave someone a blank look again, of course she knew the song, and when she thought of the lyrics behind it, she became even more dissatisfied, and emphasized: "I won't let my Alex go with the flow."

"Of course," Simon immediately echoed firmly: "Our little guy is already the most honorable person in the world since he was born, and he is destined to be extraordinary in the future."

Nancy squinted at someone: "The question is, Alex has so many brothers and sisters, and a eccentric dad, what should I do?"

Simon raised the pencil in his hand: "How about I make a note now?"

Nancy was blunt: "Okay, you write, Alex is the first heir to the Westeros family."

"The question is, aren't you afraid that the two of us will be silenced by Jenny tomorrow morning?"

Nancy snorted a little: "Anyway, you don't want to lose a penny of the child support that should be paid."

Simon sighed: "So, you are not a good mother."

Nancy widened her eyes slightly in dissatisfaction, and raised her voice: "Huh?"

Simon recalled a certain classic old chicken soup in his memory: "I read a story that a hacker hacked the federal newborn registration system in order to obtain American citizenship for his child, and created a fake identity for his child. It was spotted right away, do you know why?"


"Because in the column of children's assets, all other parents fill in time, because for children, time is the most precious asset they have, but the hacker wrote $2 million."

Nancy blinked her eyes and looked contemptuous: "This is the excuse you made to pay less child support?"

"No," Simon said persuasively, "don't you think this story is very philosophical?"

"I think I should have my lawyer sign a formal support agreement with you."

Simon smiled, reached out to hold Nancy's little hand and squeezed it: "Okay, don't think about it, be careful of depression, why don't you go to bed early?"

Nancy struggled symbolically, and her voice softened again: "It still hurts, I can't sleep."

"How about we talk about your work?"

"No, big capitalist."

"Okay, you pick a topic, what do you want to talk about?"

Nancy tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "What if the 3G plan is really successful? I mean, the research on human life span, you can live for a long time, what will you do in the future?"

Simon smiled: "Are you thinking about my legacy for the little guy?"

Nancy nodded directly: "Yes."

Simon got serious, thought for a moment, and said: "Human society has pursued eternal life for thousands of years, and of course I do the same. However, I occasionally think, is it a good thing to really have eternity?"


"Remember that movie from a few years ago, this man is from Earth?"


Simon said: "Why does John migrate every ten years? In fact, what he fears is the change of people and things around him corresponding to his own eternity. Human beings are full of emotional creatures, and they can truly deal with them peacefully." There may be people who change everything in the world, but I think I should not be this kind of person, and you should not be this kind of person either. Therefore, one day in the future, if we suddenly feel that this world has nothing to miss Yes, maybe we can choose to leave voluntarily, or die

Or, build a spaceship, put yourself into a deep sleep, and fly into space. "

Nancy listened quietly, was silent for a moment, and said, "Then our children will be able to inherit the inheritance?"

Simon: ""

Nancy suddenly laughed again, and held Simon's big hand in turn: "I was joking with you, and suddenly found that you are more prone to depression than me."

Simon also smiled: "I'm just talking, you know, in the future, it is more likely that the old king who holds the scepter tightly, even if he turns against everyone, will never let anyone get involved in his kingdom, including the last one. close children."

Nancy and Simon looked at each other, shook their heads and said, "You are not such a person."

Simon asked: "I'm not sure myself, why can you be sure?"

Nancy turned on the unreasonable mode of the little woman: "I'm just sure."

So the atmosphere fell into a brief silence again.

A warm silence.

After a while, Nancy looked at the man who was drawing on the drawing board again: "What are you drawing?"

Simon shows the artwork to the little woman on the bed: "New animation movie idea."

Nancy took the script, only looked at the big eyes and the pleated skirt, and judged at a glance that it was a princess: "It's another fairy tale animation movie, huh, I feel that we are going to inherit Disney's movie culture."

"Fairy tales were not invented by Disney, how can they be considered inheritance," Simon said, "Also, this story is called Frozen, and I don't intend to make it into a Disney fairy tale where the prince and princess live happily ever after. Not only that, but in this story, the prince will be a villain, and the real protagonists are the two sisters and, um, a groom."

Nancy laughed: "With a groom, it's still a fairy tale."

"Okay, but the core is definitely not love, but family affection."

Nancy nodded: "I know that."

do know.

Simon discussed one of his theories about animated films with these high-level executives, that is, love is not so popular in animated films, and family affection and friendship are king.

Calculated in this way, it is no wonder that Frozen will become Disney's most successful fairy tale movie ever.

It’s not about the rise of women’s rights, nor is it about women’s independence. Coincidentally, it still stepped on the mentality of most audiences. After all, it was crazy to buy Frozen peripherals so that a movie monoclonal antibody entered the top ten of the peripheral sales list. Little kids, they don't like any kind of love. They are not at that age yet. The sisters can even sacrifice their sincere affection for each other, which is what they can understand.

After chatting like this for a while, the night was getting darker, Nancy finally felt a little sleepy, looked at the man beside her, and suddenly said, "Sing me a song."

Simon put down his pen and opened his mouth: "When I was a kid"

Nancy squeamishly: "Don't want this."

"Then what do you want to hear?"

"It's not this one."

"All right."

Simon thought about it, and remembered that there was another movie that was also related to the eternal topic we just talked about, We are the night, one of the French nursery rhymes.

Charlotte was listening for the last time as she faced the sun and let herself be wiped out.


*by moonlight,

*My friend Pierrot,

*Lend me your pen,

* Write a few words.

*My candle goes out,

* And I have no fire,

*open your door,

*For God's sake.


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